PFR 10-5-2020

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ART. 45-47 4.

Voidable marriages can be assailed

during lifetime and not after death.
(Parties and offspring will be left as
 Marriage is voidable if there is a if marriage is perfectly valid)
defect in requisites (legal capacity & 5. Only parties of voidable marriage
consent) can be assail it
 Voidable marriage – valid and 6. Action for annulment is subject to
effective until final judgement of prescription
court in action 7. Defect in voidable marriage is
 Marriage is annulled – continues but subject to ratification, XPN: par 5 &
ceases to have legal effect when 6, not subject to ratification
terminated by court in action ENUMERATION OF VOIDABLE
 Annulment of marriage – dissolve MARRIAGES (GROUNDS FOR
marriage contract like it didn’t exist, ANNULMENT)
law makes express provision to
prevent this from being wiped out 1. During the celebration, either party
(children conceived and born before was 18 y.o. or over but below 21 and
judgement of annulment is legitimate marriage was solemnized without
parental consent.
ANNULMENT 2. During such celebration, either party
 Annulment – judicial or legal was of unsound mind
process of invalidating a voidable 3. Consent of either party was obtained
marriage by fraud
4. Consent was obtained by force,
 Annul – to reduce to nothing; to
intimidation or indue influence
nullify; abolish; to do away with
5. Either party was physically
 Null and void – something that
incapable of consummating the
doesn’t exist from the beginning
marriage with the other and such
 Null and void marriage – court imply
incapacity continues and appears to
declared status/condition which
be incurable.
already exist from the very
6. Either party was afflicted with a
sexually transmissible disease
CHARACTERISTICS OF VOIDABLE found to be serious and appears to be
MARRIAGE incurable.

