React JS For E-Commerce Websites

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React JS for E-commerce Websites

React (commonly known as React JS or React.js) is an open-source javascript library used for
building creative user interfaces. React is used as a base in the development of the single
page or mobile applications and is maintained by Facebook along with a community of
individual developers and companies. Based on some research, in 2019, React was one of
the most loved web frameworks with almost 90,000 websites using its bases.

React facilitates the creation of module-like pieces of code called "Components". These
react components can be reused across multiple front-end applications in multiple places.
This results in accelerated development time and consistent customer experience since it
eliminates the need to re-create code. React provides developer tools that help in the
evaluation of the React component tree in Chrome and Firefox. It also provides a lot of
developer warnings that let developers spot mistakes easily.

React JS provides the required speed, superior performance and developer comfort with
minimal coding and can be an amazing software for e-commerce websites. The frameworks
of React are not only beneficial to the creator but also add to the comfort of the user while
using the e-commerce platforms. React uses its flexible components that enable auto reuse
of the coding components which comes in handy when one starts scaling and expanding the
shopping cart integration.

React offers the following solutions for building an e-commerce app:

 Moltin — An API-based e-commerce solution. It allows you to use React natively to
power your applications.
 Cezerin — A React & Node.js-based e-commerce platform. Enables the creation of PWAs.
 Reaction Commerce — Open-source, real-time platform. Built on Node.js, but plays nice
with React.

Thus, React can be a great platform for building strong e-commerce applications given the
builder is willing to get his/her hands dirty with some meaningful coding.

Structured Data for E-commerce websites

Structured data refers to implementing some kind of markup on the site’s page so that it
provides extra details about the page. This helps search engines understand the content
with relevant signals and also leads to enhanced results. Whenever you’re adding structured
data to the e-commerce website, it can be overwhelming to think about all the schema
mark-up needed across the pages of your site, then structured data helps you to approach
the pages based on the templates.

Structured data allows the usage of review and product mark-up which is a technique to
increase the click-through rate. Many times the website owners believe that there is a need
for third party apps for collecting and displaying product reviews on their site but structured
data helps one achieve the same without any third party application. Assigning an efficient
schema mark-up to the products that help them give the opportunity to get displayed in the
Google’s snippet. Structuring of data allows the use of product availability schema along
with the price attributes to reach out to the audience.

Using structured data correctly can help search engines to better understand what the
ecommerce site is offering and may therefore contribute to a stronger relevancy signal.

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