Theory Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats: Elbo, Angelica Mae Bs. Architecture Activity No. 4

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Elbo, Angelica Mae

Bs. Architecture
Activity No. 4

Theory Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

1. Often this 1. The capitalist 1. The theory can 1. Simple people's

approach is best for elite uses the be used for freedom of speech
addressing social and media for its establishing and of information is
cultural problems. own purposes propaganda. being targeted.
2. Often it is even only. 2. This theory can 2. Common people
best as it motivates 2. Authoritarian act as a are considered less
1. Authoritarian Media people to work for governments gatekeeper and intelligent and an
the government and often rule prevent the media convenient choice
its inhabitants. emotionally that act for coercion.
instead of irresponsibly.
Soviet- Communist 1. Soviet media 1. Lack of 1. All people 1. System became
Media theory allows some checks and enjoy equality in corruption and
restriction based on balances. media , they are patronism, which led
the nation interest 2. Private allowed to to disorder and
rather than personal. ownership is not participate and inefficiency.
2. It was not only allowed which share their 2. If the leadership is
internal audiences leads the press thoughts , in other wrong the whole
which might be without any ways nation will suffer a
influenced by what restriction. communication is lot.
they saw, but also a not a linear form
worldwide audience. but cyclical.
2. It can serve
people without
any authoritative
Libertarian Media 1. Freedom of press 1. Ignores 1. Gives more 1. Is too positive
will give more dilemmas posed values for about individual
freedom to media to by conflicting individuals to ethics and
reveal the real thing freedoms. express their rationality.
happening in the 2. Ignores need thoughts in 2. Theory
society without any for reasonable media. excessively positive
censorship or any control of 2. Is reliable with about media’s
authority blockades. media. U.S media willing to meet
2. Libertarian theory traditions. responsibilities
sees people are more which may leads
enough to find and people into negative
judge good ideas aspects.
from bad.
Social- Responsibility 1. Guides any action, 1. Media is not a 1. Public must get 1. It should not write
be it in media or part of the to participate about the things that
other organizations, government and through are ambiguous or
that put an obligation it must work on comments, contradictory as
towards its own. response, write those messages
environment, society, 2. The media and get involved might cause conflict
culture and economy. must have some in all aspects of in the society.
2. Promote boundaries media’s work. 2. All the media
Elbo, Angelica Mae
Bs. Architecture
environment and within itself to 2. Media must institutions must
socio-cultural aspects be ethical. The write the views of have a written or
in relation to the regulations are different groups unwritten code of
economy of the to be followed of people and not ethics which should
place. by all the media only about a be the standard
professionals single group. It followed by all.
involved in the must never be
particular biased.
Democratic-Participant 1. There are the 1. Local level 1. The audience 1 Criticizing the
concepts of equality; media might can participate government is not
inclusion and equal lack and get considered to be
access which makes professionalism alternatives if not productive role of
it eliminate and skills. satisfied with one media.
marginalization. 2. The small media.
2. Democracy local media 2. The community
becomes strong with might not be can work for
the application of able to compete themselves as
this theory. with media social action.
Development- 1. Plays an important 1. People’s 1. New 1. Increasing the
Communication Media role in development change of Technologies Level of the mass
communication demand and have also been media exposure
through circulation opportunities put to serious use among the nations
of knowledge, have not been for development citizen, in order to
providing forum for down to its limit communication. create a favourable
discussion of issues, to get an overall 2. Right from its support.
teach ideas, skills for success. inception, 2. Lack of
a better life and 2. It should be development understanding about
Create a base of responsive, communication social and cultural
consensus for should wing on has been pursued environmental
stability of the state. feedback, should by all kinds of problems, and lack
2. Mass media and be innovative media, both of interpersonal
technology should be and creative. traditional and communication of
extensively and new. project developers.
tactfully used for
Agenda-Setting Media 1. It has predictive 1. Media users 1. It helps arrange 1. News media
power due to the fact may not be as the already cannot create or
that it anticipates that ideal as the known knowledge conceal problems,
if the masses are theory assumes. of the media they may only alter
frequently exposed 2. People may effects. the awareness,
to the same media, not be well- 2. It has priorities and
the probability of informed, deeply explanatory salience people
them thinking alike engaged in power because it attached to a set of
of issues or having public affairs, explains why problems.
the same opinion thoughtful and most people go
about issues is very sceptical. for one particular
high. Instead, they piece of
may pay only information.
casual attention
Elbo, Angelica Mae
Bs. Architecture
to public affairs
and remain
ignorant of the

2. The term "philosophy" simply means the love of "wisdom" (sophia) (philo in Greek). A philosopher,
then, is one who loves wisdom. Plato claimed that a philosopher was somebody who was
“between the wise and the ignorant.” In other words, a philosopher cared about
wisdom but also knew that they were ignorant.

