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DEADLINE: September 21, 2020


1. Visit an online virtual museum through the link:


2. Choose ONLY ONE museum from the list.

3. Write an introductory paragraph about your whole virtual tour experience.
4. Choose your TOP 3 ARTWORKS from the virtual tour. Write the title, artist, a
short description of the artwork chosen and why it's one of your favorites. You
may also document your experience (ex: screenshot what you saw inside the
museum and include in your paper)
My virtual visit at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation

Upon entering the virtual museum, I was mesmerized from the structure of the museum
to the different artworks display. I was excited to go around and check out all the art
works as if I was there. As I examine the different art works, the three art works that
caught my attention was the Series of vulnerable Arrangements – Voice and Wind by
Haegue Yang, Untitled in the Rage (Nibiru Cataclysm) by Julian Huxtable, and Self-
portrait/nursing by Catherine Opie. I wish, someday I can visit and see the art works

Series of vulnerable Arrangements – Voice and Wind by Haegue Yang

The artist use of blinds and fans for this artwork that’s why it caught my attention as if it
suggest to the concept of home. And since I have an introvert personality I see the
blinds as a partition that gives me space to divide me from other viewers and their
surroundings. This is why this artwork is one of my favourite art in that museum.
Untitled in the Rage (Nibiru Cataclysm) by Julian Huxtable
The artist combines and reinvents cultural histories, questioning the presentation and
perception of identity in artworks that often use her own body to create her wonderful
art. This is one of my favourite artwork in the museum because this art encourages
alternative ways of understanding the fluidity of gender and sexuality. This
overtly feminized art of her intersex body is both a celebration and criticism of the
pervasive and culturally limited attitudes around gender. Her art allows her to become
the woman she has always wanted to be.
Self-portrait/nursing by Catherine Opie

Self-portraiture remains one of the most direct and powerful means of visually
communicating stories. The image of an artist who shares a version of his or her life
appeals to a human desire to plumb individual and collective existence through
narrative. The images in my perspective are, emphatic declarations of identity and
emblems of trauma, physical and emotional, as it has been experienced by the artist
and her community. This is why these portraits caught my attention

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