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Bagsit, Kemuel G.


Understanding the Lesson

Suppose you are a firm teacher especially when it comes to ethics in assessment. You would like
to observe correct conduct prior, during and after a test. Write down five do’s and don’ts for each
phase of testing.

Before the test During the test After the test

Do’s Do’s Do’s
 Seek clarification on issues and  Students must  Keep the scores
questions from the focus on their confidential.
administrative team exam.  Dismiss the
responsible for ethical and  Take appropriate students on time.
appropriate practices. security  Take appropriate
 Read and discuss the test precautions during security
administration manual with administration of precautions after
colleagues. the test. administration of
 Schedule and provide the  Remind your the test.
appropriate amount of time students to avoid  Let them have a
needed for the assessment. teaching. break for the next
 Take appropriate security  Remind your subject of exam.
precautions before students to become  Avoid any actions
administration of the test. honest. that would permit
 Communicate to students,  Actively proctor or encourage
parents and the public what any students during individuals or
test does and does not do when tests, keeping groups of students
and how it will be them focused and to receive scores
administered, and how the on task. that misrepresent
results may be appropriately their actual level of
used. knowledge and

Don’t’s Don’t’s Don’t’s

 "Cram" test material just  Suggest or "coach"  Emphasize students
before the tests are given. students to mark who got low
 Reveal all or any part of secure or change their scores.
copyrighted tests to students, in answers in any  Make
any manner, oral or written, way. unsubstantiated
prior to test administration.  Define or claims and
 Limit curriculum and pronounce words misleading
instruction only to those skills, used in the test. statements about
strategies, and concepts  Make comments the result of the
included on the test. of any kind during assessment.
 Limit review to only those the test, including  Make inaccurate
areas on which student remarks about reports or false
performance was low on quality or quantity statements about
previous tests. of student work, the assessment
 Use any test preparation unless specifically results.
material that promises to raise called for in the 
scores on a particular test by administration  Make inappropriate
targeting skills or knowledge manual. interpretations
from specific test items, and  Read any parts of about the
does not increase students’ the test to students assessment results.
general knowledge and skills. except where  Erase or change
Materials which target the indicated in the student answers.
general skills tested may be directions.
appropriate if they reflect  Give "special
school or district priorities and help" of any kind
best practices. to students taking
the test.

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