Album Maker Lab Version

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version 7.1.0.

Album Maker - Lab User's Manual

Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
2 System Requirements .............................................................................................. 4
3 Installation ................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Installing version................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Installing language pack ................................................................................... 11
3.3 Installing service pack....................................................................................... 12
3.4 Client Server Installation .................................................................................. 13
3.4.1 Client and server are in the same domain ................................................. 13
3.4.2 Client and server are not in the same domain ........................................... 14
3.4.3 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 14
4 Creating content ..................................................................................................... 23
4.1 General.............................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Background images........................................................................................... 24
4.3 Masks ................................................................................................................ 25
4.4 Clip art .............................................................................................................. 25
4.5 Frames............................................................................................................... 26
4.6 Effects ............................................................................................................... 28
4.7 Sample albums .................................................................................................. 30
5 Albums and other products configuration .......................................................... 31
5.1 Album types and page layouts .......................................................................... 32
5.2 Define a new album type .................................................................................. 33
5.2.1 First tab – Product..................................................................................... 33
5.2.2 Second tab – Page size.............................................................................. 38
5.2.3 Inner pages ................................................................................................ 38
5.2.4 Third tab – External cover ........................................................................ 51
5.2.5 Fourth tab – template set........................................................................... 52
5.3 Edit existing album: .......................................................................................... 53
5.4 Edit page layout: ............................................................................................... 53

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version

6 End user versions configuration ........................................................................... 55

6.1 Configuration Photo Lab details information ................................................... 55
6.2 Lab configuration.............................................................................................. 57
6.2.1 Automatic workflow ................................................................................. 58
6.2.2 Email configuration .................................................................................. 62
6.3 Shipment method .............................................................................................. 63
6.4 Prices................................................................................................................. 64
6.5 Define Customer versions................................................................................. 67
6.5.1 Versions skins ........................................................................................... 67
6.5.2 Custom UI................................................................................................. 71
6.5.3 Versions skins names................................................................................ 83
6.5.4 Versions configurations ............................................................................ 86
6.5.5 Delete versions configurations................................................................ 103
6.5.6 Versions .................................................................................................. 104
6.6 Creation and distribution of the customer version setups............................... 110
6.6.1 Create software update............................................................................ 115
6.6.2 Publish full content update...................................................................... 117
6.6.3 Publish new content ................................................................................ 118
6.6.4 Publish price update................................................................................ 119
6.6.5 Software update ...................................................................................... 119
6.7 Affiliate management...................................................................................... 120
6.7.1 Creation and distribution of the customer version Setup........................ 128
6.7.2 Create software update............................................................................ 130
6.7.3 Publish full content update...................................................................... 131
6.7.4 Publish new content ................................................................................ 132
6.7.5 Publish price update................................................................................ 133
6.7.6 Software update ...................................................................................... 133
6.7.7 Create a setup with certain group content............................................... 134
6.7.8 Advanced options in creating a Setup..................................................... 134
7 Loading orders ...................................................................................................... 136
7.1 Burn the order to a CD.................................................................................... 138
7.2 Order Id generation logics and settings .......................................................... 141
8 Printing Orders ...................................................................................................... 146
8.1 MPR500 Jobs (Job Status) .............................................................................. 148
9 Appendices............................................................................................................. 153
9.1 Export/Import.................................................................................................. 153
9.2 Custom UI....................................................................................................... 155
9.2.1 UI Update utility ..................................................................................... 155
9.2.2 Using Multiple Custom UI on Server- Client workstation hierarchy..... 156
9.3 Enter text here ................................................................................................. 160
9.4 PhotoEnhanceManage–HIPES integration ..................................................... 165
9.5 Missing album picture utility.......................................................................... 169
9.6 Replace text utility .......................................................................................... 171
9.7 Integration with Photo sharing web site.......................................................... 174
9.7.1 Definitions............................................................................................... 175
9.7.2 Web images definitions........................................................................... 176
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9.7.3 User definitions....................................................................................... 176

9.8 Album order SDK ........................................................................................... 180
9.8.1 Preface..................................................................................................... 180
9.8.2 Contained Files ....................................................................................... 181
9.8.3 Prerequisites............................................................................................ 181
9.8.4 SDK environment ................................................................................... 182
9.8.5 Installation............................................................................................... 182
9.8.6 Album Order SDK implementation - Basic............................................ 184
9.9 Job Status SDK specification.......................................................................... 194
9.9.1 Preface: ................................................................................................... 194
9.9.2 Pre requirements: .................................................................................... 195
9.9.3 Using the sample project:........................................................................ 196
9.9.4 Using the Job Status SDK:...................................................................... 196
9.9.5 Job Status SDK (JobStatusEngine) methods .......................................... 197
9.9.6 Job Status SDK (JobStatusEngine) properties........................................ 200
9.9.7 Job Status SDK objects and variables..................................................... 203
9.10 Web integration specification ......................................................................... 204
9.10.1 Payment service side............................................................................... 216
9.11 MPR 500 Pro file encrypt/decrypt SDK ......................................................... 216
9.12 Job status label printing……………………………………………………...217
10 System Behavior, Performance & limitations ............................................... 226
10.1 Changing the system performance.................................................................. 226
10.2 Job status configuration .................................................................................. 227
10.3 Big order limitation......................................................................................... 233
10.4 Large files limitation....................................................................................... 234
10.5 Limitation on the number of languages for setup ........................................... 234
10.6 Color model and red eye limitation ................................................................ 234
10.7 Error messages ................................................................................................ 235
10.8 FTP configuration preface .............................................................................. 235

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The Album maker system is comprised of two applications:
• Back office suit installed at the print shop, intended to load albums as arrive from
the customers, produce ready to print pages from it and send it to print.
• An application installed at the customer end user to create album orders.
The end customer application includes all relevant data of the print shop including:
content (album types, background images, etc.), payment terms and shipment.
This document focuses on the back office suit.

