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1 Properties of Stea

J)oftnltlon of terma
Saturation 7emperatu,-
Saturation temperature ia the temperature at which liq
uid•1tart to boil or the temperature at which vapors begin
to condense. The 1aturation temperature of a given
substance depends upon its existing pressure. It is directly
proportional to the pressure, i.e., it increases as the
pressure is increased and decreaaea aa the presaure ia

a. Water boils at 100°C at atmospheric condition
(101.325 kPa)
b. Water boils at 179.91°C at a pressure of 1000 kPa.
c. Steam condenses at 311.06°C at 10 MPa.
d. Steam condenses at 39°C at 0.0070 MPa.
Subcooled Liquid
A aubcooled liquid ia one which has a temperature lower
than the saturation temperature corresponding to the exist
in& pressure.

Liquid water at 60°C and 101.325 is a subcooled liquid.
From the steam tables, the saturation temperature at
101.325 kPa is 100°C. Since the actual temperature of liquid
water of 60°C is less than 100°C, therefore, it is a subcooled
Compre,,ed Liquid
A compressed liquid is one which has a pressure higher
tl,an the saturation pressure corresponding to the existing
Is liqmQ water at 110 kPa and 100
F'roius U\ A m tables, P., at 100c°
101.325 kPa.
C om p:n ii\g : .
n romproeaeu li

Th 3 t u nl liquid waoor pressure of 110 kPa ia ll'l'Q

• - SuJHrla11alt1d Vapor
vopor havml 8
d '
A eu pcrh@a t.ed vapor •a nnrat.ure correepon JOI
higher t.hon t.ha iat.urat.ion tom,..-
to the

t.ban p·.., _. \ n t 10 0 ° c . Theroforo, it ia a comproa\&10,q\lid,

.1 .
1 exiit.ina proeaure.
1 t.t
Ex1unplo8: 326 kPa
Satunatttf l iquld
a. Sto11-m at. 2000c and 10 .1 kP .·1000C)
A $t\turnt li liquid ia n liquid at the aaturationa (aa\ 2 000 c > (t. ot 101.326 a
uon to.m •·ttt u n., or l'atura,t.ion preu\1re) which haa tern b. Steom at 300 and 6 MPa. 268 990C)
tur& oqunl to the boilina point co1·rot\pon di n1 to the t><i 300°C > (t.,at6MPa • ·
ul"O. It.ia a pure liquid, i.e., it has no vapor'l\t
Examples: Degree• of Superheat, 0 SH
a. Liquid water at 100°C and 101.825 kPa. . h difli nee between the
b. Liquid water at 233.90°C and 3 MPa. The degrees of superheat ist e ere . aturation
c. Liquid water at 324.75°C and 12 MPa. actual temperature of superheated vapor and the 8
From Steam Tables: temperature for the existing pressure.
t_,at 101.325 kPa = 100°C
t , at 3 MPa = 233.90°C
t , at 12 MPa = 3 24 . 75°C
In equation form:
c. Steam at 352.37°C and 17 MPa.
. .

Vapor is the name given to a gaseous phase that is in
contact with the liquid phase, or that is in the vicinity of 8
stat.e where some of it might be condensed.

Saturated Vapor
A saturated vapor is a vapor at the saturation conditions
(saturation temperature and saturation pressure). It is 100% 1
vapor, i.e., has no liquid or moisture content.

a. Steam (water vapor) at 100°C and 101.325 kPa.
b. Steam at 212.42°C and 2 MPa.
0SH= Actual superheated temperature - t..t at existing
Degrees Subcooled, 0 SB
Determine the degrees of superheat of superheated steam
. at 200°C and 101.325 kPa. The degrees subcooled of a subcooled liquid is the
From steam tables: differ ence between the saturation temperature for the
t..t at 101.325 kPa = 100°C given pres sure and the actual subcooled liquid
SH = 200 - 100 = 100 temperature.
0 0
SB = tut at given p - actual liquid temperature
Ex a m pl e:
Determine the degrees subcooled of liquid For wet vapor:
and 101.325 k.Pa. · water at 0 < X < 100
From steam tables:
90"C 100
0 < y < rcent form

t_ at 101.325 kPa= 100°c But x + Y • lOO pe · al rorm
°SB= 100°C - 900C= 10 x+ys 1 mdeciJD
C° · the
Lale"' Hea6 of vaporizalion t,stan<:e
Wei Vapor
. tioD of a pure su . lS
A wet vapor ia a combination of saturated
saturated liquid. vapor and
X ted r
= .2! !a(lOO) ·d/eatura •· g

The quality of wet vapor or wet steam ia the y = .= L.(100)
weight that is saturated vapor. percent m
by For saturated liquid:
y = 100%
Percem Mouture, y
X = 0%
The percent moisture of wet vapor is the percentb For saturated vapor:
·gh that X = 100%
is saturated liquid. Y wei
t y = 0%
Let m = mass of wet vapor
m• = ma"8 ofthe saturated vapor content of wet
m, = mass of the saturated liquid content of
wet vapor
Then, m = m• + m,

1-' ollo wing the defin itions of quality (x) and percent mois
ture (y),
The latent beat o(vaponza fro the substance lDo coexist m equilibrium. The state of water at critical
o( beat added wremove ID ted vapor to
SJDOUJlt conditions whether it is saturated liquid or saturated vapor
satu· to convert it from satura qw temperature
rem.auun is unknown. Hence, the latent heat of vaporization of water
rated vapor/saturated liq uid wi to the temperature or at this conditions is either zero or undefined.
constan t. It is inversely propo
preMUff of the eubetance. Semible Heal
£ sample: . tio of water at:
Determirle the latent beat olvaponza n Heat that causes change in temperature without a change
(a)l OO°C, (b ) 2 00°C, and (c) 300°C. in phase.
From steam tables:
(a) h at 100°C = 2257.0 kJ/kg Examples:
(b) hr, at 200°C = 1940.7 kJ/kg
a. Heat added in raising the temperature of steam from
(c) h: at 300°C = 1404 .9 kJ/kg
100°C at 101.325 kPa to 150°C.
CritkalPoinl · b. Heat removed in lowering the temperature of water
from 90°C to 80°C.
The critical point represents the highest pressure_ d
highest temperature at which liquid and vapor can 5

Heat that causes change in phase .th maining at 100°C. Water is nowa mixture ofsaturated
temperature. Wt out a change in liquid and saturated vapor. Hence, it is now in wet uapor
state (Fig. d). Further addition of (latent) heat causes the
Example: transforma tion of the remaining saturated liquid water to
Heat added in converting 1 kg or te saturated water vapor at 100°C. Water is now at the
101.325 kPa to 1 kg of steam at 1000 c anwda l Or at 1000c lllld saturated vapor state (Fig. e). Fi nal ly, as more (sensible)
1.8 16 kPa. heat is added to the saturated water vapor at I00°C its
Cbaqe of Phase at Constant Pressure temperature rises say until it reaches 110°C. Water is nowat
the superheated uapor state (Fig. fl.



HquUHne uwra&ed
vapor line

V 8
Sawnled Liquid alld
Sataraled Vapcr <•>
(Wet Vapol') S.&unled Vapar
. 1-J. The pv and Ts Planes for Water

Properties of Wet Steam

Fig. l-1. Heating at Constant Pressme.
Subscripts Used/Symbols Used.
t the piston-cylinder arrangement contains subcooled f represents properties of saturated liquid
liquid water at 30°C and 101.325 kPa (Fi g. a). Then let g represents properties of saturated vapor
heat be added continuously at constant pressure. First, the fg represents to a change by evaporation
water v specific volume, m3/kg
gets warmer. The addition of (sensible) heat causes an in s specific entropy, kJ/kg.K
I u specific internal energy, kJ/kg
creased in water temperature, say, from 30°C to 70°C{Fig. b).
wate!addition of(sensible)heat
temperature causes
until it reaches 100°ca ,further increased
the boiling or

sa ration temperature at 101.325 kPa. Water at this point v, = Vr + v,. Vr, = v.. v,
ut is
:u ratedliquid state (Fig. c). Then as more (latent) heat h,,

h, == h,
s, + Sr,
s, + 1tr:
Sr, = = s,
h, h,

to to the now saturated liquid water causes some of it

converted to saturated vapor with the temperature re-

6 u, = u, + u,., u,, == u, - u,.
, r,,()' .lM' E :oatul'tl..d rondltlnn•, p and t are dependent on
.,,hor nnd th r•'°"'• •"' conoldorod •• on• !ndopc,nj• t
p 08r•<l "' rty, ,U •uportwoWd condlt.lon•,p and t ""' , n do Po :
r,om oach other and t.he,.. fore , are eonoldered .. two n •
PooQdtumalll.LpYrocpoourltdio.•not be more than 10()'jl, and per
.-nt a,o1..
ture could not. bo lower thanO ',II,

Fil- t-S. Speclfto Volume of a Wet Mixture.

v • specific volume of its saturated liquid content+
specific vo1ume of its saturated vapor content

V • yv, + xv1
kg liquid • 3
.=m ::.. = -_;m=' =---
--=k-gmixture 8
yv, = kg mixture kg liquid
m3 - 1-'• Specific EntroPY of a WetMix t ure.
xv= • m=-3-- kg mixture
• 'ltgmixture kg (1-1) specify whether the steam is wet, dr,y or super-
vapor heated for the following conditions:
(a)t = 200 ° C, p = 1 . 44 MPa
(b) t = 220°C, p = 2.318 MP. a
From v = yv,+ xv, (c)p = 1.0 MPa, s = 6.672 kJ/kg•K
But y = 1-x
Then v = (1-x)v,+ xv,
= v1 + x(v,- (d)p = 3.0 MPa, t = 234°C
v,) (e)t = 2500C, v = 54.2xl o-3m 3
V ::: Vr + XVr,

COp = 11.0 MPa, h =2805 kJ/kg

or (g)p = 4.0 MPa, s = 5.897 kJ/kg•K
(hp) = 15.0 MP t = 310°C

Simi larl y,
h = he+
(a) t. at 1.44 MPa = 1963.9° C
or hg- yh,
= s,-ys,, Since 200°c> t• at 1.44 MPa, the steam is super-
8 = s,+ xs,. or 8 =
u = Ur+ XU(& or u - u,- heated.
(b)t at 2 . 318 MPa • 2200c
•' Since 220°c • t_ at 2.818 MPa, the •tea11:1. ia
saturated. (1·3) At 260°C a mixture of saturated steam and liqu d
wa r
(c) s at 1.0 MPa= 6.5865 kJ/kg•K exists in equilibrium. If the specific volume of the mix ure
• Since 6.672 .kJ/kg•K >••at 1.0 MP the •te&Qi . 18

superheated. 1- o.04159 m3/kg, calculate the following: (a) percent

(d) tut at 3.0 MPa = 233.90°C moL8ture,
Since 234°C > t. at 8.0 MPa, the steain is 811 (b) enthalpy, and (c)entropy.
hea ted. Per-.
(e) v at t = 250°C = 50 .18x t o-a m 3/kg
• Since V = 54.2xlo-3/kg > v. at 250°C, the steaoi ie SOLUTION:
superheated. = s, = 2 . 7 9 2 .7
(g) s at 4.0 MPa = 6.0701 k.J/kg•K v, a=· o.04888
v 0.0012512 s,. = 3.2802
= 1 7 16 . 2
• Since s = 5.897 kJ/kg• K< •• at 4.0 MPa, the 8teaoi
h• = 2801.5
is a wet mixture. = 0 . 05 01

V s = 6.0729
(h) t.. at 15.0 MPa = 342.24°C •
Since t = 310°C < t.- at 15.O MPa, the steani ia 3

wetmixtur.e a
_ v-v, _ 0.04159- 0.0012512-08253
(1-2) What are the specific volume, internal energy, en. X- v,_ - 0 .04 888 - . . _
thalpy, and entropy of steam at 1.50 MPa and 254°C?
(a) y· = 100- 82.53= 1 7 . 4 7%
(b) h = h, + xh,.
SOLUTION h = 1085 .3Ef + (0 . 8 25 3 ) (1 7 16 . 2 ) = 2501.7
The steam is superheated, since the temperature of (c) s = Sr+xs,. (K)
254oc ia greater than the saturation temperature, 198°C, =
2. 792-;;a+ (0 .8 253 ) (3 .280 2 ) = 5.4998

at 1.50 MPa. . (1-4) Steam at a pressure of 0.90 MPa has an entropy of

/!269:-F 292:} p6-

At l.50MPa energy,k.J/(kg)
4.9678 (K). What are the specific volume, internal
and enthalpy?

s 0.1:19
60 0.15559 o 2713.i._ 2946 .7 6. 7535 SOLUTION:

1o= o.oo 64= 1t.r = ½ = ·o.Cf44s The entropy of saturated vapor at a pressure of 0.90 MPa
is 6.6185 kJ/(kg) (K), therefore, steam with an entropy of
Xi = .0 001 46; V= 0.15195 + 0.()()146: 0.15341 m /kg 4.9678 kJ/(kg) (K) is a wet-mixture.
Xi =
7.24; u = 2695.3 + 7.24 = 2702.5 At0.90MPa
Xi = 9.36; Vr = 0.0011212 Ur·741.83 hr= 742.83 Sr= 2.0946
h = 2923.3 + 9.36 = 2982.7
kJ/kg u
x, = 0.017;8
VfgC 0.21388 Ur, = 1838 .6 hr, = 2031.1 s,, = 4.5280
=-67 090 + 0.0178 = 6.7268 kJ/(kg) v,.0.215 == 2580.5 h = s, = 6.6226
(K) 2773.91
10 1
•• • 0 .004 &; • • 6 .6326 + 0 .004& • 6 .63 71 kJ /(kg) ( K)
a • (1-6) Steam at a preaaure of 0.68 MPa has a.n
internal eneJ"ID' of 2 726 . 2 k.Jfka. What are the
V • temperature. speci fic volume, enthalpy, and entropy?

v • O.OOllili + (,0 634 3) (0 .21388 ) • 0.1368 m:1/q SOLt.rr'ION:

u • u,+ zu. The steam is superheated because the inte rnal energy.
2725.2 kJ/kg, is greater than the inter nal energy of

u • 741.83 + 0.6345 (1888.6) • 1908.4 saturated steam. 2566.3 kJ/kg. for a pressure of 0.58 MPa.

At 0.58 MPa
h • h,•
h• 7.8+(0.6346) (2031.1) = 2031.6 k.J/kg
.0 40'77]-;i 212 ,1 n ..... ..,
. 29759.
v _I 2 725 . .J- _ h _J.c
(1-6) Steam at a temperature of 300°C has a SJ>ecific 0 . 416 2 ° 2 73 7 . 5_ _ 2978.8 1
volume of 0.09765 m3/k g. D&term ine the pressure, specific
internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy.

m=3.8iTr • lJ:0083=
X _ - = o.o
X ,

x. = 2.4; t =- 250 + 2 .4 = 252 . 4°C

Since the specific volume, 0.09765 m'lk g, is greater
than the specific volume of saturated steam, 0.02167 X, = 0.002; V= 0.4077 + 0.002 = 0.4097 m3/kg
m3/kg, at 300°C, the steam is superheated.
X, = 4.9; h • 2957.9 + 4.9 = 2962.8 kJ/kg

x, • 0.0094; a = 7.1983 + 0.0094 =7.2077 kJ/(kg){K)

0 0
.!() 09681
(1-7) A 0.0856-m3 drum contains saturated water and
saturated vapor at 370°C. (a) Find the mass of each if their
volumes are equal. What is the quality? (b) Find the volume
occupied by each if their masses are equal.
0.00084 _ .!J_ _ . - -- X
0.00209 - o.o - IT- IT- 04.0112 SOLUTION:
LetVv = the volume of sat urated vapor
11 = 0.02; p=2.55 - 0.02 = 2.53 kPa VL = the volume of saturated
Xi = 0.50; u: 2760.4 + 0.5 = 2760.9 kJ/kg = the mass of saturated vapor
:: 0.60; mL = the mass of saturated liquid
h = 3007.3 + 0.6 = 3007.9 kJ/kg
V at 370°C: 0.004925 m3/k.g
I 3
Vr at 370°C = 0.002213 /kg
m 13
substituting in equation (2).
-.. V•
0.004925m.,, + 0.0022} 3mL = 0.0856
0.004925m., + 0.002213m. = 0.0856
m_. = 11.99 kg

J11i. = 11.99 kg
V• = 0.0856 = 0.042S ms
'l V., = Ill.,•• = (11.99) (0.004925) = 0.05905 ms
V=,. ...:O.O=t 2==8-- = VL = •, = (1 1 . 99 ) (0.002213) = 0.02653 ms
B.6S kg
v. 0.004925 (1-8) A 60-liter rigid tank with adiabatic walls is
divided into equal parts Aand B bya partition. Onone side is
VL O.Ot28 steam at 0.68 MPa, 170°C; on the other side is steam at 4
llli. = V, = 0.0022)3 = 19.34 kg MPa, 370°C. The partition is removed and thorough mixing
occurs. Determine the equilibrium state (p, t) neglecting
quality z = mass of the vapor the thick ness of the partition.
' mass of the

z = 8 698 SOLUTION:
_ _
9 34
= 0.31 or 31% ---- Adiabatic Walla

(b) A B 4MPa
0.68MPa 370-C

--- - --

S.Qll'llted -- -

= - = :...
Uqaid .... :::" - 1 1 1 5:. - 14
-- - - . : = ---

S From Steam Tables:

s hA = h at 0.68 MPa and 170°C = 2777 kJ/kg
UA = u at 0.68 MPa and 170°C = 2582.9 kJ/kg
m VA =' V at 0.68 MPa and 170°C = 285.5xlo-3 m3/kg
h8 = h at 4MPa and 370°C = 3141.7 kJ/kg
S Ue = hat 4 MPa and 370°C = 2864.6 kJ/kg
e V8 = hat 4 MPa and 370°C = 69.29x10 m3/kg

Law of eonaorvation of anau:

Initial stored mass • Final stored maaa
mA + Ills = me (0 . 4 33) (3J4J.7) + (0.105) (2777)

Q,030 = 0.106 kg
0.2855 3070.62 kJ/Jq

v. - 0.030 = 0.433 kg By definition. he•

m, = v;- -
Therefol'e. me = 0.105 + 0.433 = 0.538 k 3070.52 - 2809.62
V _ V + V = 60 L = 0.060 m
C- A 8 Pc 0.1115
. Ve _ 0.60 = 0.1115 m3/k = 2339.9 kPa

Specific volume. Ve = me - 0.538 g
or 111.Sxlo-3 m3/k g • 2.34 MPa
First law of Thermodynamics: From the Mollier Chart
t =(tat 3070.52 kJ/kg and 2.34 MPa) = 324°C
I.nitial stored energy = Final stored energy
(1.9) Steadily flowing streams of steam A and B meet
UA +Us= Uc and mix, then flow in a steady state in a pipe C. all under
m"u" + m8 u8 = mcllc adiabatic conditions. Stream A is at 5.5 MPa, 370°C and
flows at 45 kg/s; stream B is saturated vapor at 5.5 MPa and
flows at 160 kg/s. (a) Determine the state ofthe mixture C if
Ile =
L\KE • O and Af>E • 0. (b) If the speed of the fluid in C is 30
mis, what is the pipe diameter?
(0.105) (2582.9) + (0.433) (2864 .6)
= 0.538 SOLUTION:

Adiabatic Walla; Q=0

= 2809.62 kJ/kg
Heat lost by Steam B = Heat gained by Steam A

m8ct6 + mActA = (mA + m8)etc

mabB + mAh,. = mc ch
S}'l&em: Steam .

