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ASSIGNMENT 2 AC 3102 Group 12 MW (10:30-12:00PM)

Rivera, Jireh
Ortiz, Levi
Kato, Marina
Venancio, Abegail
Lambujon, Claudette

1. The following measurements were recorded for the drying time, in hours, of a
certain brand of latex paint.

3.4 2.5 4.8 2.9 3.6 2.8 3.3 5.6 3.7 2.8
4.4 4.0 5.2 3.0 4.8

A. Sample size is the number of measurements recorded.

n = 15

B. Sample mean

x̄ = (Σ xi) / n

= (3.4 + 2.5 + 4.8 + 2.9 + 3.6 + 2.8 + 3.3 + 5.6 + 3.7 + 2.8 + 4.4 + 4.0 + 5.2 +
3.0 + 4.8)/15

= 56.8/15

x̄ = 3.79

C. Sample Median

Ascending order of the data:

2.5, 2.8, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 4.0, 4.4, 4.8, 4.8, 5.2, 5.6

Sample media if n is odd:

x̄ = x(n+1)/2

= x(15+1)/2

= x(16/2)

= x(8)

x̄ = 3.6
D. Dot plot for the given data.

Dot Plot
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Drying Time

E. Trimmed Mean

1. Eliminate the largest 20% and smallest 20%

2. Compute average of the remaining

x̄tr(20) = (2.9+ 3.0 + 3.3 + 3.4 + 3.6 + 3.7 + 4.0 + 4.4 + 4.8)/9

= 33.1/9

x̄tr(20) = 3.68

F. Based on the computations above, the sample mean is 3.79 while the trimmed mean is
3.68. Hence, both values are approximately the same.

G. Sample Variance (s2) and Sample Standard Deviation (s)

s2 = [Σ(xi- x̄)2]/n-1

= [(3.4-3.79)2 + (2.5-3.79)2 + (4.8-3.79)2 + (2.9-3.79)2 + (3.6-3.79)2 + (2.8-3.79)2 + (3.3-3.79)2

+ (5.6-3.79)2 + (3.7-3.79)2 + (2.8-3.79)2 + (4.4-3.79)2 + (4.0-3.79)2 + (5.2-3.79)2 + (3.0-3.79)2

+ (4.8-3.79)2] / (15-1)

= 13.2/14

s2 = 0.943

s = √s2

= √0.943

s = 0.971
2. A certain polymer is used for evacuation systems for aircraft. It is important that
the polymer be resistant to the aging process. Twenty specimens of the polymer
were used in an experiment. Ten were assigned randomly to be exposed to an
accelerated batch aging process that involved exposure to high temperatures for
10 days. Measurements of the tensile strength of the specimens were made, and
the following data were recorded on tensile strength in psi:

No aging: 227 222 218 217 225 218 216 229 228 221

Aging: 219 214 211 209 218 203 204 201 205

A. Construct a dot plot

Dot Plot



195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235

No Aging Aging

B. As we can see in the dot plot, the orange dots which represents sample which are undergone
in Aging Process are more to the left, which means that tensile strength of specimens from that
group is lower than the other group. Hence, it shows that the aging process had an effect on the
tensile strength of this polymer and the aging process affects the tensile strength.
c.) Calculate the sample mean tensile strength of the two samples.

Let us denote sample mean tensile strength of the two samples by X(no aging) and
Z(Aging), then :

X(no aging)= (227 +222 +218 +217 +225 +218 +216 +229 +228 + 221)/10

= 2221/10= 222.1

X(aging) = (219 +214 + 215 + 211 + 209 +218 + 203 + 204 + 201 + 205)/10

= 2099/10= 209.9

d.) Calculate the median for both. Discuss the similarity or lack of similarity between the mean
and median of each group.

Let us denote median for both samples by X(no aging) and X(aging) Since sample size
(n = 10) for both samples is an even number, hence expression for the median is given by :

Ascending Order of No Aging group: 216, 217, 218, 218, 221, 222, 225. 227, 228, 229

X(no aging) = (x5+x6)/2

= (221+222)/2

= 221.5

Ascending Order of Aging group: 201, 203, 204, 205, 209, 211, 214, 215, 218, 219

X(aging) = (x5+x6)/2

= (209+211)/2

= 210

e.) Calculate the sample variance as well as standard deviation in tensile strength for both
FIRST SAMPLE: Aging group
Sample Variance = Σ(xi - x̅) ²/ n-1
= 388.9/9
= 42.1
Standard Deviation = √Sample Variance
= √42.1
= 6.488
SECOND SAMPLE: No Aging group
Sample Variance = Σ(xi - x̅) ²/ n-1
= 212.9/9
= 23.656

Standard Deviation = √Sample Variance

= √23.656
= 4.864

xi (xi- x̅) xi (xi- x̅) ²
² 227 24.01
219 82.81 222 0.01
214 16.81 218 16.81
215 26.01 217 26.01
211 1.21 225 8.41
209 0.81 218 16.81
218 65.61 216 37.21
203 47.61 229 47.61
204 34.81 228 34.81
201 79.21 221 1.21
205 24.01

f.) Does there appear to be any evidence that aging affects the variability in tensile strength?

