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National Educators Academy of the Philippines

Department of Education

M2-13-A, 2/F Mabini Building

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City 1600 Philippines

© 2020 National Educators Academy of the Philippines. All rights reserved.

The views expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the National Educators Academy of the Philippines or the Department of Education;
the Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development or the International
Development Research Centre; or Save the Children or the Australian Government.
The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Department of Education,
is grateful for the generous support and assistance of our Education Forum Partners in
developing this course. In particular, we give special mention and thanks to:
• Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), Department of Education, led by Director
Jocelyn D. R. Andaya;
• Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD), Department of Education, led by Director Leila
P. Areola, and the BLD Teaching and Learning Divison, led by Chief Rosalina J.
• Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development (FIT-ED) for the
TPD@Scale Coalition for the Global South, led by FIT-ED Executive Director Victoria
L. Tinio and funded by the International Development Research Centre (Canada);

NEAP also thanks Undersecretary Nepomuceno A. Malaluan, Undersecretary Diosdado M.

San Antonio, Assistant Secretary Alma Ruby C. Torio, Director Abram Abanil (ICT Service),
and Director Roger B. Masapol (Planning Service) for their invaluable guidance and support.

Finally, NEAP acknowledges with thanks the contributions of the instructional designers,
consultants and module developers who worked tirelessly to develop the course modules
and tools.

Instructional Designers and Consultants

Anne T. Choi, Sylvia A. Garde, Sarah Pouzevara (RTI International), Camille G. Quiambao,
Monalisa T. Sasing, Maria Regina Corazon Sibal (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit), John Arnold S. Siena, Victoria L. Tinio and Adelina Velasco (SERG/
Australian Government/Save the Children)

Module Developers

Module 1: NEAP Team

Module 2: NEAP Team
Module 3A: Julieven R. Abrea, Denn Marc P. Alayon, Rosalie E. Bongon, Anne T. Choi, Anna
Lourdes A. Falcon, Sylvia A. Garde, Glenda M. Granadozin, Anna Marlaine V. Litonjua,
Camille G. Quiambao, Jessica C. Rubin, Wanny Milaine N. Santos, Monalisa T. Sasing,
Gaudencio Luis N. Serrano, Krisha Anne M. Soriano, Victoria L. Tinio, Gemma T. Valdevia
and Rosalina J. Villaneza
Module 3B, 4, and 5: NEAP Team

Copyeditor Layout Artist

Vanessa D. Gregorio Kriselle A. de Leon

Hello, Division Instructional Coach! By now, you must have already completed
your LDM Course 1, which aims to support school and division leaders
in implementing their adopted learning delivery modalities (LDMs). The
implementation of the LDM in schools will necessarily impact on the teaching-
learning process. Hence, the other component of our LDM training program is
the training for teachers, which is called LDM Course 2.

You are currently in a very riveting and vital position to support our teachers as
they navigate this new teaching-learning arrangement. This course is going to
help you carry out this role. We will begin with LDM2 for Instructional Coaches
Module 1 - Course Orientation.


By the end of this Module, you will be able to describe what this course is about and how
it will help you understand and carry out your role as Instructional Coach to teachers while
they undertake the LDM Course 2 and as they apply what they have learned in this course.


Lesson 1. Course Overview

Lesson 2. Organizing your Learning Action Cells (LAC)
LAC Session

*LAC Sessions are included in the activities but may be optional as determined by the LAC
Members under the guidance of the LAC Leader


3 hours

LDM2: Learning Delivery Modalities Course for Instructional Coaches 1


In LDM1, you were able to explore your role as a LAC Leader by providing Technical
Assistance to School Heads who have to deal with and consider the diverse contexts
and needs in choosing the most appropriate LDMs for their schools.

In LDM2, also known as Course for Coaches, you will be exploring your role as an
Instructional Coach to teachers as they go through their implementation of the LDMs
in their school. As Division/District Supervisor, you will be learning how you can
effectively perform your role as an Instructional Coach to better assist teachers in
facilitating learning in the new normal.

This overview will cover the why, what, and how of this course. It will walk you
through the coverage of the course as it relates to your role in supporting teachers.