(a) Fro SteaJll Tables:
Ste am A : d
h = h at 5.5 MPa an 3109 6 '- , . Since he > h1 at Pc• therefore. the state of the mixture ia
370°C · Ik superhea ted.
Steamh_!3h: at 5 .5 MPa = 2789.65 kJ/kg (by
u,\ + p,\VA + UB + J>nYs = PcYe+ Uc
Since PA = Pe = 5.5
MPa H" +He= He

Then if follows that Pc = 5.5 MPa

Law of conservation of mass:

m"+ m8 = IDc
me= 45 + 160 = 205 kg/s

First law of


Etn = Eout

EA+ Ea=Ec
From the Superheat Tables

5.5 MPa
(205) (0.003849)
t h V = -----,.3-ro- - - -'-
285 2851.5 38.13x104
tc 2 85 9 . 88 Ve = 0.02630 m2
290 2 86 9 . 8 38 . 8 9x 1 04

(b) By in te rpo la ti ons : ·

Ac= -fD2c
tc = 28 7 .34°C
Ve = .49x l o-3 m3/kg 4

(45) (3109.6) + (160) (2789.65)
= 205 (4) (0.02630)
= 1t
= 2859.88 kJ/kg
= 0.183 m or 183 mm
To determine the state of C compare he with hg at Pc =

[h1 at Pc= 5.5 MPa] :: 2789.65 kJ/kg

Th• enthalpy-entropy chart (h-• chart), arenerally known
.. a Mollior din1rram, i• a chart on which onthulpy i• the
ordinute and ent ropy the obBc itUto . Thi• churt can befound at
the buck of Stoom Tublol!I by Koonan, Koyott, llill and Moore.
It i• preaento in ekeJoton form on Fiar. 1 . 6 . On thie chart, a
aerie• of conetant pmaaure line•, a aerie• of constant percent
moisture and aupcrhoat Jinea, and a aeries of constant tem•
perature line• are plotted. Theconstant temperature lines co
incide with the constant pressure lines in the wet region
(below the saturated vapor line) but bend toward the right
away from the constant preeaure lines in the superheat re-
(1 -10 ) Determine the h, •• 0 SH of steam at 0.09 MPa and
Locate the intersection of0.09 MPa constant pressure
line with 370°C constant temperature line. Their
intersection rep resents the condition/state of steam.


h = 3217 kJ/kg
Fig.1-5. Enthalpy-Entropy (Mollier) Diagram for 8 = 8.50 kJ/kg• K0
SH = 213°c

(1•11> Determine i::s::7.51

ure and temperature or•
h • 2676 kJ/kg
having b • SOS4 kJ/kl t - 100°c
a • 7.36 kJ/kg•Ko
. rsecuon of h • 8034 kJ/kg constant en. (1-13) Determine the p and h of steam aty = and t •
Locate the i_nte tal line) and8 • 7.61 kJ/kg•Ko constant
thalPY line (honZOD 4%
entroPY line (vertical line) u a-1.11 a.o -,,,c 6()°C.

p • 0.40 MPa
t • 283°C
(1-12) Determine the h, t.and aof saturated steam at.0. 1 0

L«ate the intersection of0.10 MPa constant pressure line
with the aaturated vapor line.
,.oo uo
...... ,r V
I 100
""" ... , ..._
l o • -

.... hel975
The isothermal lines and isobaric lines coincide in the wet

- 7 .......... tt re,ion.
I h • 2515 kJ/kg
lf!t Problem•
p • 0.020MPa

(1) Steam at a temperature of 2500C has a s cifl

f O u5,s J6 mVkg. What are the prcHurc, specific anternai
:ne ; gy, e n tha lpy , and en t ro py? An s . 1.48 MPa, 2696
2 Processes of Vapors
2924.2 kJ/kg, 6.717 kJ/kg•K .
(2) Steam at a press ure of 3.5 MPa JS known to have
epecific volume of 50xlo-3 m:i/kg. What is its specific enthalp;. Introduction
Ans. 2581.39 kJ/kg
(3) A rigid vessel contains 2 kg of steam at 6.35 MPa and thou h vapors and ideal gases have similari ty in forms
75°C. Determine its enthalpy in kJ using steam tables and in their see, all of the equations that are based on
3 the haractenst1c equation ofa perfect gas or on Joule's Law, Ans. 6208 .15 kJ . . for instance, are not generally applicable to vapors. But the
(4) A tank contains exactly one kilogram of water consist-
ing of liquid and vapor in equilibrium at 1 MPa. If the liquid general energy equation,
and vapor each occupy one-half the volume of the tank,
what is theenthalpy of the contents of the tank? Ans. 774.4 pl+ K. + u.+ w.... + Qp t + ua + w12 + w
(5) Steam at a temperature of210°C hasa specific entropy and the simple energy equation,
of 7.1167 kJ/kg•K. Determine the pressure, internal energy,
enthalpy and volume. Ans. 0.49 MPa, 2877.3 kJ/kg, 2659.7 Q= Ua-U1 + Wn
kJ/kg, 0.4467 m /kg
(6) Saturated steam vapor at 250°C moves along its isoth are not based.on any limitations concerning the substance.
em until the pressure becomes 1 MPa. Locate the end state They are applicable, therefore, to processes of vapors as well
points on the Mollier chart and for each kilogram of steam as o gases: Therefore in this chapter, compare the equations
processed determine (a) the initial pressure, (b) the change ob med with analogous one for a gas. This way we can avoid
of enthalpy, and(c)thechange ofent ropy. Ans. (a) 4 MPa,(b) the improper application of a perfect gas equation toa va po.
144 kJ/kg, (c) 0.90 kJ/kg•K r
(7) Steam undergoes an isentalpic (h = C) process from 1.5
MPa, 350°C to 10 MPa . Find the final temperature using the
Constant Pressure Process
Mollier chart. Ans. 418°C
· (8) Consider 1 kg of water that is heated at constant (a) The process on the pv and Ts planes.
pressure (0.50 MPa) from a wet state (x1 = 85%) to 400°C. T
Locate the end state points on the Mollier chart and deter
mine (a) the change of enthalpy and (b) the change
Ans. (a) 739 kJ/kg, (b) 1.70 kJ/kg
Fig. 2-1. Constant Pitessure Process.
" " \. . . \,,
, '1\..-i - '"""' "'..".'
11\ \m •h "h"'''_. """'1l• "''" "''"•
• \\, ", • W.,. l\mlt "'"""'
a\1tttl\ty n"w '""'"''"""w ,wo,.. ,
. ''9 w u, + "'v, .. v,)
• u._ "'" \11♦ I\V1 "VI

• h.- h,
wh N h, • hn + •,h..,
t( lh@ (!h•m• 6n • iftc inMmttl enertr1 •• w.a u••
\he .-.l11t.h•n•

u.- u, • <h.- s>.v,) - <h, - p,v,)

< -1) lil nm wlth • •1,c-c ln t1 volumn of 0.001\t-HI m 11/kar
unclcwll',a• It '-'Ot\111lnnl prct1111ut"' ,, ,·o, -c11111 nt I.70 M Pn unUI tho
•1k•dl\c volum.- l.kleomu• o.1:noo mrtfkac . Wh11l era (a) lln•I
t.omJ)C)rllluro, <b) u. (c ) W, <d) ha, 1rnd ht) q·1

80l U'l'ION1

St.o11m nt It pre9HUrct or 1.70 Ml'tt und wlt.h Cl ttpudnc

volumu of O.OO UH mit/ k,i 1• o w,, t-mlxtun,, lhc, -.pocH\c
volumo of auturuwd 1w1i&rn •t l.70 MPu i• O.HU7:J m 14/ kai.

At p1 • 1.70 MPa
w f pdv i• tho dl'Od on tho pv pl11n1 undor tht

prst111111nt procc,,ti , W,• h1.. 0.00I HJ:S,t Un • 870 .09 hr, •
Aq,.. C, h1 • AK 0 . 1Jl'U)7 872.06
w ,. p f dv p(v, - v,) runit m•••I
0.U67:f u,111 • 1727,2 hri,, •
. 1u,ady now pr004H, tha work
Fffl' u_. • :ltUl7,a h11 •
W,11 2796,7
.,. ■ 2.!1718
• ,111 • 4,0iH2
•11 • 6.400

(2-2) Steam with an enthalpy of2843.6 kJ/ka undergoee
• constant preuure prooeaa at 0.9 MPa until the enthalpy
t,ecOffle• 2066.1 kJ/kar. What are (a) the initial temperature
or quality, (b) Au,(c) W,(d) Aa,and (e) Q.

Steam with an enthalpy oC 284 3 .6 k.J/ka at a preNure of
o.90MP•iaa auperheated vapor.
At p1 • 0.90 MPa

l-2833.6 200JJ o.2a0a, ;

2843.6 t 1- ..1 v1 Y
c5 u 1 _I
a1 -
2856.9 210 - 0.2364 ci 2644.2 6.8008 °
J 9.9 X ,C. X

23:!•' -ftt • 0.0001 • rT.9• o.<UB6

x 1 • 4.2; t1 • 200+ 4.2 • 204.2°C
.. • 0.00069; VI • 0.2303♦ 0.00269 • 0.2329 m1/kc

a, • 7.6; u,• 2626.3 + 7.6 • 2633.9 k.1/ka

x. • 0 .0206: •• • 6.7522 + 0.0006 • 6.7728 kJ ka)(K)
Steam with an enthalpy ol 2066.1 kJ/q al a preuure ol
0.90 MPa ia a wet mixture.

At Pt • 0.90 MPa

Ya• 0.0011212 h,.• 742.83 ... • 2.09046 \le•7 4.1 83

II_.• 2031 .1 ....• 4.5280 U..• ) 838.6

·- • 0.2139

·- • .0 2 1 ·-. 258. 0&

206§. l - 74 .83 • 0.6466

.. •
,,,,. o.1394 m*/kg point1 is in the superheat region and point2 in the wet
39 0011212 + (0.vs region so th a, t
0• "'-'66) (1838.6) =1 9 3.0 7 kJ/kg
- 7 41 :88 + (O.vs
u."" \Ja + (0 6466)(4.5280)= 5.0224 kJ /{kg) (b) Work of the nonflow process, Wn.
Jr,U..- (K)
-2 0946+ ·
9s••11+ x.s.-. W Ill=0
- 2°C
(a) t1 = 2(.)4
1930.7 - 2633.9_= 7 0.3 2 kJ/kg (c) Transferred heat, Q.
(b) bU:s U.-
- 900( 0. 1 3 94 - 0 .2329 ) = --84.15 kJ/kg Q= - u. + wn [unit mass]
(c) VI= p(v.-V1-
. 0224-6.7728 = -1.7505 kJ/(kg) (K) Q= -Ul
(d) llB • s,-••s 5.
20561- 2843.6 = - 787. 4 kJ/kg and = u12 + ur,s
(8) Qc hs- b l s •
or Q = ( -p2v2>-<h1 - P1V1)
p (2-3) One kg of steam at 260°C and with an enthalpy of
1861 k.J/kg is confined in a rigid container. Heat is applied
until the steam becomes saturated. Determine (a) Q, (b) Mi,
(c) M, and (_d ) the final temperature.


eonstant Volume J>roCeS8 T

(a) The process on the pv and Ts planes.

• T


The enthalpy of saturated vapor at 260°C is2796. 9 kJ

Fla.2-3. Reversible Constant Volume (Isometric)
/k,g point 1 is a wet-mixture.
Process. 31
At t 1 • 26()°C
( 2.4 ) One kg or ate
Vn• .0 001 27 88 Un• 1128.39 hn • 1134.37 •n• 2.8838 undergoes a constant vol am at 121°C and 10% moisture
comes0 .28 M P a . Determi :1 process until thep res su re be
Q. (c) At what pressurew t :> tbe final temperature and (b)
v,• • o.0409346 u,.i • 1470.6 b,_. • 1662.6 •_.• 8. 1 1
88 e final condition saturated?

v•,, o.04221 u,, • 2699 . 0 1 2796.9 •••• 6. 001 9
h x, - 90%
1861 - 1134.37 • o4371
x,• •- 1662.5 . At t1 • 1210c
y • V + X V • 0.0012766 + (0.4371) (0.0409345)• 0. 0 1 9 1
68 Vn = Un= 507.74
mI 1/k1ft I -•
v,,u =
u,,. = 20 22 .6

u. •Un.x+ u,•., 1128.89 + (0.4371) (1470.6) • 1771.2 v,. = 0.865 9 u,. = 2530.3
1 • 'n+x, s ._ • 2.8838 +(0.4371)(3.1181) =.4 2467 kJl(kg)(K)
VI = Vn + X l Vtat = 0•0010612 + (0 ,90 ) (0.8648388 ) = 0.779 4 m 3/k g
1 1
uI =U n +xuI ,.. =-507• 74 + (0 . 90 ) (2022.6) = 2328.1 kJ/kg
V • V,s • V1 • 0.019168 mS/kg Steam at a pressure of 0 28 .
r 0.19294 so711 2551..
6479 7 ;
volume of0.7794 ml/kg is8 · h M P a a n d w itha
su per e a te d v a pospecific
§ i' 0.019168 t, IM ::l u, J h, ] M .; a. :,JM P2 = 0.28
V2 = v = 0.7794 m3/kg
d 0.018975 308 2550.1 2732.0 5.639_7 <:>
- 0.7683

x 1. 2651J4X2
0.000126= ...!1,. = . = 23. = .
0.7855 _I
210 10 U _ 15.6
0.000319 1 T.7 2.3
0.0172 2

Xl:0.4; \ = 307 + 0,4= 0.0111 X1 Xi

=0.7; Ui= 2551.8-0.7 = 2551.1 kJ/kg x,=0.0032; s2 = 5.6479 - 0.0032 = 5.6447 kJ/(kg) (K}
Xs=0.9; =2734.3 - 0.9 = 2733.4 kJ/kg
{a) Q = -u1= 2551.1-1771.2 = 779.9
kJ/kg (b) &i = - hl = 2733.4 - 1861=
0.0112 = w=lil
872.4 kJ/kg
,cJ: 5. 6447- 4.2467= 1.398 kJ/(kg)(K)

Xi= 10.1;
=200 + 6.5 = 206.5oc

= 2651.4 + 10.1 = 2661.5 kJ/kg

(a} = 206.5°C

(b) Q = - U1= 2661.5 - 2328.1 = 333.4 kJ/kg

(c} v, = 0.7794m3/kg

32 33
r: o..225 0o. .7797.91431 J Q.0139 0. 0 139 u_. - 2088.7
•- • 1.893 m•lka
•- • t.8'M m•Jkc
0.0139 v, - Y e • 0 .6068 - 0.0010432 0 3572
- v_ .

1.693 • ·
0.005 • 0.0162
a. o.00&29
u_• u,.+ x.u....• ,n 7 . 38 + co.367 2) (2088.7> • 1163.4 kJJq
(a)Q• m(u, - u1 ) • (0.8254 ) (1163.5 - 2543.6) •- 11 3 9. 2 kJ

, T (b) t., • 99 .63°C

(c) x, • 36.72'Jfl

, T


(2-5) A 0.50-m> tankmotains sat
Heat is transferred until tht u.rated steam at 300 k.P. a
m i ne(a ) the heat uansfe pressure reaches 100 k.P. a Deter.
{c ) the final steam quali rnd.( b ) the final temperature, and •
saturated vapor (2.6) To what temperature must a rigid tank containing
dry saturated steam at 127°C be cooled to yielda
mixture of
Pa= 0.30 MPa, 25% quality?
v,z v, at 0.30 MPa: 0.6().SS
u1= u, al 0.30 MPa: 2M3.6 kJ/'q
v • v at 127°C • 0.7277 m'/q
1 1
m• V, s 0 .50 v1 • v1 • 0.7277 m1/ke
Vt .Q 0058: 0.8 kg
P, • 0.10 MPa, v =
mixtu re • v;, ,0
60.S8 rn111t, lh ' .
' • • aa a wet
Ye • 0.0010432 mll'q

v,• (b) Work ota nonflow proceae, w.
(1 - s,, v,. + x,v,.
v, • y,v,.+ x,v,. From the eunple enre ay equation,
o. 1211 • o.76 v,.+o. 26 v,. w.• Q-Au [unit maea]
neon with v_; .
Ne1Jectin1 v,. in coaipa (c) Transferred heat Qfrom the Ta plane.
0.26v,. - o.7277 Q • TAa [unit mau]

.. • 2.9108 m'/ki
2 . 93 40 JO 02321
2.9108 . 0.106
2.8280 (d) Work of steady flow process, Wa

x 0.0232 (2-7) There are 2.27 kg/min of steam undergoing an

1. 0.106 isothermal process from 27.5 bar, 316°C to 6.8 bar.
X :s .0 2 2; t. = 84 + 0.22 = 84.22°C (a) 6S, (b) Q, (c) W for nonflow, and (d) W for steady flow
with 6P = 0, 6K = 42 kJ/min. (1 bar ::: 100 kPa)
Isothermal Process SOLUTION:
. (a)Theprocess on the pv and Ts planes
The initial and final conditions are superhea ted. The
saturation temperature at a pressure of 2.75 MPa is 229°C
and at 0.68 MPa is 164°C.

p T

Fig. 2-4. Reversible Isothermal Process.

36 37
r s 10
At. P• ll.7li l\lPa
- 6.6821 Sa

(c) AU= m(u-.. u ), = 2.27 (28 25 .2 - 2786)= 8.89 8 kJ/min

W • =Q- AU = 952.8 - 88.98 = 863. 8 kJ/min

6 .

J-u.2 0.0412 (d) AH= m - ) = 2.27 (3093- 11 9. 4 kJ/min

10 Ls 18.6 6.6783
AA&l\.l W. = Q-AK -AH= 952.8- 42- 119.4= 791.4 kJ/min
2793.• .w-,v_

= = =-
10 (2-8) Steam at 200°C and with an entropy of 5.6105 kJ/
1 ·2 -- 2786 kJ/kg expands isothermally to 0.515 MPa. For 5 kg (a) what
(kg) (K)
_ 27'74.8 + are 65, MI. and 4U? Determine Q and W (b) for a non.flow
s, = 11.2; U-. kJ/kg process, (c) for a steady flow process with MC=0.
30'25 0 + }4 .5 = 4
Xs = 14.5; hl = . 656B kJ/(kg) (K) SOLUTION:
21+ o.0247 =. 6
S, -_ 0 .VN"J"47t· 6.63
s1 =
Steam with an entropy of 5.6105 kJ/(kg) (K)at 200°C is
a wet-mixture.
At P2 == 0 . 68 MPa Steam under a pressure of 0.515 MPa at 200°C is a
super heated vapor.

17J Xa
7 348 p
Jx, 20 . 9
16.0 h, 82 0.0355
10 6 316
320 3101. 7.3836

!a =
o0 55
V 8

x1 = 9.6., '¼-- 2815.6 + 9.6 = 2825.2 kJ/kg

X-s-12.5•,6h, = 3080.5 + 12.5 = 3093.0 k.J/kg
Vn = 0.0011565 Un= 850.65 hn = 852.45
. - 73481+ 0.0213 == 7 .. 3694 kJ/(kg)
= 0.0213 , 82- •
(K) Vrgl = 0.12620 Ufgl: 1744.7 hfgl =
Sn= 2.3309 s,11 = 4.1014
(a) 6S = m(s2 - 2·•27 (7•3694 - 6.6568) = 1.6176
= 0.12736 u11 = 2595.3 h11 = 2793.2 s,1 = 6.4323
81) -- kJ/(min) V
(b)Q = T(68) = (316 + 273) (l.6176) = 952.8 6
kJ/min 5.6105 - 2.3309 799
= 4.1014 = o.
38 39
7996) (0.12620). 0.10'l07
0 0011663♦ (0. Adiabatic Proor■■ee of Vapor
v, • Vn + '/kl
x,v,_•, 8&0 - >< t7« .7> • n .s . (a) The revenible Proc:eaa on the pv and Ta plane. e
7 kJ/q
65 ♦ (0 . l:Jf
u•,Un+ ••"'-• . 7996) (194. 07 ) • M
• 852.4& + (0 .
<M. 2 kJ/q , T
h • bn •
V 8

Fia. 2.6. Revenible Adiabatic Proceu.

o .005•
o O'JO
0 .0 1
• -n\ • rt • o.; igs
68 ·
• ft _.I\Ql ♦ O NY2 a 0. 41 23 m>Jk&
•, • O.<XM; 2 v,• "'- ·"'" A reversible adiabatic procesa is a constant entropy proc
.,. _ , 0.20. 26,C2.3 ess and also known as tCj_sentropic process"
0.20: ,, ,, 1 ♦
In an isentropic process. no heat is transferred (Q= 0) and
.0.3ha 28M.3 + Q.3 • 2854.6 kJ/q
thechange in entropy of the substance ia also zero (AS= 0)
For a nontlow proceea,
7 039t + O.()(M95 • 7.o«4 kJ.
Q • Au + w.• 0 [unit maaa)
N U C.
•s • 0. " '"" ... • .
(kg) (K)
(a} • m<a, _a• > z 5(2854_.6 5.6106)• 7.1695
2404.2) s 2252 kJ
AH• m(h. _ b,> 2
W a-Au

4U • m(u,- u,>• 5(2642.3 - 2'l45.7) • 1983

kJ and for steady Oow proceaa. with AP• 0
Cb) Q. T ( ) • ( 473) (7.1696)• 3391.2 kJ
K1 + b1 + Q • K.+11. + W

W • Q-4U ■ 3391.2- 19&1• 1408.2

• with Q. •o

(e) Q■ 3391.2kJ

W1 • Q-411<AK• 0) . 'o....
W •h -"
with AK•

W • 3311.2- 2262 ■


. proceea on the pv and Ts planea.
(b) The irrevel"Slble ,.
p n • a ct u a l work h -·
idea l work = h 1- h
1 1

Ule hir-.r,everai 1b1ohty onf tahae PPrroocceesasa internal reheat and -

•• ia
Compreaaion on ha plane.

" t I' s
• Adiabatic PN,teII
n-e. ble bati
- .!

. tlw COITHpolldiIll n,-.nible IIUIA C or

P,oceea 1-2 lS . · )
. . (ldMl t"lt adiabatic procea <actu.i
1 -2' is the irffw,rst

expa n s i o.n) ... wiLh Q • O.

F o r a non.oo. poc
Q• 0 • 4·u • w •- . maN) Em·1aencyo
w. • ( wu &
r compreaa s .
-.h.- -- -..n;- . ..
1 _- -

1·on, n = 1 1rvVv,I.)

ud tor tmdJ no.procie9I. (2-9) One kg of steam expands isentropi ca lyl

from ..2 1 MPa and 374 °C to 93°C. Find the final
w•• - h,. reftlSihle JW00l9 quality and the work for non-flow and steady flow processea.

w ·. i'. - .".,·. proceu

Thesa tu rat i on temperature corres ponding toa p re ssu re

Efficie,vy a/ the pn,ttt&. D
of.2 1 MPa ia2 14 .9°C, therefore. the initial cno d i tionis s u per
fJrpeNN1a OD b... plw. heated..


• •
AtP. ......,.

, • i, .1, .. s<>LUTIONs

- - s t 7-9J .7 00 1 7 S am at• tempera ure of 288°C under a preuure of 1.60

- 1 7.l h, •, _
S'70 i 8 9 .7 x, x, 22.2 • MPa •• auperheated, •mce the aaturation temperature for
03 1.60 MPa ia 198°C.
10 • _37' u, -
3 2 01 .- 7. 036_0
290, 7
380 98 ao j280

l 28a
290 0.166 2 2765.L 3015.3 6.8785
03907 ♦ 6.8 • 2899.5 kJ/kg
Jl1 • 6.
Ot uI • • •
4 8 . Zs _ X
3 1 79 . 5 + 8.9 = 3188· kJ/kg
8.9, h, 1 0 0.0035• 17:3= w. = o. 04
. - 10011+ 0.0137 = 7.0154 kJl(kg) =- o 1
i,,.0.0137, s, - ·
a.= s,=7 .01 54 kJ kg) 1
X= 0.0028; 1V = 0.16271♦ 0.0028 :a: 0.1655 1 m /kg
z.= 13.8 ; U. • 2748.6 + 13 .8 = 2762.4 kJ/kg
At t, =
93°C x,= 18 .'l ; Ii.= 2992.7 + 18.1 = 3010 .8 kJ/kg
Uc= 389.46
'11 =
x.=0.0323; •1 = 6 . 8381 + 0 .0323 = 6.8704 kJl(kg) (K)
: 2275.4 1.2271 = 2498 . 2
h_.= 2664.9 s..,=6.2138
s., = 7.4409
, Thefinal condition, = 0.960 MPa and 5s= 6.8704 kJl(kg)
(K), is superheated. The entropy of saturated vapor at a

, - !-Ln 7:.0..1.5.4:--::1;.2::2=7 pressure of 0.960 MPa ia 6.6005 kJl(kg) (K).

