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Alamat : Jl. Ksr. Dadi Kusmayadi, Rt 01/08, kel. Sukahati


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari, Tanggal : ......................, ................... 2020
No Absen : ..............
Nama Siswa : .....................................................
Kelas : VI (ENAM)

Nilai Total Paraf guru Paraf orang

KD 3.1 KD 3.2 KD 3.3 Score tua

KD 3.1
I. Answer the numbers by crossing the options A, B, C or D!
1. We can see animals in the ....
A. gas station C. museum
B. zoo D. mosque
2. A place to buy medicine is ....
A. drugstore C. post office
B. gas station D. bus station
3. We should take .... to go to the ....

A. car, park C. ambulance, hospital

B. ambulance, temple D. car, drugstore

4. We go to .... to take an airplane.

A. harbour C. airport
B. hotel D. cinema
5. A place to see old and unique things is called .....
A. public school C. museum
B. hotel D. mosque
II. Fill in the blanks based on the text below!
Dear Dhea,
Thanks for your birthday gift for me. Last week, I enjoyed my trip to Yogyakarta. I
visited some places there. I also visited the most famous museum there. It is Ullen Sentalu
Museum, It is located in Sleman. I and family really enjoyed our three day trip there. Hope you
will visit the place I visited one day.
6. The writer’s name is ....
7. When did Rassy and her family go to the trip? ....
8. What is the most famous place they visited? ....

III. Answer the questions correctly!

9. Mention 5 names of public places!
10. Rearrange the sentences into good order!
1. It is a really interesting movie I ever watched.
2. I go to cinema with my family.
3. On weekends,
4. I watch a cartoon movie there.



KD 3.2
I. Answer the numbers 11-15 by crossing A, B, C or D!
Look at the map!

Jl. Melati
Jl. Durian

Jl. Bunga

11. The school is on jl ....

A. Melati C. Durian
B. Mangga D. Bunga
12. Bank is .... the police office.
A. Next to` ` C. across
B. In front of D. behind
13. Market is on jl ....
A. Bunga C. Melati
B. Durian D. Mangga
14. Deni’s home is .... market
A. Behind C. In front of
B. Next to D. across
15. To get Nisa’s home from the bank is take along Jl. Mangga and .... to Jl. Durian.
A. turn along C. turn right
B. turn left D. Through

II. Fill in the blanks with correct answer!

16. According to the traffic light beside, we are not allowed to ....

17. Annie : .... there any mini market around here?

Demmie : Sure, it is on Pahlawan street.
18. Willie : I’m hungry, What should I do?
Adam : ....

III. Answer the questions correctly!

19. beside – my – house – school – is – The


20. Write down how to get to your house from your school!



KD 3.3
I. Answer the numbers by crossing A, B ,C or D!
21. Lion is one of ....
A. tame animal C. pet
B. wild D. nice animal
22. How tall is it?
A. It is a half meter C. It is one a half meter
B. It is a meter D. It is two meters and a half
23. Does it live in the forest?
A. Yes, he is C. No, he is
B. Yes, it is D. No, it is not
24. Most of these following animals live at the forest, except ....
A. Shark, whale, gold fish, crocodile C. Snake, bear, tiger, crocodile
B. Bear, elephant, tiger, bird D. Bird, crocodile, lion, panther
25. A wide place that consist of many kinds of trees, wild animals. It is called ....
A. ocean C. sea
B. forest D. mountain

II. Fill in the blanks with correct answer!

Read the text for number 26-28
Jelly Fish
Jelly fish are not really fish. They have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
They have stomaches and mouths but no heads.
26. What is the text about? ....
27. They have no .... at all.
28. Based on the text, jelly fish have .... but they don’t have ....

III. Answer the qustions correctly!

29. have to – our – clean – We – keep – environment

30. Mention 5 sea animals that you know!



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