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1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need.
tent  flights  itinerary  maps  toiletries  sunglasses
backpack  passports  insect repellent
1. We booked our …………………… to London yesterday.
2. Most hotels give their guests some …………………… , such as soap and shampoo.
3. The sun was very strong, so I wore my …………………… .
4. I’ve got a lot of clothes. I hope my …………………… is big enough!
5. Rob is planning the …………………… for his trip to Mexico.
6. There’s a mosquito in the room. Have you got any …………………… ?
7. My father is British and my mother is Canadian, so I’ve got two …………………… .
2 Complete the sentences.
1. Have you made the hotel r… s … … v … … … … …s yet?
2. I’m taking a first-aid k … … with me to Brazil.
3. Jessica is going to take a t … … … of Beijing today.
4. According to the g … … … e … … … k, King Edward built this palace.
5. Jake works hard, so he’s going to take a b … … … k in the south of France.
6. We went s … … … … s … … … …g in London and saw many famous places.
7. The airline lost my s … … … c … … e. I didn’t have any clothes for two days!
3 Complete the sentences.
1. We are going for a l…………………… weekend to the Lake District.
2. Mr Cornwall often travels on b…………………… to meet clients.
3. I always check the weather f…………………… before I travel abroad.
4. I’m going to h…………………… a car in Italy.
5. I lost my money b…………………… with all my money in it.
6. The luggage a…………………… for our flight is 20 kilos.

4 Choose the correct answer.

1. You must take some things out of your suitcase because the backpack / luggage allowance /
money belt is 20 kg.
2. I always travel on business / go sightseeing / plan my itinerary before I go on holiday.
3. It’ll be warm and foggy / sunny / rainy tomorrow, so let’s go to the beach.
4. We’re not working this Monday, so we’re going for a long weekend / booking a ticket
online / making hotel reservations to Paris.
5. When people start a journey, they explore / survive / set off.
6. When a traveller arrives at the place he wants to be, he overcomes obstacles / makes his way
reaches his destination.
7. If you give money to a charity, you donate / earn / save it.
5 Add a word to each group.
1. miserable  enthusiastic  cheerful  ……………………
2. camping  rock climbing  orienteering  ……………………
3. forest  island  desert  ……………………
4. sleeping bag  backpack  tent  ……………………
5. motorbike  cruise ship  lorry  ……………………
6 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences.
1. We must take our flights early to get a good price. ……………………
2. Sue took part in two songs for the school show. ……………………
3. The journey is difficult, and the explorers must make many obstacles. ……………………
4. They composed a car and drove all the way to California. ……………………
5. That singer hired television last night. ……………………
6. The tourists are going to overcome a tour of the city tomorrow. ……………………
7. It was hard to book our way through the jungle. ……………………
8. Lenny appeared on three sports competitions last year. ……………………

1 Complete the dialogues with the verbs below. Use be going to, will, or the Present Simple
with future meaning.
1. go  arrive  take  have  stay
A: I’m so excited! My cousin 1.…………………… on 10th July. He 2.
with us for two weeks. I think we 3.…………………… camping in the Lake
B: Great! You 4.…………………… a fantastic time there. I hope it doesn’t rain!
A: I didn’t think of that! We 5.…………………… raincoats and umbrellas.
2. perform  not give  buy  start  work
A: Have you heard? That great new singer 1.…………………… here next week. 2.
…………………… you.…………………… a ticket?
B: I can’t. I 3.…………………… on my uncle’s farm next week.
A: What a pity. The concert 4.…………………… at 9.00. Are you sure he 5.
…………………… you some free time in the evenings?
B: I’ll ask him.
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Future Continuous. There are more
verbs than you need.
look • do • not join • work • wait • take
1. What …………………… Charlie …………………… at this time on Tuesday?
2. At 8 pm tomorrow, I …………………… out of the window of an aeroplane on my way to
3. …………………… Sean …………………… for me when my bus gets in?
4. Between 9 and 11.30 on Saturday, we …………………… a tour of the Prado.
5. Unfortunately, Alice …………………… you at the museum because she broke her leg.
6 Mum …………………… this afternoon, so she’ll help us.
3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use suitable future tenses.
Dear Peter,
What 1.…………………… you …………………… (do) this winter? Guess
This time next month, I 2.…………………… (visit) the north of China! Every
there is an international ice and snow festival in Leicester. It 3.
…………………… (begin) on 5th January and I 4.……………………
(spend) four days there. They make sculptures, buildings and even flowers
from ice. We 5.…………………… (see) ice sculptures of famous buildings
and characters from Chinese and European fairy tales. At night they switch on
coloured lights. I’m sure it 6.…………………… (look) beautiful! This year,
sculptors and artists from the USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Russia and, of
course, China, 7.…………………… (participate) in the festival. Why don’t
you come with me? It 8.…………………… (be) so much fun!

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Tom Hanks …………………… (just direct) a new film.
2. This time tomorrow, we …………………… (lie) on a beach in Thailand.
3. Jay and Ian …………………… (leave) for their holiday next week.
4. Our dog …………………… (bark) at 3.00 am.
5. The meeting …………………… (start) at 8.00, so don’t be late.
6. We …………………… (not see) Paul since he set off on his journey.
7. How long ……………………you …………………… (know) Jacob?
8. The lesson …………………… (begin) five minutes ago.
9. They …………………… (not have) fun at the beach yesterday.
10. We …………………… (make) our way through the forest when we saw a bear.
5 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the verb.
1. he / go / on a camping trip / last summer / ?
2. I / promise / I / not tell / anyone / .
3. what / they / do / at 5 o’clock / yesterday / ?
4. I / not speak / to Rachel / yet / .
5. I / not used to / eat / fish / .
6 Correct the mistakes in bold.
1. My grandparents used to travelled a lot.
2. I’ll watching the game at 9.00.
3. Did you sleep at 11.00 last night?
4. Have you saw a good film recently?
5. I haven’t seen him since two weeks.
6. I worked next summer.
7 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Tomorrow, our class 1. …………………… (visit) the Guggenheim Museum
in Bilbao. Architect Frank Gehry designed this unusual building. Gehry 2.
…………………… (make) a significant contribution to modern architecture
and 3. …………………… (receive) many important awards. Gehry was born
in Toronto, Canada in 1929.
His mother 4. …………………… (used to / take) him to museums and
concerts, and introduced him to the world of art. In 1947, his family 5.
…………………… (move)
to Los Angeles. As a young man, Gehry worked as a lorry driver while he
…………………… (take) courses at college. He then studied architecture
…………………… (graduate) in 1954. Today, Gehry 8. ……………………
still …………………… (work) on his amazing creations. His work is unique,
so people
…………………… probably …………………… (admire) it for many
years to come.

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