1-- = 0.9315
Xi= 5111 = 6 . 2138
a,=11a+ z, = 389.46 + (0.9315)(2108.7) = 235. 37 At Pz = 0.960 MPa
bi= ha+ y_=, 389.54 + (0.9315) (2275.4) = 25.091 kJ/kg
w.=11i -u, = 2899.5 - 2353.7 = 545.8
kJ/kg 0 r-8589 2_30J .c

0 6.8704 ...
w, = -Ii,= 3188.4- 2509.1 = 679.3 kJ/kg ;

0 0.2374 2694.1
6.9030 240
(2-10) Steam flows isentropically through a nozzle
1500 kPa, ?.88°C to 960 kPa For 454 y/sdetermine (a)

AV, (c)W, and (d) AK. .

0.0115 _ ...!J... _
0.0441- 10-
0.0055 =
17.2 =,
s 230 2.6 • 232.6°6C sou.rnoN:
2.6; t, •
1• + .,_-,,;t a/kg
.. . v.= o.2319o+oo1•
· = o. m
s,.. 0.001• . t
5 = 2681 .4 k.J/k.g T

.. 5• IL S 2f{'/6.9 ♦ •
s, = •.· - 4
. _ 289. 9 6 + 5.8 = 4
s. = 5.8, h, -


AT P1 = 0 .52 MPa and t1 = 300°C

Ui = 2802.6 kJ/kg h1 = 3063.7 kJ/kg S 1 = 7.4411 kJ/kg•K

At Pr: 0.012 MPa, dry and saturated

., s
hs-= h• at 0.012 MPa = 2591.1 kJ/kg
(a) w•.= h 1- hs- = 3063.7 - 2591.1 = 472 .7 kJ/kg
(a) ti = 232.6°C
(b) AV= m(v -vi)= 0.454 (0.2333 - 0.16551 ) = 0.0308m /s (b) - = 8n + Ytit
7.4411 = 0.6923 + Is (7.39)
(c) ) W =0
m( - 0.454 (2905.4 - 3010.8) =· -47. 85 = 0.913
h =) 1

"=Ml+t.K+ yl 46

6K= - 6H= (-) (-4 7.85) = 47.85 kJ/s

(2-11) A steam turbine receives 0.52 MPa of steam at

300°C. Then expand in an irreversible adiabatic process to
a pressure of 0.012MPa. If the exhaust steam is dry and
satu rated, calculate (a) the work of an irreversible process
and (b) the efficiency of the process.
= 11m + x>,.,= 206.92 + o.913 (2384.1)
= 2383.6 kJ/kg

w. = hl - = 3063 .7 - 2383.6 = 680.1 kJ/kg

• 11 :; = ! :i X 100% = 69.5%

(2-12) Expand 2 kgofste

Polytropic Proce89 egion to 100°C ina polyt at 15 bar, 300°C, into the wet
h plane etermine (a) Y, (b)MI(; c process where pV•-21 = C.
(a) The process ont e pv . work, and (e) Q.2 , c , (d) non.flow and steady flow


For a p essure P1 = 1.5MPaand temperature t= 300°C,

the steam is superheated. The saturation tempera1ture for a
pressure of 1.5 MPa is 198°C.

V 1:0.16966
bl = 3037.6 kJ/kg
m /kg

a1 ::c: 6.9179 k.J/(kg) (K)

u. = 2783.1 kJ/kg
,. -··

Flf. 2-7. Rever•lble Polytropic Process. At t2"= l00°C, the saturation pressure, p2 = 0.10135 MPa.

(b) Work of the nonflow proceH, Wa

! - 0.16966 [ 1.5 . .:
Polytropic proce11 i1 defined by the equation, pya • C
] J
1.6730 m3/kg

0.10135 t
At t 2 • 100°C
v12 • 0.0 01043& u,.• 418.94· . h,.. • 419.04 ..... • 1 .. 3069
(c)Trantfmed heat, Q v,.,• 1.8719 u,..• 2087.8h,_ • 2267.0 •, • 6.0480

Q • 4U + W,, v,. ■ 1.6729 u,.• 2&06.& h 12 • 26 76 .1 ·- • 7.3549

1.15730 - 0.0010436• 0.9402

(d)Work of tt4Jidy flow proceN, Wt •
u,• u"' + x2u,_,• 418.94 + (0.9402) (2087.6) • 2381.7 Kjlk1
W,, • Q- Ah - 41<
h,• h"' + "2h," • 419.04 + (0.9402) (2267.0) • 2541.1 kJ/ki
AJ.o, W,• - /vdp• n(paia_-: ,v,•> (n) (Wn)
,•, ,,,+ x,},"• 1.3069 + (0.9402) (6.0480) • 6.9932kJ/(k1) (K)

v. = v, [ :] = 0 . 05 7 66 [ -5 l. 6
= 0 . 2564 m 3 /k g
The s pec i fic volume of 8 •
0.17535 m3/kg. The final con;:: ra d steain at 0.9 MPa is
V s ion 18 8 superheated vapor.

At P, = 0.9 MPa

(a) y = 5.98 !c0.2539 2695. j ..... 29 24. 4

.6 9

(b) = m( - b) =2(2541.1 - 3037 .6 ) = - 993

0.2564 u, a, t
kJ 1
..rR "
(c) AS= m(s,-s,)=2(6.9932 - 6.9179) = 0.0753 kJ/K 0 0 "'2
0.2596 2946-3 6 .978 7 250

m<P,v - 1p 1v ) a 2((0.10135 ) (1.5730 ) - (1.5) (0.169§6
i-n 1-1.21 -..
0.0057 =
-21.9 =
- X
o .6 4 2 3 = :
= 905 .4 kJ

W = ( n) (W ) = (1 .2 1) (905 .4 ) = 1095 .5
x1 = 7.4; U, = 269 5 . 9 + 7.4: 2703.3 kJ/kg b
• • x, = 9.6; = 2924.4 + 9.6 = 2934 kJ/kg
(e) AU= m<Ui- u 1 ) = 2381.7 - 2783.1) = --802.8 kJ x,= 0.0186; = 6.9364 + 6.955 kJ/kg.K
Q = AU + W. = - 802.8 + 905.4 = 102.6 kJ 0.018 =6
{2-13) Five kg per second of steam at 5.9 MPa and x. = 4.4; \ = 240+ 4.4 = 244.4°c
expand to 0.9 MPa in a polytropic process where pV1•· = C. p
Find (a) x,or i.. AH, U. . {b) W for nonflow, and (c) W for the
steady flow if 11K = -40 kJ/s. (d) Find Q from steady flow steam is superheated.
and also from nonflow energy equa tion.

SOLtrrlON: .

At a pressure of 5.9 MPa and a temperature of 500°C,



Vl : 0 .0 5766m.jkg
hl = 3423.3 kJ/kg {a) = 244.4°C
u. =3083.1
s1 = 6.8892 kJ/(kg) MI = m( - h1) = 5(2934 - 3423.3) = - 2446.5 kJ/s
2700 - 851.92
+ Xa 0941.2)
= 7.143 - 6.8331 x. = 95.20%
= 0.31 kJ/kg•K (2-16) A steam calo.
• is e qu0. 11ty MPa
thof the a 1t.ea'0r
n d 20°SH
a 1 ·ipe steam
Y"'.> nmpe·ter receiv
roma p ip
ese steamf
am. ? pressureof2MPa, what
(2-15) A throttling calorimeter receives steam frolll
boiler drum 11 MPa and is superheated by 10 degrees a SOLUTION:
the boiler drum pressure is 1.55 MPa, what is the quali·tIf
thesteam generated by the boiler? Y of



s s

Atp2 = 01· MP h
12 = 2675.5 kJ/kg
AtP = 0.11 MPa, t..i =
2 = hs2 + c, (OSH)
102.31°C t = t + 0 SH
2 Mt = 2675.5 + (2)(20)
= 102.31 + 10 = 2715.5
= 112.31°c
At P1 = 2 MPa, hn 908. 79 kJ/kg and h
. fgl: 1890.7 kJ/kg
= 2700 kJ/kg ( y interpolation) --
At P, = 1.55:\1Pa, hn = 851.92 kJ/k d h
hl = hn + X1hr,1
= 1941.2 kJ/kg g an r,1 hi = hn + XI hr 11
2715.5 = 908.79 + x1(1890.7) x1 = 95.56%

54 55
. . g ,teaJD at 700 k.Pa and i,e
9.. Three kil<>grama or •tea. . .
pe ra t ur e of 370°C have 24 itially at 2. 6 MPa and a

2!50°C undergoes a cons

1 A pistDn-C)'linder contairunre proces• until the quality
,tB11D1 t temperature until the quart . of heat removed at con•
pres1ure when dry saturated. Y u,
- (a) 21.03 MPa; (b ) -4 550_
- Determine(a ) the
eXl8ta and ( b ) the

. nt 70'1o Determine per kilogtaf tethe
rn a work done,
l e nerg, thethe
(b) (d)
y and
n· heat wor.k
ransf rre d , (c) the chan1:) 1 1.4 kJ/kg; (b) -810 kJ/kg; (c) JO. Water vapor at 100 KPa o •
change of enthaly.p An·& is<>thermally until half the and l50 C 1a compressed
_ . 5 kJ/kg;(d)-810 kJ with 74.28°CSH rejects1 73. 3 6 work must be performed0 ;a por has co den d. How much
708 SteaJD at 3.1 MPa 8 tant pressure, determine (a) -ss per kilogram? t he steamm this compression
2 . h t at co n s . fi p,..,_. . &. - 13 84.7 kJ.
kJ p e r kg of steaJJ1eaand t h e change specic entropy. 11. A steam engine isentropically expands 5 kg/sec of
in (b)
the final te01perature 72 kJ/kg• K ,teamDfrom 0·.68 MPa , 220°C· the exhaus dry and satu•
t ·ts
Anf. (a) 235.70C; (b -.3 85 2 5 kg of steam bas an enthalpy of rated. etermme (a) the work of a nonflow process (b ) the
3. With 3% 0101sture, tant pressure to a final condition fjnaltemperature, and (c) the work of a steady flow process.
(b) kJ, It is heate at he pressure of the process and
00 /UJ·B (a) 641.05 kJ/sec; (b) 131.9oc 1 (c) _ kJ .
8 3 8 38
6 6
of 900su perheat. Fmd( . d b the ste alD· Ans. (a) 0.22 MPa; 12. Three kg of s am hasaninitial enthalpy of 7200 kJ at
the quantity of heat receive y 0.145 MPa . &entropic compression gives a final pressure of
(b) 575 kJ. are contained at 150 kPa and 90 0 .29 MPa. Fmd (a) the initial and final temperatures and (b)
.4 Five k of v1:Jeen closure. Calculate the heat the work of a steady and nonflow processes. Ans. (a) 110 ,
per cent quahty m 8 8 rder to just producea saturated 4°C, 132.4°C; (c)-288.5 kJ,-3 25.8 kJ.
which must be added 10 0 be at the end of the heating 13. atura d s am at 0.16 MPa is compressed in an
kJ 168 kPa
What will the
vapor. Ans. t 04-
process? 5 5 pressure
• ..:ns 5
kg of wet steam at .0MPa.
4 jrrevers1ble adiabatic process with an efficie ncy of
For a final pressure of 0.45 MPa, determine (a) the final and
A ·aid vesse1 f
c on w u
5. ne- . . of 9 5 8 5 kJ the steam hasa pr s re? .2 0 initial entropies and (b) the ideal and actual temperatures of
After the
d addition
te mp eratuf re ooc Determine
· the m1tial mter• compressed steam. Ans. (a) 7.2 k.J/kg• K, 7.3 k.J/kg•K· (b)
MPa an 8 d th pe 700
cif iic volum e of the steam. An. s 220°c, 244°C. •
nal energy an e 8 14. . Wet steam at 200°C and 20% moisture is
kJ/kg, 0.22k 58 mte3/kg. waterm1·xture at 1.0 MPa is contained in compressed in an irreversible adiabatic process to a
• pressure of 2.30 MPa
6 Heat
o.· Ag ·sb1t- am· is· added until pressure nses to and a temperature of 225°C. Determine (a) the work of com·
t ank tl i.e
an m e x1 e · De · add ed Ans . 13 7 8 .7 k J . .
3 .5 MP a an d the temperature to 4000c. term me 7. W te v a p or a t 100 kPa and 150°C is
th h · d·
e eat conta me m a
rig.di ves:e/At what temperature will the vapor start to
pression, (b) the compression efficiency, (c) the internal reheat. Ans. (a) -413.49 kJ/kg; (b) 33.3%; (c) 0.71018
irreversibility of the process, and (d) the compression kJ/kg•K; (d) 21 57. 3
kJ /kg .
condense when thecontainer is cooled lowl!? Ho much hea
15 . Steam at 5 MPa and 400°C expands polytropicalyl t,o

will have to be removed per kilotram m this coohngp .1 0 MPa according to pV1·3 = C. Determine the work of nonflow and steady flow, the heat tra nsferred, h. and 6s.
Ans. 95.68°C, -81.4 kJ/kg Ans. 298. 9 kJ/kg, 388.6 kJ/kg,- 7.6 kJ/kg,-3 96.2 kJkg,
. Water at2 5. MPa and 200°C is heated at con -0 .0127 kJ/k"•K.

s tant up to a quality of 80%. Find (a) the quantity

16. Determine the heat and the work of the polytropic
expansion of steam from 2.8 MPa at 340°C to 0.76 MPa at
of heat received by the water, (b) the change in internal 200°C. Ans. -3000 k.J/kg, -3012.5 kJ/kg
energy, and (c) the work of a nonflow process. Ans. (a) 17. Steam at 173.46°C and with a specific entropy of6 kJ/
2025. 7 kJ/kr, kg•K undergoes a polytropic process with n = 1.18 u til the
(b) 1396.5 kJ/kg; (c) 629.17 kJ/kg. 57
p.-ure be,_.. 2 MP&- (a) Whal• tbe final pera _.m? (b) What ia the .ot'k and the qwmbty ol hea
die,,..-? C al 2 1.u 2'C; 0,1-126-79 k,1/kg, <cl --B26t or
lrJ/k. &
l llo d ,
e t ste aJ D at
.W 1 MPa
r 0.1
fJotnJll th.roa pi .
MPa- If lbe throttling ternPe ,.
3 Power Cycles
.• , . -
w,e it ucrc. what it die qualitJ or lbe- m the
, - · P ll >o?
19. S team ii t.brCJdled to 0 .1 MPa witha 20 deere e . The Rankine Cycle
.uperbeat. (a) What ii the quality of throttled steam. _ot
pre511ure i.ot 75 l,IPa/ Ca) What ill the elllbalpJ of the to
A.z» (a ) 9. 7&;li {b) 2713 - .-- --.?


C oad ■-

Fig. 3-1. Diagra

rnmatic LayPolaumat, for Steamp owerPlant


Fig. 3-2. Rankine Cycle
otdlefbl)owina -
,, .iRaDP,.c::,deiaeolll. \he •••C .
. u-opic in ·oo oCbea l ill theconden._ EnerobeJanea:
t-S: i9ell reJSIIX"e 1
I eoo-t•D\ Pl
p•C ...;n.•.s•C • .-.1.._ w E._•E
s.B: ticpulllr--addibOll ol heatm wm

-----t:ant •h_+W
N()1'B: tate o(steam leavina the a "- W • h1-
•- the ideal eyde. the 5 . _ are the same as well aa o._
eooaiderinc the change in kinetic eneray,
a. ua

•-..;""' • th
,eoeratol'and enw.u- . the pump and entering e steaz.i
siate of ter lea t there is no press drop andno
,enei:ato•r nus ineans
ste lin and reedwater lin.e
b1 + JC.• h. + K. + W

W • h 1- + K 1 - JC.
beet ieauge ill substance within the a,a..
b. The quanbt! "! ...i.- that there are no leakages in the
tl!lllis c:,on,staDt. This 1111

deAnalysis D. Pump Work, W

A. Heatadded.Q. "a-.---- 8-
Enera ba)ance: -- ...
8- = E. ·wp
1. Exact Pump Work.
Q.+1;= hi Energy balance:
Q.: h1 - h1 E1a•E_.
S& eemGenerator +W =ht
vl,:a .-
B. Beat Rejected. Q.
2. Approximate Pump Work
= +Q.
Energy balance:
Q.= -hi
C p
The assumptions are made in the determination of the
state of approximate pump work.
er 61
pump is
that ofa
sed ljq
are not
es of a
e not
work is
The following
_......--- iDc()IJlPressible liqllid.
n1 t,er is ·csllY 1· 8 g·t · ble -= Ch, - he> - <h,- >
-prat:tlaJl v
<•>" 8 Therefore v,illt,en-
== .. 1 etlerO
ne igi •
(b) The cbBllge == h,-h.-Cha-iy
u.:::::: u,
- • h1 -h,-WP
Enet1Yt,alaJl ·
F. Tbennal Efficiency, ec
E .. ::::::E_W
nl + s 1'9 + w ff ec -
- w.
u, + "" , QA
W , ::W,.-W" G. Steam Rate, m
W • Pt"• - p,v, Steam rate is the mass of steam used to perfonna
• unit work or the mass flow rate ofsteam consumed to
w , :: v, (P,- p,) producea unit of power. For good design, a lower
value of steam rate is desired. A lower value of steam
Net Cycle Work,W _,. rate means thata smaller quantity of steam is needed
E. o.,-p work to
develop the desired power outpu. t

.. - oross wor- -..
Let P = power output, kW

w • w- w, W = work done by a kg of steam, kJ/kg
m =- steam rate, kg/kwh
Wlit& I t rrnining the net cycle work ia ob-
r ed e By
Another definition mass flow rate
\ainini it from the Ts steam rate = power output
diagram. mass flow rate, kg/h
• power, kw

kJ 1h
but Power• (Jllass flow rate, n) (\V, kg)< 3soo

(mass flow rate) (W) kw

• 3600
• I
Ranktno Cyolo mn ss flow rate, Ki
Then, m '"'1_n_n_ss-f -o-w--r·n_t_e..,...)....; ( .--w-
W ,,.,,.,

W• • l\l'fl@ t-2 3...5 ..1 • 3600

• 1N1 O lr U- U- 1ro1(2-S- b-
<:2- ) 63
c. Steam Rate, m.

ID• • 3 th
W600 rottle &team flow
rate engine power
• output

o. Heat Rate. HR
Heat rate ia the ene ch
The Ideal Raftkl• £;aCille .,ork or the rate ore ray argeable per unit of
. nii• is either a •t.-m turbine or nero charpable perunit of
Theideal Rank acet,ec J\ an,d(-al RAnkine engi•
aiea.JD en ii ne - Tbdil le 13 thttt an ,d1'41 en.,.9ine d0es nlle
· and an ,detll Ranlun«- ,, "'od onlv with all .1..ot HR• Energy
de . -ork Dn' ·th e Rate
uiclu pump . iQ.$1tk t.l:w a.-UW- On the o er hand. the Power
(E kJ )

prott55d -- · mp work use t epump- 7ci'"
(mus flow rate c•
idf-al c le mu.St tnp<l . "D FOR THE C"- , .n'
tUUoll" pol f EN l
,.;rBt offlE &. ·"-'-SIO PROCESS SHOULJ) (mass flow rate, (J (W. (1 )

• < 36 00 > (Ee}
£aciM Ana)y1lis w
• (m.) CE.)
A. Work. W
• m. ( h 1 - h )
W • h,-h.
a. nwmaI Effici .acy. e. E. Relation between e and HR.

c»firut.100 o! wrmal efficiency doea not directly
ppliH to an en bta n heat is added to il •e • E. ad it i.s ch.:irpci
.,th tnth.alpy of steam

inc lhe tn&UW and cnd1ud Wlth the enthalpy of satu !HR> (W)
ra bqwd mt t.bAe cooden.JUl.f m ratu re. E. 3600
\\'lwn apphtd to 4tl enf\M the therma l efficie ncy, e
• W Q, bto.lmHe II WIE, wMre E,._ en r,ry chareeable

ap.ulll the fll(I.OI. fl uqwd at the condeManf tempc,roturt
E.• tt1lhalpy of ,team enl.ttlnl the enfine - enthalpy w
•• • Ulll},WI
w 3600

•.• wT • --
• l ••• 3600
s. Heat R.tiected. Q..

Q•. - h,.- h,.

c. Ensin• Work. W
1. Irreversible adiabatic ew- fi o1-' 2•· n
W• h1• -h_.
2. Polytropic exp&D9ion from 1• _ 2'
..,. _

h 1• • h,. + W + Q._

W • h 1 -.
b.,.- Q._
D. Pump Work, Wrt

c,m W ideal pump work

rt • n.

J where: n. • pump mechanical fliciency

• E. Actual Cycle Thermal Efficiency. e_.

Fil, 3-1. Actual Rankine

...... System
W - W1 .
... • Q

The Actual Rankine En,tne

Ir durin1 the expansion proceu the 1t.eam under,oe••
proceu other than i.entropic procHa. the en(lne ii amd co be
an actuaJ one.

Engin8AJ181Y8 1
A. work. W' Thermal Eflicienciee
W • h•.- b,,
argeable Against the Engine, E: a. Ideal Thenna.1 Efficien c,y e
B. Enel'IY Cb
e • :Ji_
Ee.• h-r h,,. E.
b. Indicated Thermal Efficiency, 8t
Thermal EfticienCJ, ec'

c. Brake Thermal Efficiency, e.