1 System Requirements
PC, with XP/Vista/windows 7/Windows 2003/2008 server, 32 or 64 bit OS). Normally
our customers use a dual or quad CPU, with over 2.8GHZ, enough memory (3 GB or
higher) and enough disk space.
Regarding windows 7, it's better to use Enterprise, Ultimate or the Professional version.
The Home Premium version is not fully recommended since we encountered some
problems during installation (especially with MS SQL database).
It is recommended to change the screen resolutions to either 1024x768 or 1280x1024 and to
use 96 DPI.

2 Installation
2.1 Installing version

Run the MPR500 Pro version 7.1.X.X setup from your installation disk.

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The system is using the ‘Microsoft .NET framework’ and the MSXML components. If one
of them is not installed in the computer, setup will install it first and when finished, the
user will be asked to reboot the system.

After rebooting the system re-enter the installation folder and click on setup.exe file to
start the setup procedure again.

Part of the installation process includes installation of Microsoft SQL server 2005
express, ODBC driver and Aladdin device driver for the software protection HASP plug.

In this stage you should plug in the HASP. Verify that the red light is on and then press

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If there is no progress and you still see the same screen, try to plug out and plug in the
HASP. If this does not help, try to insert the HASP in a different USB drive. If still
nothing happens, it might be that either your HASP is corrupted or you have a problem
on your machine. In such a case call the support.

In the next stage Microsoft SQL server 2005 express is being installed.

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Note : In some cases SQL installation can failed. In such case you will see red
cross near the MSXML 6 and SQL server database services (as in the
screenshot below). In the status you will see something like : ‘Setup failed.
Refer to the setup log for…’

The problem occurs due to interference between SQL server express and
MSXML 6.0 parser.
You should remove the MSXML 6.0 but since it’s not appear under
install/uninstall programs , you should
Download and install the ‘windows installer clean up’ from the following link :
Then open it select the ‘MSXML 6.0 parser’ , press the remove button and try
to re-install the system.

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After the SQL server was installed, next step is MPR 500 pro installation.

In the next screen you will be presented with the installation. If you want, Press the
button with the … dots to change the default location of the installation and/or change
the Albums base folder location.

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In the next screen you can select your primary machine, select the output folder and
select the measurement system (Metric or US system).

At the end of the installation process, following screen appears, press on OK to finish.

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In case that you get error messages, you can re-run setup.exe and update the system

Press the update button and the following screen appears:

You can choose either update only the system or to update the system and the

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If you installed the system on a 64 bit machine then after installing the system you
should do the following (apply only for the short Hasps. Short hasps are 4 cm and the
long are 5cm).

Close the application

Navigate to : …\MPR500 Pro folder
Rename the ExecutionProcess.exe to ExecutionProcess_old.exe
Rename the ExecutionProcess_HL.exe to ExecutionProcess.exe
Start the application

2.2 Installing language pack

Note: If your default language is English then this paragraph is not relevant for you.
Download your language pack from our web site and run
the .exe file
At the end of the process you will get a message that the pack was applied successfully.
This process creates two additional language folders under
C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\Lang
And under
C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\Lang
So for example if you ran the Spanish language pack, then you see he following sub

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Note: the way to switch between languages is using ChangeLanguage.exe

( ) found under C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5.
Pressing the file initiates the following window where you can select the target language
and then press the ‘set language’ button.

This action will change not only the interface language but also the language parameter
in all relevant .ini files.

2.3 Installing service pack

Please visit our web at: to learn what is the latest service
(Normally you will be notified by email on new service packs M-Photo publishes).
Before running the service pack, please verify that album maker is closed and that job
status is not running at the background (you can identify it by the green circle located at
the bottom near the time).

There are 2 progress indicators running as follows :

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At the end of the process, a notification message appears that service pack was applied

2.4 Client Server Installation

2.4.1 Client and server are in the same domain
Server installation:
1. Install the system.
2. Make sure that firewall is off.

Client installation:
1. Make sure that the server is accessible (ping <server computer name> works).
2. Make sure that the folder \\<server computer name>\\MPR500_Albums, folder
\\<server computer name>\\Frames, etc are accessible (try to open them from
the Windows Explorer by typing their names in the path text box on top of the
3. Install the system:
a. Album base folder – type the name \\<server computer
b. Computer name - type the name <server computer name>

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2.4.2 Client and server are not in the same domain

1. Make sure that the server has a fixed IP address.

2. Repeat the same procedure as in 'client and server in the same domain', but
instead of using the server computer name use the server IP address.

2.4.3 Troubleshooting Folders are not accessible:

Check remote access permissions for the relevant folders by following these steps.

