EBC 2020 - Qn. Paper 2 - Gen. 12 - 1 - 3 Reviewed

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EBC 2020, The Mission of God


Genesis 12: 1 – 3
Key verse: 12:3b and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

I. GOD’S CALL TO ABRAM (Vs. 1 – 3a)

1. Briefly highlight the events which have happened as recorded in Genesis

chapters 1 – 2, 3 - 8, 9, 11:1 – 9. Look at verses 12:1, Who is the Lord speaking
to Abram? Who is Abram? How do the devastating events of Genesis 4 – 11
lead to Genesis 12.

2. Read verse 12:1 again. What was God’s command to Abram? What difficulty
could Abram face in obeying God’s command? Why did God command Abram
to leave what was seemingly most important to him? Think about the mission
to Abram and how he had to follow God’s leading.

3. Read verses 2 – 3a. Highlight the elements of God’s promise to Abram. What
does each of them mean? How did God fulfill each of these elements of the
promise to ‘Abraham’ later on (O.T context)?


4. Read verse 3b. What does it mean that "all peoples on earth will be blessed
through you" (See Gen. 3:15, Matt. 1:1)? What outcome does God want for all
peoples of the earth? (Think of the mission of God) How does this portray God
as the universal God and not an exclusive deity?

5. As a Christian, how are you part of Abram’s promise and how does this change your
perspective on the mission of God (Gal 3:7-8,16)?

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