J)eflnitlon of Terms - •
d. Combined Thermal Efficiency,
enerator is a generator driven by a turbine.
Turbog, .L W: is the work done by the steain du.:..
Ide al wo r " , , . 8it• w..
b 1. ne. --uga
. b. thl t d i a b atic expansi on process ur
1 n e
reve r sated id wor",
1 e oractual flu .L W i or W , ·
is th e work doneb Note : e> e.> 9tt>
I n. icd dunn'g an irreversible adiabatic expansion Steam Rates ·
the stea
1 m
. YT\AnJaion process 1 n the tur !'U·IY
me . ..,- - '" ·1 k ail
tropi u· w thork w: is the use1 w wo r , av able wori
ec 1 .e.,
B,a 8, L Ideal Steam Rate, m
at the engine shaft.
Combined work,Wll',isthe electrical energyavailableatthe m = 3600
generator outle.t w
b. Indicated Steam Rate, m

IDs= 3 60 0
c. w Rate,
Brake Steai:i . m

Fig. 3 ◄, Turbine-Generator
Brue O.tor +
68 m11• W

d. Combined Steam Rate,

mk- _ 3600
. e Efliciencies
EnP -aine Efficiency, Di (3-1) Steam is generated at 410 MP
Indicated E&&&- condensation occurs at_0 105 MPa · a and 440°C and
a. W (a) For a Rankine engine · · •
u te the thermal m
Di • -vi- coJD P
. e
operating between these lunita,
ciency and the heat rate
Brake Engine Efficiency, n,. . (b) liC ostsiddenteng hat a Rankine cycle occurs between the
b. W saJDe
. ( ) m1,
What m e888 n Q A•Q a• w-· and ee.

°':: :;J- c
30, 000 kW_
ow rate is required for a net output of

. ed Engine Efficiency,
C. CoJnbiD
°'. T

. e/E nine Mechanical Efficiency, n

d. T\lrblD De.- -

n= wwa.
• I
e. era tor Efficiency, n,
D = W L
• w. 8

Heat Rates P1 = 4.l0MPa hl = 3305.7 k.J/kg

a. Ideal Heat Rate. t1 = 440°c s1 = 6.8911 kJ/(kg) (K)
HR= (m)(E)
At P2 = 0.105 MPa
b. Indicated Heat
Rate, ha = 423.24 s11= 1.8181 kJ/(kg) (K)
= (m1) (E) c. Brake Heat Rate,
hfl2 = 2254.4 kJ/kg
Sr,2 = 6.0249 kJ/(kg)(K)
= 6.8911 - 1.3181
6.0249 0·925
= (m11) (E,)

d. Combined Heat Rate,

H 11i :a: ha + = 423.24 + (0.925) (2254.4) = 2508.6 kJ/kg

h, = h,at 0.105 MPa = 423.24 kJ/kg

= (II\)(Ee)
V,. = v,at 0.105 MPa = 0.0010443 m3/kg

1()448> (4100- 105) = 4.17 1.... ......-- 71

> _ co.op '-t

di :,: Ve9 ,.,,-P, 17::: 42'7.4 kJ/kg 901,0TION:
l"fp nQ,24 + 4.
11,- bs♦ w, -'
,ngin8 T

(a) • SSo6·1
_ 250s.6 = 797.1 k:J/kg
VI -= h-, h, 24= 2882.6 kJ/kg
:= 330tS.1 - ,U,U•
B,== h 1
-ho 797.1 == o.2765 or 27.65 %
e= Jl_:,:
,,. M 360Q _ 4.516 kg/kwh 8
SO U ="! 79'1.l -
JD :s
p = 1.7MPa h = 30 32 .1 kJ/kg = 5.35kg/kwh
Heatrate= Ch - hi,>==(4.516)( 2882 . 5) = 13,017 kJn.. 1 1
(111) t ·•-ii t = aoo 0
a = 6.8528 kJ/(kg) (K)
1 1
(b) RaJlkine cycle
_ 3305.7-427.4 = 2878.3 kJ/kg At P2 = 0.01 MPa
QA:: h, -h, - ba = 191.83 s11 = 0.6493 kJ/(kg) (K)
Q=, h,-h,= 2508_.6 423.24 = 2085.4
kJ/kg b,.,= 2392.8 sr

7.500 9 k.J/(kg) (K)
W = Q _ Q=. 2878.3 - 2085.4 = 792.9 k:J/kg
- .A •

or W.- _ W-W= 797.1 - 4.17 = 792.9 X=i s-, s,, = 6.8528 - 0.6493= o 827
kJ/kg 81'12 7. 5009 ..

_ .:!!,-.= 7.929 = 0.2755 or 27.55%

= h"'+ xJl,.,= 191 .83 + (0.827) (2392.8) = 2170.7 kJ/kg
e- "' 2878.3
30000 kW 30,000 kJ/s (a) Combined heat rate = ( ) (h1 - hrl)
(c) Steam flow rate= W kJ/kg = 7_92 9 kJ/kg = 37.84 = (5.35) (3032.1-191.83) = 15,195 kJ/kwh

(3-2) A turbogenerator has a combined steam rate

Cb> wk=
!: ! 0
= = 672.9 kJ/kg
W 672.9
of 5.35 kg/kwh at its rated output of 20,000 kW. The
steam is at1.7
MPa, 300 C, and the exhaust is at 0.01 MPa. Calculate
ek =h _\ =
_1 _
= 0 . 2369 or 23.69%
combined heatrate,(b)thecombined thermal efficiency, 1 12 3 032 83
the combined engine efficiency. ·
(c) W = h1- = 3032.1- 2170.7 = 861.4 kJ/kg
72 73
7812 or 78.12%
W 9
n==W-== g61.4 Yt3 = v, at 0.036 MPa = 0.0010249 ma/kg
aJJl at5. MPa 400°c expands in a
tS6 kg/s of steam, deterni. WP= Vr.i Cp- Pa>=( 0 . 00102 49 ) ( 5200 - 36 )= 5.29 kJlkg
nlq s
(-33 ) Soteo36 M.fa or and the steam rate (a) ne
.b e b' . ,or
tut in fficien cy , ur ineWJ .thth b8=ha+ WP= 307.05 + 5.29 = 312.3 kJ/kg
to. l It )F o ranac n.
therPla e tua
work, th r team rate is 4.80 kg/kwha :: e
cyc,l (b)tfons, the brake:as an efficiency of 93%. Find
(a) Rankine cycle
s •fi ect.ric generator rature of actual exhaust steatn\. I\,
(iriven artY 1
or teJJ1P8 . wn_ = h,- - WP = 319 2 . 0 - 2257 . 4 - 5.29= 929.3 kJ/kg
Wk' andQU
=( 9 29. 3) 036) =126,385 kJ/s or 126,385 kW
QA = h1- h8 = 3192.0 - 312.3 = 2879.7 kJ/kg
W 929.3
e = =
28_79 7= 0.3227 or 32.27%

m = 3w6,0_0 = :.= 3.874 kg/kwh

(b) Rankine engine


p1 h1= 3192.0 kJ/kg W = hl - = 3192 - 2257.4 = 934.6 kJ/kg

=5.2 iuvnu-a
t=i 4 oooc s =6.6236kJ/(kg) (K) = (934.6) (136) = 127,106 kJ/s or 127,106 kW

At p1 = 0.036MPa
e = W _ 934.6 = 0.324 or 32.4%
bl - h,. 3192.0 - 307.05
ha=307.05kJ/kg sa'= 0.9956 kJ/(kg){K)

=2325.6 kJ/kg s,_ = 6.7104 kJ/(kg) m = 360 =0 360 =0 385 kg/kwh

W 934 .6
(c) Actual engine
1i - s -s
- 2s,_Q -- 68387
.6236- 0,9956 = 0 . W=B 3600 = 3600 = 750 kJ/kg
6.7104 mb 4.80
11=2 + 1i hr,2= 307.05+(0.8387) (2325.5) = 2257.4
W 8 _ 750 = 0.26 or 26%

= h,at 0.036 MPa eb = h1 - h-t2 3192 . 0 - 307 .05

74 75
:::O.8025 or 80.25%
!.'.JL =
W 6
n.= •W 934. r efficiency)= (750) (0.93)
- (Wa> (generato At P2 = 0 .2 MPa
w- ... 6975 kJ/kg .
= · _ 60 kJ/s or 94,860 kW Va= 0.0010605 =
_ (697.5) 0 35)- 941 50.470 8a = 1 .5301
- 0 750 = 2442 kJ/kg
v = 0.88464 h'-' == 22 0 .

h,.= b 81\2 == 5.5970

Wa ::3192. - ·
1- 8 -s _6

h,.:: ha + = 2 8 - 9- 02 9 - 1 .5301 = .0 9599

5 .5970
xJirst" ta2
2442 :: 307.05 hs= bm+ = 5 0.4 70 + (0 .95 99 ) (2201.9) ==26 1 8. 3 kJ/kg

Xr-0- .9181 or9l.Sl

Vt= Va+ Jl.aV =: 0.0010605 +(0.9599) (0.88464)
. receives steam at 10 MPa, 600oc- d
= 0.8502 m3/kg
exhaust it at 0. k steam ra te, thermal_efficiency, BIide"lii,,
(3-4) A turl2»n:n,._ (a) For the ideal e
, ..;
determine the wor b For the actual en e, th brake (a)W = h 1- 11, = 3625 .3 - 2618.3= 1007 kJ/kg
effective pressure vengenerator effioency18 93%andtbe
efficiencyis 84%; • rator ia 30MW.Estimate the m = 3
entbaJpy 36W0Q. =1007600. = 3 575 kg/kwb
ra tedoutpu t of thegene rature) of the exhaust. Compute
the W ·w 1007 kP

caonmd bqinueadlitwyo(rok,rctoemmin!ed. beat rate, and

the total throttle flow
for the rated P. = -V=-= v:-=-0:.:8-5=02-=118.4
4 a
0 1

SOLUTION: (b) w. = {J\) (W)= (0.84) 0007)= 84.5 9 kJ/kg

1 = h- W 8 = 3625.3 - 845.9=
T kJ/kg
l 2779 4.

At Pr= 0.2 MPa

X 1150 27 6.8 81 10.6

2779.J 20.5

= X - -10.6
P1 :: 10 20.5
10.MPa hl = 3625.3 kJ/kg X = 5.2
s1 = 6.9029 kJ/(kg) t:r =:150 + 5.2 = 1ss.2°c
. y): (84 5.9 ) (0 .93 ) :::7867 L.
w,.• tor efficienc .
II. 'file Ideal Reheat Cycle
== 4 . 576 kg/kWh
ID11 = W,.
rate =
bi ed beat ) (h - h ) = (4.5 76 )( 36 25 .3 - 5 ().&
(ID11 • n . '1io

Coin n = 14 ,280 kJ/kwh
) (4.576) = 137,280 kg/h
te = (30,000
Mass flow ra
The Reheat Cycle S...m


Fig. 8-7. Diagrammatic Layout for Reheating Plant


Fi&. 3-5. Rankine Fig. 3-8. Reheat Cycle


Moisture is harmful to the blades of the turbine. It 78

causes erosion and cavitation of the turbine blades. As
have been observed in the previous cycle (see Fig. 3-5),
the moisture content increases during the later stages of
the expansion process.Onesolution to this problem is by
reheating thesteam after partialexpansion in the turbine
(see Fig. 3-6). Reheating minimizes themoisturecontent and
at the sametimeincr eases the efficiency of the cycle.
Steam is usually withdrawn and reheated few degrees
before the saturation poi.nt

Fig. 3-8. Reheat Cycle With One stage of Reheating

· th one stage of reheating.
_..,1. 8 W1 1a For a given number of stages of reheating.
· c,ieSl reheat cy.,r.ocesses: -
, fo}lo nlptrOP'c QA= Q8"'1er + ;
pu-- rt,ial isen
. e..nAnsion
, ,- in the·turbine
re s uperheat ingm
· th
8 e
• :::: C
re he
Q.., •

1- t :
- -npa t pressure
. . a w h e re : n = number of rebeaters

t-3: c .
•c expansion in the turbine
!.:p1et.e isentr0P1_.,ection of heat in the • 8 :::: a . J-Ieat Rejected, Q
S--4: pressure • C
, -:6 ccoonndset-aJnlster, P • Cg p Energy balance:
rocess, s = C .
_ ..._ adiabatic puinP:addition of heat in the boiler
8 ....nstant preSSU • P :c:::
B-1: ....,... Conde,_

cyc1eAnalYSis h, = h5 + Qa

A. Heat Added, Qa = h, - h5
Energy balance:

c. Engine Work. W
Energy balance:
QB+ he= h,
QB= h, -ha h1 + h3 = hs + h, + W
W• h1 - + h, - h,

Energy balance:
Another means of determining engine work is by
getting the sum of the work done by the steam during the
different stages of expansion.

QA • hl - h, + h, - hi
F. flierlD8l Efficiency. ec
Approximate PUJnp

WP• V,s(Pa-pJ e. - q7
Exact pump work YI,_ = h.-ha+ -h -W
4 p

QA = h• - ii_ + - ha
but ha= +WP

Wp = h8 - h6 QA = hi -ha+ - - WP
ec = h-i + -h - WR
h 1- + -ii!-Wp
E. Net Cycle Work,

w.,,. = Engine work - Pump work G. Steam Rate, me

W,_ m = 3600 kg/kwh

C w aet
Another method:

The Ideal Reheat Engine

The ideal reheat engine ignores the pressure drop in the

reheater. The engine is an ideal one whether there is or there
isno pressure drop in the for as long as the
expansion process is an isentropic one.

Engine Analysis

A. Work, W
W = hl - + h3- h.
WrtC = QA-Qa
B. Steam Rate, m.
= [h-1 h8 + h3 - ] - [h4 - h5]
= h- +11a - h•- (h m = 3..a..600_
- h)
1 8 5 . w
= h1 - +h-h-W C. Energy Chargeable Against the Engine, Ee
3 4
82 p
aeneraelqu ation a
bich is applicable to 'h -
• e onl1 • •
engill f steam entenng the en re}lAen8Yt
E • enthalpy f saturated liquid at Cc>nde..
c enthalpy + :t QaH cPyJd'.e88a8nDacecotuftableofnoe.CIOnditiona will make the
telllperature ideal

a. Pressure drop in the boiler!ateana gene rato.r

Pa,• P1;P1<1>a,

b. Preeaure drop in the •teana line (1 _ 1 ')

Pa· < P1; P1Ill ,
P 1

t•. < t,; t,- t,.

D. Thermal Efficiency• e. c. J>roeeaure drop in the

d. Pressure drop in the

E.Heat Rate, HR
e. Irreversible adiabatic 8XJ)anaion process.
HR= m.E,
9s-vt a 1 • and a.,• a.,
The Actual Reheat Cycle


Fig.3-9. Actual Reheat Cycle With

One Stage of Reheating
84 8

aeneraelqu ation a
bich is applicable to 'h -
• e onl1 • •
engill f steam entenng the en re}lAen8Yt
E • enthalpy f saturated liquid at Cc>nde..
c enthalpy + :t QaH cPyJd'.e88a8nDacecotuftableofnoe.CIOnditiona will make the
telllperature ideal

a. Pressure drop in the boiler!ateana gene rato.r

Pa,• P1;P1<1>a,

b. Preeaure drop in the •teana line (1 _ 1 ')

Pa· < P1; P1Ill ,
P 1

t•. < t,; t,- t,.

c. J>roeeaure drop in the

D. Thermal Efficiency• e.

d. Pressure drop in the

E. Heat Rate, HR
e. Irreversible adiabatic 8XJ)anaion process.
HR= m.E,
9s-vt a 1 • and a.,• a.,
The Actual Reheat Cycle



Fig.3-9. Actual Reheat Cycle With

One Stage of Reheating
84 8
' al EfJicienC)'• 8

'l'bel'lll W' (a) QA • h,- h.a + ha -

.C • 3361 - 159.68+
e.. • --•-E., • 4278.4 kJ/kg
Stealll Rate, 1. 11•
D. 3600 (b)W = h• - h, + h3 - h
111•• • - 3361-2891 +3968 25
• 1912 kJ/kg - 26
E. Heat Rate, ffR' w.. = w - w.= 1912 - 8.()5 :a 1904 kJ/kg
HR' • 111.E, 8
W 1904

(3-6) (c) • .. • 4278.4 • 0.445 or 4.45%

Ina cle steam at 8.0 MPa and 48&oce
reheat to1.4MPa. At this point, the ate (d) W • 1912 kJ/kg
theturbineande through a rehea It re-entersllllii.
withdrawn a nia and 7200c . Expansion now occurs to
turbinea t
of 0.006 MPa. For the cycle and 1
t ' (e) E. = h 1- h, + h, - Ii.

1. =:7a) Q,v (b) W.,., and (c) ec. For the en = 3361 - 2891 + 3968 _ 151 53
s team (d)W (e) e and (f) the steam flow for an
= 4286.5 kJ/kg .
eno; ,
output ol 40,000 kW. W _ 1912
e. = -E • - • 0.446 or 44.6%
SOLtmON: 4286.5
T (0m = = = 1.88 kg/kwh
ha = h,at0.006 MPa = 151.53 kJ/kg
•• • •, at0.006 MPa = 0.0010064 m3/kg
,= •• (p. - pJ =0.0010064 (8000 - 6) = 8.05 kJ/kg
.._= ha+ = 151.53 + 8 .05 = 159.58 kJ/kg

11i • hat 8.0 MPa and 485°C = 3361 kJ/kg
b, = h at1.4 MPa and s2 equal to s1 = 2891 kJ/kg
h, = hat 1.3 Pa and 720°C = 3968 kJ/kg
h4 = h at0.006 MPa and s4 equal to s, = 2526
steam flow = (40,000 kw)0 .88 kg/kwh)
::s 75,200
kg/b or
20.89 kg/s

(3-6) A reheat cycle has the following data:

Throttle, 8.5 MPa at 400°C

Turbine exhaust, 0.06 MPa

For an ideal cycle, determine the (a) work,

(b) thermal efficiency, and (c) heat rate. (d)
What is the thermal efficiency of the
corresponding Rankine cycle, (e) What is the
percent improvement in engine heat rate of
the reheat cycle from the
Rankine cycle.

SOLUTION: (d) The corresponding Rankine cycle

l 3

o.c 0.08 )I Pa


and 4000c = 3128.2 kJ/kg h, = h at 0.06 MPa and s2 equal to s = 2220 kJ/kg
h1 • h at.8 5 MPa and saturated = 2800 kJ/kg = hr at 0.06 MPa = 359.86 kJ/kg 1
h, • h at a, equal tos 1 and 4 00 oC= 3246 kJ/kg v,, = v, at 0.06 MPa = 0.0010331 m3/kg
h, = h at P3 ; to pd 8 equal to s = 2500 kJ/kg W = VD (pl -p3) =0.00103(381,500- 60)= 8.7 kJ/kg
h. =- hat .0 06 a o 0010331 ha:= h3+ WP = 359.86 + 8.7 = 368 .6 kJ/kg
viii = Vr a.t0 06)-MPao ooio331 (8,500 - 60) = 8.7 W = h1 = 3128 .2 - 2220 = 908.2 kJ/kg
kJ/kg -
W • VII (pl - P11 - .
W = W-WP = 9 08 .2 - 8 . 7 = 899.5 kJ/kg
. ha+ w,= 359.86 + 8 .7 = 3 68.6 Q:· bl - _h B3 = 3128.2 - 368 .6 = 2759 .6 kJ/kg
W 899.5
(a) W = h - bi+ Ji,- h•
= 3i28_.2 2800+ 3246 - 81 = = 2759_ = 0.3259 or 32.59%
2500 6

.. . • 1074.2
W =1074.2- 8.7=1065.5 kJ/kg
(e) Ra nkine en.gine ateam rate
3W600 3_600
kJlkg QA • h, - hu + h,- Ji, 908 2
• 3128.2 - 368.6 +3246 - = 3.964 k.g/kwh
• 3205.6 kJ/kg

e• • Rankine engine heat rate = m(h1 - hf'l) = (3 .964 )

=l a 0.3324 or
5 5 (3128 .2kJ/kwh
= 10,974 - 359 .86 )
3205.6 33.2491,
(c)m = r
3 =1
= 3.35 Difference r reduction in heatrate•:Rankine HR-Reheat
HR = 10,974 - 9273.9 = 1700.1 kJ/kg

Heat ra • m(h-1 h,4) = 3.35(3128-2 - %improvement = 1700. l = 0.1549 or 15.49%
• 9273.9 10,974
90 91
. twoetageeofreheatingiae,r
atcycle-1 1 from 20 MPa and 54oo
A re )h e ding in1t1a ly MP and
W • h1- Ji.. + ha - h4+ h- h •

e x pan 3 8 0.97
a MP C. - 3 3 6.3 6- 2916 + 8 8
with ste8Jll pressures are i 540°c. Condensation
a, &tld Q
Ui = 1848.2
· - 3100+ 35659 - 2604

two reheater each reheatera d 1 kg/s of steam findQ ti •t W • (1848.2 kJ/kg) (1 kg/a)
ste8Jll le)aFv:;theideal ey i f steam find W and e " = 1848.2 kJ/s
and .
60oC. (a ...mne and 1 J\.fYs .. t W..,,,.• W - W • = 1848.2 - 20.32 • 1827.9 kJ/s
(b)For the e..