From the server computer, right-click on the shared folder and select 'Sharing and
security…'. Click on the Permissions tab and make sure that Everyone is granted full
access (if Everyone does not appear at all, add it manually). Select the security tab and
make sure that Everyone is granted full access.

If the permissions and security are OK open the server's control panel and select
'Administrative tools', then Local Security Policy:
Select 'Local policies | user rights assignments', and then double-click on 'Deny access to
this computer from the network'. Make sure that the Guest account does not appear in
the list (and if it does, remove it from there).
[See attached picture]

There may be other causes to this problem, depending on the network permissions and
security configuration.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Permissions
In windows 7 , you should check that you have full permissions for the ‘everyone’ group.
This is important for all shared folders but especially for ‘Common’,
‘AlbumMaker_Skeleton’ and ’Lang’
The way to check this is right click on the shared folder, then select the Security tab and
check that all permissions are checked (as in the following screenshot).

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Firewall is on and cannot be disabled:

Instead of disabling the firewall entirely it is enough to add an exception:
1. The exception has to be for port 1433, TCP protocol.
2. If the firewall is the default Windows firewall, see the next screen shots

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To enable port 1433 on Windows 7

1. On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. Click System and Security.
3. Click Windows Firewall.

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4. Click Advanced Settings.

5. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer dialog, click
Inbound Rules.
6. In the Actions panel, click New Rule….
7. In the New Inbound Rule Wizard, click Port, and then click Next.
8. In the Specific local ports: box type 1433. Ensure that the (default) TCP radio
button is selected and then click Next.
9. Ensure that the (default) Allow the Connection radio button is selected and then
click Next.
10. Clear or select the Domain, Private, and Public checkboxes as appropriate, and
then click Next.
11. In the Name box, type an appropriate name, such as SQL Server Port, and then
click Finish. SQL Native Client error

If you can’t connect to the database and you get error message similar to the following:

[SQL Native Client]SQL Network Interfaces: Server doesn't support

requested protocol [xFFFFFFFF].
[SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired
[SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a
connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL
Server does not allow remote connections.

That means that you have problem with protocols.

You should select Microsoft SQL server 2005 - > configuration tools -> SQL server
surface area configuration, then in the opened window select ‘Surface area configuration
for services and connections.
The following window will be opened select the remote connection option and verify that
option “Using TCP/IP only” is checked .If not please select and restart the SQL server

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In addition , select Microsoft SQL server 2005 - >SQL Server configuration manager ->
In the opened window , verify that under Protocols for MPHOTO and under Client
Protocols , TCP/IP marked as enabled.

Verifying connection to Database by Data Sources (ODBC), found in 'Administrative tool'

under Control panel:
Select 'System DSN' tab , mpr500_5 item, click on 'Configure…' button.

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The following wizard (Microsoft SQL server DSN configuration) will be opened.
Insert a name refers to the data source, then the description and then define an address
for connecting to the SQL server.
The address may be an IP address or in the following format :
<Server name>\MPHOTO (as also appears in the screenshot) .

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Click next and the following screen will appears. The login ID (sa) appears as default.
Enter the password for the database SQL=mpr500 and proceed with ‘next’ button.

In the following screen change the default database if needed and click next.

In the following screen you can change language, encryption strength and locations of
folders. At the end press the Finish button.

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The following screen appears, press the ‘Test Data Source’

If test was successful then following screen will appears.

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Please note: this process of configuring the ODBC, should be done on each one of the

3 Creating content
3.1 General
The system content is comprised of the following elements:

1. Album types and page layouts (templates) which suite them

2. Background images
3. Masks
4. Clip art
5. Frames
6. Effects
7. Sample albums
8. Customization of screens and texts

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The preparation of Album types, Sample albums and Effects is done using the system
itself. The preparation of Background images, frames, clip art elements and Masks can
be done with any desktop tool (like Photoshop) – after they are made, they need to be
registered in the system. This chapter explains how to make and register the system

3.2 Background images

• Prepare an RGB Jpeg file in the maximum size of an “open album”, i.e., two pages
(for A4 portrait album the recommended size is A3), at 300 DPI.
• Run the Album Maker application and select “Configuration”, and then click on:

• It is recommended to divide the backgrounds into subfolders under the base

folders for Backgrounds as follows:
o Background images which are texture images (and they apply to any size
o Background images which fit only in a certain album size and album type,
e.g., “A3 babies”, “A5 journey”, etc.
Note: The separation to subfolders will be reflected when creating a new
album, i.e., the relevant subfolder will be opened by default.

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3.3 Masks
• Masks are flattened PNG files at size: A4, Grayscale format, 8 bits.
• The black color defines where the picture is displayed and the White color where
the background image is displayed. The gray colors “integrate” the picture with
the background image.
• After the preparation of the mask files, run the Album Maker application, select
“Configuration” and then select “Masks” – a new window will open up, displaying
the existing masks. Drag into this window the new masks you created.

3.4 Clip art

• Clip art is a BMP file, 24 bits or JPG RGB file or PNG file 32 bit alpha channel. The
white colors in the clip art are transparent.

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• It is recommended not to use white colors (RGB values higher than 220) where
transparency is not desired.
The clip-arts are installed at the end-customer as part of the system.

