Heuristics and Biases in Cyber Security Dilemmas

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Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

DOI 10.1007/s10669-013-9473-2

Heuristics and biases in cyber security dilemmas

Heather Rosoff • Jinshu Cui • Richard S. John

Published online: 28 September 2013

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Cyber security often depends on decisions response relative to the manipulated prior near-miss
made by human operators, who are commonly considered a experience. These results also showed a main effect for age
major cause of security failures. We conducted 2 behav- and were moderated by respondent’s income level.
ioral experiments to explore whether and how cyber
security decision-making responses depend on gain–loss Keywords Cyber security  Framing effect 
framing and salience of a primed recall prior experience. In Near-miss  Decision making
Experiment I, we employed a 2 9 2 factorial design,
manipulating the frame (gain vs. loss) and the presence
versus absence of a prior near-miss experience. Results 1 Introduction
suggest that the experience of a near-miss significantly
increased respondents’ endorsement of safer response Individual users regularly make decisions that affect the
options under a gain frame. Overall, female respondents security of their personal devices connected to the internet
were more likely to select a risk averse (safe) response and, in turn, to the security of the cybersphere. For
compared with males. Experiment II followed the same example, they must decide whether to install software to
general paradigm, framing all consequences in a loss frame protect from viruses and hackers, download files from
and manipulating recall to include one of three possible unknown sources, or submit personal identification infor-
prior experiences: false alarm, near-miss, or a hit involving mation for web site access or online purchases. Such
a loss of data. Results indicate that the manipulated prior decisions involve actions that could result in various neg-
hit experience significantly increased the likelihood of ative consequences (loss of data, reduced computer per-
respondents’ endorsement of a safer response relative to formance or destruction of a computer’s hard drive).
the manipulated prior near-miss experience. Conversely, Conversely, other alternative actions are available that
the manipulated prior false-alarm experience significantly could protect individuals from negative outcomes, but also
decreased respondents’ likelihood of endorsing a safer could limit the efficiency and ease of use of the personal
Aytes and Connolly (2004) propose a decision model of
H. Rosoff (&)
Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern computer-related behavior that suggests individuals make a
California, Los Angeles, CA, USA rational choice to either engage in safe or unsafe cyber
e-mail: rosoff@usc.edu behavior. In their model, individual behavior is driven by
perceptions of the usefulness of safe and unsafe behaviors
H. Rosoff  J. Cui  R. S. John
Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events and the consequences of each. More specifically, the model
(CREATE), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, captures how information sources, the user’s base knowl-
CA, USA edge of cyber security, the user’s relevant perceptions (e.g.,
interpretations of the applicability of the knowledge), and
J. Cui  R. S. John
Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, the user’s risk attitude influence individual cyber decision
Los Angeles, CA, USA making.

518 Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

This paper reports on two behavioral experiments, using engaging in risky behavior (Barnes et al. 2007; Donner
over 500 respondents, designed to explore whether and et al. 2012; Dow and Cutter 1998; Simmons and Sutter
how recommended cyber security decision-making 2009). In contrast, there is research showing that the public
responses depend on gain–loss framing and salience of may have a higher tolerance for false alarms than antici-
prior cyber dilemma experiences. More specifically, we pated. This is because of the increased credibility given to
explored whether priming individuals to recall a prior the event due to the frequency with which it is discussed,
cyber-related experience influenced their decision to select both through media sources and informal discussion, thus,
either a safe versus risky option in responding to a hypo- suggesting that false alarms might increase individuals’
thetical cyber dilemma. We hypothesized that recall of a hit willingness to be risk averse (Dow and Cutter 1998). We
experience involving negative consequences would anticipated that recall of prior false alarms would likely
increase feelings of vulnerability, even more so than a make respondents feel less vulnerable and more willing to
near-miss, and lead to the endorsement of a risk averse prefer the risky option, compared with the near-miss and
option. This result has been reported in the disaster liter- hit conditions.
ature, which has shown that individual decision making In our research, we also anticipated that there would be
depends on prior experiences, including hits, near-misses some influence of framing on individual cyber decision
(events where a hazardous or fatal outcome could have making under risk. Prospect theory and related empirical
occurred, but do not), and false alarms (Barnes et al. 2007; research suggest that decision making under risk depends
Dillon et al. 2011; Siegrist and Gutscher 2008). Further- on whether potential outcomes are perceived as a gain or as
more, damage from past disasters has been shown to sig- a loss in relation to a reference point (Kahneman and
nificantly influence individual perceptions of future risk Tversky 1979; Tversky and Kahneman 1986). A common
and to motivate more protective and mitigation-related finding in the literature on individual preferences in deci-
behavior (Kunreuther and Pauly 2004; Siegrist and Gut- sion making shows that people tend to avoid risk under
scher 2008; Slovic et al. 2005). gain frames, but seek risk when outcomes are framed as a
We anticipated that the effect of prior near-miss expe- loss.
riences would depend on the interpretation of the prior Prospect theory is discussed in the security literature,
near-miss event by the respondent. This expectation was but empirical studies in cyber security contexts are limited
based on near-miss research that has shown that future- (Acquisti and Grossklags 2007; Garg and Camp 2013;
intended mitigation behavior depends greatly on the per- Helander and Khalid 2000; Shankar et al. 2002; Verendel
ception of the near-miss event outcome. Tinsley et al. 2008). Among the security studies that have been con-
(2012) describe two near-miss types—a resilient and vul- ducted, the results are mixed. The work by Schroeder and
nerable near-miss. A resilient near-miss is as an event that colleagues on computer information security presented at
did not occur. In these situations, individuals were found to the 2006 Information Resources Management Association
underestimate the danger of subsequent events and were International Conference found that decision makers were
more likely to engage in risky behavior by choosing not to risk averse in the gain frame, yet they showed no risk
take protective action. A vulnerable near-miss occurs when preference in the loss frame. Similarly, in a 1999 presen-
a disaster almost happened. New information is incorpo- tation about online shopping behavior by Helander and Du
rated into the assessment that counters the basic ‘‘near- at the International Conference on TQM and Human Fac-
miss’’ definition and results in the individual being more tors, perceived risk of credit card fraud and the potential for
inclined to engage in risk averse behavior (the opposite price inflation did not negatively affect purchase intention
behavior related to a resilient near-miss interpretation). In (loss frame), while perceived value of a product was found
the cyber context, we expected that respondents who fail to to positively affect purchase intention. We anticipated that
recognize a prior near-miss as a cyber threat would be more gain-framed messages in cyber dilemmas would increase
likely to recommend the risky course of action. However, if endorsement of protective responses and loss-framed
respondents view a recalled near-miss as evidence of vul- messages would have no effect on the endorsement of
nerability, then they would be more inclined to endorse the protective options.
safer option. We also explored how subject variables affect the
In the case of a recalled prior false-alarm experience, strength and/or the direction of the relationship between the
one hypothesis known as the ‘‘cry-wolf effect’’ (Breznitz manipulated variables, prior experience and gain–loss
2013) suggests that predictions of disasters that do not framing, and the dependent variable, endorsement of safe
materialize affect beliefs about the uncertainty associated or unsafe options in response to cyber dilemmas. For
with future events. In this context, false alarms are believed example, one possibility is that the relationship between
to create complacency and reduce willingness to respond to prior experience and risk averse behavior is greater for
future warnings, resulting in a greater likelihood of individuals with higher self-reported victimization given

Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529 519

their increased exposure to cyber dilemma consequences. After each cyber dilemma, respondents were asked to
Another possibility is that the relationship between the gain respond on a 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree to
frame and protective behavior would be less for younger 6 = strongly agree) whether they would advise their ‘‘best
individuals because they are more familiar and comfortable friend’’ to proceed in taking a risky course of action.
with the nuances of internet security. We anticipated that Responses of 1–3 indicated endorsement of the safe but
there would be some difference in the patterns of response inconvenient option, while responses of 4–6 indicated
as a function of sex, age, income, education, job domain, endorsement of the risky but expedient option. Following
and self-reported victimization. the four cyber dilemmas, respondents were given four
The next section of this article describes the methods, attention check questions to determine whether they were
results, and a brief discussion for Experiment I, and Sect. 3 reading the cyber scenarios carefully. In addition, basic
describes the methods, results, and a brief discussion for demographic information was collected as well as infor-
Experiment II. The paper closes with a discussion of mation on each respondent’s personal experience and self-
findings across both experiments and how these results reported victimization, if any, with the topics of the cyber
suggest approaches to enhance and improve cyber security dilemmas.
by taking into account user decision making.
2.1.2 Scenarios and manipulations

The four cyber dilemma scenarios involved the threat of a

2 Experiment I computer virus resulting from the download of a music file,
the use of an unknown USB drive device, the download of
We conducted an experiment of risky cyber dilemmas with a Facebook application, and the risk of financial fraud from
two manipulated variables, gain–loss framing and primed an online purchase. Gain–loss framing and primed recall of
recall of a prior personal near-miss experience, to evaluate a prior personal experience were manipulated independent
individual cyber user decision making. The cyber dilem- variables. The framing messages were used to describe the
mas were developed to capture commonly confronted risky potential outcome of the risky cyber choice. The gain-
cyber choices faced by individual users. In addition, in framed messages endorsed the safe, more protective rec-
Experiment I, the dependent variable focused on the advice ommendation. For example, for the download of a music
the respondent would provide to their best friend so as to file scenario, the gain frame was worded as ‘‘If she presses
encourage more normative thinking about what might be ‘do not proceed,’ she may avoid the risk of acquiring a
the correct response to the cyber dilemma. As such, each virus that will cause serious damage to her computer.’’
cyber scenario described a risky choice dilemma faced by Conversely, the loss-framed messages endorsed the risky
the respondent’s ‘‘best friend,’’ and the respondent was option/choice. For the download of a music file scenario,
asked to recommend either a safe but inconvenient course the loss frame was worded as ‘‘If she presses ‘proceed,’ she
of action (e.g., recommend not downloading the music file may risk acquiring a virus that will cause serious damage to
from an unknown source), or a risky but more convenient her computer.’’ The experimental design also included a
option (e.g., recommend downloading the music file from manipulation of primed recall of a prior personal experi-
an unknown source). ence. Respondents either recalled a near-miss experience of
their own before advising their friend, or did not (a control
2.1 Method condition). In each near-miss experience, the respondent’s
dilemma was similar to the situation faced by their best
2.1.1 Design overview friend and the consequences of the threat were benign. A
complete description of the four scenarios, including the
In Experiment I, four cyber dilemmas were developed to near-miss and gain–loss framing manipulations, is pro-
evaluate respondents’ risky choice behavior using a 2 vided in Table 1.
(recalled personal near-miss experience or no recall control
condition) by 2 (gain versus loss-framed message) mixed 2.1.3 Subjects
model factorial design with two dichotomous subject
variables: sex and self-reported victimization. Each par- The experiment was conducted using the University of
ticipant received all four dilemmas in a constant order. Southern California’s Psychology Subject Pool. Students
Within this order, each of the four treatment conditions was participated for course credit. Of the 365 students who
paired with each of the four dilemmas and counterbalanced participated in the experiment, 99 were omitted for not
such that each of the dilemmas was randomly assigned to answering all 4 of the attention check questions correctly,
each of the four treatment conditions. resulting in a sample of 266 respondents. Most, 203 (76 %)