1827 9
1 35 e
• W...,
QA = ·
4180.8 = 0.4337 or 43.379D
(b) W • 1848.2 kJ/s
EC = 11i - h, + 1¾ - + I\ - h,
= 11i - + 1¾ - h• + I\ - h.,
= 3363.5 - 2916 + 3538.3 - 3100 + 3565.9 - 251.13
= 4201.1 kJ/kg
Ec = (4201 .1 kJ/kg) (1 kg/s) = 4201 .1 kJ/s

e. = W _ 1848.2
Ec - 420_1 = 0.4399 or 43.99%
s h,= b at 3.8 MPa and 540°C = 3538 .8 kJ/kg
b = hat 0.97 MPa ands, equal to s 3 = 3100 kJ/kg
h: = h at 0.97MPa and 540°C = 3565.9 kJ/kg
h. = hat 0.01994 MPa and S8 equal tos5 = 2604 kJ/kg
h = b at 20 MPa and 5400c = 3363.5 kJ/kg
= bat 3.8 MPa and s2 equal to s 1 = 2916 k.J/kg
(3-8) An idealdouble-reheat steam Determine (a) engine work,
turbine receives300,000 kg/h of steam at (b) engine thermal efficiency. and (c) steam rate. (d)
10 MPaand 400°C. After expansion from Consider ing a generator output of 100 MW with 97%
high pressure turbine shell. it is reheated generator effi ciency, what are the mbined heat rate, brake
twice from saturated vapor condition back work, brake thermal efficiency, and pump pojver requi re
to its initial temperature. The steam ment.
enteringthe condenser is 97% dry.
h, = h,at 60°C = 251.13 kJ/kg SOLUTION: l 3 5

vn = v,at 600C = 0.0010172 m3/kg T

W, = vn (p8, - p1 ) = 0.0010172 (20,000 -
= 20.32 kJ/kg
h17= + w,= 251.13 + 20.32= 271.45

{a) Q,. = h-
1 h87 + -hi+11s -h4

3363.5- 271.45 + 3538.8 - 2916 + 3565.9 - 3100

= 4180.8 kJ/kg
QA= (418.08 kJ/kg) (1 kg/s)
= 4180.8 kJ/s s
d 400 oc = 30 96 . 6 k.J/kg
hat 10 MP 11 nn nnd saturated = 2804 kJ/k
h,• h at 82 equal to B1 und 4000 c = 3232 kJ/kg (3_9 ) A steam turbine receives 362, 00 kg/h of steam
R tbtottled at - MPa and 410°C. Steam leaves the high
h, • hat p3 equnl to : 2and saturated = 2730 k.J!kg ,essure turbine
heated steam 18hell at 2MPawith 7.58degreesofsuperheat.
at 1.9 MPa and 41O°C. Condensate is at
h, • hate equnl to :, and 400 oC = 3274 kJ/kg
: : hat l1 to :•and
97% quality= 2510 kJ11t
t h rt Pa = 0.0086 MPa I 78oc. For a generator.output of 100 MWat 94%efficiency,
h,"• h at e11
cqu Jculate (a) the combined thermal efficiency, (b) the actual
From Molhcr Pa= 184.2 kJ/kg cBndition of exhaust steam, (c) the thermal efficiency of the
h • h,at o.ooa: Pa= 0.0010095m3/kg eal engine, (d) t e combined engine efficiency, and (e) the
vrt • v, at.O OOB) = 0.0010095 (10,000 -8.6) =lO.1
·deal thermal efficiency of the cycle without pressure drop
W • vrt <Pa-1 P 2 + 10.1 = 194.3 kJ/kg 1kg
ha • h1+W,= . 18 rough reheater.

" " - h + h-a h, soLUTION:

(a) W • h-, •2-,onA: 3232- 2730 + 3274 h- 2510
"2 +
ti,+ h - h + h-a
• 3096.5 - av-a
• 1558.5 kJ/kg
1 3
h,, T I
(b) EC : 3 09.6 5 - 2804! 3232 - 2730 + 3274 - 184.2 I

= 3884.3 kJ/kg
_-1-.J-t..M-.-et.. -- I I
e. = T W _ 1558.5= 0.4012 or 40.12%
(0.04388 MPa)

- 3884.3
3600 - 2 31k g/k. h
(c) Steam racte, m = 1558.5- . w
3 600
- W -=
300,000 kg/h
(d) Combined steam rate, = 100,00 kw = 3.0 kg/kwh

Combined heat rate=(mt)(Ee)= (3.0kg/kwh)(388 4.3 s

= 11,653 kJ/kwh
3600 3 0 hl = h at 8.70 MPa and 410°C = 3152.6 k.J/kg
Combined work, wk = = ; = 1200 kJ/kg b,. = hat 2 MPa and 220°C(212.42+ 7.58)=2821.7 k.J/kg
mlt . h 3 = hat 1.90 MPa and 410°C = 3271.2 kJ/kg
Brake work, WB = wk - 1200 h. = hat 0.04368 MPa <P..t at 78°C) and 84 equal toS3
generator efficiency - 0.97 = 2480 kJ/kg
h, = h,at 78°C = 326.51 k.J/kg
= 1237.1 kJ/kg v,at 78°C a 0.0010278 m3/kg
Brake thermal efficiency P- = We= 1237.-1 0 3185 VIS (pl -p15) = 0.0010278 (8,700- 43.68)= 8.9kJ/kg
31.85% ' '-) 3884.3- · or · h15 + W, = 326.51 + 8.9 = 335.41 kJ/kg

Pump power : (m) W )=(300,000 kg/h) (10.1 kJ/kg)

- 3,o3o,oookJ/h or 841.7 kw oo
(a) Combined steam rate, m. =· 36, 25 kg/h = 3.625 kg/kwh .
94 -.. 100,000 kw
Ee == h• - + ha - h,,.
== 3 1 5 2 . 6 - 2804 + 3271.4 _ 326 51
== 3 2 9 3 . 5 kJ/kg ·
W _ 1140
w 9 93 . 1 e. == Ee - 3 29 3 = 0.3461 or 34.61%
J111&l efficiency, = 3275.6 (d) combined engine efficiency, = _i_= 30.32= _0 8760
Cotnbined teh c or 87.60% e. 34.61
= o. 3 032 or 30.32%
d"tion of exhaust steam (e) Without pressure drop through reheater
(b) Actual con 1 h3 = h at 2 MPa and 410°C = 3269.6 kJ/kg
h,. == hat 0 . 04 368 MPa and s equal = 2472 kJ/kg
Wn« = bl - + h3 - h,. - W 4 tos

= 3152.6 - 2804 + 3269.6 - 2472 - 8.9

== 1 1 3 7 . 3 kJ/kg
QA:= bl - h86 + h3 - h2 .
= 3152.6 - 335.41 + 3269.6 - 2804
= 3282.8 kJ/kg
1137 3
ec = A
= 3282.8
· = 0.3464 or 34.64%

Energy balance: W
h + h, = + h4.+ The Regenerative Cycle
lh :h+h- -W
4' l 3
_ = 993.l = 1056.5 kJ/k.g
W• Ws - n 0.94 Introduction
h = 3162.6 + 3271.2 - 2821 .7 - 1056.5

= 2545.6 kJ/kg = 3152.6- 2804 + 3271.4 - 2840
h4. = hr4• +· = 1140 kJ/kg
2545.6 = 326.51 + •x .(2313.8)
x4• = 0.959 or 95.9%

{c) For the ideal engine

11i = h at 2MPa and s2 equal to s1 = 2804

W = bl- + '¾-h4
The thermal efficiency ofa simplesteam
power plantis less
that more than half of the heat added to the
water in the boiler is just wasted and
rejected in thecondenser. In order to utilize
someof these heats that would have been
wasted and rejected in the condenser, part
of the throttle steam is extracted or bled for
feedwater heating after
it has partially expanded in the turbine.
The extraction/bled points occur near
the saturation state. The pro·cess of
heating feedwarer in this manner is
called regeneration and the cycle
governing it is the REGENERATIVE

t1ve F eedwater Heating
Effects O
fficiency.fftegenera ael 310
Refer to -:;.g £ bai:.: Fig. 3-11. It is a fact that the quality
1. 1ncrease in of eJdiausts am or '? cycles are the same,.i e. , "2 (Rankine
therJJl cYde) == "3 (Rege er a tive cycle). But the quantity of exhaust
teaIP decreases in te h regenerative cycle as the result of the
}eeding process. Therefore, the moisture contentdec re ases.
T 1'be Ideal Regenerative Cycle With One Stage of Extrac
t1•011 for Feedwater Heating.

1 Kg
m 5&earn
0-m,) Gcner9tor

rn2 3 Oenerat.or
s Condenaer

Fig. 3.10. Rankine Fig. 3-11. Regenerative 4

Cycle Cycle with One Stage
Extraction for
Feedwater Heating Pump

By de fi m·t1·0n_, e - wnet /Q. Exami• ning the e( qu) bati•on, the two
s·mg the thermal efficiency are a y
• r easing
finc t
w a yso1 mcrea
· · h Fig. 3-12. Plant Layout of Rege erative Cycle With
t h e
net cycle work and (b) by reducing t e ea supp1ed, QA, One Stage of Extraction for Feedwater Heating.
(Refer to Fig. 3-10 and Fig. 3-11). The tem erature of feed
water entering the boiler in the regenerative cycle (t ) fa
higher than that of theoriginal Ra_nkine cle (t ).
Since115 the feedwater enters the boiler at a relative high of .e2 xpaDnseicorne.ase inthe moisture content duringthelatersta
temperaturea, smaller quantity of heat is needed to ges
transform it to steam than without the regenerative 98
feedwater heating. This in ef fect tend to increase the
thermal efficiency.
Itistrue that the net work doneperkilogram of the
throttle steam in the regenerative cycle is less than thatof
the Rankine cycle as the consequence of the extraction of
steam for feedwa• terh eta ign . This tends to decrease the
thermal efficiency. But the rateof decreased in the heat
supplied, QA , is faster than the reduction rate in the net
cycle work, W . Therefore, the net result of this is an
increase in thermal ;fficiency.


Fig. 3-11. Repeated

.. .,_
1tcannowbesaidthatforan1 feed
coJltact type (open heatel'B), waterheaterusingdirect

_ _,. of bled steam • [maae of"'--..2 te leavin

w- AC1CUWa r g the heater]
llrl ..,. _
enthalpy of enthalpy of feed
o,..HaW feed water entering
water leaving
the beater the heater
enthalpy of enthalpy of
Masiba]aJO: bled steam feedwater
m. ::: 111_ entering the
r heater
m,.+ m=1
(General Equation)
m,. = 1-m TANAU

p,- l

EnergybalaDO!: eo.1w - 1-------------7

mh ,:
:: E.
mJi,.= 111A
mh,..(1-m) b,.::(1}11s .., 2 3 4

• = n;-H;;
t Baiana:
&n fn:GIbled steam = Heat to feedwater Te
..., Off I 5
m(h,-b,) s m..<h,-Jv OH2
a (h,- hJ s (1-m)Oi.-h,J
flw pump •tJl'k.oftensmall ,0 that it
(aJ1 be Pll,3.13 Regenerative Cycle With Two-Stages of
Extraction For Feedwater Heating
s pump work,
• work9,
· , , p ulllP
Neglec tin . h
h • ee c.
Heat Rej
h• • bee Q•
• ral uation for determining theq
. g the gene eq .
Applyin te&JJl (1-m) ...
tity of bleds ' a

11,-bL Energy balance:

ml:: n;-&.
m,• o-m1>
B. Heat Supplied.

D. Engine Work, W

Energy balance:
-+-. . . . .w

2 3

1Kg Ii,.


Energy balance:
Another method:

ota1 PulllP work ,

E. T

For the given cycle

IV', • w,,♦ w,. ) E. • h1 -Ji.

Where: Wv/.•',
Yr• (p9-4 P,
v,.(p 86- p
total pump work
C. Thermal Effici-A-
n-,e •.·r w .
Approxirnate •
r,w, • Vu<P.-. p,) 'the ,ADtual Reseneratlve Cycle

.F Net Cycle Work, W,..

W • W-'f-W,


The Ideal Reeeneratlve En,tne
Engine Analysis
A. Workk, W

B.·Energy Chargeable, Ee Fig. 3-14. Plant Layout of Actual Regenerative Cycle

with One Stage of Extraction for Feedwater H ting.
The engine is charged with the enthalpy of
steam entering the engine and credited with
the enthalpy of feedwater leaving the last I.sly presenceof the followincconditions will make an ideal
heater as suming that all the bled steam are cycle an actual one. ·
used forfeedwa ter heating. 1. Pressure drop in the boiler.

Pi< Pu
E, = Enthalpy of steam Enthalpy of
entering the turbine feedwater leav 2. Pressure dropin the steam line (1 - 1').
- ing the last
. the eondenser.
s. PrePure drOP 111 w,.. = We 1(idea l)
pum P elfic1ency
P, < p,.
. J . - inthbled steam Wp2(ideal)
line. . ., p pump efficiency
Pr< P,,
Pres&ure drOP in the reedwater line. F. Net Cycle Work, w_.
5. Wnel. = W-W
Pas< PM
t losses in the steam lines (1- 1') and G. Thermal Efficiency. e . C

(_2' 2")
6. Hea
7. Heat losses in the turbine.
8 . Inefficient pumth h ters
9 . Heat losses in e ea ·
(3-10) Steam is delivered to an engine at 5.4 MPa and
Cycle Analysis 600°C. Before ondensation at 31°C, steam is extracted for
feedwater heating at 0.60 MPa
A. Heat Ad QA. Foran idealcycl ,find (a) the amount ofsteam extracted (b)
Wand (c) e. For an ideal engine and the same states, compute
(d) W and e, and (e) steam rate.

B. Heat Rejected, Q.. SOLUTION:

Qr = (1 - m') (h,.-h,) 1

C. Mass of Bled Steam
m 0.8MPa

D. Engine Work, W'

W' = (hr - ) +(1- m') (hr - Ji,.)

E. Pump Work, Wv

w,= IW, h = h at 5.40 MPa 600°C = 3663.3 kJ/kg

= =
h at 0 . 6 MPa and s2 equal to s1 2987 kJ/kg
= w,•. + w,,,
h,= h at MPa and s3 equal 107
0.004496 tos1 = 2187 kJ/kg
h • b, at 31-C 670.56 /kg (d> W • h 1 -Ji.+ U - m1)(h, - h.)
'"ato.60 001()()46 m 1kg
== o.

• • ...,v,a t 31°C
6()MPa == O.0011006 m /kg
- 3663.3- 2978 + (1 - 0.1898) (2978 2187)
fl Vat 0. ) (0 0011006) (5400- 600)::: S3 == 1326.2 k.J/kg -
•== • (P• -:•):(0:0010046) (5400 - 4.496).
if•!. v,.(P91- • •• •
W 1326.2
h1 - .ti;.• 3663.3 - 670.56 0.443 or 44.39'
5.42kJ/kg_ 670.56 + 5.3 = 675.86 kJ/kg
Ji.• ha+
- la
(e) Ill •

(3-11). S
1! 2 •2.1ke/kwh

at 6.2 and 480°C is received by a

1t generative engine. Eztractions Cor Ceedwater heatingoocurs
3 MPa and again at 1.4 MPa, with the remaining steam
... ding to0.0065 MPa. For the ideal engine with a
throttle flow of 54,500 kg/h, find (a) the hourly quantities
11w - .. . . .. .
O p e ll (1-ftl)
ofsteam ex tracted, (b) the turbine work in kW, and (c) the
1"' thermal efficiency. (d) For an ideal cycle through the same
calculate QA and e••

Heat balance:

(1- m) (ha-h.)=m Ch,- bJ

670.56 - 129.97
m = = 2978 - 129.97
= 0.1898 ql'q o(throttle steam
(b) w. = - +(1-m)Chi-ha>-IW. 8

= 3663.3 - 2978 +(1-0.1898) (2978 - 2187)- 5.42

.. (

= 1320.75 kJ,\g
h at 6.2 MPa and 480°C = 3371.8 kJ/kg
h at 3 MPa and s, equal tos1 = 3150 kJ/kg
{c = - ha·=1320.75
3663.3 -O675.86 = 2987.44 kJ/kg
ec = =
2987.44 = . or 44.2%
h at 1.4 MPa and s3 equal tos1 = 2856 kJ/kg h,at 0.0065 MPa = 157.67 kJ/kg
h at 0.0065 MPa and s. equal to 81 = 2105 kJ/kg h,at 1.4 MPa = 830.30 kJ/kg
()0842 kJ/kg
"' = hr at, 30 06M{P; = :0 001 69 m3/kg =U -.-0 0? 68 ) (830.30-157.67)
,.,, v at 0.0 0012165 m /kg 2856-157.67
/ at 3 MPa= oco' 001 2 165 ) (3000 - 1400)
p1 ) = . = 0-222 kg/kg throttlesteam
v ,, -
V, s :
w := v,,<Ps-1

p=3 1.946 kJlk_ _ 2 + t.946 = 1010.37 (a) IXli == (0.0768) (54,500) = 4185.6 kg/h
10 08 4
hs1= +W - 0( .0010069) (3000 - .6 5) == 3.014 kJ == (0 . 222 ) (54,500) = 12,099 kg/h
,-s Ps- lltg
'f,W,= v111( P8-1 >
er,) W = <h-1 ) + (1- m1}( - h3) + (1 - m 1 - )(h:.- h )
== (3371 . 8 - 31 50 ) + (1 - 0 . 0768 ) (3150 - 2956) 4

+ (1 - 0.0768 - 0.222) (2956 _ 2105)

= 997.62 kJ/kg
7 62) [ 54.500
No. 2
W = (99 · 3600l = 15,103 watts or 15.102 kW

(c) Ee = h 1- 11,, = 33 71 .8 - 1008.42 = 2363.38 kJ/kg

W _ 997.62 = 0.4221or 42.21%
e = E -
= • C
2363 38

1008.42 - 830.30 (d) QA= h 1- h 8 , = 3371 .8 - 1010.37 = 2361.4 kJ/kg
= 54- 500
3150 - 830.30
= 0.0768 kg/kg throttle
= (2361.4) [
3600 ]= 35,750 watts or 35.75 kW
steam = W- I.W,= 997.62- 3.014 • 994.61 kJ/kg

eC = 994.61
- _ = 0 . 4212 or 42 . 1 2 %
W 2361 4

Open Heater
No. 1

Heat balance:
mJia + {1- m1 - h5 (3-12) An ideal regenerative cycle ia executed with steam
} generation at 10.0 MPa and 600°C. Before condensation at
0.005 MPa,steamis extracted forfeedwater heatingfirst at 2.5
MPa and second at 0.6 MPa. On the basis of 1 kg of throttle
steam, find(a) the quantityofsteamextracted at eachpoint,(b)·
110 QA andec, (c) W,e.,and m,and(d)for a combined steam rateof .
3.34 kg/kwh, what is -n,_? ·

Ills - (1 - m )(b,. _ 1,,. (1
-li. ::IS!........0.11655)
282o(670 137.82)

= 0.17547 kg/kg - i .3 82

h - ha, = 3625- 971 09

l • = 2653.9} kJ/kg
h1- + (1 - m )( _ i,. )
a + (1 - m• - ny ( h.)
== 3625-3 1 72 + (1 - 0.11655 ) (3172-2820)
+ (1- 0. 1 1 65 5 - 0 . 1754 7 ) (2820-2104)
= 1270.88 kJ/kg

s W,_ = W-l:WP = 1270.88-10.06 = 1260.82 kJ/kg

h = h at 10 .0 MPa and 600°C = 3625 kJ/kg

= bat 2.5 MPa ands,equal to s 1 = 3172 kJ/kg e = W = 1260.82
c Ee 2653.91 = .4751 or 47.51%
ha= h at 0.6 MPa and S3 equal to s1 = 2820 kJ/kg
h 4= hat 0.005 MPa and S4 equal to s 1 = 2104 kJ/kg
hg = 11, at 0.005 MPa = 137.82 kJ/kg (c) W = 1270.88 kJ/kg
h.= 11, at 0.6 MPa = 670.56 kJ/kg
h, = hr at 2.5 MPa = 962.11 kJ/kg EC = bl - h,, 3625 - 962.11 = 2662.89 kJ/kg
v15= vrat 0.005 MPa = 0.0010053 m/kg W= 1270.88 .
vr, = v,at 2.5 MPa = 0.0011973 m /kg
wp3= V17 <Ps1-P1> = (0 .0011973 ) (10,000 - 2500) e. = Ee 2662.89 = 0.4773 or 47.73%
= 8.98 kJ/kg
hB7 = h., + wp3 = 962.11 + 8.98 = 971.09 m = 3600 ·
kJ/kg 3 60 0 =
m . =
"'LW,= v15 (p - p ) = (0 .001 0063) (10,000 - 5) _ 2.83 kg/kwh
3 34

= 10.06 kJ/kg

(a) (1- ml ) (h,- he) : ID.l ( - h,) (d) w-.. = 2

= ! = 1077.84 kJ/kg

{1- m1- ) <h.- ) = m2<11a - h.)

h,-hg 962.11- 670.56 112
B;-11;= 3172 - 670.56

= 0.11655 kg/kg
w,. _ 1077 .84 _0 ·
= W - _ - . 1 or 84.81% 848
1270 88

(3·13) Aregenerative steam turbine

hasa throttle pressure of3.8MPa at
380°C and a condenser at 0.01 MPa.
Steam are extracted at the following
points: 2.0 MPa, 1.0 MPa and at 0.2
MPa. Fortheideal cycle,
find(a)thermal efficiency, steam rate
rate. (b) EstiJDate the percent Ullp
SR. and engine beat the corresponding kine en '
111,ent of beat rate =co111bined steam rate is 5.63 kg/k"-.'he (c)
If from actual iest . 95% calculate the actual amount Of d "',
generatorefficiencyisttle flow using feedwater te1UPe bl t
steam per kg of rat 2000c. Assume fluid work is eq!'at "-
leaving t.helast hea Ue.l l Ka
brake work. Open

J-{es.t balance:
(1 - JD.I) (he - h,): ml( - )

