Volunteer Info

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(740) 422-9530
5550 Lancaster-Newark Road
We believe a healthy church family functions just like a healthy
family at home: when everyone chips in and helps it lightens the
work load, the work gets done more quickly and each family
member develops a sense of ownership and accomplishment.

We need your help. Please carefully consider these important

ministry areas and thoughtfully choose one or two. A Team
Leader will contact you and explain the particulars of each job.

Because Life Church doesn’t have “membership,” volunteering is

one way you can say, “I want to help this church family.”

Thank you from the Life Church Launch Team,

Ron & Marilyn Grubb

Jason & Becky Grubb
Joe & Michelle Edwards
Hal & Chris Harnden
David & Amy Lively

The DNA of Life Church Volunteers
This church is our spiritual family, and every person who attends
our services is a guest in our home. Everyone who encounters a
Life Church Volunteer should sense our humble excitement that
they have chosen to be here with us. Jesus told his volunteers,
"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and their high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you.
Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—
just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:25-28 NIV

Life Church Volunteers lay down their rights to ensure that others
are accommodated. Our volunteers are not simply people
meeting a need, they are people who see their service as an act
of worship to our humble servant-king, Jesus.

Table of Contents

Greeters.................................................................................................. 4
Welcome Center .................................................................................. 5
Ushers ...................................................................................................... 6
Fellowship ............................................................................................... 8
Prayer Ministry........................................................................................ 9
Worship ................................................................................................. 10
Nursery .................................................................................................. 11
Life Kids ................................................................................................. 12
Teen Volunteers .................................................................................. 13
Media.................................................................................................... 14
Communications ................................................................................ 15
Housekeeping ..................................................................................... 16
Home Meals......................................................................................... 17
Funeral Dinners.................................................................................... 18
Small Group Leaders & Hosts ........................................................... 19

Greeter Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Greeter do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide a cordial, personal welcome to anyone entering and
provide any printed materials or directions for each event.

What does a Greeter look like?

Greeters are people who like people. When they see people
coming into the church, they want the visitor to know that
everyone here is grateful they’ve come. Although Greeters
would enjoy a long conversation, they realize they must focus on
every person coming through the door. Greeters believe
everyone needs a personal greeting from a genuinely interested
person, confirming they have made a great choice by coming to
share Life with us.

Greeters are fresh-breathed

people who like to smile and
shake hands and/or give hugs
to those who lean into them
(by the way, Greeters get
very good at recognizing who
enjoys a handshake, who
enjoys a pat on the back, and
who enjoys a hug AND who
doesn’t enjoy a hug).
Greeters enjoy making everyone who enters Life Church feel like
a VIP.

Greeter Team Leaders:

Jason Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1958
Becky Grubb 740-808-0958

Welcome Center Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Welcome Center Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they answer
questions and provide any printed pamphlets and/or information
available to our guests from a centralized information center.

What does a Welcome Center Volunteer look like?

The welcome center is information central for Life Church. A
Welcome Center Volunteer possesses a good overview of
everything that Life Church is doing and/or provides for our
guests. Welcome Center Volunteers are able to patiently direct
people to the right location or give them the right information. A
Welcome Center Volunteer has printed materials available and if
they can’t answer a guest’s question, they direct them to
someone who can. A good Welcome Center Volunteer avoids
prolonged conversations with friends and politely gives quick
attention to anyone who approaches their station. A pleasant
disposition and smile are vital elements to ensure the right
experience for our guests.

Welcome Center Team Leader:

Marilyn Grubb, Administrator 740-407-1098

Usher Volunteers 9th Grade - Adults

What does an Usher do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide seating assistance for our guests, tend to the offering
baskets and offering, and actively manage the overall guest
accommodations within the sanctuary.

What does an Usher look like?

Ushers are people who love to see anyone come into the
sanctuary and they convey that. Ushers smile, open doors, greet
people and quietly direct guests to available seating. Ushers
understand they are a fixture of the entire sanctuary setting; they
see themselves as the “keepers” of that room. Ushers see
themselves as servants who are there to provide anything a guest
may need. They envision themselves with a servant’s towel folded
neatly over their arm, poised like the servant of a King at his
banquet table. Ushers dress neatly and maintain an appearance
of casual alertness to everyone’s needs. Ushers are always “on-
duty” while everyone else is treated as a guest.

