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Descriptions from Sue Grafton’s E is for Evidence

I've know Maclin Voorhies since I started working for California Fidelity nearly ten years ago.
He's in his sixties now, with a lean, dour face. He has sparse gray hair that stands out around
his head like dandelion fuzz, big ears with drooping lobes, a bulbous nose, and small black
eyes under unruly white brows. His body seems mis-shapen: long legs, short waist, narrow
shoulders, arms too long for the average sleeve length. He's smart, capable, stingy with
praise, humorless, and devoutly Catholic, which translates out to a thirty-five-year marriage
and eight kids, all grown. I've never seen him smoke a cigar, but he's usually chewing on a
stub, the resultant tobacco stains tarnishing his teeth to the color of old toilet bowls.

I talked to Lonnie Kingman, a criminal attorney I'd done some work for in the past. He's in his
early forties, with a face like a boxer; beetle-browed, broken nose. His hair is shaggy and his
suits usually look too tight across the shoul-der blades. He's about five foot four and probably
weighs two hundred and five. He lifts weights at the same gym I do and I see him in there
doing squats with three hundred pounds of plates wobbling on either end of the bar like water
buckets. He graduated summa cum laude from Stan-ford Law School and he wears silk
shirts with his mono-gram on the cuff.

My standard outfit consists of boots or tennis shoes, form-fitting jeans, and a tank top or a
turtleneck, depending on the season. Sometimes I wear a windbreaker or a denim vest, and
I've always got a large leather shoulder bag,

Ash had reserved a table in the main dining room. She was already seated, her face turned
expectantly toward me as I approached. She looked much as she had in high school; pale-
red hair, blue eyes set in a wide, friendly face mottled with freckles. Her teeth were very
white and straight and her smile was engaging. I had forgotten how casually she dressed.
She was wearing a blue wool jumpsuit with a military cut, and over it a bulky white sheepskin
vest. I thought, with regret, of my jeans and turtleneck.

She has baby-fine hair that defies styling, a high, bulging forehead, pale-blue eyes. Her skin
is milky white and translucent, with a tracery of veins showing through like faded laundry

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