B. Law Quiz

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BBA IV (Section A)
(SPRING 2020)
Final Exam

 Section 1 has 9 questions carrying 5 marks each
 Section 2 carries 15 marks
 Total time allowed is 1 hour 45 minutes
SECTION 1-Short Questions
Candidates must identify the underlying principle, and cite the relevant case law, if any,
for each question. Answers should not exceed 200 words each
1. Mr. X agreed to sell a particular horse to Mr. Y. Later on, it was discovered that the horse
was dead at the time the contract was made. What will happen to the contract in this
2. How does one become the owner of (a) trademark, (b) goods, and (c) a bill of
3. Are there any situations in which the rule 'nemo dat quod non habet' does not apply to the
sale of goods?
4. What is (a) the Hightrees principle, (b) a Mareva injunction, and (c) a force majeure
5. With regard to a patent right, what is (a) the priority date, (b) an inventive step, and (c)
an infringement?
6. A buys goods from B which turn out to be defective. What remedies, if any, does A have
against B under (a) common law, and (b) statute law?
7. A sells goods to B on condition that the goods would continue to be A's until B has paid
for them. If in this situation B in turn sells the goods to C, (a) does C get good title, and
(b) what claim, if any, does A have on the sale proceeds?
8. What are damages? How would you calculate damages for (a) failure to deliver goods on
time, (b) damage to goods placed in safe keeping, and (c) delay in completing a building?
9. What are the rights of the owner of a copyright? Does the owner of a copyright who is
also the author have any other rights? Does the author have to own the copyright to have
those other rights?
SECTION 2-Essay Question
(Word limit: 450 words)
Q. State everything you know about the law relating to negotiable instruments. [Begin your
answer by defining a negotiable instrument, and explaining what makes it different from other

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