Key Topics/Concepts
content and delivery; course design, course rationale and objectives; LCP capacity
building framework; learning action cell; self-learning modules

Resources Required
33 LDM2 Course Overview for Coaches
33 Study Notebook
33 Study Notebook Brief


Read the LDM Course Overview for Coaches. Reflect on the overview by answering the
following questions. Write down your insights in your Study Notebook.

1. What are the ways you can prepare as an Instructional Coach to teachers in the new
normal? List at least three ways.
2. How do you think can this course help ensure that you effectively perform your role
as Instructional Coach to teachers in the new normal?
3. How would you describe the main delivery modality of this course?
4. What are the two support mechanisms that will help you with your learning in this

2 Module 1: Course Orientation


Answer the following questions by copying and filling out the table in your Study Notebook.

1. How will my personal characteristics and circumstances affect (positively or

negatively) my participation in this course?
2. How can I ensure that I am able to sustain my strengths and address the obstacles
that will hinder me from completing this course?


(What is it that I repeatedly (What will prevent me from (What will push me to (Where will I accomplish the
do that may affect my participating fully in this participate in this course?) requirements of this course?
participation in the course in course?) Describe this environment.)
a positive or negative way?)


Discuss your answers and reflections to the questions in Activities 1 and 2 with a colleague.
Take note of their other insights that may also help you as you go through this Module.

Well done! You have completed Lesson 1. You may now proceed to Lesson 2.

LDM2: Learning Delivery Modalities Course for Instructional Coaches 3


This lesson will help you set up your LAC and prepare for the activities in the
succeeding modules.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1. enumerate the roles and responsibilities of different LAC members
2. set protocols and norms for the conduct of LAC Sessions
3. accomplish the required LAC Forms

Key Topics/Concepts
LAC; LAC Forms; LAC roles and responsibilities

Resources Required
33 DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2016 The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education
Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the
Improvement of Teaching and Learning
33 LAC Session 1 Guide
33 Form 1. LAC Profile
33 Form 2. LAC Facilitator Information Sheet
33 Form 3. LAC Session Report
33 Form 4. LAC Engagement Report
33 Study Notebook


Begin by refreshing your memory on the Learning Action Cell. Read DepEd Order No. 35
s. 2016, The Learning Action Cell as the K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based
Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and

Once you’re done, accomplish the following items. Write your responses and any other ideas
and reflections in your Study Notebook.

1. How does participating in a LAC influence your learning? Draw a graphic organizer or
a chart to illustrate the relationship between the two and give a brief explanation.

4 Module 1: Course Orientation

2. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC Sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016.
Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve:
__ To improve the teaching-learning process to improve learning among students
__ To nurture successful teachers
__ To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content
and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes
__ To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and
the community as a whole.
3. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List them down, raise
these concerns, and discuss mitigating actions at your first LAC Session.


Form your LAC of Instructional Coaches by following the chart below. Get in touch with your
designated LAC Leader to guide you in the process.

LDM2 LDM2 for

Assigned LACs for Instructional Coaches Teachers
NEAP Coach

LAC Leader 1 LAC Members

Division District/Division LAC Leader
1, 2, 3,... n
Supervisor Supervisors

LAC Leader 2 LAC Members
Regional or EF Division District/Division LAC Leader
TAP/s 1, 2, 3,... n
Supervisor Supervisors

LAC Leader n LAC Members

Division District/Division LAC Leader
1, 2, 3,... n
Supervisor Supervisors

Figure 1. LAC Arrangement for Instructional Coaches

1. To form your LAC, coordinate with the SDO Leaders and your designated Coach.
2. Agree on a date and time to meet and discuss forming your LACs. Set a date and time
for your first LAC session. Follow LAC Session 1 Guide for the conduct of your LAC.
3. After forming your respective LACs, assign a LAC Leader.
4. Decide on the assignment of other roles in LAC such as LAC Facilitator, Documenter,
etc. Complete the Form 1. LAC Profile Sheet and the other forms as instructed.
5. Connect with your designated Coach through the LAC Leader for guidance and way

LDM2: Learning Delivery Modalities Course for Instructional Coaches 5


List down the members of your LAC and their respective roles in your Study Notebook.
Submit the Form 1. LAC Profile Sheet for Instructional Coaches to your designated coach
(from RO/CO). Don’t forget to keep a copy for yourself.

Well done! You have completed Module 1. You may now proceed to Module 2,
Planning for the Implementation of LDM2 for Teachers.

6 Module 1: Course Orientation

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