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1. Conduct the guided investigation on Activity 1. Defining Fractal. Utilize the following
video. . This activity will help
the students to understands what fractals are.

2. Knowing fractals in nature. Utilize the following video

v=w_MNQBWQ5DI & . List at
least 5 objects that occur in nature with fractal pattern and geometrical shapes in the real
world. Follow-up questions shall be asked: Why you choose this object? Give at least 1
reason in every object

3. Drill. Instruct the students to visit

It contains the importance of fractal and history. Through this, the students would
appreciate the various forms of fractals, their beauty and value. Process questions shall be
asked: (1) How important are fractals in nature? What do you think are the functions or
uses of these iterated designs to fractal objects?

4. Capture at least 1 object that you can see in your surrounding that has fractal pattern.

This activity allows the students to recognize and analyze different forms of fractals.

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