1. Valid until otherwise declared by No Parental Consent

 The law imposes a further
2. In voidable marriage, defect
requirement of obtaining “parental
becomes a ground for annulment but
consent” if party is “below 21”.
exists at the time of celebration of
 Without parental consent, marriage
is voidable and subject to annulment
3. Voidable marriage cannot be assailed
pursuant to prov Art 45 (1) and 47(1)
collaterally. XPN direct proceeding
of Fam Code.
contact which suffers from vice of
curable nullity.
 An act by which a
Who must give consent person, entitled to bring an action for
annulment, which knowledge of the
 Art 14 “father, mother, surviving cause of annulment and after it has
parent or guardian, or persons having ceased to exist, validated the contract
legal charge” either expressly or implied
 Father alone can give permission. If  Requisites for ratification effectivity:
the father disagrees the mother can’t 1. Contract should be tainted with a
do anything. vice which is susceptible for
 Illegitimate, mother’s permission is being cured.
prior to the fathers. and also, when 2. Ratification should be effected
father is dead. by the person who is entitled to
Who may file Annulment do so under the law
3. It should be effected with
1. By the person whose consent is req knowledge of the vide or defect
under Art 14 of Fam Code, only in of the contract
cases where party whose parent did 4. The cause of the nullity or defect
not give consent has not yet reached should have already disappeared.
the age of 21  If requisites are satisfied, ratification
2. By the person whose parent did not cleanses the contract from defects
give consent, but only in cases where  Under Art 45 (1), this kind of
party has already reached the age 21 voidable marriage is ratified if the
Prior to attaining the age is 21, the parent party whose parent did not give
did not give consent has no legal standing to consent after reaching 21 freely
file annulment case. cohabits with the other and both
lived together as husband and wife.
Prescriptive Period  In ratification the conformity of the
 Petition (person who gave consent contracting party who has no right to
under Art14) should be filed before bring thr action for annulment is not
the party turns 21 necessary.
 But if it is to be filed by parent,
action may prosper only if the party
turns 21 and after 5 years. Unsoundness of Mind
 After such period, the action for  Mental incapacity of one of the
annulment is already barred by the parties must relate specifically to the
statute of limitation contract of marriage. Whether the
Subject to Ratification person understand the nature and
consequences of the marriage.
 Ratification – the act or means by  Insanity must exist at the time of
virtue of which efficacy is given to marriage (for it to be a ground)
exercisable only prior to the
ratification of the marriage by the
Presumption of Sanity
insane spouse after coming to reason.
 A person is presumed to be of sound He cannot ratify marriage by
mind at any time and the condition is continuing to cohabit with the insane
presumed to continue to exist, in the after learning of such insanity.
absence of proof to the contrary. FRAUD
 Proof rest upon who alleges insanity
or seek to avoid an account of it  Insidious words or machinations
employed by one of the contracting
Who may File Annulment partied in order to induce the other to
 The sane spouse has legal standing to enter a contract, which without them
file the action for annulment only in would not have agreed to.
cases where he or she contracted the  (In marriage) refers to non-disclosure
marriage without knowledge of the or concealment of some facts
other’s insanity. deemed material to the marital
 If the sane spouse knew the relations.
condition, he my file the case thru by  Art 46: “No other misrepresentation
1) any relative or guardian or person or deceit as to character, health,
having legal charge of the insane; 2) rank, fortune or chastity shall
the insane spouse during the lucid constitute such fraud as will give
interval or after regaining sanity. grounds for action for the annulment
of marriage”
Prescriptive Period
Who may file
 The law requires that the action for
annulment base on the ground  By the injured party or the party who
mentioned in Art45 (2) must be filed was not responsible for the fraud.
at anytime before the death of either Prescriptive Period
 Within 5 years after discovery.
Otherwise, barred by the statute of
 The law authorizes only the insane limitation.
spouse to ratify the marriage after he Ratification
has regained his sanity.
 If the sane spouse had no knowledge  Ratified by injured party freely
of the other’s insanity, after coming cohabiting with the guilty spouse as
to reason, chooses to ratify the husband and wife after full
marriage. knowledge of the facts constituting
 It is suggested to avoid conflict, that the fraud.
Art 47(2) authorizing the sane
What constitutes Fraud
spouse to file an action for
annulment must be interpreted as
 Under 46 the following constitutes SICKNESS CONSIDERED NOT A
fraud: FRAUD.
1. Non-disclosure of previous  Concealment of Drug Addiction,
conviction by final judgement of Habitual Alcoholism, Homosexuality
the other party of a crime or Lesbianism – if the spouse know
involving moral turpitude about these, it is not a ground for
2. Concealment by the wide of the annulment. And this should exist
fact that at the moment of during the marriage and not before
marriage, she was pregnant by
other man
3. Concealment of Sexually
Transmitted disease  There is violence when in order to
4. Concealment of drug addiction, wrest consent, serious or irresistible
habitual alcoholism or force is employed.
homosexuality or lesbianism  Intimidation when one of the
 Non-disclosure of previous contracting partis is compelled by a
conviction requisites: 1) there must reasonable and well-grounded fear of
be conviction by final judgement; an imminent and grave evil upon his
and 2) the crime must involve moral person/property
turpitude  Requisites that may vitate and render
 An Act of moral turpitude – act contract voidable or invalid:
done contrary to justice, honesty, 1. That it must be determining
principle or good morals; or an cause of contract
act of baseness, vileness or 2. Must be unjust
depravity in private and social 3. Serious and grave
duties which a man owes to his 4. Produce a reasonable and
fellowmen or to society in well-grounded fear
general, contrary to the accepted  Duress – can vitiate the marriage so
and customary rule of right and long must show that the person
duty between man and man. influenced could not and did not act
 Concealment of pregnancy – what as a free agent. And a threat to
constitutes fraud under the law is enforce one’s claim through a
concealment of pre-nuptial competent authority, if the claim is
pregnancy by another man and not just or legal, does not vitiate consent.
any false representation as to
chastity. Who may file the annulment
 Concealment of Sexually-  The injured party or the party who
Transmissible Disease – ground for was subjected to duress.
annulment so long as the disease is
serious and appears to be incurable. Prescriptive Period
 Within 5 years from the time the 4. It must be unknown to the other
force, intimidation or undue contracting party
influence disappeared or ceased.
Who may File Annulment
 Injured party – the party who was
 Ratified by injured party freely not aware of the existence of such
cohabiting with the guilty spouse as incapacity at the time of their
husband and wife after the time the marriage and he or she is not
force, intimidation or undue suffering from the same.
influence disappeared or ceased.
Prescriptive Period
Physical Incapability of Consummating
 5 years after the celebration of
 The theory on which the marriage is
Note Subject to Ratification
invalidated is not that there was an
original incapacity to contract, but an  The reason that this is not ratified
entire and complete failure of because there has been an entire and
consideration of the marriage complete failure of the consideration
contract which. of the marriage contract in a voidable
 Impotency – the physical inability to marriage.
have sexual intercourse, not  The defect is not subject to
synonymous with sterility. Inability ratification, the action for annulment
to perform act of sexual intercourse. may, however, be barred from the
 Sterility – inability to procreate. prescription.
 Presumption is in favor of potency =  The ground for annulment is not
burden of proving is on him existence of the disease at the time of
 Physician should be consulted the marriage but its concealment
 Triennial cohabitation if the wife  Refer to FRAUD chuchu
remains a virgin after 3 years of
cohabitation, the husband will be
presumed impotent, and the burden 1. Disease must have existed at the time
to overcome such will be shifted of celebration of marriage
upon him. 2. It is serious
3. Incurable
4. Unknown to the other party at the
1. The incapacity, exist during time of marriage.
Who may file Annulment
2. Same continues up to filing of
annulment Injured party
3. Same appears to be incurable
Prescriptive Period
Within 5 years after the celebration of registry and registry of
marriage and not after discovery properties.
c) There is no affect third persons
Not Subject to Ratification
d) Subsequent marriage shall be
Effects of Final Judgement of Annulment null and void

