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It is also an offense to chant inattentively.

In fact, all other offenses are born of this offense.
Inattentiveness and negligence are synonymous. Negligent chanting sows the seeds of anarthas,
which soon fructify. Pramäda, or inattentiveness, is of three kinds — audäsénya, jadya and
viksepa. Vikñepa is the most dangerous, for as Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura explains,
“Distraction in chanting produces a type of illusion, causing serious offenses against the holy
name that are very difficult to overcome. This illusion leads to craving for wealth, the opposite
sex, position, success and even cheating. When these attractions cover the heart, the offender
loses interest in chanting the holy name”. — Çré Harinäma-cintämaëi, Ch. 12.

Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura also explains that “If one hears and chants without
trying to give up offenses, one becomes materially attached to sense gratification.”
—CC Madhya 9.160p

— Audäsénya — — Jaòya —
Apathy, indifference, no fixed resolve Laziness in chanting; interrupting it to
in bhajana. do something else, or to take rest.
Defense: Defense:
1. Chant in association of saintly 1. Associate with devotees who don’t
devotees, imbibe their mood waste time engaging in useless talk or
2. Associating with such devotees, take activity.
up their discipline. 2. Observe them carefully and try to
3. Chant with Tulasé Devé or at the follow their example.
pastime places of Kåñëa and His 3. Hear the glories of Näma and His
devotees. devotees regularly.
4. Hear the glories of Näma and His 4. Perform as much Näma saìkértana as
devotees regularly. possible.
5. Perform as much Näma saìkértana as

— Vikñepa —
Distraction, misplaced attention of mind.
1. Regularly check you are chanting sincerely.
2. Concentrate on the quality of your chanting and pronounce the mantra clearly.
3. Make a constant effort to fix the mind on hearing Näma.
4. Try to absorb yourself in more chanting on Ekädaçé, appearance days etc.
5. Regularly spend some time alone in a quiet place trying to concentrate deeply on your
6. Take shelter of Çréla Prabhupäda and sometimes chant with his japa tape.
7. Perform as much Näma saìkértana as possible.
8. Beg the Holy Name for His mercy with genuine humility.

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