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Challenges of attaining sustainable development

*overcoming poverty

*health and inequalities

*energy sustainability

Activities and decisions of men that affects environmental change

-destruction of natural habitats through mining and deforestation

-urbanization and increase of sub-urban areas

-extensive use of fossil fuels

-por community planning

-mine tiling and factory run-offs

-industrial farming

-use of plastics and disposable goods

21 st Century soft skills

Communication- ability to share convey and transmit information to another effectively and efficiently
through verbal, non-verbal and written forms

Collaboration- ability to work effectively with others on a common task, taking actions which respect the
needs and contributions of others, contributing to and accepting the consensus; negotiating a win-win
solution to achieve the objectives of the team

Creativity and innovation- ability to produce original and unusual ideas, or to make something new or

Critical thinking- ability to actively and skinfully conceptualize, apply analyze synthesize , and evaluate
information to reach answer judgement or conclusion


*no poverty - end poverty in all its forms everywhere

*zero hunger- end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture
*good health and well being- ensure health lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
*quality education- ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all
*gender equality- achive gender equlity and empower all women and girls
*clean water and sanitation- clean accessible water for all is essential part of the world we want
to live in
*affordable and clean energy- ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable modern energy
for all
*decent work and economic growth- sustainable economic growth will require societies to
create condition that allow people to have quality jobs

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