1. Termination of marital bond, as if it ART 48-49

never been entered into, but effects
Procedure in Declaration of Absolute
are not wiped out.
Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment
2. Marriage is valid before final
of Voidable Marriages
judgement, children conceived and
born during that time is legitimate. A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC and A.M. 02-11-12-
3. Conjugal property agreement is SC – governs the procedure governing
terminated or dissolved. Liquidation, petitions for declaration of absolute nullity
partition and distribution of of void marriages and annulment of voidable
properties of spouses must be made. marriages.
4. Custody and support of children. The
delivery of presumptive legitime
shall no wat prejudice the ultimate  Fam Courts shall have exclusive
succession rights of the children. original jurisdiction to hear and
5. Donations by reasons of marriage decide complains for annulment of
shall remain valid XPN marriage is marriage and declaration of nullity of
made in bad faith whereby the donor marriage.
may revoke the donation.
6. Revocation as beneficiary in any Venue of Action
insurance policy (if bad faith), even  Fam courts of province / city where
if it is irrevocable. the petitioner or respondent resides
7. Disqualification to inherit from the for at least 6 months prior to the date
innocent spouse by testate and of filing
intestate succession.
8. Wife shall resume her maiden name Contents and Form of Petition
if she did the bad faith. If not, she a) Complete facts constituting the cause
can choose whether to still use her of action.
maiden name or her former i. Should allege the physical
husband’s surname. Unless former manifestations as indicative of
husband remarries, or the court psychological incapacity at the
disagree. time of the celebration of the
9. Parties are free to remarry with marriage but expert opinion need
requirements under Art 52: not be alleged.
a) Judgement of annulment b) State the names and ages of the
b) Partition and distribution of common children of the parties and
spouses and children’s ari-arian, specify the regimes governing their
has to be registered in the civil property relations, as well as the
properties involved. Spousal support,  Collision found, parties must answer
custody and support of common within 10 days
children, visitation rights,  No collision, court sets pre-trial.
administration of community or  Prosecutor appears for the state in
conjugal property. pre-trial
c) Verified and accompanied by  IN ANNULMENT OF
certification against forum shopping. MARRIAGE, DECLARATION OF
d) Petition shall be filed in 6 copies. NULLITY OF VOID MARRIAGES
PREEDINGS, pub prosecutor
Rule 14 of Rules of Court: determine whether collusion exists
1) The respondent cant be located at his between the parties and take care that
address or whereabouts are the evidence is not suppressed or
unknown. Publication will be made fabricated.
once a week for 2 weeks in the PRE-TRIAL STAGE
newspaper of gen circ.
2) Summon contains  This is mandatory.
i. Title of the case  Petitioner does appear, case
ii. Docket number dismissed unless counsel appears in
iii.Nature of petition court and gives valid excuse for
iv. Principal grounds of the petition petitioner
and the reliefs prayed  Respondent answers but doesn’t
v. Directive for respondent to appear in court, pre-trial proceeds
answer within 30 days from the and asks prosecutor to investigate the
last issue of publication. reason of absence of Respondent
submitted within 15 days
No Motion to Dismiss, No Declaration of
 This shall be allowed XPN the
ground of lack of jurisdiction over Not allow compromise on prohibited
the subject matter or over the parties; matters:
there will be dismissal of case if 1) The civil status of persons
affirmative defense is raised in an 2) Validity of marriage or legal
answer separation
Role of the Public Prosecutor 3) Any ground for legal separation
4) Future support
 They investigate when the responder 5) Jurisdiction courts and
did not answer. And after 1 month, 6) Future legitime
submit a report to the court whether
parties are in collusion or serve DECISION
copies of parties and counsels.  Renders decision granting petition ->
decree of absolute nullity/annulment
shall be issued by cort after annulment of marriage in the Civil
compliance with Art 50 and 51 under Registry.
Rule of Liquidation, Participation 2. Registration of the approved
and Distribution of Properties partition and distribution of
 Respondents fail to appear, the properties of the spouse, in the
dispositive part of the decision shall proper Register of Deeds where it
be published once in newspaper is located
 Decision becomes final upon 3. Delivery of children’s
expiration of 15 days from notice to presumptive legitimes in cash,
the parties. property or sound securities.
 Entry of judgement – no motion for REGISTRATION AND PUBLICATION
reconsideration or new trial or appeal OF DECREE
is filed.
 Then this shall be registered in the The prevailing party shall cause the
Civil Registry where marriage was registration of the Decree in the Civil
recorded and Civil Registry where Registry where the marriage was registered,
Family Court granting the petition the Civil Registry of the place where the
for declaration is located. Fam Court is situated, and in the National
Census and Statistics Office.
 The reg Decree – best evidence to
 Not allowed unless appellant filed a prove the declaration of absolute
motion for reconsideration or new nullity or annulment of marriage.
trial within 15 days from notice of  Failure to cause the registration of
judgement the Decree shall render the
RULE ON LIQUIDATION, PARTITION subsequent marriages of the former
AND DISTRIBUTION OF spouses in the prev. marriage null
PROPERTIES and void.

