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On Tuesday, 11 August Wanyi Pratiknyo as the guest lecture, Wanyi Pratiknyo is a

creative entrepreneur, a creativepreneur is an entrepreneur who builds a business around a

personal mission, passion or purpose and runs it from creative principles, using digitals teams,
tools and tribes to expand income and influence. Creative entrepreneurship basically is an
entrepreneur who really revolves around their business around personal mission and passion.
His journey to becomes a creative entrepreneur was He attended one of the universities of
bachelor of banking and finance in 2014 and graduated at the end of 2015, in 2016 he became
part-timer at PappaRich as a bartender and waiter, he spent 9 months working there before he
went back to groups. After that in 2018 until 2019 he started as an assistant producer for a
movie FOXTROT Six, the movies took 2 years in and out produce until release. In 2019 he join
Samara for 6 months and in 2020 he join Base entertainment. His projects in 2020 are
TIGERKHIN it is Asian food like Thailand, Vietnamese and Philippines, bringing fusion food
mostly eastern influence in Indonesia and grow it as a home business, Stills Studio,
CINEMAHEADS is a film media, media that like a BuzzFeed content for showcase the in and
out and behind the screen of filmmaking, and share more of the cinema to other people and
even with people who not really a movie buff. The last project is KotakKita, It's a box that
consists of all the smaller brands of snacks.

The principle to starting a creative business is experiencing your mileage because in

creative business you must be able to convert your experience into mileage, build character, not
ego because a lot of people in the creative business like that they build ego with the small
achievement and small win, your network will potentially be your net worth. After starting a
creative business the next is building a creative business, to build a creative business that we
need is self-awareness mean to know yourself explore try things fail something celebrates small
things, be honest mean what you are good at what you are bad at where you should stop like
are you in your comfort zone and what is your passion, be patient mean things might not work
out in the next 3-5 years, time is the best asset and be hungry mean always be hungry to learn
more, importantly stay humble with your knowledge, teach others and take care good care of
your friends, family and partner.

What I learn from Wanyi Pratiknyo is how to start a creative business and also how to
build a creative business, from this I learn I must to have a good network so I can easily
communicate to others and having a network will help me later in the future, To be successful
like him working hard and never give up is what I see from him and I will implement it to my
work. In conclusion, b​ eing an entrepreneur requires taking on significant responsibility
and comes with significant challenges and potential rewards.

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