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The Hound Heaven

Simone Weil was nicknamed as “the red virgin” because of her blend of
radicalism and chastity. But she also has other nicknames like “the categorical
impressive in skirt”, “the Martian”, “undrinkable”.

She has always provoked strong and paradoxical responses. She lived with a
sad, short and misunderstood life that became a wasted and a waste. She was
described as a woman who can combine that doesn’t combine. She’s an activist,
philosopher, and a mystic. But when he discovered that she was sick, it made her think
the unique mission in her life. For her, it is more than a suffering, it is a form of suffering
that degrades and humiliated. She said that she rather die than to live without the truth.

Weil has been a great supporter of Blaise Pascal, even though she always
rejected the explanation of human search for meaning. But soon, she admitted that
Pascal was right. We only search because of the hopelessly truth of God is within us.
We find Him because he already found us. As what St. Augustine had written “I should
not have sought you unless you had first found me.”

The life story of Weil highlights some universal feature of the time, although we
start for searching in life, we end up being discovered. We might look for something but
all we know is that we are already found by someone. 1

Os Guinness, Long Journey Home: A Guide to Your Search for the Meaning of Life (California:Waterbook
Press,2003), p181-192

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