_ 908.79 - 762.81
1111 = - 3000 _7 _62 81 = 0 .0 65 kg/kg of throttle

hl = h at 3.80 MPa, 380°C = 3169.8 kJ/kg

= h at 2.0 MPa and s2 equal to s1 = 3000 k.J/kg Heat balance:
= h at 1.0 MPa and s3 equal to s1 = 2843 k.J/kg
h4 = h at 0.2 MPa and s4 equal to s1 = 2550 k.J/kg
ha = hat 0.01 MPa and s5 equal to s1 = 2131 kJ/kg
11s = hr at 0.01 MPa = 191.3
kJ/kg h., = brat 0.2 MPa =
504.7kJ/kg 11s = hr at 1.0 MPa
= (1 _ 0.065) [ 762.8-1
= 762.81 kJ/kg h, = hr at 2
MPa = 908.79 kJ/kg
ha = vr at 0.01 MPa = 0.0010102 m3/kg
v,. = vrat 2 MPa =0.0011767 m /kg

W,.= v,.(P89 - P,)=(0.0011767) (3800 -2000) 3.83kJ/kg 2

=2.12 kJ/kg -
ll 4 ·
IW,= v•(P11- PJ =(0.0010102) (3800- 10) = 5

= 0.103 kg/kg of throttle steam

(b) yor RarJrine Engine
W • h, - ha
• 3169.8 - 2131 == 1038.8 kJ/kg
s. • ha - ha• 3169.8 - 191·3 = 2977.97 kJ/kg
3600= 3600
111 • W 1 03 8 . 3·4M ka/kwh
JIR- (m) E) = 3.465 (2977·97) -- 10320.5 kJ/kwh

Pdeat rate diff'erence • 9432•93• 887.57 kJ/kwh

Heat 10320J_5
balance: . roveznent - 887.57
(1- lll-1 I iJIIP - 1 03 2 .0 086 or 8 .6 9&
JD, -111s> (h,- Dia h,) 0.6•
Ji-.) Ch- .
h,-he (c) ,Actual Cycle
Dia. c1-mi -m.> cli.- .&;"1

• (1 - o.066- 0.103)[ :J:

::.:.-: l
= 0 .11 kg/kg ottb1'ottle steam

W :s h -
h+. (1- m Hh.- h,) + (1- DJ.s) C- h,)+
(1 - m
D1- i 1
113• • 228715 IUJICc
- ms- m,)(h.- hJ F-.:--, hf••2803 KJJ1Cc
...- 2230Jc.J/KtJ
= 31 92 - 3000 + (1 - 0.065) (300-0
6. 284.3) 8
(1- 0.065- 0.103)(2843 - 2550) +
= 862.89 K,J/kg
W,_= W- IWP.=862.89 - 3.83= 859.06
kJ/kg ZDit• 5 . 63 kg/kwh and n = 95'-"
QA= h.-h,-W For

= 3169.8 - 908.79 - 2.12 = 2258.88
kJ/kg m•, n,1Dt • 0.95 (6.63)= 5.3485 qlkwh

(a) e, = = 859 ·06 = 0 .38or 38%·

A 2258.88 6 =673 kJ/.kg
.,am_ 3600
m = W - 8.62 89 = 4.172 kg/kwb
HR= m (ht-h.)=4.172 (3169.8- i, • _673
862 =o.78 or
908.79) 89
= 9472.93kJ/kwh vWf- • 78 117

o--..--.> - --.a..-av
,_ h.
().78 • tt I
3037 .36 -
37 .36 - 28 5 -.-<•- >
• u
-0..a..1> -176'2-31 - 504 7)
Us l 0 - 504_ 75
• 0..013 ol thratu. a1111Mres-

- b, 2910-h. , :s 267 0 .5 kJ/q
0.78 • ti;- h,.• 2910 - 2603

h , - h.,• 267.0 5 • 2326 . 8 kJ/q fldl t,elenc-

o.78 • li, - &; 2670.5 - 0 (l- •• - 8w- (IL, - • Cll., - b,)

... (1- --.> ( )

... Heat baJaDCW'.

II. • b,at 200°C • 852.45 kJ/q

(1- •r >(h_ - h.,) • mr ( - ii.)
. 852,45 - 762,81 • 0.03941 at
n;=n;- 3037.36 - 762.81 throttle ....
Heat belance: • U - 0.03941 - 0.20.1> l 004,7 - 191,3I
111 2670 - 191.3
• 0.1084 q,1lc ol throttle •team

thiac,-de. reheat andtbe...,.neiatinqdean

com-bined to attain Ule followuic ob;ectiv• .
1. Further impa:vv meat in the O¥erall thermal efflcienq .
2. Further Nduction in the moiatun coo&em ol ateam
durinl the latter part ol the npeNioa procHI.

The eolution to a reheat regeoe1atiYe cycle problem

ditTen from thatoCthe previoua cycles namely: reheat cycle.
Raokioe cycle, and regenerative cycle. It doea not follow
fixed aet of formulas ..- there ia a fised pattern. Each problem
requirea a particular solution although the same laws,
definitions. and principles are still being used. Problems can
best be solved by energy balance and mass balance.
CASE 1. . reheat regenerative cycle: after ._ :Massa of Bled Steani
Assume an
extracted for feedwater heating• •o
expansion, s m there is a reheat; then expansion• ..
General Equati :xn

further expan:on, uation& for (a) the quantity of e et.
:e:!ork, and(cJ the the?Dal efficiency. - of bled steam •'ixn offeedwate
dl L!_ea' the he r
; should refer to a Ts diagram with named
POin.i;_111 ntbalPY of feedwater
eaYin the heater
at er
en py of feedwate
b a enthalpy of bled enterin the heate r

n t.
tealD • enthalp Of fi
ente . Y
l'1ng the heater

m =- (1) [ : t: 1

Neglecting condensate pwn

P work (Pump l) h 'h
u,, OH
ha , ae ..,
7 m=
Pampt Pllaip1
b. Net Cycle Work, W
Engine Work, wnc
Fig.3-16. Plant Layout of Case

l 4

t- -----...1 -


TscUqram of Cue l. First method
Energy balance:
a Eua= E
Fla. h1 +(l - m)h 4 = m +(1-m) +(1-m)ha + W
S..15 W • h1 +(1-m) h4 - m - (1-m) ( + h.)
. 121
Q. - hl -haT
Second method .s of expansion
= h 1 - h.,- W,.
w = .,wofstaP
W.,. = vn<Pa, - P1>
= W ,.. +W..,+W._.
= h1- + (t-xn) ( - bi)+ U-m) (h,- General Equation:
QA = Q..._, + }:Q•➔--
Total Pump Work, IW•
• (h1- - W ,.> + U-m) Ch-, Ii.,)
IW = W,1+ w.,. •
, (p -p,) + v,, <Pn-P,)
w' (Esact
- VAi formula
Bl )

IW = v,. <Ps-1 p,) ula)

(Approximate form

W = Engine work Pumpwork Assume an ideal reheat generative cycle with, first, an
- IM&. tractionfor feedwater heating, then latearsingle reheating

= e x xt .
d finally, pomts ,I!o', r feedwater heating. Sketch•
ra ion

= (h1 -bJ+(1-m)(h,- Ii,) + (1-m) (h•- energy diagram and write equations for (a) the quantityof
team extracted at each point,(b) the work from Q,..and Qa
hJ and e turbine work,and (c)the thermalefficiency of the cycle.
- v11<Pa,- p,) The equation should refer to a Ts diagram with named
c. Thermal Efficiency• e
e = i(-
Heat Added QA

1 (1-tn)
Pwnp4 Pump3

tt. Fig. 3-16. Plant Layout of Case

122 2. 123
sec,ond beater:
. condeDSt.8 pUIDP
Note: PulDP 1 · boi}er feedwater
Pu!DP 4 1s lllalll
Pau = P1
P, = Pa
P, = P, = U-m )[ h10- h,]
o--.--., I hli - Ii;
l OHt

Fir9t beater:

s OH1

Fig.3-17. Ts diagram of Case 2. between heaters.

a. Mass of Bled Steam
Neglecting condensate pump work and pump Last heater:
b. Work

Cycle Work W,,,. ,

OH3 Reheaw


124 125
b + ( 1 - m 1) h , - m _ U-111 )l..
t/1- l (1-Dl,-Dla~Dla
l -a- ID.ha - IDah.-
SeCOnd Method:

W = W +Ws-a+W +W W
.... + a-1
(b, - + (1-m1> <ha- ha>+ <t- m 1) (h, _ ha)

+ (t - m 1- ) (hg- Ji.) + {1 - 1
-m. ) (Ji._ h,)

1 'l'berDlal Efficiency, ec
Condi T
ec =

Therefore, the net cycle work based from QA and
c. ASE 3.
W,_ : QA - •
The same as Case 2 except that the three extraction
= h 1 - h 11 -Vru (p1111 -Pu>+ U - m1) (h, - ) points occur after the reheating.
- (1- ml - - 1na)(h,- 11.)

Turbine Work, W


First Method:
1 t--- -
1 .. ..
11t+ u-m.> h, = h. + u-m.> + m.Jis+ m>. ,-..,N ..._...,

,-.n Plllllpll

+ (I -m.- !Di-m,)h,+ Fig. 3-18. Plant Layout of

126 W Case3. 127
Third heater:

Fi g. 3-19. Ts diagram of Cue 3. b. Work

a. Mass of Bled Steam

Last heater:
Cycle Work, W
ll(g -


Second heater:

... ia. QB = h- hBll = hl - hll- w.,. QRH= h-3

= h-1 hu - vn1 <Peu - P 11

--- -
hw OH2 - - II.
QA: QBciller +
=· h-1 hu- Y n1 <Pan - Pu> + (11,- ly

Q 1 = U - m 1 - m 2 - m 3 ) (h, - l\ )
(The same as in Case 2.)
_...m a} Efficiency, e.
Tb -

Turbine Work, W

cASE 4 .
"· Assume an ideal reheat. g nerativecycle: after
w some ansion, part of the steam 1s extracted for
1'\TRBINE feedwater r:ting; theremainder arewithdrawn and
reheated to the
4 6 6 1 0 ginal tem perat ur e; after fui:ther expansion,a second
traction occurs; then expansion to exhaust. Write the
., "· m, "' fl\"- h, ( 1-m, --m-. -., ex uations for (a) the quantity of steamextracted and( b ) the
:rbine work.


ht + h, = h,+ m1h, + DY11+ m.Ji.+ mJi. + (1 - m1- D1i

- )h7+ W

W = h1 + ha- Oii + m1h, + m.Jls + 2 4


+ (1 - mt - - lDi- in,) h,] I ffl,


Another method
B, 6

W = (h -1 ) + (Ii,- h4 ) + (1 - m1) (h 4 - h1 )
Fig. 3-20. Plant Layout of Case 4
+ (1- m -1 IDi)(h6 - h1 ) + (1 -
130 m1 -
h,- h.,)
,rurbine Work. W


Fig.3-21. Ts diagram of Case

.. u--.--.

EUI= E..
a. Mass of Bled Steam
h1+ (1-m1) = m1 +(l-m1) +m,h4+ Cl-m.- mJh6 + W
Open heater No.1:
W = (h 1- ly + Cl-m1)h,- mJl4 - {1- m -1 m )h2 6
= (h1 - ) + (1-m.) ( - h•) + (1-m1 > ,,
OH l
h., (h - h }
• 4 6

Open heater No. 2:

1 132 ·

OH 2
(3 d 365°C enters a turbine and
- 1 expands until it becomes saturated. The steam is withdrawn
14 and reheated to 330°C. After expansion in the turbine to
) 150°C, m1 kg is extracted for feedwater heating. The
St remain
ea ing steam expands to the condenser pressure of 0.016 MPa.
m For 1 kg of steam, tind W._, ect e., and the ideal steam rate.

SOLtJTION: 1/1,,,,,,.
,:: w- P
= 10605
• - .uR 06 = 1055.4 kJ/kg
a Q,. bl - h97 + 1¾ -
= 3108 - 551.48 + 3110- 2786
= 2875.5 kJ/kg

,o.ousMPa Ee = h1 - h,, + ha - h,
= 3108 - 551.48 + 3100- 2786
= 2880.5 k.J/kg

W 1055.4
ec = = 2875.5 = 0.3670 or 36.70%
h = hat 5 MPa and 365°C = 3108 kJ/kg
h ,= h at s equal to s 1and saturated = 2786 kJ/kg
1 1060.5
h,= h at 1 25 MPa and 330°C = 3110 kJ/kg e. = EW = 288 0. = 0 . 3682 or 36 . 82%
h,= hat 15D°C (0.28 MPa) ands, equal to s3 = 2762
h, = hat 0.016 MPa and s5 equal to s, = 2315 kJ/kg 3600 3600
h. = hr at 0 .016 MPa = 231.56 kJ/kg m = W = 1060.5 = 3.39 kg/kwh
h, = brat 0.28 MPa = 551.48 kJ/kg
v = v,at 0.016 MPa 0.0010147 m /kg
(3•1?) In an ideal reheat•regenerativecycle, steam enters
11 = v,at 0.28 MPa = 0.0010709 m /kg
vn the engine at 8 MPa and 400°C. After expansion to 280°C
Wp2= vn(p - p ) = 0.0010709(5000 - 280) = 5.05 kJ/kg
the steam is withdrawn and reheated to 340°C. Extractions
1 7 for
feedwater heating occur at 1.6 MPa and 0.70 MPa and the
hB7 =h.,+ Wp2 = 551.48 + 5.05 = 556.5 kJ/kg ·
I.W,=v. (pl- p,)= 0.0010147(5000 - 16) = 5.06 condenser pressure is 0.005 MPa. For the ideal cycle find (a)
kJ/kg W,_ and ce . For the ideal engine, find (b) W and eL
» -, 1
= 551.48 - 231.56 = 0.1264 kg/kg
2762 - 231.56

W= (h1- h,)+(h,- h,) +(1 - m ) (h - h )

1 4 5
= (3108 -2786) +(3110 - 2762)+(1 - 0.1264)
(2762 - 2315) -
= 1060.5 kJ/kg

134 135
d 400°C • 8138 kJ/kr
b • hat8 MPa an MPa) and s2 equal to■1 • 2926 k.J11c
h at 280oC( .3 4 d 34O0c• 3082 kJ/kg I
ha• h at. 34 MPa and equal to s =1 2897 kJ/kg
h: h at.1 6 MPa and 8 ' equal to 1 • 2732 kJ/kg
•h • h at.0 7 MPa an 8 equal to4 1s = 2024 kJ/q
• b at : 8kJ/kg
h, 313-8 866.19 + 2926• 2427.8 kJtq
J i ..,a•: ·o7MPa
· p
=697.22 kJ/kg/kg
- 858.79 kJ
, :s
• h,at.1 6 M = 0.0010053 ma/kg
. •

v • v,at 0.005 0 0011587 m'/kg - 1 0 5 6 ,4 0 4351
llitA 2 4 2 7 . 8= . or 43.51
v: :s v,at l. MP!. OOll 587(8000 - 1600)= 7.4 e =
Iww • v,.(p91 pr 0 0010053 (8000-5)=8.04 kJ/kg
8 879+ 7.4= 866.19
h . . ,• vr<P...- (b) VI = 1064 .4 kJ/kg
II h, + wp-3 •

(1 - m1> (h,- h.) = m1(h, - h,) EC = h• + ha - - ha

h.. = 858 .79 - = 3138+ 3082 - 2926 - 858.79= 2435.2 kJ/kg
697.22 W _ 1064.4 _
ml = 2897 - 697.22 e. = E - 2435 2_ - 0 . 4371 or 43 . 71 %
, C

= 0.07345kg/kg (3-16) An ideal reheat regenerative turbo-generator unit

receives 9.0 MPa of throttle steam at 390°C. Reheat oc.curs at
(1 - m1- mil(Ji.- ) = in, (h, - Ji.) the first bleeding point of 3.40 MPa. The second and third
m, = c1-h!> -h,> extracotins are at .0 98 MPa and 0.28 MPa, respectively.
condenser vacuum of 550 mm Hg, find (a) the cycle thermal
efficiency and (b) the engine thermal efficiency.
(1- 0.07345) (697 . 22 - 137 .82) SOLUTION:
= 2732 - 137.82
I 3

= 0.1998 kg/kg T

(a) W = h- + h3 - h•+ {1- m1)( h4 - hg)

"', 0.28 MPa
210 mm H1(0.028 MPa)
+O- m,- IDi><ha - hJ
= 3138- 2926 + 3082 - 2897 + (1 - 0.07345)

(2897 - 2732)+(1- 0.07345- 0.1998)(2732 -2024)

d 3900c = 3088 kJ/kg ,.(_1 (3088- 2858) + 0.1348)
(320_1 2886)
h at9. 0 MPa a n d
at 3.40 MPa
h = h at 3.40 MPa d :dequal tos = 2858 kJ/kg
;gooc= 32011 kJ/kg
equal to s :i=: 2885 kJ/kg
ha4 • h at. 0 98 MPa and :• equal to s.3 z 2644
+ (1- 0. 13 48 - 0 .07692) (2883-2644)
kJ/kg +
4 (1- 0.1348- 0.07692 - 0.08975) (264- 2292)
h = h at 0.28 MMPPa an d equal to a, = 2292 kJ/kg
b t 0 028 8 an •
h = '- t O 028 MPs = 282.62 kJ /kg
• 939.3 k.J/kg
h, • ur t 0· 28 MPa = 551.48 kJ/kg
ha • h,a · MPa= 758.94 kJ/kg 'II.- ,. W-l:W• 9 39 .3 - 9.16 • 930.l kJ/q
Ji. • at .304098MPa s 1041.82 kJ/kg
h,o• ...,at. Pa - 0 0012311 ma/kg
V = h, at .3 4 0 M
0 0 28 MP a = .
o· 0016214 mS!Kg Q.- • h 1- h.10 + Cl - m 1) ( - b.i>
v ,,= v,at. ) - 0 0012311 (9000 - 3400) • 6.89
kJJka Vno(p-, P)o- 0016214 (9000 - 28)= 9.16 kJ/kg
W W• • 308-8 1(>.48 71 + (1 - 0.1348) (3201 _ 2858)

I , • v,,lp,W- P 1041.82+ 6.89= 1048.71 kJ/kg = 2336.1 k.J/kg

haao • hio+ ,.
' Heater No. 3
w. - 9 30 .1 398
e,= QA - 23 36 _1 • • 1 or 39.81%

m•, 1041.82 - 758.94= 0.1348 kg/kg (b) E, = h 1- ha +0 - m 1)( bJ

n;=n_;- 2858 - 758.94

Heater No. = 308-8 282.62 + (1 - 0.1348)(320-1 2858)
{1- m1) (h,- h.) = (1-0.1348) (758.94-5 51. 4 §1_ :: 3102.1 kJ/kg
m, == h 4 -h, 2885 - 551.48 939.3 = 0.3008 or 30.28%
e = W =
• 3102.1
a 0.07692 kg/kg

Heater No. 1
(1 - m,- m2><1¼- (S-17) Steam at 6.9 MPa and 470°C entersa turbine and
hz) npancu to 1.9 MPa where m1 ia extracted for feedwater
ma= h - fi; beating, the remainder is withdrawn and reheated to
36()0C. EIJ)8D8ion then occurs to 0.45 MPa, where IDiis
extracted for
(1-0.1348 - 0.07692)(551.48- 282.62) feedwater heating. The remaining steam is withdrawn and
2644 - 282.62 reheated to 290°C. Final expansion now occun to a
= 0.08975 kg/kg condenser pre&aure of 0.014 MPa. For an ideal cycle and 1
kg of throttle
stea, m find(a) W,_ andec. For the ideal engine d (b) Wand
e. , (c) For an engine output or33,500 kW, what 18 the steam
(a)W = ( h 1- h,) +(1 - m ) (ha - h ) + (1 - m - m ) (h -«Y"•
- hJ flo. w 1D 'Ir ft I\.?
1 4 1 2 4

+ (1- m- m2 - m3) (hg- h,)

- (1-0.1163) (623. 21999)
SOLtmON: 2816 219.99 .