Ushers are people with peripheral vision for people and needs,
like a hawk watching over their domain. They are aware of seats
that are available and seats that are not available but should be.
Ushers don’t relax and lean on walls, chatting with friends, but
enjoy being a soldier at their post. Is someone looking for a seat?
Is there a parent who needs to know about the crying room?

An usher is embarrassed if any guest must open their own door

even after the service has begun. Ushers know how to quietly
communicate to one another in a whisper at all times. Great
ushers tune in on the platform during the service and anticipate
any needs the worship leader or the speaker may have and feel
empowered to meet that need or alert the right person to meet
that need.

Ushers are the stewards of the offering. They are completely

aware of the baskets and the information that must be available
in the baskets. They anticipate and honor the offering time as an
act of worship for our guests by making certain the baskets make
their way throughout the sanctuary with as little commotion as

Ushers may also be asked to help direct traffic in the parking lot.

Usher Team Leader:

Joe Edwards 740-503-9478

Fellowship Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Fellowship Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
perform all the planning and preparation to provide the
refreshments for the Fellowship time after each service.

What does a Fellowship Volunteer look like?

Life Church believes that our Fellowship time following the service
is a very important part of our gathering.

A Fellowship Volunteer has a heart to serve others. They quietly

create an attractive reception area while our guests are enjoying
the service in the sanctuary. They offer to serve the prepared
snacks to our guests and maintain the serving tables. Fellowship
Volunteers encourage and facilitate the interaction of our guests
with one another by acting as servants, dispensing drinks, and
offering to serve snacks.

Fellowship Volunteers are on duty while everyone else is enjoying

the casual atmosphere of the Fellowship. They remain after the
crowd has dispersed to clean up and stow the supplies and
equipment. Clean up includes washing any utensils and
appliances and reset the area to its original setting.

Fellowship Team Leaders:

Jason Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1958
Becky Grubb 740-808-0958

Prayer Ministry Volunteers 9th Grade - Adults

What does a Prayer Ministry Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, Prayer
Ministry Volunteers give time to others through their prayer life
outside Life Church and during the services of Life Church.

What does a Prayer Ministry Volunteer look like?

They are people who pray often… some almost continually,
others as the Lord brings situations and people to mind. They are
humble people who believe in prayer as a
force in and of itself. This force never
manipulates or demands things of God but
lifts others up before the Lord, interceding
on their behalf for God’s wonderful will to
be carried out in their situation and their

They are people who are willing to be

trained to pray (and will be trained) with
others personally. They are willing to come
early and stay late to pray for the service
and pray with others. They are people who
willingly submit to the leader of the service. They are willing to
pray one-on-one or in pairs with guests who request prayer. They
are fresh-breathed people who are pleasant and encouraging.
They are able to sense the Spirit moving or are willing to be further
trained to sense the movement of the Spirit during a service and
to respond accordingly.

Prayer Ministry Team Leader:

Ron Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1161

Worship Volunteers 9th Grade - Adults

What does a Worship Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, Worship
Volunteers practice and produce musical and worship arts
segments for presentation from the platform as requested by the

What does a Worship Team Volunteer look like?

Worship Volunteers are musically gifted people who love to
worship the Lord with their art. They are a worshipper in their
natural element. Worship Volunteers understand the importance
of humility and know that worship is not a performance but an
experience. They dress humbly and modestly to avoid calling
attention to themselves.

A Worship Volunteer is a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led individual who

desires to only glorify Christ by their participation. They see
themselves not as someone to be admired or applauded but as
someone who humbly points others to praise and worship of our
Savior Jesus Christ.

A Worship Volunteer recognizes that musical excellence, talent

and presentation are as important as their spiritual walk and
spiritual condition.

