Nature of Freedom - Azusano - He-E

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Society is have to put a limits on freedom, even the most democratic human words supporting
ones. It’s a necessity not all actions can be allowed in a functioning society because some are destructive
or oppressive to the rights and well being of others. Unfortunately, many of this forbidden things are
allowed to happen because there are sympathetic police, judges, and juries who feel that some people
don’t care when the victim is a different race, religion or income level. Nothing since the law of physics
already determine the limits of our freedom. The form of government and factors can’t overrule the laws
of physics as people.

One common way for people to have their freedom limited is politically, political freedom is not
directly related to the question of whether humans have free will. These wall prevents from walking in
this direction. The integrity of our decision making process is threatened when others give us incentives
which radically alter the balance of our reasons. In cases of coercion, an incentives structure provided
which has the potential to alter what we really want to do. We usually take incentives to be negative, but
they could be positive too. Our freedom is only limited by one thing and that is not something others are
doing to us. Our own individual freedom, our freedom as a group and society.

A choice is the convergence of innumerable casual threats, each of which in some part defines
who and what you are the things that “limits” your actions are the selfsame things that define you: your
memories, your personality, your circumstances: and shouldn’t a choice to be a consequence of things?
Our experience of “uncaused” action is related to the chaotic nature of large systems and the recursive
processes of the brain.

Freedom is limited by the nature and the constraints of natural factors of the universe. The factors
limiting our freedom are endless. Freedom in nature is what everybody that exists in the world does not
experience as part of being. One cannot be free the laws of physics it is condemned to live with it but as
progressed into science and technology, to found capable of this necessity to use it for its own benefits.
Standards of living have improve over centuries just because nature is necessarily as it is. If nature was
determinate, then it is. A man which will have to bend to nature will, contrarily to what happens actually,
with nature bending to man’s desire. The limit of freedom in nature is strong.
Freedom in politics refers to the various freedoms which find there sources in man’s life in
groups. The relation of power between the people and the states should never be a bad one. It is the state
forces people to be free within their own limits. If one transgresses the limit, will stop being free. Also,
the democratic system allows anybody to join political life, giving more liberties to everybody it does not
limit our freedom, it gives everybody the same freedom instead.

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