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Skype Clone Video Calling Android App

Java + XML = Android

This is the clone of skype video calling app.

Skype Skype Clone


The Skype Clone Video Calling android app is an application
software whis is developed by Java technology as J2ME version
with Android Studio IDE.

It’s Front-end is designed by using XML , stands for extensible
markup language.

This app is configured with Firebase real-time database with no-
sql tree structured technology.

Having PICCASSO third party liberary as well as Opentok video
calling API with 1 month of free trial else we have to pay 10$ per

Auto authentication of device for registration or login.
Some Snapshots of the App

Why this project?

Skype clone app is not developed with the purpose of any
entreprenurship point of view or other kind of economical

The main purpose of this project is to implement maximum
new technology with core computer science concept to get
well understandings Like OOP concept, Real-time
database concept with latest no-sql technology, front-end
and back-end concept, Network call concept, auto machine
detection and so many so forth.
Tools and technologies to be used

Android Studio IDE

JDK 8.0

Firebase real-time database with machine authentication

Ubuntu 18.0.4 Operating System

512 GB SSD and 8 GB RAM with I7 8th gen. Processor

Online speed Internet connection

SHA-1 encryption technology

JWT (Json web token)

XML and Java

Opentok third party API

Piccasso third party library

Firebase dependencies

In this project, our many theoretical doubt had been cleared.

We learnt so many latest technologies to be implemented.

In my whole life, first time we were working with real-time database
with no-sql tree structured technology.

Object oriented programming concept is also much clear better than the

We were very exited to take the consideration of making android package
kit i:e .apk file.

Skype clone app is the representation of our understansings as
implementation with fully scratch.

And now, we are able to take challenges to solve more real world
problems by developing another android app.
Future Scope

Skype clone app may be upgraded as multiple video
conferencing cloud streaming app.

Due to the cloud implementation, instead of Stack data
structure we should use Queue, to prevent overlapping the
multiple calls get to gether.

In place of free trial of opentok, we have to use
subscription oriented high performance API.

Coding cafe (

Let us java by Y.S.kannetkar

Let us C by Y.S.Kannetkar

And verious online resources...
Having any Query?

Any Questions? Please ask, we will be pleased.

Presentation Over


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