3.5 Frames
A frame is a graphic element that is integrated with the picture, much like a real 'frame'.
• A frame is composed of three parts:
o A frame file –a Jpeg RGB file, at size: 4x6 inch, 300 DPI. The frame file
must contain an area with a solid color (any color) – the picture that
intended to fit the frame will fit into this area (see the sample below)
o First mask file – defines how will the picture integrate with the frame (see
the format for the mask in the section about masks)
o Second mask file – defines how will the combined picture and frame fit into
the album page background (see the format for the mask in the section
about masks).

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• After the preparation of the frames, run the M-Photo Template maker application,
select New and than select “Frame” .You can either create frame from scratch (By
selecting new -> Frame) or editing an existed one (Open -> Frame) Here is how to
create a new one :
. Select “File |New |Frame”.
o Click on: “Output sets” and select 4x6 inch (or 10x15 cm)
o Click on: “Frame file” and select the desired frame file you have prepared.
The selected image will be displayed on the right side of the screen. The
rectangle represents the picture fit into the frame.
o Click of the rectangle and locate/resize it as you wish.
o Click on the “…” at the right side of the “frame mask” to select the second
o Click on the “preview” to see a visual of the frame. Click on “design” in
order to continue the definition.
o First mask file – you can use either the wizard in order to create this mask,
or use a mask that was prepared separately (per the specs of “masks”
described above). The wizard allows creating the mask such that it allows
a fading effect between the frame and the image – use the fading effect
sliders to change the fading effect.
o When the frame is ready, click on “Finish” and type a name for the new
created frame.
Closes the Template maker, then open album maker, select the configuration menu and
the select the content configuration.
Press the frames button (as appears below) and you’ll see the added frame.

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3.6 Effects
o Effects change the picture color (for example, to black&white) and
sometimes also the picture's brightness and contrast.
o To add a new effect follows the steps below:
o Run the Album Maker application, select “Configuration” and than click on
“effects” – a new window will open up, displaying the existing effects. Click
“Add” and a new window will open up (the MPR500 Pro application main
o Select “File | New order”. Select on the bottom left a folder with images
and click “OK”.
o Select one image (any image) and use any of the color corrections
functions available in order to create the desired effect (Curves, Levels,
color sliders, HSL sliders, Contrast, Brightness or any of the auto
corrections functions).
o Select “Tools | Preset | Save Preset”, check the Effect checkbox and enter a
name to the newly created effect. Click “Save” and then close the window
(with “X”).
o Close the main screen (with “X”). The new effect will be added to the list
of effects.

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3.7 Sample albums

Sample albums are albums you can use as a basis for the creation of a new album, so it
matches its overall design (page layouts selected, attributes to page elements assigned,
etc.). If this strategy is selected, the customer needs only to select the images
placement and edit the texts.
A sample album is created like any other album, but it has to be marked as a sample
The way to do so is from configuration menu | Sample album then an additional sub
menu appears (as below).

Once the ‘Save as sample album’ is checked then two additional options appear: Lock
page movement and Lock album pages. Once you select the Lock page movement then
following buttons will appear as dimmed: Add a page, delete selected page, Duplicate
page, Move page backward and move page forward.

Once you select the lock album pages option, then the following window appears. You
can either uncheck specific pages or Lock all.
Then when you create a customer setup version and include this sample album,
customer will not able to change any element in the locked pages.

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While the album is opened in the main screen check Configuration | sample album from
the main menu. Once marked, this album will not be displayed when you select “Open
album” from the main menu in album maker. In order to open it, select “configuration”
from the main menu and select “Sample albums" button.
In order to unmark an album as a sample album, open the sample album and from the
main screen, and uncheck “Configuration | sample albums”.
In case you have a sample album attached to a specific album type and you want to
create another copy using a different album type do the following :
a. From the file menu select 'create another copy' option.
b. In the popped up question box 'would you like to make an exact copy of
the album' select 'No'.
c. Select an album type from the one available in the list.
d. After a new sample album has been generated, open the albums folder
and rename the current name of the folder, rename the AORDER file and
the order_number parameter within the AORDER file.

4 Albums and other products configuration

Select the configuration option from the toolbar and the following options will appear:

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Select content configuration option from the configuration menu and the following
window pops up:

In this screen you can add/delete/edit album types, define prices, and you can also edit
elements (as discussed in the previous chapter).

4.1 Album types and page layouts

o The Album Maker supports definition of different products. The products
can vary by:

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o Album size: No limitation for the page sizes – you can define any page size,
up to the maximum sheet size available
o Album type: The Album type can be intended for double side review (Book,
Double side calendar), one side review (e.g.: calendar), or single page
(e.g., poster or postcard). The book printing could be done on a double
side printer (digital printer) or one side printing (photo printer).
o Album orientation: can be either portrait or landscape, including double
page albums (panoramic)
o Album covers – can be pre-prepared (e.g., leather), or ones designed by
the user as part of the album composition process. The system supports
wrapping covers (for hard cover books) or double sided covers (spiral or
screws type binding)

4.2 Define a new album type

o In the opened window, lick on “Add” under the list of album types (below
the albums list). A new window for defining a new album type will pop up.

4.2.1 First tab – Product

o Album name: a short name that will be displayed to the customer when
he/she creates a new order.
o Album description: a longer description that will be displayed to the
customer when creating a new order.
o Category: You can use this field to classify your album types. Then, when
creating new album and selecting a specific album category, all related
album types will be presented.