Worship Team Leaders:

Ron Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1161
Michelle Edwards 740-503-7534

Nursery & Preschool Volunteers 6th Grade - Adults

What does a Nursery & Preschool Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
cheerfully greet parents and watch over the safety and
happiness of children age 0-24 months (Nursery) and 2-4 years
(Preschool). They interact and direct their play, which releases
parents to participate fully in the Life Church experience.

What does a Nursery & Preschool Volunteer look like?

Nursery & Preschool Volunteers love children and love to serve
the child as well as the parent. They recognize the vital role they
play in providing a safe and fun environment for the children
while providing an essential atmosphere of uninterrupted focus
for the adults during the services.

Nursery Team Leaders:

Hal Harnden 740-746-0269
Chris Harnden 740-746-0269

Life Kids Volunteers 6th Grade - Adults

What does a Life Kids Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide directed play and instruction to our kids in Kindergarten
through 5th Grade during the adult services. They ensure the
children’s spiritual growth, emotional well being and ultimately
their desire to come to Life Church each week. To accomplish
this, they may need to spend additional time outside of the
classroom setting to prepare lessons.

What does a Life Kids Volunteer look like?

They love kids in general and recognize the tremendous potential
each child has to be a
healthy child of God.

They are faithful

people who feel the
responsibility to
prepare and present
quality activities and
teachings. They are
light hearted people
who don’t take
themselves too seriously and enjoy the laughter of children.

They empathize with each parent and enter into the individual
needs of each child.

Life Kids Team Leaders:

Hal Harnden 740-746-0269
Chris Harnden 740-746-0269

Teen Volunteers 6th - 12th Grade

What does a Teen Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of various Team Leaders, Teen
Volunteers use their unique gifts and abilities to glorify God. You
will notice that the majority of volunteer opportunities are open to
youth as young as 6th Grade, which also enables entire families
to serve together hand-in-hand.

What does a Teen Volunteer look like?

Teen Volunteers are responsible, dependable young men and
women who bring a unique energy and excitement to our
ministry teams. They bring a perspective often overlooked by all-
adult teams and help us stay in touch with today’s changing

With the patience and commitment of adult leaders, Teen

Volunteers are mentored, trained and led so that their spiritual
gifs are utilized and they become grafted into the church. Their
viewpoints are always respected by the adult leaders. They are
coachable, humble, and always respectful to the adults with
whom they serve and with our Life Church family. They seek to
represent Christ well at church, at home, at work and school.

Teen Volunteer Coordinator:

Jason Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1958

Media Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Media Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
produce and provide video projection, sound, stage
management, CD recordings and duplication.

What does a Media Volunteer look like?

Media Volunteers get to play with equipment they love. Media
Volunteers think “digitally” and seem to have an inborn ability to
speak technologically. Media Volunteers enjoy the responsibility
to provide the worship and preaching experience without being
seen themselves. They arrive early and leave late to assure that
the worship leader and the speaker have everything they need
to present their ministry to the people. Media Volunteers remain
alert at all times to the technology that is in operation, scanning
the platform to respond quickly to any problem and feel
empowered to assert themselves in order to maintain or restore
the best possible communication from the platform.

Media Volunteers choose background music to play as the

congregation prepares for worship. They understand that a well-
placed video or slide creates an atmosphere for the
congregation before and after the service. Media Volunteers
study the use of media by other professionals and appreciate its

Media Team Leader:

Jason Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1958

Communication Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Communications Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide vital information and encouragement to the
congregation through verbal, written, printed and electronic

What does a Communications Volunteer look like?

They are storytellers who use words, pictures and videos to move
people and creatively tell
a compelling story,
provide instruction and
encourage participation.
They use a variety of tools
from old fashioned pen
and paper to newfangled
graphic design, desktop
publishing, video and
photo editing. They
understand the power of social networking and are willing to be
trained to update our Facebook page and website.

They are people who love to help design and promote events.
They have a propensity for knowing what needs to happen
weeks or even months beforehand in order to ensure everyone is
on the same page. They tend to be creative yet organized, and
they love to learn and utilize the newest methods to “get the
Word out.”

Communication Team Leaders:

David Lively 740-415-3192
Amy Lively 740-654-5423

Housekeeping Volunteers 6th Grade - Adults

What does a Housekeeping Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide regular setup, cleanup and maintenance to the physical

What does a Housekeeping Volunteer look like?

