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Tuforiar 4 no: bare ] | Anis Nurfarahanie Bte Abdul Halim 0 —__|11399aq6. gd ct clings bac sldinile oi bi 2 WDenniieAlSEconiaeH isan agreement enforceable under law-The agreement legally a ae conditions are obberved. \ There were two types of contract whieh dre ot “special 28 tears ‘ull exist a a snatch gts vied ened agatnent and legally secogtiged rights 1 sesponaibilities tat arise from thot _agrsement ——Simpla_santract.- can es oe | © written a s | a a Cat and acetecs) 0 ee ¥ vorval E incua | lens contaAct - att YA A ccoment signed stamping and given to all_4he patties invoived dg aac gee anstcaate: py ciate kan $e a ideattorneeouitithen= formetisene 0 at singe al eels Inman ~ |Vatidity for 13 years: | 2), Bout: + Give exampe_on_yowe answer There were 5 olemanis of contracts ; intent, free will - copscity, legal and specific: ———— INE ers es ae ee eee ee —_____~ [Both parties wish te make the contrac} and ready to face the consequance if the — ltontract breach att ina xo pare caeaary | Both parties involved is eligible and capable to be in a Contrack LEGAL SPECIFIC SM JAIL information ‘in the contract need te be specific: There isicoom for ambiguity and_uncleat item, jo shes Ake ciation lev “hown ebeutian® pene tape example of counter offer which made oo a Sa ieitttachntiatatyeper 4) Winat is express Jeans? asm ot dae Seihin HOS es [Express terms isa contract thet somesimes have been coduced from pure sentence to lang kind ef _form-—__ SS ee = Drawings POP’ = itis of Quantity I ncaa NOt ee tl

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