520 Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

Table 1 Summary of four scenarios and manipulations (Experiment I)

Scenario 1: Music File Scenario 2: USB Scenario 3: Facebook Scenario 4: Rare Book

Scenario Your best friend has contacted you Your best friend has contacted you Your best friend has contacted you Your best friend has contacted you
for advice. She wants to open a for advice. Her computer keeps for advice. She has opened her for advice. She is going to buy a
music file linking to an early crashing because it is overloaded Facebook page to find an app rare book from an unknown
release of her favorite band’s with programs, documents and request for a game that her online store. The book is highly
new album. When she clicks on media files. She consults a friends have been really excited desirable, expensive and only
the link, a window pops up computer technician who about. In order to download the available from this online store’s
indicating that she needs to turn advises her to purchase a 1 app, access to some of her website. By deciding to purchase
off her firewall program in order terabyte USB drive (data storage personal information is required the book online with her credit
to access the file device) to free up space on her including her User ID and other card, there is a risk that her
computer. She does her research information from her profile personal information will be
and narrows down the selection exploited which can generate
to two choices unauthorized credit card
charges. Her credit card charges
$50 for the investigation and
retrieval of funds expended
when resolving fraudulent credit
card issues
Gain If she presses ‘‘do not proceed,’’ The first USB drive when used on If she chooses not to agree to the If she decides not to buy the book,
framing she may avoid the risk of a computer other than your own terms of the app, she is she may save up to $50 and the
acquiring a virus that will cause has a 10 % chance of becoming protecting her private time spent talking with the credit
serious damage to her computer infected with a virus that will information from being made card company
delete all the files and programs available to the developer of the
on the drive. The second drive is app
double the price, but has less
than a 5 % chance of becoming
infected with a virus when used
on a computer other than your
Loss If she presses ‘‘proceed,’’ she may The first USB drive when used on If she chooses to agree to the terms If she decides to buy the book, she
framing risk acquiring a virus that will a computer other than her own of the app, she risks the chance may lose up to $50 and the time
cause serious damage to her has a 5 % chance of becoming of her private information being spent talking with the credit card
computer infected with a virus that will made available to the developer company
delete all the files and programs of the app
on the drive. The second drive is
half the price but has more than
a 5 % chance of becoming
infected with a virus when used
on a computer other than her
Near-miss As you consider how to advise As you consider how to advise As you consider how to advise As you consider how to advise
experience your friend, you recall that you your friend, you recall that your your friend, you recall that you your friend, you recall that you
were confronted by a similar USB drive recently was infected once agreed to share some of once purchased a rare book from
situation in the past. You with a virus after being plugged your personal information in an unknown online store. You
attempted to open a link to a into a computer at work. You order to download an app on were expecting the book to
music file and a window popped contacted a computer technician Facebook. The developers of the arrive 1 week later. About
up saying that you need to turn to see if there was any way to app made your User ID publicly 2 weeks later, you had yet to
off your firewall program in repair the drive. The technician available and because of this you receive the book. You were very
order to access the file. You was able to recover all the files started to receive messages from concerned that you had done
pressed ‘‘proceed’’ and your and told you that you were really strangers on your profile page. business with a fake online store.
computer immediately crashed. lucky because normally such You were very upset about the You contacted the store’s
Fortunately, after restarting your drives cannot be restored invasion of your privacy. customer service who
computer everything was Fortunately, you discovered that fortunately tracked down the
functioning normally again you could change the privacy book’s location and had it
settings of your profile so that shipped with overnight delivery.
only your friends could access
your page
Question Below please indicate your level Below please indicate your level Below please indicate your level Below please indicate your level
of agreement with the statement of agreement with the statement of agreement with the statement of agreement with the statement:
‘‘You will advise your best ‘‘You will advise your best ‘‘You will advise your best ‘‘You will advise your best
friend to press ‘‘proceed’’ and friend to buy the first USB drive friend to download the app and friend to purchase the book
risk acquiring a virus that will that has a 10 % chance of risk having her private online and risk having her
cause serious damage to her becoming infected with a information made available to personal information exploited’’
computer’’ virus.’’/’’You will advise your the app developer’’
best friend to buy the second
USB drive that has a greater than
5 % chance of becoming
infected with a virus’’

Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529 521

of the respondents, were female. Respondents ranged in Table 2 Summary of experience and victimization
age from 18 to 41 years (95 % percentile is 22 years old). Scenario (N = 266) Personal Previous
Table 2 shows a summary of personal experience and experience victimization
self-reported victimization associated with each of the four
Music file download 205 (77 %) 40 (15 %)
cyber dilemmas. All respondents reported having been a
victim of one of the four cyber dilemmas. Twenty-four USB drive 110 (41 %) 12 (4.5 %)
percent of respondents further reported being a victim of Facebook App 253a (95 %) 3 (1 %)
one or more of the four cyber dilemmas. We coded whether
Online purchase 259 (97 %) 18 (7 %)
the respondent had ever been victimized by one of the four
Overall (at least once) 265b (100 %) 64 (24 %)
scenarios as a variable of self-reported victimization.
An app is downloaded from Facebook at least once a week
2.2 Results There is one missing value

Raw responses (1–6) were centered around the midpoint

(3.5) such that negative responses indicate endorsement of
the safe option, and positive responses indicate endorse- Advice by Framing and Near-miss

Mean Endorsement of Safe vs. Risky Advice

ment of the risky option. Mean endorsement responses for
each of the four treatment conditions are displayed in 0.2
Fig. 1. The negative means in all four conditions indicate 0
that subjects were more likely to endorse risk averse
actions compared with the risky alternative.1
In addition, a 2 (recalled personal near-miss experience -0.4
or no recall control condition) by 2 (gain vs. loss-framed -0.6
message) by 2 (sex) by 2 (self-reported victimization)
4-way factorial ANOVA was used to evaluate respondents
endorsement of risky versus safe options in cyber dilem- -1
mas. Analyses were specified to only include main effects Gain
and 2-way interactions with the manipulated variables. Loss
Preliminary data screening was conducted, and q–q plots Control Near-miss
indicated that the dependent variable is approximately Safe
Near- miss
normally distributed.
Results indicated that the near-miss manipulation was Fig. 1 Mean endorsement of risky versus safe responses to cyber
significant, F (1, 260) = 7.42, p = .01, g2 = .03. threats by gain–loss frame and prior near-miss
Respondents who received a description of a recalled near-
miss experience preferred the safe but inconvenient option
to the risky, more expedient option. No main effect was gains or losses from a reference point. There also was a
found for the gain–loss framing manipulation, suggesting significant interaction between the framing and near-miss
that respondents were indifferent between safe versus risky manipulations: F (1, 260) = 4.01, p = .05, g2 = .02. As
decision options when the outcomes were described as seen in Fig. 1, the near-miss manipulation was much larger
under the gain frame compared with the loss frame.
Basic demographic data also was collected to assess
whether individual differences moderated the effect of the
1 two manipulations. A significant main effect was found for
Since the four scenarios are in a constant order, a second analysis
was run that ignored the manipulated factors and included scenario/ sex: F (1, 260) = 3.81, p = .05, g2 = .01; Sex’s cohen’s
order as a repeated factor. A one-way repeated measure ANOVA d are 0.33 for gain framing without near-miss, 0.09 for gain
found a significant scenario/order effect: F (3, 265) = 30.42, framing with near-miss, 0.18 for loss framing without near-
p \ .001, g2 = .10. Over time, respondents were more likely to
miss, and 0.19 for loss framing with near-miss. Female
endorse the risky option. Because the nature of the dilemma scenario
and order are confounded, it is impossible to determine whether the respondents were more likely to avoid risks and choose the
significant main effect indicates an order effect or a scenarios effect or safe option. No significant main effect was found for self-
a combination of both. The counterbalanced design distributed all 4 reported victimization. Also, none of the interactions were
combinations of framing and prior experience recall evenly across the
significant; sex and framing, sex and near-miss experience,
four scenario dilemmas. Order and/or scenario effects are independent
of the manipulated factors, and thus are included in the error term in victimization and framing, and victimization and near-
the ANOVA. miss.