Based on the standard deviations obtained in part (a), the variation in Aging is smaller
than the variation in No aging, although the difference will not be so apparent in the dot plot.
3. The following data represent the length of life in years, measured to the nearest
tenth, of similar 30 fuel pumps.

2.0 3.0 0.3 3.3 1.3 0.4 0.2 6.0 5.5 6.5 0.2 2.3

1.5 4.0 5.9 1.8 4.7 0.7 4.5 0.3 1.5 0.5 2.5 5.0

1.0 6.0 5.6 6.0 1.2 0.2

A. Stem And Leaf Plot for Length of Life

Stem Unit =1
Leaf Unit= 0.1

Frequency STEM LEAF

8 0 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 7
6 1 0 2 3 5 5 8
3 2 0 3 5
2 3 0 3
3 4 0 5 7
4 5 0 5 6 9
4 6 0 0 0 5

The Stem Plot shows, the distribution of the data is skewed to the right.

Frequenc Relative
B. Class Interval y Frequency
0.0-0.9 8 0.266666667
1.0-1.9 6 0.2
2.0-2.9 3 0.1
3.0-3.9 2 0.066666667
4.0-4.9 3 0.1
5.0-5.9 4 0.133333333
6.0-6.9 4 0.133333333
C. Sample Mean 2.7967

Sample Range 6.3

Sample Standard Deviation:

SUM 83.9

MEAN 2.7967


0.2 -2.5967 6.74268
0.2 -2.5967 6.74268
0.2 -2.5967 6.74268
0.3 -2.4967 6.23334
0.3 -2.4967 6.23334
0.4 -2.3967 5.74401
0.5 -2.2967 5.27468
0.7 -2.0967 4.39601
1.0 -1.7967 3.22801
1.2 -1.5967 2.54934
1.3 -1.4967 2.24001
1.5 -1.2967 1.68134
1.5 -1.2967 1.68134
1.8 -0.9967 0.99334
2.0 -0.7967 0.63468
2.3 -0.4967 0.24668
2.5 -0.2967 0.08801
3.0 0.2033 0.04134
3.3 0.5033 0.25334
4.0 1.2033 1.44801
4.5 1.7033 2.90134
4.7 1.9033 3.62268
5.0 2.2033 4.85468
5.5 2.7033 7.30801
5.6 2.8033 7.85868
5.9 3.1033 9.63068
6.0 3.2033 10.26134
6.0 3.2033 10.26134
6.0 3.2033 10.26134
6.5 3.7033 13.71468
0.0 143.8697
4. A study is done to determine the influence of the wear, y, of a bearing as a function of
the load, x, on the bearing. A designed experiment is used for this study. Three levels of
used were used, 700 lbs, 1000 lbs , and 1300 lbs. Four specimens were used at each
level, and the sample means were respectively, 210, 325, 375.

a. Plot average wear against load

b. From the plot in (a), does it appear if a relationship exists between ear and

c. Suppose we look at the individual wear values for each of the four specimens at
each load level (see the data that follow). Plot the wear results for all specimens
against the three load values.

d. From your plot in (c), does it appear as if a clear relationship exists? If your
answer is different from that in (b), explain why.

700 1000 1300

Y1 145 250 150

Y2 105 195 180

Y3 260 375 420

Y4 330 480 750










600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

B. Yes. From Plot A, it signifies that as the load level increases, the average also









600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

D. The relationship between load and wear in (c) is not as strong as the case in (a),
specifically for the load 1300 lbs. The reason behind is an extreme value (750) which
influences the mean value at the load 1300.

5. The following are historical data on staff salaries (dollars per pupil) for 30 schools
sampled in the eastern part of the United States in the early 1970s.

3.79 2.99 2.77 2.91 3.10 1.84 2.52 3.22 2.45 2.14 2.67 2.52 2.71 2.75 3.57

3.85 3.36 2.05 2.89 2.83 3.13 2.44 2.10 3.71 3.14 3.54 2.37 2.68 3.51 3.37

Construct a boxplot.



A1 1.84 A11 2.68 A21 3.14
A2 2.05 A12 2.71 A22 3.22
A3 2.10 A13 2.75 A23 3.36
A4 2.14 A14 2.77 A24 3.37
A5 2.37 A15 2.83 A25 3.51
A6 2.44 A16 2.89 A26 3.54
A7 2.45 A17 2.91 A27 3.57
A8 2.52 A18 2.99 A28 3.71
A9 2.52 A19 3.10 A29 3.79
A10 2.67 A20 3.13 A30 3.85


=1.84 - 0
=2.52 - 1.84
Q1 )
=2.86 - 2.52
=3.325 - 2.86
Q3 )
=3.85 - 3.325

Staff Salaries (dollars per pupil)

1 1.84 0.68 0.34 0.47 0.53

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

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