 Upon entry of judgement granting EFFECTS OF DEATH OF PARTIES

the petition, will then proceed to  During the proceedings
liquidation, partition and distribution Case will be closed and terminated.
of properties. This includes the Doesn’t mean that a void marriage
property of spouses, custody, support may no longer be questioned after
of children and delivery of their death, as such marriage is still
presumptive legitime pursuant to Art subject to a collateral attack.
50 and 51 of FC. If the marriage is voidable, this will
ISSUANCE OF DECREE no longer prosper as it can only be
assailed during lifetime.
 Requirements  After proceedings
1. Registration of the entry of The entry of judgement of nullity or
judgement granting the petition annulment, the judgement shall be
for declaration of nullity or binding upon successors and parties
in interest in the settlement of the 10. Any factor that the court deem
estate in the reg courts. just and equitable
d. F Court may direct deduction of the
support from the salary of the
 Motu proprio or upon application
under oath of any of the parties,  Supported from the properties of the
guardian or designated custodian, absolute community or conjugal
may issue provisional orders and partnership
protection orders with or without  Either or both parents are obligated
hearing. to support child’s education and
maintenance. Which is
SPOUSAL SUPPORT proportionate.
Court rules:  Court consider these factors:
1. Financial resources of custodial
a. Spouses may be supported from the and non-custodial parent
properties of the absolute community 2. Physical and emotional health of
or conjugal partnership. child, special needs and aptitude
b. Court may award support depending 3. Standard of living the child has
on their standard of living during been accustomed
marriage. 4. Non-monetary contribution that
c. Court follow these factors: parents will make for the well-
1. Whether the spouse seeking being of the child.
support is custodian of child for
spouse not to seek employment CHILD CUSTODY
2. Time necessary for spouse to
 Best interest of child is considered.
acquire education and training to
 Court consider these factors:
enable spouse to have
a. Agreement of parties
employment and earning
b. Desire and ability of parent to
foster an open and loving
3. Duration of marriage
4. Comparative financial resources
c. Child’s health, safety and welfare
of spouses
d. Who has filial relationship with
5. Needs and obligations of each
the child
e. Nature and frequency of contact
6. Contribution of each to marriage
with both parents
7. Age and health
f. Habitual use of alcohol or
8. Physical and emotional
regulated subs
g. Marital misconduct
9. Ability of the supporting spouse
h. Most suitable physical,
to give support
emotional, spiritual,
psychological and education b) To refrain from harassing,
environment intimidating or threatening the
i. Preference of the child child or other parent/guardian
 Custody order of preference: c) Refrain from acts of commission
1) Both parents jointly or omission that create an
2) Either parent taking into account unreasonable risk to welfare of
relevant consideration esp for 7 the child
yo child d) Permit a parent or person to
3) Surviving grandparent visitation with time period
4) Eldest brother or sister over 21 e) Permit a designated party to enter
yo the residence for period to take
5) Actual custodian as long as 21 yo belongings
above f) Comply with such order for the
6) Any other person deemed by the protection of child
court suitable
Provided for the parent who is not  Spouses fail to comply with his
rewarded the custody obligation to the family, the court
will issue a provisional order
HOLD DEPARTURE ORDER appointing the applicant as receiver
No child of the parties shall be brought of common property.
out of the country without prior order  Receiver may not dispose this
from the court. without prior authority of the court
 provisional order shall be registered
This order contains:
in the proper Registration of Deeds
a) Complete name, date and place of and annotated in all titles of
birth, place of last residence properties subject of the receivership
b) The complete title and docket
ART 50-51
number of case
c) Specific nature of case EFFECTS OF JUDICIAL
d) Date of hold-departure order DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF
e) (if available) photo of person against MARRIAGE
whom a hold-dep order has been
GR: marriage is void ab initio; it is ipso
facto void without need of any judicial
ORDER OF PROTECTION declaration of nullify.

