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SY. 2019 – 2020


Name: Score:

I. Multiple Choice. Read and understand the following questions. Write the letter of the correct
answer before the number. Any erasures or tampering are considered wrong.

1. The following statements are all under the agricultural crop production except one.

a. Massive planting of different vegetables like carrots, squash, green leafy

vegetables etc. can be small or medium scale enterprise that provide sources of
income for hundreds of Filipinos.
b. Producing crops, and raising livestock in varying degrees the preparation and
marketing of the resulting products.
c. Hectares of land available for planting various crops can become a major industry
that will not only earn pesos but provide means of livelihood for many Filipinos.
d. All of the above

2. There are four types of climate, and these are one, two, three and four climate. Which
among of them that the rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year and
good for Western parts of Luzon, Negros, Palawan, and for indoor plants?
a. type one climate c. type three climate
b. type two climate d. type four climate

3. It is one of the livelihood opportunities for an agricultural country like Philippines.

a. growing of vegetables c. agriculture

b. massive planting d. none of the above

4. It has two pronounced seasons – dry from November to April and wet during the rest of
the year.
a. type one climate c. type three climate
b. type two climate d. type four climate

5. Type of climate that is relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the
year but the seasons are not pronounced.
a. type one climate c. type three climate
b. type two climate d. type four climate

6. With a very pronounced maximum rainfall from November to January

a. type one climate c. type three climate
b. type two climate d. type four climate

7. What factors to consider in vegetable production that is refers to the nearness of farm site
to market?
a. climate c. transportation facilities
b. market assurance d. water supply

8. This is essential for tender vegetables as the tourists can easily be attracted to go to the
farms, if the roads are good.
a. climate c. transportation facilities
b. market assurance d. water supply

9. To have this vegetables seeds such as okra, squash, beans, patola, ampalaya, cucumber,
sayote, and radish are examples of what methods in planting?
a. direct method c. asexual method
b. indirect method d. sexual method

10. In type two climate how many centimeter depth of sowing for munggo crop?
a. 1/2 cm c. 1 ½ cm
b. 1 cm d. 2 cm

11. In type one climate how many centimeter depth of sowing for eggplant crop?
a. 1/2 c. 1 ½ cm
b. 1 cm d. 2 cm

12. In type two climate what type of soil is good for pechay crop?
a. clay loam c. sandy loam
b. silty loam d. sandy to clay loam

13. If the days of harvest for green onion in type II climate is 80 – 90 days, how many days
of harvesting for bulb onion in type III climate?
a. 30 – 75 days c. 90 – 120 days
b. 75 – 100 days d. 30 – 40

14. The type of soil in okra is silty loam in type one climate, how many centimeter the depth
of sowing when it comes to sitao?
a. 1 to 2 cm c. 3.5 cm
b. 2.5 to 3 cm d. 4 cm

15. This method consist of planting the seed first in seed holes or seedboxes to produce
a. indirect/Transplanting Method c. asexual method
b. direct method d. none of the above

16. It is important that the site you choose have ___________roads from farm to market.
a. closer c. depth
b. good d. drainage

17. To avoid accidents in the workplace, one must ____________.

a. practice safety measure c. stay alert
b. wear the PPE d. none of the above

18. IRRI means__________.

a. International Research Rice Institute c. International Rice Research Institute
b. Institute of International Rice Research d. none of the above

19. The land should be sloping slightly to provide__________ during the rainy season.
a. sunlight c. fertility
b. disposal d. drainage

20. Which of the statement about the appropriate planting calendar is false?
a. The calendar is absolute; it varies according to the region and season of the year.
b. The calendar is not absolute; it varies according to the region and season of the year.
c. The calendar requires for planting date.
d. The calendar guides gardeners and planters.
II. Draw farm tools or equipment in the first box and names in the second box and give their
functions in the third box. (15 points)

21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26.

27. 28. 29.

30. 31. 32.

33. 34. 35.

Type 1 Planting Calendar. Identify the correct answer

Ampalaya 36. Sept-Jan 37. 38.

Pechay Clay loam 39. 40. 41.

Eggplant 42. Sept - Feb 43. 120 – 140 days

Okra 44. 45. 46. 45-70 days

Munggo loam June-july; Sept- 47. 50-60 days


IV. Essay

48. What is the importance of appropriate planting calendar? 5 points

49. How can you relate agricultural crop production in the social issues? 5 points
50. Cultural practices for growing vegetables. 10 points



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