They are people who enjoy using their hands to honor the Lord.
They see dust where others may not. They enjoy the smell of Pine-
sol , Pledge and Sani-flush.

They are able to sit back and smile while others are enjoying a
clean and neat environment, knowing that the Lord saw every
moment of their personal ministry and dedication. They somehow
get a kick out of setting up and tearing down tables and washing
Nursery toys… they are truly wonderful people!

Housekeeping Team Leader:

Marilyn Grubb, Administrator

Home Meal Volunteers Adults

What does a Home Meal Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they
provide meals to those who are ill, recuperating from surgery or
have lost a loved one.

What does a Home Meal Volunteer look like?

They are compassionate people who desire to care for other s by
providing a meal. They are willing to transport food to the
individual’s home. They are people who know how soothing a
prepared meal can be, whether it’s homemade or from their
favorite restaurant, to those with more pressing needs than
preparing dinner.

Home Meal Leader:

Marilyn Grubb, Administrator 740-407-1098

Funeral Dinner Volunteers 7th Grade - Adults

What does a Funeral Meal Volunteer do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, they help
prepare a meal after the funeral for family and friends who have
lost a loved one.

What does a Funeral Meal Volunteer look like?

They look like anyone who has lost a loved one and understands
the strain of performing the most basic functions during this
stressful time. They recognize that the immediate family is not only
grieving but must make funeral arrangements, attend a viewing
and ultimately the funeral itself. They are kind-hearted men and
women willing to purchase, transport and prepare food as well as
set up and clean up for the funeral banquet.

Funeral Meal Team Leader:

Marilyn Grubb, Administrator 740-407-1098

Small Group Leaders & Hosts Adults

What does a Small Group Leader or Host do?

Under the direction and training of the Team Leader, a Small
Group Leader guides their group throughout their personal and
individual Christian journeys by conducting regular meetings and
immersing the group in relevant, biblically-based studies. A Small
Group Leader may join with a Small Group Host who opens their
home as a meeting place.

What does a Small Group Leader & Host look like?

A Small Group Leader looks like the shepherd for a small flock of
“sheep” (In our case, people!). They effectively facilitate
meaningful discussions within the group and encourage heartfelt
prayer. A Small Group Leader has a capability for compassion
and understanding. They make people feel comfortable and
welcomed in a small, informal setting. They spend time in
personal preparation and prayer so that they can conduct
meaningful group discussions.

A Small Group Host doesn't look anything at all like Martha

Stewart. They don’t have mini-mansions or know how to fold
napkins into swans, but they do have spacious hearts and an
eagerness to share the home God has given them. They keep
house neatly enough to make others comfortable, yet are
relaxed enough to put everyone at ease. They delight in
anticipating their guests’ needs and making their Small Group
feel welcome.

Small Group Team Leaders:

Jason Grubb, Pastor 740-407-1958
Chris Harnden 740-746-0269

How To Sign Up

There are three ways you can sign up to help:

1. At church
Sign up during a Volunteer Fair or flag down any Team
Leader for assistance.

2. By phone
Call the Team Leader or the church. Contact numbers are
listed at the end of each section.
3. Online
Visit www.LifeChurchOhio.com/volunteer
or email the appropriate Team Leader.

What Happens Next?

Thank you for considering how you can serve the Lord at Life
Church. Please prayerfully decide upon one or two areas where
you can help, then sign up at church, by phone or online (see

You’ll be contacted by the Team Leader who will tell you exactly
what is involved. You will be asked how often you can serve and
for any dates you are unavailable. Whether you commit to every
week, every other week or once a month is up to you, and we
appreciate every minute of your time.

Your Team Leader will schedule a time to train you and make
sure you’re comfortable with your role. You will be placed on a
rotating schedule that is prepared well in advance so you’ll
know when you’re needed to serve.

Your ministry team will become, in essence, a Small Group of

friends who serve, worship and fellowship together. We pray that
your entire family will find a place to serve—even together!—and
that you will be blessed as you bless us with your service.

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