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o Background folder: Select the relevant subfolder for this album type from
the list of subfolders that you have created under the backgrounds folder.
While editing the album, the user will be presented by default with the
background images included in the set backgrounds subfolder.
o Right to Left checkbox – needs to be checked for Right to Left albums
(Hebrew or Arabic)
o Number of pages (from-to): you can limit the number of pages in the
album (minimum and maximum). The user will not be able to order an
album with number of pages outside the min/max pages defined.
o Number of pages per paper (in one printed sheet): you have to
determine how many single pages will be printed on a single double side
sheet of paper. Example: if you print A4 album on A3 size sheet of
paper, than the number of pages per paper in this case is 4 (2 A4 on
each side). During the printing process, blank pages will be added per
this definition at the end of the album in order to avoid inconsistencies in
the double side printing.
o Minimum order quantity –Insert a value for the minimum order quantity.

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o Order quantity increment – Insert a value for the order quantity

o Sample albums only – If you check this checkbox , then the user will be
able to create an album based only on Sample album.
o (this is very useful if you create a sample album and you want that your
customers will be based only upon it and not have the ability to select
another template instead).
Hot folders
 Album - the PDF file that results from the execution of the order
will be placed in this folder, which is the designated hot folder for
the machine. In the initial system setting, you can simply type:
“c:/MPR500_out” to test the album creation.
 Cover – The PDF file that contains the cover will be created in this
 Back Cover – if you selected the checkbox for “create back cover
in a separate PDF” than accordingly the created PDF for the back
cover will be placed in this folder.
 Check the last check box if you want to ‘create back cover in a
separate PDF’.

o Type – You can select between the following options :
 Book – intended to be printed double sided where the margins
and the cut marks will be reflected in even or odd pages. You can
select the editing type to be:
• Double editing without back cover – edit double pages
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• Single editing without back (internal) cover – each page is

edited independently
• Single editing with back cover – the user edits each page
independently and he can also edit the back cover
(appears as a special page: First and Last).
 Photo book (Single sided print) – intended to printed (as spreads)
on a photo printer, where the pages attached to each other (one
back side of one page of a spread to the next back side of one
page of the next spread). There is only one option available for
editing marked as default namely : ‘Double editing without first &
last page’.
 Screws (Single sided print)– intended to be printed on one side –
in this case, the user edits this album type as single pages (with
or without the back cover).
 Calendar (Single sided print) – Identical to Screws, but the album
review is done up/down rather left/right.
 Double side calendar – Allowing double editing with or without
back cover.
 Single Pages - You can select Double editing without back cover
or single editing without back cover. This album type is being
used mainly in posters.
 Saddle stitch - The covers (back and front) and middle pages of
the Saddle stitch are in the same size. Lab user can define if to
create one PDF or separate PDF files for the cover and for the
middle pages. Also Lab user can define if back of cover pages are
editable or not. The total number of pages in the Saddle is
multiplier of 4. Covers don’t have dynamic spine. Margins, full
bleed and cut marks are allowed but do not apply to the inner
part of the page.
Finishing Method
 For each album type you can define finishing method/s. Simply
click on the Finishing methods button (marked in red below).

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A new window (as bellows) pops up. Press on the new to define a new value or press on
edit if there is already an existed value. When finishing press OK.
Please note: You can define a price for a finishing method from the Prices application

Additional parameters
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• Second screen – Page size

4.2.2 Second tab – Page size

4.2.3 Inner pages

• Page print size – select the “…” which appears in the right side of the field:
“page print size with margins”. New windows will pop-up, displaying the various
sizes defined in the system. Select the size you want (including margins), select
“orientation” and select “OK”. If the size does not appear in the list of known
sizes in the system, select “new”.
• Margins – if you want to print information on the margins of each page or add
cut marks, you need to define margins (see picture below).

o Printing details on the margin – if you want to print text on the margins
of each page – select the information you wish to print (order number,
Quantity , page number (out of the total number of pages in the album),
customer name, date and time, and free text. You can select the font
type, font color and size and the location of the text (can be set to be

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printed on any margin, in a distance defined from the edge and the
alignment (left, center or right).

o Cut marks – select this option if you want to reflect in the PDF created
the cut marks per page. You can select which marks will appear and
their type. In order to avoid white strikes on the album page edges, you
can select the “full bleed” option and the stretching size (in Cm).

o Safe area – this is the setting for the safe area, warning the user that
elements placed between the dotted lines of the safe are and the edge of
the page might be cut out.

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Selection between different Cover types:
Non printable cover – by selecting this option the end user will not be allowed to edit
the cover. Usually end user will select one of the “external cover” as defined in next
tab of the Album type.
The other options enable the end user to edit the cover. The options of the printable
covers are:
• Spiral/screws which is comprised from two separate pages that are printed
separately and afterwards combined together.
• Dynamic book cover which is printed as one page while its width is dynamic in
size, per the spine definition.
• Dust jacket which is defined as 5 parts dust cover. Spiral/screws cover

Under the ‘Printable cover’ Select the second option (spiral/screws cover). Insert the
required parameters and press the ‘Finish’ button.

