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Filip Orság et al [11] In this paper authors described that “the design of a biometric security

system based upon the fingerprint and speech technology. In the first chapter there were the

biometric security systems and a concept of an integration of the both technologies introduced.

Then the fingerprint technology followed by the speech technology is shortly described. There

was discussed some basic principles of each of the technologies”.

Vashek Matyas et al [12] This paper outlines “the position of biometrics in the current field of

computer security in the first section of our paper. The second chapter introduces a more

systematic view of the process of biometric authentication – a layer model (of the biometric

authentication process). The third section discusses the advantages and disadvantages of

biometric authentication systems. This paper also proposes a classification of biometric systems

that would allow us to compare the biometrics systems reasonably, along similar lines to

Common Criteria”.

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