,. 0.1373 kg/kg
1I := (h,-hs> + U-m,) Cba-h,) + U-m 1-mJ <h.-h.)
:= (8338.2-2978) +0 - 0.1163) (3161-2816)
o.Ol4 M Pa

+(t - 0.1163- 0.1373) <3045-2415)

== 1135.3 kJ/kg

s S, == <h1 - ha> + (1- m,)(h,- hJ + (1 - m, - ) (h.-h,)

= (3338.2 - 897.02) + (1- 0.1163) (3161-2978)
h h at 6.9 MPa and 4700c = 3338.2 kJ/kg
ii;: h at 1.9 MPa and S2 equal to s, = 2978 kJ/kg +(t -0.1163- 0.1373()3045-2816)
ha hat 1.9 MPa and 360°C = 3161 kJ/kg
h • hat 0.45 MPa and s. equal to s, = 2816 kJ/kg • 2773.8 kJ/kg
• h at 0.45 MPa and 290°C = 3045 k.J/kg
h•e hat 0.014 MPa and s, equal to Ba= 2415 kJ/kg
h,: hf at 0.014 MPa = 219.99 kJ/kg
Q" = (h1 - hs,) + (1- mt)(- ) +(1- m-t ) (ha - h,)
Ji.= h, at 0.45 MPa = 623.25 kJ/kg
h,= h,at 1.9 MPa = 897.02 kJ/kg 3 =(3338.2 - 902.88) + (1 - 0.1163)(3161 - 2978)
v,,= v,at 0.014 MPa = 0.0010134 m /kg
v,. • v,at 1.9 MPa = 0.0011724 m3/kg +(1- 0.1163- 0.1373)(3045 - 2816) = 2767.9 kJ/kg
W= v,.(p - p,) = 0.0011724(6900-1900) = 5.86 kJ/kg
I,f: V (p89 - p)= 0.0010134 (6900 - 14) = 6.98 kJ/kg
h ! ,,,,n+ 897.02 + 5.86 = 902.88 kJ/kg w.. = W - I.WP= 1135.3 - 6.98 = 1128.3 k.J/kg
89 ..... p3

(a) WDI& D 1128.3 k.J/kg

h,- hlL = 897 2978

. 02 -- 623
623 ..25
25 = 8 = 1128 3 = 0.4076 or 40.76%
n;=n; = ·

- • A 2767.9
= 0.1163 kg/kg (b) W = 1135.3 kJ/kg
W = 1135 ·3 = 0.4093
e =
• or 40.93
EC 2773.8
: '::t ?
11at Ss equal to Sa and saturated = 2700 kJ/kg
(c) m = - w --
3 600 _1135.3
3600 = 3.17 kg/kwh
m = (33,500 kw) (3.17 kg/kwh) = 106 ,195 kg/h.
i s equal to Sa = 2270 kJ/kg
11, ti: 11,at 0.17 4 MPa = 485 .9 kJ/kg
ll, ti: 11,at 1.70 MPa = 872 .06 kJ/kg
(3-18) A 125 MW reheat-regenerative turbo-gene ]), ti: 11,at 2 .3 5 MPa = 946.97 kJ/kg
unit receives 500000 kg/hr of steam at 9.20 MPa and ato.. bi0: ., at 45°C = 0.0010099 ma/kg
Generator efficiency is 95%. Condensate leaves at 4soc 00c. '1110' .,' at 2 . 35 MPa = 0 .00 119 13 ma/kg
ideal cycle, first extraction is at 2._35 MP ; second extracti F' 'Ir, : ., 0 (Pa1-0 Pio> = O. O Ol l 91 3 (9200 - 2350)= 8.16 kJ/kg
at 1.70 MPa; and the third extraction 1s dry and satui:n ta , 11,, (P8 10- P1> = O.OOl0099 (9200 - 9.593) = 9 . 28 14 kJ/kg
For actual cycle with the same extraction pressure except
ttd· pressure drops through reheater tubes by 0.25 MPa,
enteri at at temperature of 260°C. Actual feedwater · flAD. beater no. 3
I f Oy
temperatu g 215°C. Calculate (a) the ideal engine
thermal efficienc re 18 the cycle thermal efficiency .,.
without pressure
heater, (c) drop
the actual th (b)
mass ofbled steam for last heater pe k ,.
of throttled steam and the corresponding Brake
Ji· m,

ciency, (d) the ideal work of engine with pressure drop t

reheater tubes and the thermal efficiency, and (e) the <X> 1 OpenhMter <1--fll,)
bined engine efficiency for cycle without pressure drop thrn
reheater and with pressure drop. ru
946.99 - 872.06 _
ID1 = Cli;= hJ
...11.... 2880-872.06- .
0 0373 A5'A6O
throttle steam

F«open heater no. 2

m_ = (1 - m 1) [ ] = (1 - 0.0373) ( 872.06-485.9]
-, 3230 - 485.9

= 0.1335 kg/kg of throttle steam

For open heater no. 1
h1 = h at 9.20 MPa and 440°C = 3226.6 kJ/kg m
= h at 2.35 MPa and s2 equal to 81 = 2880 3
kJ/kg =
= h at 2.35 MPa and 440°C = 3331 kJ/kg
h• = h at 1.70 MPa and s4 equal to 83 = 3230 (
1 - m1 - ) [ h:-K; ] = (1- 0.0373-

[ 485.9 - 188.4
3230 - 188.45
,. 0.098 kg/kg of throttle steam t1.1al cycle
fol 9C
W• h1-hs +(1- m.)( -h,)+(l-m1- ) (h4- 500.000 = 4 kg/kwh
(1 - m 1 - m 11 - m 3) (h 5- h.) h_).., tJl)l =- -125,000

• 3226 .6 - 2880 + (1 - 0.0373) (3331 - 3230)+ 3600 = 3600= 900 kJ/kwh

m1t 4
(1 - 0.00373 - 0.1355}(3230 - 2700)
h at 215°C = 920.72 kJ/kg
+ (1 - 0.0373- 0.1355- 0.098) (2700- 2270)
b10'::: hrAt 2.35 MPa and 260°C= 291 3. 6 kJ/kg
= 1196.5 kJ/kg I I ,::: h at 2 . 1 0 MPa and 440°C = 333.42 k.J/kg
w. , W -I.WP= 1196.5-9.2814 • 1187.2 kJ/kg

Ee • h1 - h10 + (1 - m1Hh, - h,) fflr

• 3226.6 - 946.97 + (1 - 0.0373) (3331 - 2880)

= 2713.83 kJ/kg Open heawr No. 3

Q" = Ee - Wp, = 2713.83 - 816 = 2705.67 kJ/kar y215-C-------------------'

(a) e. = W -= 1196 · 5 = 0.441 or 44.1%

E. 2713.83 h = 920 .62 - 872.06 _0 kg/k f
n:;=n;- 2913.6 - 872.06- '016 go
= = 11 877.2 = 0 . 439 or 43.9% throttle steam
let,\ 2705 .67
Ee = h 1- h 10' + (1 - mr> ( - )
T = 3226.6 - 920.62 + (1 - 0.016) (3334.2 - 2913.6)
= 2719 .85 kJ/kg

w.= r, W
= 947.4 kJ/kg
,E!a,-._ 947 •4
2719.85 = 0.348 or 34.8%
:( d) For ideal cycle with pressure drop thru reheater
1 3
t,a11ance for heater no. 1
h -h]
, -
)(1- D1 -1 [fi:- h; • (1 - 0.0373-0.14)

c-i :::::::: l • 0. 0907 kg/kg of throttle steam

W ::11 h 1 - h:, + (1- m1> <ha - h4) + (1 - m1- ) (h, - h 1 )

8 + (1 - m 1- - m 3) (Ilg- h.)
hl = h at 9.20 MPa and 440°C = 3226.6 kJ/kg _ 3226.6 - 2880 + (1 - 0.0373) (3334.2 - 3268)+
= h at 2.35 MPa and s2 equal to s1 = 2880 - (1 - 0.0373 - 0.14) (3268 - 2693) + (1 - 0.0373-
0.14.-. 0.0907) (2693 - 2286) .
with pressure drop of 0.25 MPa thru reheater tubes
= 1181.33 kJ/kg
ha = hat 2 .10 MPa and 440°C = 3334 . 2 kJ/kg
h4 = hat 1.70 MPa and s4 equal to s3 3268 kJ/kg
h5 = h att s5 equal to s3 and saturated = 2693 kJ/kg \ E :::: h1- h10 + (1 - m.><1¾ - )
11a = h at 0 . 009593 MPa and s8 equal to s3 = 2286 kJ/kg 3226 .6 - 946.97 + (1 - 0.0373) (3334.2 - 2880)
h., = h, at 45°C = 188.45 kJ/kg

:::: 2716.9 kJ/kg

h8 = h,with h5 equal to h = 464.6 kJ/kg
h, = h,at 1.70 MPa = 87l06 3600= 3600 = 3.047 kg/kwh
m = W 1181.33

HR = (m) (Ee) = (3.047) (2716) = 8278.4 kJ/kg

3600 = 3600 = 0.435 or 43.5%
HR 8278.4

OpenbellW . (e)8t =
= 900= O.752 or 75 .2%
11 9.6 5 (without pressure drop)
[ 872.06 - 464.6J
8t = = 900 = O.762 or 76.2%
!Di = (1- m1>[ h•- h. J = (1- 0.0373) 326-8 4&. W 1181.33 (with pressure drop)
146 1'

= 0.14 kg/kgof throttle

, TheIncomplete-Expansion Cycle

ting!if> and MC, the area behind the curve on the pv
egleCesents the
A1sP" i1: :ntropic work of a steady flow process.
fo t ..,area behind the curve, area 1-2-a-b-l
vl.., h1 -h2process:
fot = area behind the curve, area 2-3-c-d-2
,,/ ::: V2 <P2 - p3)

. •coinplete-expansion engine with zero clearance:

ror1 n

Fig. 3-22. Incomplete-Expansion Cycle.

The ideal incomplete-expansion cycle is composed of tbe
following processes.
1-2: isentropic expansion process in the engine 8 ==C
2-3: constant volume rejection of heat proce in th
engine, V = C e V
3-4: constant pressure rejection of heat Process in th Ffg. S-26. Incomplete-Expansion Engine
condenser, p = C e
4-B: reversible adiabatic pumping process, s = C
W = W1-4 + W
B-1: constant pressure addition of heat process in the
boiler, p = C •
Heat Added, QA
Engine Work, W
Recalling isentropic and isometric processes.

p ,


QA =h1-h1

J7is. S-2.1. &entropic Proceu Fig.3-24. laometric Procell B

148 149
Incomplete expansion engine almost always
a low initial pressure, hence, the pump work isv0 tera (b) 1ndicated Mean Effective Pressure, mep
that it can be neglected. ry slba!t lo w,
JJ1ep, = V

From the pump energyb (c)Brake Mean Effective Pressure, mepi.

alance w
JJ18}\ =
ha= h. + W
, D
Wp • 0 (d) Combined Mean Effective Pressure, mel\

JJ1e1>iit =
SteaJJl Rate, m

(a) Ideal Steam Rate, m

Thermal Efficiency, ec
m = 360Q
W W-W w
ec : = QA R
(b) Indicated Steam Rate, m,
- h, - h , + v 2<Pa -
Pa> h -h m.. 3600
1 4
The Incomplete-Expansion Engine 150
, (c) Brake
Energy Chargeable, Ee Steam Rate, m"
w. 6
Thermal Efficiency, e 0

d Steam
Mean Effective Pressure, mep or Pm Rate,
(a) Ideal Mean Effective Pressure = 6
Thermal Efficiency, e

(a) Indicated Thermal Efficiency,

e, =

(b) Brake Thermal Efficiency,

eb = "t'" w

(c) Combined Thermal Efficiency,
= i?"-
• Actual L --------w.. ,
Engine Efficiency, n

(a) Indicated Engine Efficiency, n. Energy


Indicated Power _ W' == actual work

Di = Ideal Power - Indicated Work
Ideal Work- W' == w"indicated work
Di ww, Energy balance:
(b) Brake Engine Efficiency, n..
bl == QI_ + WI + h •.

n.. = Brake Power Brake Work •b . == bl - Q ... - WI

Ideal Power =
n.. = W B
Ideal Work-
. Between Efficiencies and Steam Rates.
w J!elatioOShpi

(c) Combined Engine Efficiency, (1) ei =n,= e W

Combined Power _ e - ...:.:.i.
= Ideal Power - Combined Work .P""' I- ,t;c
Ideal Work
= e,= n,e= w- -
- ..:c :L

(d) Mechanical Efficiency, nm


(2} == e

Brake Power w
Indicated Power Brake Work Proof: 8tt=yl w
n.= = lndica Wor- w. w_
k C
nm = w. e =11i,e=
-E - E
(e) Generator Efficiency, n1 (3) = e w
n, -- WWK h,
Approximate Enthalpy of Exhaust Steam,
Proof: = -r
C . w
= e= • =-t',
(4) = n/lm81

Proof: e.= n;imel


- -· 8
I · c

-" C

(5) n • 3..

P roof: n =
m I
3600/W 1 _;,
n = m.,
36007W.- 1
(6) n,. =

Proof: n.. • .! a ...=

e , 8
(7) n =
S ""b
h1 = 2834.2 kJ/kg
sI = 6.•6659 kJ/(kg) (K)

At p2 = 0.205 MPa

hf2= 508.03 - = 1.5386

Ii,.,= 2199.8 ._, = 5.5803

(3-19) ateam at 1.10 MPa and 205°C is delivered to the throttle

of an engine. The ateam expand.a to 0.205 MPa, where

m. = m, _ _ _ _w ·--- 3600
-. n/1.- • - WK
8 I
6.6659 - 1.5386= 0.9188
5.5803 k,J/kg
+ y_A = 0.0010613 + (0.9188 ) (0.86444)
f =I ,,. .,......
- . . .+• ..,. . . ,, ,
i . } 1 _ _ • 5()8.03 + (0.9188) (2199.8) • 2529.2
: 0.7953 m'lkl
= ho= h,at 0.106 MPa :s 423.24 kJ/kg

release occurs. Exhaust is at 0.105 MPa. A test of the 1 1

engine showed an indicated steam consumption of 13.28
kg/kwh and a mechanical efficiency of 85%. Find (a) the , • Ji.-h,+•.<Pt- p,)• 2834.2 - 2529.2
ideal work and ideal thermal efficiency,(b)the ideal steam w'lJ +
rate, (c) the brake and indicated works, (d) the brake
thermal efficiency, (e) the brake engine efficiency, (f) the (0.7953)(?D5 -105)
mep of theideal engine and the indicated mep.
1S4 • 38UkJ/q
w • - 384.5 • 0.1595 or 15
_ 9
_ 42s.24 · cs
e 7i.-li; 2834 2 SOLUTION:
600 9.363 kg/kwh
(b) m •
Jiw • s84.6
8600 g60Q_ • 271.1 kJ/kg
(c) W1• m I • 1s.28

w.- (n_)

<W,> (0. 85) (271.1) - 230.4 kJ/kg

Wl- • --- 23 0 .4 t •
2834.5 - 423.24

230.4= 0.5992 or 59.92 %

W •
(e) tt :.;,f 384 .5 P1 • 1.95 MPa h1 • 8248.5 k.J/kg
• W 384.5 s 483.47 kPa
(f) Ideal mep •
= o v
7953 t. - 400°c a1 = 7.1397 kJ/(kg) (K)
. At p2 = 0.14 MPa 2232.1
W1 2 71.1 = 340 .88 kPa
Indicated mep =- = o 7953
. 0.001051 hm • 45 8 .3 9
v= 1.23555 Ii,_•
(S-20) An incomplete expansion engine is supplied lrith
= 5.8355
•m = 1 . 4 1 0 9 8"2

teama t 95 MPa and 400°C. Release occurs at 0.14 MPa 7.1397 - 1.4109
andexhaust at 50°C. Test of the e gi ne 8h wed a brake
6.8355 = 0.9817
rateof 12.2 kg/kwh and a mechamcal efficiency f 82.5%. Find = + Yrc2 = 458 .39 + co.9811> c22a2.1> =
(a) the ideal work and the ideal thermal ncy, {b) the
ideal ateam rate, (c) the indicated thermal efficiency, (d) = 2649.6 kJ/kg
the indicated engine efficiency, (e) the brake m p, and
(0the idea} thermal efficiency of an incomplete expansion
cycle operating under the same conditions. V2 = Va+ XiVra:z = 0.001051 + (0.9817) (1.23555)

= 1.214 m3/kg

h, = ha = hrat 50°C = 209.33 kJ/kg

P, • aaturationpressure at 50°C = 0.01234 9
1 0 1 2 1) (1960-12.349)
- (.0 00 !'enerator: which it drives baa an efficiency of 92'91,. (a) For the
W • P) ideal engin_e, find the thermal efficiency and the mep. For the
V11 (pl- •
actual engin,e dete ine (b)thebrake work in kW and the

brake thermal effi ency (c) the indicated work in kW. indi

. l 96 kJ/ka ss+ t.96 • 21i.skJ/lq cated_ thermal efficiency and indicated steam rate, (d) the
h + W . 20, 9 combined thermal efficiency and the combined steam rate.
ha • • ' ) 3 24 8 . 6 - 264 9 .6 + ( 1 . 2 1 4 ) (14
(a) W • h,-h,.+"•(P,-P•• 0 SOLUTION:
- 12.349) • 758· kJ/k,g
W 753.92 38- .. 0 .248 1 or 24 .8 1 %
e. • li, _ii;,• 3248.-5
1-"""' - ---...0.1--
-05M-P-"I"I "
_ _36@= 4.775 kg/kwh 3 - - --
0 .00 7 3114 MPI-I - -
(b) m • W - 753,9
360Q_= 609..= 295.l kJ/kg
(c) w.= m
Wa _ 95J_= 357.7 kJ/kg
- 0.825
_ _ 357.7 = 0.1177 or P1= 1.04 MPa, saturated
W 11.77%
""hI - n; - 3248,5 - 20,9 33
h1 = h1 at 1.04 MPa = 2779.6 kJ/kg
WL _ 357.1_= o.4745 or 47.45%
s1= s at 1.04 MPa = 6.5729 kJl(kg) (K)
(d) = W - 753.9 1

(e)p = Wa= 295.l = 243.1 kPa At Ps= 0.105 MPa

v, 1.214
V12 = 0.0010443 ha= 8 11= 1.3181
<O w. =w _w,= 153 .9 - 1.96 =1s1.9 kJ/kg 423.24
Vr,2 = 1.6174 Srs:z = 6.0249
Q.., =hi= 1,= 3248.5-211.3= 3037.2
I1ra1= 22 54 . 4
X=i s2 -_s12_= 6.5729 1.3181= 0 8722
- = 751.9 = 0.2476or 8"2 6.0249 .
ec- "l,. 3037.2
The actual engine uses 6070 kg/b of steam; it has a brake
(3-21) Steam engine with incomplete expansion receives engine effi.• ciency of 60% and a mechanical efficiency of 85%.
saturated steam at 1.04 MPa, expands it to 0.105 MPa The electric
where release occurs. Exhaust is to a condenser at 40°C.
15& bi = _ha + Yr = 423.24 + (0.8722) (2254.4) = 2389.5·

V2 = Vm + X,,.Vra'J, = 0.0010443+ (0.8722) (1.6174)

= 1.4117 m3/kg
7 57 k,J/kg
h, at 400C == 16

ha= at 40°C = 0.007384 MPa (3-22) A compound steam engine with incomplete
expan sion receives saturated steam at 1.04 MPa, expands it
.on pressure to0.105 MPa where release occurs. Exhaust is to a
Pt = saturati ( _p )= 2779 .6 - 2389.5 condenser of 40°C. The actual engine uses 1252 kg/hr of
h1- hs+ v, P, , . steam; it has a brake engine efficiency at 60% and a
(a) W == 105 - 7.384) = 527.9 kJ/kg mechanical efficiency of 85%.
+ (1.411'1)( The electric generator which it drives has an efficiency of
92%. (a) For the ideal engine, find the thermal efficiency
5 2'1.9 = 0.2021 or 20 and mep. For actual engine, determine (b) the break work in
_ W = 2-7 79 . 6 - 167.57 -21%
e = h1- kJ/kg andkW output and thebreak thermal efficiency (c)
the indi cated wo,rk thermal efficiency and steam rate, (d)
w 527.9_ "= 373.9 kPa combined thermal efficiency and steam rate. (e) What is
mep = -;- = l.4117 the approxi mate enthalpy of the actual exhaust steam?
(W) (0 60) (527.9) = 316.7kJ/kg
(b) Wa == (Jli.) == . SOLUTION:
(316 .7) {6070) = 534.kW l
= 3600

W8 _ 3167. = 0.1212 or 12.12%

: 7i 1- h;,-; 2779.6 - 167.57

Ws.. == 316 .7 = 372.6 kJ/kg

(c) w, = nm 0.85

534 = 628.2 kW
p1 = 1.04 MPa and saturated h1 = 1
at 1.04 MPa
= 291.4 kJ/kg
e, = h1 ht'J = 2779. !7 ·: 67 . 57 = 0. 1 42 6 or
(d) WK= (W8 ) (generator efficiency)= (316.7) (0.92)
= 2779.6 k.J/kg. At P2 = 0.105 MPa

s1 = s, at 1.04 MPa = 6.5729 kJ/(kg) (K)

t WB 291.4
,> h• -Ii;= 2779. 6- 167. 57 = 0.1116 or 11.16%
v,., = h,., = 423.24 s,., = 1.3181
= 2254.4 s,_ = 6.0249
v,_ = 1.6184
= 35
oo = 12.35 kg/kw h 6.5729 - 1.3181
6.0249 = 0.8722

160 161

- =:.
72 2) ( 2 2 5 4 .4 ) = 2389

•1..... n4 -+- (0 • 8
- 4217•"" .,
.. • be+ 88 + (0.8722) (.16 1 8 4 ) · II.-

.,,.....,.,,.. ,. 0 . 001 <>'
"• - - 1.,1
26 01'/)cg
h •. •
1 1

h - W = 27 7 9 .6 - 3 7 2 .7 • 2 4 06 . 9 kJ/kg
t 400C == 1 .
b• •
h,., - -1>s•> 2779.6- 288 9 + ( 1. 4 h•. •ha+ x.h'-3 = 167.57 + (•x .) (2406.7)
b,• 5. 1
b- ha+ (v, (p, 26)
(a) '/I - I . '- TJl..ff
528.u,t ae x •. = h• . - h0 • 2406.9 - 167.57 •
w ftOA) :: & .; o9a.n..i1 or 93.,,,_,.,,._
2406 . . v-e .v
(106 - . ' .:,cr-
VI 528 • 0.2021.or 20.21
_ c- • -2779.6 - 16.7 57 1" (3-24) A 200 kw steam engine baathe following data:
• - .P1 Pel Throttle: 1.40 MPa, 205°C
VI 528_ :: 3'78.8 kN /m Steam flow: 3020 kg/hr
Release pressure: 0.24 MPa
aieP • -;- • t .4126 Exhaust pressure:
Mechanical 0.10
efficiency: MPa
• 0 60 (528) = 316.8 kJ/kg

(b) w•• °" (\V-) • ; -g)

(- Wa-=) 1252 = 1 10 . 2 kW
Determine (a) the f o the al
enthalpy of the exhaust r m ide engine, (b) the enthalpy and quality of the exhaust from the
actual engine, and (c) the lost work of actual engine.
kW output= (JD 3600
w 316.8 = 0.1213 or 12.Ia%
a. s 1il _ t;-= m9.6 - }67.57

w, _ 316.8 ::: 372.7 kJ/kg

(c) W, = n. -- o.85
w.- 372 -7 = 0.1427 or 14.27%
e . = 7i; - - 2779.6 - 167 .57

::: _ 3600- ::: 9.6.59 kfvkwb
3 60Q - 372.7
-w 8

(d) e.= {ea}(n) ::: (12.13 )( 0 .92) = 11. 1

P1 = h1 = 2816.6 kJ/kg
6% 1.40MPa

S.= 3600 = 3600 = 12.35 kg/kwh •• = 6.5254 k.1,0.g)

(W (n) {316.8>{0 .92 ) (K)