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Dynamic book cover - Under the ‘Printable cover’ Select the third option – ‘Dynamic
book cover’. Insert the required parameters and press the ‘Finish’ button. In order to
know the optimal sizes, please use the attached excel sheet.

Select the Size button for the definition of margin printing and spine size (for dynamic
cover). After selecting the tab “size” the following window will be opened :

o Left margins – defined in Cm. Margin for cover will always be on the left
o Print size – select the page size including left and right margins and
spine. Note that you can not define upper and bottom margins on cover
o Minimum spine size and page thickness – for dynamic cover, fill-in the
minimum spine width and page thickness. The overall spine width will be

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at the minimum spine width unless the page thickness multiplies by the
number of pages is larger than the minimum spine width.
o Margin printing – same as for margin printing for regular pages. The text
in this case will always be printed on the left side of the page, aligned to
the middle, with the same printed elements selected to be printed for
regular pages.
o Safe area – same as for the safe area for regular pages.
o Cover mark – Pressing on this button pops up the window below. The
screen has three parts. In the upper part you define the ‘Spine and
folding marks’. Click the checkbox if you want to print spine mark and
define the length in the spine mark field. In the middle part (Cover
marks) You can define whether to print cover marks/folding marks or not,
define width and height for cover physical size, define folding space and
cover marks length. In the lower part you can define to create auto text
on spine or not and also define it’s direction from top to bottom or from
bottom to top.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Dust jacket cover (5 parts Book Cover)

This new cover (available from SP6.0.1.5) can be edited in the following scenarios: (1)
all 5 parts together; (2) Spine and covers (front and back) together and the two flaps
(left and right) independently; (3) Each of the 5 parts independently; (4) Spine, front
cover plus left flap together and back cover plus right flap together. Also, the user in
the lab can setup the bleed size/cut marks/fold marks/identifying job info on the margin.

Press on the size button and the following screen will appear:

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You can change each one of the parameters appear in this screen. Each change may
also change the total size of the external horizontal margins appear at the left bottom.
It is also possible to change the layout of the Dust jacket. This can be done by right click
on the cover layout and selecting the layout option. There are four different options for
layout. Please see the screenshots below:
First option :‘whole’

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Second option : Flap – Cover - Flap

Third option : Cover – Spine – Cover

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Fourth option : Flap - Cover – Spine – Cover – Flap

Press on each one of the options to switch between the layouts and the following
message will appear:

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After pressing the ‘Yes’ , layout will be changed.

You can drag a different element to each of the 5 album parts. When locating the
mouse within the frames of the relevant part , then the background appears as grey and
a caption of the part’s name appears above (as the sample below : ‘Back Cover’ ).

Press the button to select requested output sets.

Press the size button and the following window will appear. Insert value in inner margin
field and press the OK button.

Press the Safe area button and the following window will appear. Insert values, then
press the OK button.

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Press the Margin text button and the opened window appears. Select the relevant check
boxes then press OK.

Press the button to select requested output sets.

Press on the ‘Cover mark’ button and the following screen will appear:

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Select the full bleed in the first check box and the screen will be changed as below.
You can set Full bleed size in the field using the arrows.

Select the cut marks check box and another four check boxes will be added next to it :
Top left, Top Right , Bottom Right , Bottom left.
You can define ‘Cutmarks offset’ and ‘Cutmarks Size’

Select the Folding mark checkbox and the filed Folding mark size will be added.

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Also here you can press the arrow up/down to adjust sizes.

4.2.4 Third tab – External cover

o If the user selects an external cover, you need to define the various
external covers that the user can select from. Click on “new”, fill-in the

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cover type and color and you can also select an illustration picture for it.
At the end select” end”.

4.2.5 Fourth tab – template set

o In this screen you have to select the initial design of the page layouts
that will be displayed to the customer while editing an album. You can
define page layouts for an album type in one of the following ways:
 ”Create new empty template set” – design the various layouts
from scratch (using the template maker application).
 ”Create from another template set, Create the templates
automatically based on the templates of the selected album type.
The stretching options ("How to create the new template set") are
relating to how the elements within a template will change relative
to the new album size. Select the template set of your choice from
the drop down list of the “template set name” field.
o At the end, select “finish” and the new album type will be added to the
list of album types. Please note that this screen appears only when
creating new album types and not when editing exiting ones.

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4.3 Edit existing album:

The editing of existing albums types is done similarly to the way new album types are
created. You need to select the album type you want to edit – as long as no albums
were created based on this album type.
You can change any attribute of this album type. If orders of new albums were already
created using this album type, you can not change the album name, type, right to left,
the editing size of the inner pages and the edited cover
Also, you can’t delete the external covers.

4.4 Edit page layout:

• Once the definition of a new album is complete, the new album will be added to
the list of album types
• In order to edit a template within a template set, select the template and click on
“Open”. The current window will close and a new screen will pop-up, displaying
all templates within the template set (bottom of the screen, left to right). You
can browse through, add and delete the various templates with the arrow or the
Add or the Delete buttons accordingly.
• Edit a selected template – select a template from the list of templates at the
bottom of the screen – the selected template will be displayed in the center of
the screen. Double click on the center of the screen: new editing screens (main
screen) will pop-up and now you can change anything you wish (move elements,
resize elements, add elements, delete elements, etc).
• The available elements are:
• Text – you can just place the <enter text here> or type in a specific text. If you
leave the <enter text here> text then the customer that edits an album page
that includes such element can insert text in that location, and if nothing is filled-
in there, the printed page will not include this text.
o Picture – allows to insert an image place holder and define it’s sizes. You
can also define to it a specific effect, frame or mask.