To be wise, there appears to be at least 2 standards you ought to fulfill. You need to know about it (you
need to know lions are dangerous animals). However in the light of this knowledge also you have to act
wisely. To put it another way, based on what you know about lions, you do need to fight the crazy urge to
cuddle them when their cuteness overwhelms you.

3. A. Values are Values are fundamental and essential beliefs which direct or inspire attitudes or behavior.
They help us find out what's important to us. Values define the moral values that we want to uphold in
order to motivate our actions; the kind of person that we choose to be; how we handle ourselves and
others, and how we communicate with the world around us. Values are what are good, attractive, or

B. Our values represent what makes life so meaningful to us. Values are important because they direct our
beliefs, behaviour and attitudes. Values are important as they can help us anticipate the decisions of the
other, and they can help us to prevent misunderstandings, disappointment and distrust. Understanding that
other people prioritize a different set of values that guide them to different choices may help you
understand better that their choices may vary from everyone else's, and they may be right for them. As
we grow and change as individuals, we will begin to value different aspects of life.

4. Fatalism and Crab mentality is the two general Filipino values in which i find toxic. Fatalism is one of
the values I hate because it makes people weak, mentally, physically and spiritually. Fatalism makes
Filipino's at ease in the less they have when in fact they can have more if they just do more. Humans have
the power to influence their future on how they act and think. Believing that you are powerless to make a
difference or to atleast try makes your mentality weaker. What is meant to happen will happen, if you let
it happen with the same attitude. Why would you live under fate and do nothing if you can live your life
with faith and do everything so in that in the end you'll not regret living.

The other is Crab mentality. Crab mentality is same as being jealous, envy and bitter. This prevents us for
being successful in life. The truth about People who have crab mentality is they can’t do much to improve
their status thats why they force people down so that they can go up in the ladder of success thinking that
they won when the fact is they not. Success is being happy and contented in what you achieve because
you know that you work hard for it without harming others and people who have this mentally will never
know success truly feels.

A lot of people is suffering and crying thinking that they tried their best. Not realizing that they slacked
off and took the easy way out. Because in this world, you can either do the things in easy way, or the right
Elbo, Angelica Mae
Bs. Architecture
Activity no. 3: Global Development and Divide

1. Economic growth is the increase in the country's real output in a given span of time.
Whereas Economic Development is the increase in the level of production in an
economy along with the enrichment of living standards and technological

Economic growth is seen as a multidimensional trend as it relies on people's wages and

raising the living conditions of the country's population. Although economic development is
perceived to be of a single dimensional type, because it relies only on the country's people's

2. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global agenda, adopted by countries in
2015, with a vision of ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that all
people enjoy peace and prosperity. `The goals and targets are universal, meaning they
apply to all countries around the world, not just poor countries.

3. The Economic Development is the first dimension of development, it is the

mechanism by which a nation's economic well-being and quality of life are
strengthened according to its goals. The second dimension is human development, the
extension of human life's richness. Third aspect is, Sustainable development or
growth by utilizing resources in a manner that helps them to regenerate for others or
continue to live. Last aspect is, territorial development, it is merely a paragliding
concept for the development of different sections of the land.

4. India, China, Mexico is under the global south countries. India is Is the largest democracy
in the region, and one of the fastest-growing economies in the world however, Despite its
fast growth, poverty remains prevalent in India. India changes their industry which
involves getting raw materials from the land, farming or forestry and making products out
of raw materials, food processing and car manufacturing. Their changing the balance on
how they solve problems to help their country develop. China has the most environmental
problems like air pollution, water problems, soil problems, habitat destruction, and
biodiversity loss and mega projects. China is noted for the frequency, number, extent, and
damage of its natural disasters. China deals with this problem through developing their
technology and building strategy. Air pollution is a huge topic in Mexico City, it causes
many health issues for citizens of the city. It is believed that that the air pollution in
Mexico City caused up to 1000 deaths and 35 000 hospitalizations per year. The factors
that are causing this are road construction, dust and diesel trucks and buses and to counter
this Mexico planted ten million trees, forcing gas stations to sell unleaded fuel, install
water vapored systems and introducing alternative fuels for government vehicles.

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