(e ) At1>,= 0.24 MPa


ho= 529 .65 9n=l-593
•• = 0.001066 a .= = = 287 . 3 lr.J/kg
11_.= 2185 .4
·--- 0 . 74ol
._ :::
6,.525-'- 1.593 = 0.9012
- 5.4733
h_.. = '- - =WI 28 16 . 6 -
287 - '1/1..- = 2529-3 kJJkg

s,= At 0.10 MPa; h,=417·46 kJ/kg h._ = 2258 k.J/kg

tis= i._ + s,•,.=. 529.6.5 + (0.9012) (2185.4)= 249.91 kJflcg
0.001066 + (0.9012) (0.7467>
•• = •• +
h_..= h,+xA 2529.3 = 417.46 + (x• .) (22.58)

= 0.6721 ml/kg x •=. 2529.322- = 0.9353 or 93.53'11

h.= ho= 11,at 0.10 )(Pa=4 1 7. 46 54817.46
(a) W • •• (P,-P,)=2816.6-2499.1+ (0.6721) (c Lost Work = W_ W_ , - 411 .6 - 287 .3 = 1 24 .3 kJ/kg

<240 - 100> u .6 Superposition or Toppina

,= kJ/ka
F« the ideal engine. from the first law or
Thermo dynamics, = E•

h.= h - W= 2816.6 - 411.6 = 2405 k.J/kg
1 ''

(b) For the actual engine


l I

m m
" =W
= kgllu: k =15.1 kg/kwh
8 200 Fig. High pressure Unit Superposed
3 •2 •6
_ on Existing Plant.
m, = (n,.) (m.,) =(0.83) (15.1)= 12.53 kg/kwh

superpositior> or toPP;ng unit_ia new "':tofbigh h. = hat .15 MP a, 260°C = 2946.7 kJ/kg
equiP"'ent to i,e added or topped ,nto the eX1Sting
the idea of ;ncre asin g
the sa01•of
capaotY wne
the,eplac:ing th• old boiler (oil-fired)
whole syste
m=. <m1t) (P i.) = (5 .6 7 ) (3 0 ,000) = 170

Jgii h· P ,...uresteaOl gener tor ceoal-fired). As shown ne,,, For the topp in g unit; , 1 00 kg/hi
di.,gra"' the n•"' ffp t rbin• or th_e tpop in g uni.t m. _ 170100
-densing turbine and ,ts exhaust will be utilized ;,8
a no,, output - 12500 = 13.6 kg/kwh
1ow·P,...uret urb in - e Y the o1,i
(3-24) a 30,00o kW eJD&ting plllDt has the a 3 6 00-
m .k - =2 6.4 7 kJ/kg
3 60 0
1 3. 6
u,,ottle -ditions: full<>wiJ,
- 20. = 275 .73 kJ/kg
P. == t.50MJ>a t. = 260°C
ThesteaOl rateoftbi• plant is 5.67 Kg/kwh. An . w 7
1,2 5 00 kW is wanted fro"' this superposed unitad ti<>naJ
a erage indicated engine efficiency of 78% pd a m using an
electrical efficien<Y of9 6% , estimate the steam con".th cal-
thesuperposedp l an - t tiona or



WI= -h •
h.. 29'6, 7 KJ/Ks 275.73 = ht - 2946 .7

11t = 3222 . 43 kJ
w, 275 .73
h-t ho = -"131"11'2.ffl22.4..-. -g.:.-_n -= O.78


(275.73) ,_ 2868•93 kJ/kg m = <111it> (kw output)-= (5.9)(20,000) • 118000 kg/hr

b • 3 222·4-8
o O Po== 1 .5 M}>a . Total steam flow:
AtPoint t
b == 2868 . 9 kJ,'kg
= ( n o. oC boilers) (m)
0 = (5) (118000)
=- 590,000 kg/hr
then so == 6.52 kJ/kg
For the esisting units:
st == s. ::: 6.52 kJ/kg
h. = h at 1.5 MPa, 260°C • 294.6 7 kJ/kg
:::3222.43 kJ/kg
OnMiller's Chart bycut and try method:
. o MPa and t = 416oC
Then pt== 6• '
having five 20t000 kW units using steam a
(3-25) A pland>c basa full-load steam rate of 5.9 kg/kwht
t.5 MPa an_d 2c6a acity of the existing 10 boilers
exact}· The steaming b.P requireJDents. If this plant
were toppe
matches the :!t:. ine having an engine efficiency of
77.6% by a_ lOtOOO banical
efficiency of 99% and a generato
(indi_catedtf:S: detennine (a) the initial steam temperat
effio f1 7 MPa steam pressuret (b) the steam
exhausted reqwrth or .g Try\ = 435°c
turbine and (c) the number of existing low
from 8 tobopilpmrs that m t be retained to develop the
pressure e
plant. of the .1

= h at 7.0 MPa, 435°C = 3250 kJ/kg

h = h at 1.50 MPa and s 0 equal to st = 2860 kJ/kg
Topping Unit 0

r-••••-------..----, ----,r---+--•T•-
(a) Di = --}.
- I- • 1
-- I

II subsituting the values

I : I , !..----' LO-
3250 - 2946.7
0.776 - approximately equal to 3250-2860

Therefore: \ = 435°C
168 20 000 Kw-

(rolD thetopping unit,

:Exhaust steaJ! Problems
l 0- 2946.7 = 303.3 kJ/kg
w, == h -h.==825
W) == (0.99) (0.98) (303.3) =- 294.26 kJlltg
Rankine Cycle and Engine
W-. .., (n,_)(n) ( I
1. In an ideal Rankine cycle, steam is generated at 4.1
MPa and 480°C. The condenser is at 32°C. Determine (a) the
outpui..: 10,000_ = 34 kg/sec or 122,400 · ideal pump work, (b) the cycle thermal efficiency, (c) For an
ID.i == - W 294.26 engine with the same end states, determine its thermal effi
. -. erating a total of 590,000 kg/hr. th ciency, steam rate, and mep. (d) Considering the engine only,
(c) Wi 10 :;»18:::nerate 59,000 _kg/hr. 1:he new assume the brake engine efficiency to be 78%, the generator
boiler each boiler as 00 '·-"' forthetoppmg turbme. efficiency 92%, the steam flow rate 163,600 kg/hg; compute
generating 122 awMI . - - . the output of the combined unit. Ans. (a) 4.12 kJ/kg; (b)
ber or boilers to be retained 38.66%; (c) 38.73%, 2.85 kg/kwh, 51.92 kPa; (d) 41,227 kW
Therefore. the nUJD 2. A Rankine cycle has the following operating condi-
590.000- 122,400 Steam pressure, 2.5MPa
• 59,000 Steam temperature, 280°C
Exhaust pressure, 0.026 MPa
• _ 7 92 or retain 8 boilers Indicated steam rate, 5.45 kg/kwh
Mechanical efficiency, 90%
For ideal cycle and engine, calculate (a) the thermal effi•
ciency, (b) the engine steam rate), (c) the actual condition
of exhaust steam, and(d) the steam flow rate in kg/h for 1
Mw generator output at 94%efficiency. Ans. (a) 28.6%,
28.5%;(b) 4.69 kg/kwh; (c) 86.33%; (d) 6447 kg/h
3. A Rankine turbo-generator unit receives 27,000 kg/h
of steam at 1.2 MPa andsuperheat by 122 degrees. Conden
sate leaves at 22°C. For a brake steam rate of 4.74 kg/kwh,
mechanical efficiency of 90% and generator efficiency of 94%,
determine (a) the ideal cycle thermal efficiency. (b) the
indi cated enaine efficiency, (c) the condition of turbine
actual exhaust, and (d) the turbo-generator output in Kw.
Ans. (a) 33'A>, (b) 85.7%, (c) 87%, (d) 5354.5 kw
4. The condensing pressure for a Rankine engine is 1
bar. Calculate the net work for 1 kg of steam and the 5. There are received 90,000 kg/h of steam at 2.15 MPa,
thermal efficiency when the steam at the beginning of 480°C by a Rankine engine; exhaust 0<:eurs at 0.10 MPa.
expansion is at &o bar and (a) saturated, (b) 350°C, For the en,ine find (a) W, (b) m, and (c)•e . For the cycle
and (c) 640°C. find (a)
Ans. (a) 627.2 kJ/kg, 26.4 ; (b) 727.3 kJ/q, 27J
; (c) t7l
1079.49 kJ/kg, 32.35
An (a) 18,767.5 kW, (b) 4.8 kg/kwh
W_,., and (b) ec· (e) 24.93% - • Cc)
56 nt
24.98'-', (d)7 48- rat!; hasa combined steam rate of 5
th en ne, enters the reheater, and returns at 9 bar, 600°C,
6. A turbo-'=;output of 20,000 kW. The steam isa .35
kg/kwh at its r;oooc and exhaust at 0.1 bar. Calculate expansion then occurs to the condenser pressure of 0.05
bar (h,= 138 kJ/kg) on the basis of flow of 1 kg steam.
(a) plied at 17 bar, te (b) the combined thermal
efficiency e combined heat a ' d (d) the Find (a) W and e of the cycle (b) W, e and m for the ideal
combined work. Ans' (c) engine (c)In the actual engine the steam enters the
the enginkJe/keffio(be)n , : (c) 672.9 kJ/kg, (d) 78.1% · (a) reheater at 10 bar, 300°C and later expands to a saturated
state at the exhaust to the
15,195.6 g, .
7' condenser, find W, e and m.
Ans.: (a) 2226.7 kJ/kg, 48.95%; (b) 2246.7 kJ/kg, 49.17%,
Reheat Cycle andEngine 1.6 kg;(c)2052.1 kJ/kg, 45.85%, 1.75 kg/kwh.

A heat cycle with two stages of reheating is Regenerative Cycle and Engine
re paneling initially from 90 bar and 530°C Th '
with shteamteexressures are 10 bar and 0.6 bar, andthe 11. There are received 68,000 kg/h of steam by an ideal
twore ea rp d ti
leaves each reheater at 480°C. Con ensa on occurs at 0.03
- « 0.003.5 MPa (a) For the ideal cycle, find e. (b) A
bar For an ideal cycle, find (a) QA and e. (b) For the engine, 60,000 kw turbine operates between the same state pointa except that the
. re the pressure drop through the reheaters, let the steam enters the at 1.95 MPa and 26CfC, departs at 1.8 MPa
engine and MO°C. The steam flow i, 147,000 41hr. generata efficiency is
:rate through the same states, and mputeW and e. (c) 96%. For actual engine, find ef.. m,, and n._,, (cJ Determine the
What is the steam flow rate for an engine output of 20,00o approximate enthalpy ol the exhaust steam if the heat lost through
kW? ADB. (a) 4657.5 kJ/kg, 44.31'Ii;(b)2072.6 kJ/kg, the turbine casing is cLthe combined work.
44.41%; Am.: (a) 46.l CJ>, (b) 37.3%, 2.45 kglkwh, 79.3%, (c) 2489.6
(c)9.65 kg/s . . U/kg
8 AD ideal reheat turbine with one stage of reheat re- 10. Steam at 200 bar, 7fn'C enters the throttle of a re beatff
c:ei steam at 8.0MPa. 480°C. Reheat press
engine and expands to 10 bar. At this point jt lea
is0.83MPa and exhaust pressure is 0.007 MPa e
work 18 }559 kJ/kg in
and the thermal efficiency is 41.05%. Find the temperature or
steam leaving the reheater. Ans. 455°C
9. In a reheat cycle steam at 15 MP 540°C enters the
engine and expands to 1.95 MPa At this point the steam
ia withdrawn and puaed through a reheater. It reenters
the engine at - Expansion now oocurs to the condenser
regenerative engine, having only one heater, of Ans. 18,116 kW
which the heater receives 15,400 kg/h; the condenser 13. A 10,000 kW turbo-generatoroperating at rated capac
receives the re mainder at 0.007 MPa. If the heater ity receives 52,000 kg/h of steam at 2.90 MPa and 3100C,
pressure is 0.96 MPa, find the state (quality or 0 SH) exhaust is aat 0.007 MPa. At 1.20 MPa and 2300C, there are
of the steam (a) at the heater entrance and (b) at the actually extracted 20% of throttle flow for regenerative eat
condenser entrance. ing of feedwater. The generator efficiency is 95%. For an
Ans. (a) saturated, (b) 78.5% quality ideal engine, find (a) the quantity of steam extracted, kg/h
12. A turbine with one extraction for (b)W and (c) e. For the actual engine, find (d) the
regenerative feedwa ter heating, receives steam with
an enthalpy of 3373 kJ/kg and discharges it with an temperature of feedwater from the open heater, Ce) n,. and <f)
exhaust enthalpy of2326 kJ/kg. The ideal the approximate enthalpy of exhaust steam and its quality.
regenerative feedwater heater receives 11,338 Ans. (a} 12,428 kg/ b;Cb) 787.3 kJ/kg, {c) 35.48%, (d) 167.5c c
kg/h of , Ce > 87.9%, (f) 214. 3 8
extracted steam at 345 kPa (whose h = 2745 kJ/kg). kJ/kg, 82.2% . . 000
The 14. A 25,000 kW turbo-generator is supplied wt_th 28,
feedwater (condensate from the condenser) enters kg/hof steam at 2.50 MPa and 400,;C when developing 1t rated
the heater with an enthalpy of 140 k.J/kg and
departs saturated at 345 kPa (h = 582 kJ/kg). load. There are actually extracted 10,400 kg:h at 0.3 MPa and
Calculate the turbine output in kW.
Th condenser pressure is 0.007 MP
8300 kg/h at o.06 temeperature is 127°C. For the ide
andactual feedw te rcentages of extr cted steam and open feedwater heater. The engine exhaust to a condenser
(b) engine find (a) vanou pe find (c) the vanous pressure of 0.005 MPa and the temperature of the feedwater
percentages of • from the last heater is 205°C. The combined steam rate of the
e For the actual
e e ll' and (0 ni.- (g) Find the ~·
ffi appro
.extracted stealXl f the 1t x.haust if the generator e 1c1ency if
turbo-generator unitn is 4.898 kg/k.wh and the generator effi
ciency is 95%. For the total throttle flow to an ideal engine,
mate enthalpy 78
% . (b) 37.1%, (c) 8.12%, 6.48%, (d)
find (a) extracted steam for the last heater,(b)W,(c) e. For the
s.12 actual engine, find (d) . (e) ni.. (0 What is the enthalpy of the
96.% A.n( sO( o8 75;; (g) 2460 kJ/kg . • actual exhaust when the pump efficiency is 60%? Ans. (a)
(e) 26%,
·• 16,803 kg/h; (b) 1018 kJ/kg; (c) 42%; (d) 30%; (e) 72.2%; (0
. c le and Engine 2550 kJ/kg
Reheat-Regenerat ive ye
17.There are developed 25,000 kW by a reheat-
t tive engine receives steam at 2 07 regenera tive engine (turbogenerator) which receives steam
15. A re ea - : it to 38.6 bar, 343°C. At this P<>int at 4.2 MPa, 205°C and exhaust at 0.007 MPa. At 1.90 MPa
bar and 593 C,e ih.
ugh a reheater and reenters the turbin and 215+C, part of the steam is extracted for feedwater
thesteam p ; c ence expands to 9 bar, 492°C, at Which heating and the remainder is withdrawn for reheating. The
at _34.5 bar team is bled for feedwater hea ng. Exhaust reheated steam enters the turbine at 1.8 MPa and 270°C
occurs and expands to1.38 MPa, where more steam is extracted
point thbes B 'nning at the throttle (point 1), these enthal at for feedwater heating andthe remainder expands tothe
0.07 ar. egi condenser pressure of 0.007 MPa and an actual quality of
pies are known (kJ/kg): 'h 30821 90%. Feedwater leaves the last
h 13511.3 =
= 3010.0 · h 322 .9
h3 = 3662.5 ,
h6 = 2308.1
h = 3205.4 h a temperature of 207°C. The generator has an efficiency of
e 95%. For the ideal engine, find (a) the percent ages of the
= 163.4 h6 a extracted steam, (b) W, and (c) e. Let the actual extracted
t steam be 85%of those for the ideal engine and for
h.,. = 723.59 e the actual engine, find (d) the total throttle flow, if the break
r work equal the fluid work, (e) e._, and (0 nk.
An s . (a) 0.035, 0.234; (b) 833 kJ/kg; (c) 37.2%(e) 8i., and (0
11, = 742.83
a - (d) 147,000 kg/h; (e) 27.5%; (0 73.6%

For ideal engine, sketch the events on the Ts plane and

for 1 kg of throttle steam, find (a) the mass of bled steam,
Incomplete-Expansion Cycle and Engine
(b) the work, (c) the efficiency, and (d) the steam rate. In t .
the actual case, water enters the boiler at 171°C and the 18. A steam engine receives saturated steam at 260°C.
brake engine efficiency is 75% (e) determine the brake Steam is released when its specific enthalpy is 2200 kJ/kg.
work and the brake thermal efficiency. (0 Let the pump Condensate leaves at 0°C. For ideal engine find, (a) the work
and the thermal efficiency and (b) mep.
efficiency be 65%, esti mate the enthalpy of the exhaust
steam. Ans. (a) 680.6 kJ/kg, 27.64%; (b) 631.5 kPa
Ans. (a) 0.19 kg/kg,(b)1685.1 kj/kg, (c) 49.26%, (d) 2.14 kg/
19. An ideal incomplete-expansion cycle uses steam
kwh, (e) 1263.8 kJ/kg, 37.5%%; (0 2742 kJ/kg gener ated at 1.85 MPa. Release condition is dry and
saturated. Exhaust steam is at 0.03 MPa and has 10.58%
16. In a 35,000 kW turbo-generator that receives steam
quality. The actual engine uses 1000 kg/h nof steam. The
brake engine efficiency is 60% and the mechanical efficiency
6.9 MPa and 370°C, 11% of the throttle steam is actually
is 85%.
extracted at 2 MPa, 215°C; with the remainder being re
(a) For the ideal engine, calculate the thermal efficiency
?eated to 1.8 MPa and 315°C; then 20% of the throttle
and mep.
is actually extracted atO.724 MPa, each extraction serving an 175
. e calculate
-.:- the actual engin kW and the brake thermal efli
r or b ke power 1n 1- perposed turbine will be 76%, mechanical-electrical effi
(b) the ra . . ciency, 93%. What initial steam conditions would suffice to
ciency, . d. ted thennal efficiency and the md1cated heat add 20,000 kWto the plant capacity/ Ans. 7.2 MPa. 448°C
(c) thetn ica 23. An existing plant receiving 364,000 kg/h of 1.50 MPa
rate roxiroate enthalpy of the exhaust and 250°C steam is to be superposed with a high-pressure
(d) Compute the app.g that the heat loss from engine ia turbine to receive steam at 11.0 MPa and 510°C. Nine
steam at 0.03 MPa assunun percent of the topping turbine flow is extracted at 3.0 MPa
23 kJ per kg of stealmOO2. kPa/ (b) 92.5 kW, (c) 13.85%, and 340°C. For a mechanical-electrical efficiency of 93%,
25,990 determine the kWoutput of the topping unit. Ans. 46,391 kW.
A.ns {a) 19.6%,
kJ/kwbl{d)_ 276l. kJ/kg
20. An ideal 1
m lete-expansion cycle uses saturated
MPa. The exhaust pressure is 0.11
steam generated : .· 118 oc. On the basis of kg., (a)
t 1 find
d the release
isa h t te
MPa , an W (d) the quality of ex aus s am, an e) the
QA,{b) QR, (c) • te m and (e) the thermal efficiency. An
qua ity o e au: e e pansion opera s under this condi
engme wi th m d P. ted engine efficiency 1s 72% and uses 460
tions. (0If the fm ica what is the indicated power output in
kg per hour ste nical efficiency is 88%, what are the
kw? (g) Ifffit e. mecand the brake thermal efficiency and the
thermal e oency
br ak.:n: : f 2 i kJ/kg, (b) 2034.71 kJ /kg, (c) 298 .4 kJ /kg
(d)· 90 4%, (e) 12.76%, (0 27.4 kW, (g) 8 .1%, 1 k . .
· 2·1 An gine with incomplete expansion 1s supplied with
steam. at 2 5 MPa and 260°C. Relea:e Occurs at 0.35 MPa
d the condenser temperature is 42 C. (a) If the brake en
:e efficiency is 60% and if 1225 kg/hr of steam used,
what is the brake power in kW? (b) If the mech8!11cal effi
ciency is 87%, what is the indica_t_ed thermal efficiency, the
indicated work in kJ/kg, an e indicated steam rate? (c) If
the engine drives a gen r hose efficiency is _92%, what
are the combined t,huHwu--,:;u.,waency and the combined steam
rate? / '0 4 - ·
Ans. (a) l1 ! 1tW 4 kJ/kg, 13.87, 9.53 kg/kW-hr
(c) 11%, 11.9 k \VJi 1/ ii, ·
Topping ,·- ·

22. The capacity of a power plant is to be increased by

superposing a high-pressure addition on the existing 1.85
MPa plant. Existing turbines are rated to take 370,000 kg/h
at 290°C. Assume average indicated engine efficiency of su-
176 177

1 Properties of Steam l

Definition of Terms. Changes of Phase

at Constant Pressure. The pv and Ts planes
for Water. Properties of Wet Mixture.
Mollier Diagram.

2 25
Constant Pressure Process. Constant Volume
Process. Isothermal Process. Adiabatic Process.
Polytropic Process. Throttling Process.

3 Power Cycles 59
Ideal Rankine Cycle. Ideal Rankine Engine.
Actual Rankine Cycle. Actual Rankine Engine.
Ideal Reheat Cycle. Ideal Reheat Engine. Actual
Reheat Cycle. Actual Reheat Engine. Ideal
Regenerative Cycle. Ide Regenerative Engine. .
ActurJ Regenerative Cycle. Reheat-Regenerative
Cycle. Incomplete-Expansion Cycle. Incomplet
Expansion Engine. Topping.

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