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o Bitmap – allows inserting Bitmap or stamp. Difference is that the

background of bitmap is white and background of stamp is transparent.
o Bitmap is mainly used for inserting a clip art elements and stamp is
mainly used for inserting logo.
o Barcode – allows inserting barcodes in different formats.

Please note: although there are three options for Element lock only two are
being used namely: “Free” and “Locked”. The “Lock design” option came
from previous versions and not being used anymore. In addition, the barcode
being used in the end-customer version is actually locked even it’s marked as
In addition, you can also apply background to a page in an advanced mode.
Press the ‘back color’ for or ‘picture file’ button and the following window will

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Select the ‘double page’ option to apply the background for the whole page
(or use ‘left page’ , ‘right page’).
When you are done, click on “Finish” and the changes you made will be
reflected in the main screen.

5 End user versions configuration

This chapter will deal with the following issues : configuration of the photo lab ,
Defining the automatic workflow and email configuration, define shipment
method and prices , creation of version skins , configurations and end customer

5.1 Configuration Photo Lab details information

The Photo lab screen is where you insert parameters and definitions related to the lab.
In order to make these definitions, select Configuration -> Photo lab and the following
screen will appear:
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You will notice that this screen composed of some sections :

Photo lab
Here you have two fields : Company name and description
Insert the street , City , state , country and the zip code.
Insert the server address , port , user , password , configuration folder, orders folder
and the web site.
• The print shop details plus its web site will appear on the customer order receipt
after an order has been made
• The print shop name will appear in all windows of the album maker application
• If you click the mouse in an empty space on the first screen (“new album”, “edit
album”, “exit”), the system will bring up the internet web site (as defined in the
web site field).

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Contact person
Insert the first name , middle name (if relevant) and last name
Insert the phone , cellular , Fax and email
Images sent to lab
Fill-in the fields under the “Images sent to the lab” (bottom right of the screen):
• Maximum resolution and Jpeg quality – these two parameters define the quality
level of the images sent to the lab as part of the album order. When the
customer prepares an album order to be shipped, the images might be scaled
down to the set maximum resolution and the jpeg file will be saved at the set
compression. It is recommended to set the maximum resolution parameter close
to the print resolution (typically it is 300 DPI) and the Jpeg quality (compression
percentage) to be 95. If the original image resolution is smaller than the set
maximum resolution, the image will not be scaled down and the customer will
get a warning that the print quality for that image (in the size set in the album
page) might not be good enough.
• Low quality DPI and Medium quality DPI – these values determine the type of
quality warnings displayed for the user when placing images in album pages.
• ZIP password - The customer’s order is saved in a zip file. As an alternate
measure to the lab name, the set zip password determines the lab that created
the setup for customers and accordingly, an order from that customer can be
loaded only at the lab that created the setup for the customer. If you change
the zip passed after creating the setup, orders arriving from customers will fail to

The print shop name (or zip password) is critical because this is the identifier for loading
orders coming from customers – if you change your print shop name after you created a
setup for your customers, orders received from those customers will fail to load in your

5.2 Lab configuration

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The lab configuration consists of 2 different tabs.

• Automatic workflow
• Email configuration

5.2.1 Automatic workflow

Note: The Automatic workflow configuration is relevant only for M-Photo server
system and enables you define the parameters in a convenient way
The automatic workflow can be divided into two parts.
First orders are being downloaded from the FTP server to a local hot folder , then
there is another service running at the background , checks if there are orders in the
hot folder and if yes load them to album maker application. In case that the CRC of
the order is corrupted, then order is redirected to ‘Bad’ folder.
Down below there is an explanation on each of the fields and parameters that
should be inserted.

a) FTP downloader
Server – here you insert the FTP address.

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Connection Mode - set to passive by default. (Recommended mode)

User, password – Your credentials for your FTP server.
Album folder on FTP server – here you define the address of the ftp folder
relative to the user name. If you already defined it in ‘upload orders’ under your FTP
server configuration you can copy it from there.

If there is any need in the future to add additional instances, then the following method
should be applied: right click on the desktop icon, select “properties, and enter a similar
data in the “Target” filed.
• For example for the file xxxx.exe, set: "C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro
5\xxxx.exe" -iAlbumxxxx.ini

Download orders to local folder – this is a local hot folder to which orders are beings
downloaded from the FTP. (You can use the small button located on the right to map
this folder easily).
The ftp downloader process is called: FTPDownloader.exe – the created shortcut on
your desktop looks as follows:

Double click on the shortcut opens a window similar to the following:

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The first field shows the path of the downloaded folder, the log shows information
related to the orders. For each order there are two notifications (one for the starting
time of downloading and second for the finishing time).
The lower part of the window (status) shows the download process in details and
enables you to trace each component within the order (the folders. zip , CRC file, etc…)
so in cases that download failed you can know what is the ‘problematic component’.
If you want to delete all the info in the Log/Status, please on their related ‘Clear’ button.

b) Order loading
From folder – Here you insert the location of your hot folder. (You can use the small
button located on the right to map this folder easily).