522 Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

2.3 Discussion and a hit involving a loss of data. The prior cyber experi-
ence recall prime for Experiment II involved experiences
The results of Experiment I suggest that respondents’ cyber of a good friend, rather than the respondents’ past experi-
security recommendations to their best friend were signif- ences (used in Experiment I). We also posed all questions
icantly influenced by the personal experience recall using a loss frame to enhance the ecological validity of the
manipulation. More specifically, respondents who recalled cyber dilemmas posed, the consequences of which are
a near-miss experience were more likely to advise their naturally perceived as losses from a status quo. The
best friend to avoid making the risky cyber choice com- dependent variable was also changed for Experiment II.
pared with their no recall counterpart. This finding is Each respondent was asked to report whether they would
consistent with Tinsley et al. (2012) definition of a vul- select the safe or risky option in response to their own
nerable near-miss—an ‘‘almost happened’’ event that cyber dilemma, as opposed to providing advice to their best
makes individuals feel vulnerable and, in turn, leads to a friend involved in a risky cyber dilemma as in Experiment
greater likelihood of endorsing the safer option. I. One interpretation of the finding from Experiment I that
Respondents who recalled a near-miss experience were respondents generally favored the safe option was that they
even more likely to advise their best friend to take the safer were possibly more risk averse in advising a friend com-
course of action if they also received the gain message. pared to how they would respond to their own cyber
Comparatively, the loss frame had a negligible effect on dilemma. By posing the dilemma in the first person, we
the primed recall prior experience manipulation. That is, sought to characterize how respondents would be likely to
respondents who received the loss frame were as likely to respond when facing a cyber dilemma. The cyber dilemmas
recommend the risk averse course of action to their best were also described in a more concrete fashion for
friend regardless of whether their prior experience was a Experiment II, including a ‘‘screenshot’’ of the dilemma
near-miss or not. This finding suggests that people will be facing the respondent.
more risk averse when they are exposed either to a recall of
a prior near-miss and/or a loss frame. The combination of 3.1 Method
no prior recall of a near-miss and a gain frame did produce
less risk averse responses. This suggests a highly interac- 3.1.1 Design overview
tive, synergistic effect, in which the frame and the near-
miss recall substitute for each other. In Experiment II, three cyber dilemmas were constructed to
In addition, sex and prior victimization were found to evaluate respondents’ risky choice behavior using one
have no moderating effect on the relationship between cyber manipulated variable, recall of a friend’s false alarm, near-
dilemma responses and the two manipulated variables. miss or hit experience. In addition, six individual differ-
Cyber dilemma decision making was found to significantly ence variables were included in the design: sex, age,
vary by respondents’ sex, but not by self-reported victim- income, education, job domain, and self-reported victim-
ization. The results suggest that females make more pro- ization. Each participant received all three dilemmas in a
tective decisions when faced with risky cyber dilemmas constant order. Each of the three primed recall prior cyber
compared with males. This pattern has been replicated in experiences was paired with one of the three scenarios in a
cyber research in an experiment of online shopping services counterbalanced design such that each of the cyber
where males demonstrated a greater tendency to engage in dilemmas appeared in each of the three treatment condi-
risky behavior online (Milne et al. 2009). Disaster risk per- tions with equal frequency.
ception studies also have shown that risks tend to be judged After each cyber dilemma, respondents were asked to
higher by females (Flynn et al. 1994; Bateman and Edwards respond on a 6-point scale (1 = strongly disagree to
2002; Kung and Chen 2012; Bourque et al. 2012) and that 6 = strongly agree) regarding their intention to ignore the
females tend to have a stronger desire to take preventative warning and proceed with the riskier course of action.
and preparedness measures compared with males (Ho et al. Following all three cyber dilemmas, respondents were
2008; Cameron and Shah 2012). given three attention check questions related to the nature
of each dilemma. Respondents also were asked to provide
basic demographic information and answer a series of
3 Experiment II questions about their experience with computers and cyber
dilemmas, such as their experience with purchasing from a
The primary purpose of Experiment II was to expand the fraudulent online store, being locked out from an online
primed recall prior experience manipulation to compare account, or having unauthorized withdrawals made from
three prior cyber experiences: a near-miss, a false alarm, their online banking account.

Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529 523

3.1.2 Scenarios and manipulations characteristics, including sex, age, income, education, job
domain, and self-reported victimization. Self-reported
The three cyber dilemma scenarios involved the threat of victimization is defined in terms of experiences with four
causing serious damage to the respondents’ computer as a types of negative cyber events: (1) getting a virus on an
result of downloading a music file, installing a plug-in for electronic device, (2) purchasing from a fraudulent online
an online game, and downloading a media player to legally store, (3) being locked out from an online account, or (4)
stream videos. The scenarios were written to share the having unauthorized withdrawals made from their online
same possible negative outcome—the computer’s operat- banking account. Respondents also responded to a number
ing system crashes, resulting in an unusable computer until of experience questions that are summarized in Table 5 as
repaired. Establishing uniformity of consequences across additional detail about the study sample.
the three scenarios reduced potential unexplained variance
across the three levels of the manipulated variable. 3.2 Results
Experiment II also included screenshots of ‘‘pop-up’’
window images similar to those that would appear on the A mixed model ANOVA with one within-subject factor
computer display when the cyber dilemma is presented. (primed recall of a prior experience) and six individual
These images were intended to make the scenarios more difference variables as between-subject factors were used.
concrete and enhance the realism of the cyber dilemma This model included only the seven main effects and the
scenarios. six 2-way interactions involving the manipulated within-
Primed recall of a friend’s prior cyber experience was subject variable and each of the six between-subject vari-
the only manipulated variable in this experiment. able. Preliminary data screening was done; q–q plots
Respondents either recalled their friend’s near-miss, false showed the scores on the repeated measures variable, prior
alarm or hit experience before deciding whether to select salient experience, to have an approximately normal
the safe or risky option in response to the described cyber distribution.2
dilemma. All potential outcomes were presented in a loss Results show that the primed recall prior experience
frame, with wording held constant except for details spe- manipulation had a significant effect on how respondents
cific to the scenario under consideration. For example, the intended to respond to the cyber dilemmas, F (1,
wording of the loss frame for the hit outcome of the 231) = 31.60, p \ .00, g2 = .12. Moreover, post hoc
download a music file scenario was ‘‘She pressed ‘allow comparisons using the least significant difference (LSD)
access’ and her computer immediately crashed. She ended test indicate that the mean score for the false-alarm con-
up having to wipe the computer’s hard drive clean and to dition (M = 3.65, SD = 0.11) was significantly different
reinstall the operating system.’’ The only modification from the near-miss condition (M = 2.97, SD = 0.11) with
made for the installation of the plug-in scenario was p \ .01, and the hit condition (M = 2.34, SD = 0.11)
switching the words ‘‘allow access’’ to ‘‘run.’’ A complete significantly differed from the near-miss and false-alarm
description of the scenarios, including the primed recall of conditions with p \ .01. This suggests that respondents
the friend’s prior experiences, is provided in Table 3. who received a description of a friend’s near-miss experi-
ence recall preferred the safer, risk averse option compared
3.1.3 Subjects with respondents who were primed to recall a friend’s prior
false-alarm experience. Respondents were found to be even
Three hundred and seventy-six US residents were recruited more likely to select the safe option when they were primed
through Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) to participate in to recall a friend’s prior hit experience. As displayed in
the experiment. Researchers have assessed the representa- Fig. 2, the positive means for the false-alarm condition
tiveness of AMT samples compared with convenience indicate that respondents were more likely to engage in
samples found locally and found AMT samples to be risky behavior compared with the negative means for the
representative (Buhrmester et al. 2011; Mason and Suri near-miss and hit conditions.
2012; Paolacci et al. 2010) and ‘‘significantly more diverse The analysis also included both main effects and inter-
than typical American college samples’’ (Buhrmester et al. action terms for six different subject variables, including
2011). Each respondent earned $1 for completion of the
experiment. After removing respondents who did not 2
As in Exp I, a one-way repeated measure ANOVA shows there is a
answer all three of the attention check questions correctly significant scenario/order effect: F (2, 265) =4.47, p = .035, g2 = .02.
or completed the experiment in less than 7 min, the sample Over time and/or scenario, respondents were more likely to endorse the
risky option. However, as in Experiment I, it is difficult to determine
consisted of 247 respondents. Five additional respondents
whether the main effect is for the scenarios or the order effect. The study
skipped questions, resulting in a final sample size of design we used overcame this limitation by using a counterbalanced
N = 242. Table 4 includes a summary of sample design.

Table 3 Summary of three scenarios and manipulations (Experiment II)

Scenario 1: Music File Scenario 2: Plug-in Install Scenario 3: Unknown Network

Scenario You want to download a music file linking to an early You are interested in playing an online game that You have downloaded a media player to legally stream
release of your favorite band’s new album. When you requires a plug-into run. Before installing the plug-in, videos from your computer. When you open the player,
click on the link, the following window pops up: the following window pops up: the following window pops up:

If you click ‘‘run,’’ you may risk installing a plug-in that If you press ‘‘yes, you may risk using a media player that
could seriously damage your computer could seriously damage your computer
If you press ‘‘allow access,’’ you may risk causing
serious damage to your computer
Your You recall that your friend told you she was confronted You recall that your friend told you she once downloaded You recall that your friend told you she once installed a
experience by a similar situation in the past. She was attempting to a plug-into play an online game and was warned prior media player and received a warning about allowing an
open a music file and a window popped up saying the to installation that the publisher could not be verified unknown publisher to make changes to her computer
program was blocked by a firewall
False alarm She pressed ‘‘allow access’’ and successfully downloaded She clicked ‘‘run,’’ and successfully played the game She pressed ‘‘allow’’ and successfully used the player to
the music file without any damage occurring to her without causing any damage to her computer watch videos without any damage occurring to her
computer computer
Near-miss She pressed ‘‘allow access’’ and her computer She clicked ‘‘run’’ and her computer immediately flashed She pressed ‘‘allow’’ and her computer immediately
immediately flashed a blue screen and automatically a blue screen and automatically rebooted before she flashed a blue screen and automatically rebooted before
rebooted before she had time to read anything. had time to read anything. Fortunately, following the she had time to read anything. Fortunately, following
Fortunately, following the reboot her computer was reboot her computer was operating normally the reboot her computer was operating normally
operating normally
Hit She pressed ‘‘allow access’’ and her computer She clicked ‘‘run’’ and her computer immediately She pressed ‘‘allow’’ and her computer immediately
immediately crashed. She ended up having to wipe the crashed. She ended up having to wipe the computer’s crashed. She ended up having to wipe the computer
computer’s hard drive clean and to reinstall the hard drive clean and to reinstall the operating system clean and to reinstall the operating system
operating system
Question Below please indicate your level of agreement with the Below please indicate your level of agreement with the Below please indicate your level of agreement with the
statement ‘‘You will press ‘‘allow access’’ and risk statement ‘‘You will click ‘‘run’’ and risk installing a statement: ‘‘You will press ‘‘allow’’’ and risk using a
installing a file that could seriously damage your plug-in that could seriously damage your computer’’ media player that could seriously damage your
computer’’ computer’’
Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529
Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529 525

Table 4 Demographic information for AMT respondents

Demographic variable (N = 242) Variable response category Number and percentage of sample

