God'S Judgment and Salvation

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Genesis 6-11
Key Verse 6:9


1. Describe the times of Noah (6:1-13) What was the basis of marriage in the times of Noah?
What does it mean that man is “mortal”? (See Lk 17:27) What does it mean that God’s Spirit
does not want to contend with such men?

2. Why was God grieved that he had made man? What did he decide to do about mankind? (5-
7, 13)

3. In what respect was Noah different from the people of his time? Who were his sons?

4. What did God tell Noah about his plans for the world? What did God tell Noah to do?
Describe the ark. Why do you think God gave such detailed instructions?

5. What was the content of the covenant God made with Noah? (6:18-22) How did Noah
respond? What is the main characteristic of Noah's faith (6:22; 7:5,9,16) What does this
covenant teach us about God?

6. How long was Noah in the ark?(7:11; 8:14) What was the result of the judgment by flood
waters? How does the author emphasize the totality of the flood’s destruction? (7:21-23)

7. What was the first thing Noah did when he came out of the ark? What do you learn here
about Noah’s faith?

8. What blessing did God give mankind after the flood? How did God teach the value of life?

9. What was the covenant which God made with mankind and all living creatures? What was
the sign of the covenant? What does this covenant teach us about God’s character? (9:11-


10. What was man's motive for building the tower of Babel? Why was God displeased? How did
God deal with this problem?

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