 Require a person: XPN: the Fam Code req. a judicial

a) Stay away from the home, declaration of nullity of prev marriage
school, business or place of before a subsequent marriage is contracted.
employment of the child, other
 The effect of void marriages is as
parent or any other party
though no marriages had taken place.
 Remember no matter what happens persons, multiple alliances of the
basta tapos na proceedings same married man.
CONSIDERED NA SYA AS VOID  Liquidation and partition applied
and it will be disregarded by the to Art 102 and 109 not 50-52
court na  Art 50 applicable to Art 43 (y)(2)
to void marriage under art 40.
Marriages are declared void
under Art 40
 Judicial declaration of nullity of  Pro hac vice – for this occasion
marriage retroacts to the date of the only
celebration of marriage insofar as the
vinculum between the spouses is
GR: If the marriage is judicially declared
void ab initio, the donor may revoke the
donation propter nutias and marriage
GR: All children conceived and born settlement.
outside a valid marriage are illegitimate.
Children born of void marriages are
considered illegitimate. 1. Marriage judicially declared void
under Art. 40 (The absolute nullity
XPN: born of void marriages under Art
of prev. marriage may be invoked for
56 & 53.
the purposes of remarriage on the
Art 54,” children conceived or born bases solely of final judgement
before the judgement of annulment or declaring such prev marriage is void)
absolute nullity of the marriage under 2. Marriage is void pursuant to Art 44
Art 36 has become final and executory (both parties acted in bad faith)
shall be considered legitimate.”
1. If done contracted the marriage in
bad faith, such donations made to
 Property relations of parties are
said done are revoked by operation
governed by Art 147 and 148
of law.
 Art 147: applies to union parties 2. All donations propter nuptias are
who are legally capacitated and revoked by operation of law.
not barred by any impediment to
contract marriage, void for EFFECT ON DESIGNATION AS
absence of marriage license. IRREVOCABLE BENEFICIARY IN
 Art 148: the property regime of INSURANCE POLICY
bigamous marriages,
GR: If the designation of beneficiary in the
relationships whereboth man and
insurance policy is irrevocable, the insured
woman are married to other
has no right to change the beneficiary he
designated in the policy
XPN: if other spouse acted in bad faith as a 3) The delivery of the children’s
beneficiary is revoked even if such is presumptive legitime in cash,
irrevocable. properties and sound securities.
EFFECT ON RIGHT TO INHERIT If not complied with, marriage contracted by
parties to prev marriage shall be null and
GR: Marriage is void, parties thereto are no
void and partition and distribution of the
to be considered as legal heir of each other.
properties of the spouses shall not affect
Not unless they are blood relatives to 5th
third persons.
civil degree. But they can put each other in
their testamentary provisions ISSUANCE OF DECREE
XPN: marriage declared void in Art 40,  After the foregoing requirements are
prov. Art 43 (5) will apply. [the spouse who complied, prevailing party shall be
contracted the marriage in bad faith shall be entitled to issuance of a Decree of
disqualified to inherit from the innocent declaration of absolute nullity or
spouse by testate and intestate succession.] annulment of marriage.
 This will be forwarded to the civil
registry of the place where marriage was
registered, National Census and
Statistics Office (NCSO)
Since children of void marriages are  This decree is the best evidence to
generally illegitimate, they shall be under provide the declaration of absolute
the parental authority and custody of their nullity or annulment of marriage.
mother. WON father admits paternity.
ART 52-54
GR: Children conceived or born before the
REQUIREMENT OF REGISTRATION judgement of annulment has become final
and executory are considered legitimate and
A decree if declaration of absolute nullity or
those void marriages under ART 36 and 53
annulment of marriage shall not be issued
of FC.
unless req are complied with:
1) Registration of the entry of
judgement granting the petition for
declaration of nullity or annulment
of marriage in the civil registry of
the place where the Fam Court is
2) Registration of the approved
partition and distribution of the
properties of the spouses, in the
proper Register of Deeds where the
real properties are located

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