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1. F-nob – aspirate = drain sample – with guidance

Essential for diagnosis for physicians of imaging methods
Pathologist – reading tissue slides a. superficial tumours
- for forensic, cytologic b. benign tumors
MedTech – prepared the specimens 2. Small area
- see the initial results, but can’t be reported what a. Moles
observed b. certain
Study tissues based on their abnormal characteristics

a. nodules
Fresh specimen – the best specimen; preferred because it b. Lyphoma
was still intact in the body c. PCOS
Compound – muscular d. Skin tags
- STAT = difficult; not easily accessible specimen; Gram e. Cyst non-malignat tumour
Stain Culture Sensitivity stat = not possible
- Motion / Motility = movement Diatodosis – migrating 4. Drill
= Fresh tissues specimen advantage a. bone marrow
- Steps in tissue processing

5. a. Scrape, Skin disorders, psoriasis

6. same as fine needle, but bigger hollow needle
there’s a scraper in the end (brush)
- For the diagnosis
-Carry the element of risk or danger
c. thick secretion – spread evenly in slides
- Suspended into solution to stabilize
- for immediate preparation of microscopic
a. cheek cells
viewing. Direct
- Differential dyes - To stain the different pH in
d. very fresh
components of cell
- Bone marrow aspirate samples, bronchial aspirate,
aspiration techniques

- 15 minutes
- Principle: stop all of the biological process of specimen
-Rapid – very thin tissue section
- crushing - Cryostat – vacuum chaber
- compressed with 2 cover slip or glass slide to spread
- aspirates or aqueous such as amniotic fluid

- surgical operation – laboratory

- silver stains – compatible for nervous tissues

- blood film
-cytologic specimens
- Cytocentrifuge ( CSF, synovial fluid)
- through streaking (applicator stick, inoculating
needle)avoid to thick or too thin unsuitable for viewing
- through spreading (septic arthritis) Acid fast Bacilli –
coiling maintain integrity of cellular material
2. Most crucial; complete and successful; fixatives
- Instantly freeze specimens (formalin, alcohols = cytologic, mercury compunds,
1. enzymes, bumababa ang vapour acetic acid)
2. double freeze the tissue specimen Deactivate
3. Bone cell, teeth, cartilages (special)

4. Removal of aqueous agents or substance (total water

3. Common employed by ; to extinguish fire cell content and fixatives)
4. Topical; cryostat/freezing prays - increasing concentrations of alcohol
5. Removal of dehydrating agent and makes the tissue
- remove alcohols to incorporate the staining
- flammable clearing agents (xylene, butane,
chloroforms, turpentine oil)

- Number tag – batch tissue preparation esp. automated –

enclosed in tissue cassette ( number = code to identify)
- replace the specimen detail’s in form of code
- Processor: auto technique
- coding – important NEQUAS 6. Impregnation - soluble infiltrating medium –
- Gross: length, color, consistency, volume (aspiration) paraffin wax
7. Encase same medium with infiltration;
- making a tissue block
8. expose the tissue itself removing excess HANDLE WITH CARE STARTING FROM
9. Preparation of very thin sections of the tissue for RECEIVING!!
slide mounting.
- special : microtome NaFaDaDaCal ETS SML
- produce tissue ribbon
- then put into water bath: serve as adhesive to
stick to slide/ surface tension

10. several types of stain

eosin – nucleus and cytoplasm
acid alcohol
series of other reagents
11. Cement – mounting / same refractive agent as
glass/ permanent tissue preservation

- LIS or barcode
- OMC or manual labelling

then after provide to pathologist

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