CHAP3 Final Docmnt

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Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research

problem. Research methodology not only talks of the research
methods but also considers the logics behind the methods (Research
methodology/Methods of techniques). Research methodology
describes research approach, research design setting, sample and
sampling technique development and descriptive of tool, pilot study,
procedure for data collection and plan for data analysis. The present
research study aimed at “A Utilization And Satisfaction Survey On
Online Education Among Nursing Students Of Apollo College of
Nursing, Hyderabad”.

Research Approach:
The Research approach was quantitative Approach.
The research approach is quantitative. The aim of the
present study was to assess utilization and Satisfaction of
onlineEducation among nursing students.

Research design used in the study non experimental survey
research design. Survey studies are investigations in which self
reported data are collected from samples with the purpose of
describing population on some variables with interest .
The research adopted for the study is non experimental survey

A1 X A2

A1-questionnaire interview

X-online survey

A2 –observation .

The research design used for the present study is represented in the figure below:

Research Approach
Quantitative Study

Research design
Non Experimental Survey Research

Research Setting
Apollo College of Nursing,jubileehills,Hyderabad.
Target Population
Bsc (N) 1,2,3,4 Year Nursing Students In Apollo
College of Nursing,jubileehills,Hyderabad.

Accessible Population
Bsc (N) 1,2,3,4 Year,Msc 1,2years,Pbsc 1,2 years, GNM
1,2,3years Nursing Students In Apollo College of

Sampling Technique
Convenient Sampling Technique
Probability sampling

Sample Size
334 Nursing students from Apollo College of
Nursing,jubileehills, Hyderabad
Criteria For Sample selection
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria

Pilot Study
Pilot Study was Done From 9th July to 14th july
2020 & Reliability value r=0.802

Main Study
Self administered questionnaires it includes 3 sections:
Demographic Data Check List
for Utilization of e-Learning Rating Scale on the
Satisfaction level of e-Learning.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Research setting is the Physical location and condition in which data
collection takes place .
The study is conducted at Apollo College OF Nursing ,Jubilee hills,
Population means the entire set of individuals or objects have some
common characteristics.
Target population:
The population is an entire aggregation of students who met the
designed set of criteria. In this study the target population will
consist of the nursing students who meet the inclusion criteria of
Apollo College Of Nursing.

Accessible population:
The accessible population of the study consists of Nursing students
who are undergoing bachelor's degree BSC 1 year ,2 year ;3 year ,4
Year,Msc 1year, 2year, Pbsc 1year, 2year, GNM 1year, 2year, 3year
students at Apollo College Of Nursing , Jubilee hills, Hyderabad.

Sample is a subset of the population selected to participate in
research, the sample for the present study consist of 334Nursing
students from Apollo College Of Nursing,Jubilee hills, Hyderabad.

Sampling technique refers to the process of selecting a portion of the
population to represent the entire population. Sample were selected
for the study with the help of convenient sampling technique. A
sample of 334Nursing students who fulfilled the inclusion criteria
were selected for the study.

Criteria For Sample Selection:

¡) Inclusion Criteria:
Students who are pursuing
Students who are available during the study
Students who are willing to participate.
¡¡) Exclusion criteria:
Who are not willing to participate
Students absent at the time of data collection.


Data collection is a systematic questionare method of gathering
which is relevant to the research purpose.
To find out the utilization and Satisfaction level of online Education.A
self administered questionnaire for the nursing students

Description of Tool:
To Assess The Utilization & Satisfaction Survey On Online Education
Among Nursing Students The Tool Was Designed In The Form Of Self
Administered Questionnaire.
The Tool consists of three sections: A & B & C.

This tool consists of information about demographic data of Nursing
students that includes age, gender, marital status, professional
education, year of education.
A checklist for assessing utilization level consisting 12 questions.
A rating Scale for Satisfaction consisting 15 questions with ratings
between poorly satisfied to excellent Satisfaction level.

According to Polit and Hungler, ''Validity refers to the degree which
an instrument measures what it is supposed to be measuring''.
Content validity taken care by 3 experts: Dr.Reddy rani,professor
,vice principal;Mrs. B.vimala,assistant professor,dept of medical
surgical Nursing;Mrs.Harika priyanka,assistant Professor, dept of
obstetrics and gynecology. In apollo College of Nursing.

Pilot Study
Pilot study is a smaller version of a study carried out before the
actual investigation is done. Researchers use information gathered in
pilot study to refine or modify the research methodology for a study
and to develop large scale studies.
The pilot study was conducted in students studying BSc nursing in
Kerala. The pilot study was carried out on 32 samples including both
male and female. The samples were collected by using a convenient
sampling technique. The investigator established rapport with self-
introduction followed by a self-administered questionnaire having 3
sections, section for demographic data, section 2- a checklist for
utilization of e-learning, section 3- rating scale on the satisfaction
level of e-learning. The data was collected using an online survey
method and was collected on 9th July 2020. A test is considered
reliable if the researcher arrives at the same result repeatedly.

Reliability is the degree of consistency with which the attributes or
variables are measured by an instrument. Reliability pertains to the
consistency of a measure. A test is thought to be reliable if we get
the same result in a repeated manner.
Reliability found using the Karl Pearson's correlation
coefficient (r) is 0.802,which means that the tool is reliable.

Ethical Consideration:
The ethical committee of the college was cleared the tool has
promoted and considering the reliability and validity reports has
been considered ethical Considerations has given a clear sheet to
conduct the main study by using the tool.

The main study was conducted in Apollo College of Nursing,
Hyderabad, Telangana. 334samples were selected by using
convenient sampling technique and the consent was taken followed
by administration of a self-administered questionnaire which
includes:Demographic data,checklist for utilization of e learning,
rating scale on the satisfaction level of e learning. The study was
conducted from 09/07/2020 to14/07/2020 .


The period of data collection from 09/07/2020 to 14/07/2020


The investigator planned to analyze the data on the basis of objective
and hypothesis of the study.
The data analysis was done by using SPSS statistical software
The collected data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential
statistics .
Descriptive Statistics was used to analyze the demographic variables.
Frequency and percentage distribution were used to describe the
demographic variables.
Frequency and percentage distribution were used to describe the
utilization and satisfaction level of e learning by the samples.

Chi-square test was used to determine the association between the
Satisfaction level Utilization level and demographic variables.
Analysed data were interpreted in tables, diagrams, graphs based on
the findings.

The chapter dealt with the methodology undertaken for the study. It
included the research approach, research design, setting of the
study, population, sample, sample size, sampling technique, inclusion
criteria, exclusion criteria, description of the tool, content validity,
pilot study, reliability, ethical consideration, data collection, period of
data collection, plan for data analysis .

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