Sex Male 108 (44.6 %)

Female 134 (55.4 %)
Highest level of education High school 65 (26.9 %)
2-year college 38 (15.7 %)
4-year college 102 (42.1 %)
Master’s degree 30 (12.4 %)
Professional (e.g., M.D., 7 (2.9 %)
Ph.D., J.D.) degree
Personal gross annual income range Below $20,000/year 66 (27.3 %)
$20,000–$29,999/year 31 (12.8 %)
$30,000–$39,999/year 35 (14.5 %)
$40,000–$49,999/year 28 (11.6 %)
$50,000–$59,999/year 15 (6.2 %)
$60,000–$69,999/year 23 (9.5 %)
$70,000–$79,999/year 13 (5.4 %)
$80,000–$89,999/year 10 (4.1 %)
$90,000/year or more 21 (8.7 %)
Does your work relate to technology? I use computers normally but my 172 (71.1 %)
work has nothing to do with
My work is about technology 70 (28.9 %)
Victim of getting a virus on an electronic device Yes 165 (68.2 %)
No 77 (31.8 %)
Victim of purchasing from a fake online store Yes 15 (6.2 %)
No 221 (91.3 %)
I don’t shop online 6 (2.5 %)
Victim of failure to log into an online account Yes 85 (35.1 %)
No 157 (64.9 %)
Victim of unauthorized withdrawals from an online banking account Yes 44 (18.2 %)
No 198 (81.8 %)
Overall self-reported victimization None 46 (19.0 %)
One type 104 (43.0 %)
Two or more types 92 (38.0 %)
Age (years) Range 18–75
Percentiles 25th 27
50th 33
75th 44

sex, age, level of education, income level, job domain, and education, income, job domain, and self-reported victim-
self-reported victimization. For the purpose of analysis, age ization. Figure 2 suggests that younger respondents com-
was collapsed into three levels: 18–29, 30–39, and 40 years pared with older respondents were more likely to choose
and older; education level was collapsed into three cate- the riskier option in cyber dilemmas across all 3 levels of
gories: high school and 2-year college, 4-year college, and the primed prior recall experience manipulation.
master’s degree or higher; and annual income level was Results also showed a significant interaction effect
collapsed into three categories: below $30,000/year, between income and the primed prior recall experience
$30,000–$59,999/year, and $60,000/year and more. manipulation: F (2, 231) = 3.40, p = .01, g2 = .03. Fig-
The results of the ANOVA indicated there was a sig- ure 3 indicates that respondents with higher income levels
nificant main effect for age: F (2, 231) = 4.9, p = .01, (greater than $60 K per year) were less sensitive to the
g2 = .04, and no significant main effects for sex, primed recall of a friend’s experience. There was no

526 Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

Table 5 Cyber-related responses for AMT respondents Risky

Endorsement by Age
Questions Response Number and

Mean Endorsement of Safe vs. Risky Option

category percentage of
Personal computer PC 213 (88.0 %)
Mac 28 (11.6 %)
Do not have a 1 (0.4 %)
computer -0.5
Smartphone iOS 67 (27.6 %)
Android 95 (39.3 %) Age
Do not have a 80 (33.1 %) 18 - 29 years old
smartphone 30 - 39 years old
Protection software Yes 211 (87.2 %) -1.5 40 years old and
No 31 (12.8 %) older
Have you ever downloaded free Yes 135 (55.8 %)
music, an e-book, a movie, or a -2
No 107 (44.2 %)
television show from an False-alarm Near-miss Hit
unfamiliar website found Safe
Salient Prior Experience
through a Google search?
How often do you access your Every day 150 (62.0 %) Fig. 2 Mean endorsement of risky versus safe responses to cyber
social networking accounts Once a week 35 (14.5 %) threats by primed recall of friend’s prior experience and age
(Facebook, Twitter, Myspace,
Once a month 8 (3.3 %)
MSN, Match.com, etc.)?
2-3 times a 10 (4.1 %)
Every couple 14 (5.8 %) Endorsement by Income Level
Mean Endorsement of Safe vs. Risky Option

Once a year 4 (1.7 %)
Never 21 (8.7 %)
Have you ever clicked on an Yes 122 (50.4 %)
advertisement and a window No 120 (49.6 %)
popped up saying something
along the lines of
‘‘Congratulations, you are
eligible to win an iPad!’’? Income
Have you ever clicked on a link in Yes 32 (13.2 %)
a suspicious email (e.g., an No 210 (86.8 %)
email in a different language,
with an absurd subject)?

significant interaction effect between the manipulation and

the other five individual difference variables, including sex: Salient Prior Experience
F (1, 231) \1, age: F (2, 231) = 1.84, p = .12, g2 = .02,
Fig. 3 Mean endorsement of risky versus safe responses to cyber
education: F (2, 231) \1, job domain, F (1, 231) = 2.01, threats by primed recall of friend’s prior experience and income level
p = .14, g2 = .01, and self-reported victimization, F (2,
231) = 2.03, p = .09, g2 = .02.
choose the safer course of action. In particular, respondents
3.3 Discussion who were primed to recall a prior near-miss or hit event
interpreted the experience as a sign of vulnerability com-
Responses to risky cyber dilemmas in Experiment II were pared with the recall of a prior false alarm and, in turn,
significantly predicted by the primed recall of a friend’s were more likely to promote more conservative (safe)
prior cyber experience. Consistent with our hypotheses, the endorsements of actions. In the case of false alarms, our
more negative the consequence associated with the prior findings suggest that respondents were more likely to
cyber experience, the more likely the respondents were to endorse the risky alternative.

Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529 527

In addition, endorsement of safe versus risky resolutions variables, including sex, education, work domain, or
to the cyber dilemmas varied by respondents’ age, previous cyber victimization. The absence of main effects
regardless of the primed recall of a friend’s prior experi- for five of the six individual difference variables suggests
ence. Middle-aged and older respondents were more likely that respondents’ cyber dilemma decisions are determined
to endorse the safe choice option compared with younger more by recall of prior cyber-related experiences, and not
respondents. Research on age differences is inconsistent in by background of the decision maker, with the sole
the domain of cyber security related to privacy (Hoofnagle exception of respondent age. The absence of interaction
et al. 2010), risk of data loss from a cyber threat (Howe effects for five of the six individual difference variables
et al. 2012—‘‘The psychology of security for the home suggests that the effect of primed recall of a prior expe-
computer user’’ in Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Symposium rience is robust; respondent income was the sole moder-
on the Security and Privacy) or fear of a cyber threat ator identified.
(Alshalan 2006). Our findings suggest that younger indi-
viduals’ extensive use and dependence on computers for
daily activities may result in the association of a greater 4 Conclusion
cost with being risk averse in response to cyber dilemmas.
Younger individuals’ familiarity with computers likely Experiments I and II were designed to explore how com-
makes it easier for them to determine whether a cyber puter users’ responses to common cyber dilemmas are
dilemma is a real threat or a computer’s standard warning influenced by framing and salience of prior cyber experi-
message. In the same vein, their familiarity with computers ences. Despite using two different dependent variables, the
may also lead to a greater awareness of a major cyber advice the respondent would give to a friend (Experiment
dilemma being a small probability event, the consequences I), and how the respondents themselves would respond to
of which are likely to be repairable. Ultimately, younger cyber dilemmas (Experiment II), the extent to which the
individuals do not perceive the unsafe option as overly two different questions elicit more or less risk averse
risky compared with the safe option. responses was found to be similar. The results indicate that
Respondents’ income was also found to moderate the for prior near-miss experiences (the one manipulation
effect of the primed recall of a friend’s prior experience condition included in both experiments), the mean
on respondents’ endorsement of safe versus risky responses were 2.39 and 2.97 for Experiments I and II,
options. Of the three income levels, the wealthiest respectively. This finding suggests that whether the
respondents were the least sensitive to variations in the respondent was making a personal recommendation or
primed recall of a friend’s prior cyber experience. In providing advice to a friend; the recalled experience
the literature on cyber security, only a significant main manipulation was found to significantly influence the
effect for income is reported. In a 2001 presentation by respondent’s endorsement of the safer cyber option. Simi-
Tyler, Zhang, Southern and Joiner at the IACIS Con- larly, in prior cyber research, Aytes and Connolly (2004)
ference, the research team reported findings suggesting found that students were more attuned to cyber risks and
that higher income individuals have a lower probability likely to take action against them when the primary source
of considering e-commerce to be safe and therefore of information was their own or friends’ experiences with
avoid e-commerce transactions. Similarly, in a study by security problems.
Downs et al. (2008), respondents from more affluent The one inconsistent finding between the two experi-
areas were reported to update their anti-virus program ments is the effect of respondent sex on risky cyber choice
more frequently than respondents from poorer areas, behavior. In Experiment I, females were found to be more
further validating the tendency toward risk averse cyber risk averse than males, while in Experiment II, sex was
behavior for higher income individuals. Our finding found to be unrelated to whether respondents endorsed a
suggests that wealthier respondents were not as risky or safe option. Previous studies are also inconsistent
impacted compared with the low and medium income with respect to the role of sex in predicting cyber-related
respondents by the primed prior recall experience behavior and decision making. At the 2012 Annual Con-
manipulation because they can afford to be riskier. ference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational
Their wealth allows them to have access to enhanced Psychology, Byrne et al. report that women provided
baseline security measures. This creates a sense that slightly higher scores of behavioral intentions to click on a
they are exempt from risks that apply to others and for risky cyber link, while Milne et al. (2009) found that males
this reason, do not need to pay much attention to the had a greater tendency to engage in risky behaviors online.
primed prior recall experiences and consequences. In the context of security compliance, Downs et al. (2008)
Interestingly, there were no significant main effects or report that males were more involved in computer security
interactions for the remaining four individual difference management, such as updating their anti-virus software and

528 Environ Syst Decis (2013) 33:517–529

using pop-up blockers, while Herath and Rao (2009) found are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
women to have higher security procedure compliance DHS. We would like to thank Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
conference attendees for their feedback on this work at a session at the
intentions, but were less likely to act on them. 2012 SRA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. We would also thank
One explanation for our inconsistent results related to the blind reviewers for their time and comments, as they were
sex may be differences in the two populations sampled: extremely valuable in developing this paper.
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