Move problematic orders to: this is a folder to which you transfer problematic
orders. As an example , problematic orders may be orders with missing pictures ,
corrupted CRC or orders with no finished.txt file.(normally you define the ‘Bad’ folder for
problematic orders).

Move loaded orders to: this is a folder to which you transfer orders that loaded
successfully (normally it’s the ‘Loaded’ folder). If you uncheck the checkbox then loaded
orders will be deleted.
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Auto execute orders: At the bottom of the screen there are 3 checkboxes.
If the first checkbox is checked, it means that orders will be processed further with no
color correction.
If the second checkbox is checked it means that orders will be processed further with
auto color correction.
If the third checkbox is checked it means that orders will be processed further with
professional color correction.
The hot folder that loads orders to the database is called: MPhotoOrdersHotFolder.exe.
The created shortcut on your desktop looks as follows:

Double click on the shortcut opens a window similar to the one below:

The first field shows the path of the hot folder and below there is the log notifies about
each new order that was found. If the order was loaded successfully, then it will be
mentioned in the log with the order number. If the process was not finished

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successfully, then it is mentioned in the log and the order itself will be moved to Bad
If you want to see all order that were moved to the Bad folder click on the ‘Open bad
folder’ button , if you want to see the orders that were loaded successfully , press the
‘open loaded folder button’ and if you want to delete all the information in the log press
the ‘Clear’ button.

In case you are using the PhotoEnhanceManage (an application that links between
the HP smart stream photo enhancement and M-Photo album make), Then
images are being sent for auto correction in HIPES, then when process is finished,
images are being transferred back via the PhotoEnhanceManage to M-Photo album
maker folder.If CRC of the order is corrupted then order will be redirected to ‘bad’
folder of the HIPES.In order to read more on the HIPES , please refer to photo

5.2.2 Email configuration

The tab contains parameters which should be configured so a notification will be send to
the user when an album order is loaded or when the order is in status ‘ready for

This tab can be divided into 2 parts

a) General Settings
Outgoing mail server (SMTP) – Address for outgoing E-mail. If you are using
software such as outlook you can see these definitions under e-mail accounts.

Port : (Default : 25) This is default port for sending e-mails. Should be changed only in
cases where this port is occupied by another program.
Timeout (Default: 10) You can change the interval for sending e-mails.
Encrypted connection: Should be checked if you are using SSL protocol.
Requires authentication: Check this field if your E-mail server requires login. If yes,
provide your username and password in the proper fields.

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Display Name, E-mail address - In these fields you insert values which appear in the
sending e-mail as from (first appears the name ,then e-mail address).

B) Email Contents
You have two cases for sending messages which by default not enabled (‘Load album’
and ‘Ready for shipment’). If you want to enable them, select them first and then click
the enabled button.
Press the edit button and the following screen appears. Here you can customize the
format of the sending message. You can customize the subject field and the body. It is
also possible to define in which format you want to transfer the message (HTML or plain
text) and if you want to include any attachment.
Please note: all fields with % at the beginning are dynamic texts being populated with
dynamic data (such as : order data, price). You can drag more dynamic fields to your
message, simply by selecting the field in the right panel and then double click on it.
After editing your message you can test it by pressing the test button.

5.3 Shipment method

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In the shipment methods window you can define various shipment methods allowed by
the print shop.
Press the new button to define new one , press the ‘Edit’ button to rename or the
‘Delete’ button to remove it from the list.
This option can be accessed from Configuration -> Shipment method.
A new screen pop-up, displaying the current shipment methods – you can customize this
list (Edit, Delete, New) as you wish. Once done, the revised list will be displayed when
setting the prices for the shipment methods.

5.4 Prices
In this chapter we describe how to set the album prices.
The album price is comprised of the following elements: base album price, additional
price per page, cover price, finishing methods prices, shipment price and non printable
items prices.
If you want to set prices for groups, first you need to set the prices for the 'general'
group and then (per the definition of groups in the system) you can set group prices
which are based on the general group prices by setting discounts.

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To start setting the prices, click on Prices at the Configuration | Prices of the album
maker application. New windows will pop-up for price setting.

Shipment and price setting: Shipment and Non printable price setting is done at the
Basic prices. On the right side of the screen, you can set the prices for the various
shipment methods allowed by the print shop and for the non printed items. Please note
that Auto and Professional color corrections (under 'Non printable items' section) to the
images included in the album is not supported in this release.
Sample screen for shipment and non printed items price setting:

Album prices: Select the tab "Albums". Double-click on the desired album to set the
base price for an album type, per a fixed number of pages, and set the price for
additional pages (in minimum quantity). You can also set the price for the covers and
the defined finishing method (if exists for this specific album type) and the price will be
added to the total album price accordingly. The prices of album cover and finishing
method are displayed on the right hand list when an album is selected.

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Sample: album price setting

Group album setting:

Select the tab "Group albums". In this window, you can select albums defined, and set
the price for the group, reflecting discount for the set prices.
Please note that discount setting is not allowed for the external covers and finishing
Sample: Group album setting.

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5.5 Define Customer versions

The customer versions maintain all the parameters of the setup versions created for the
end customers. It composed of two parts : the ‘Version skins’ where you define the
graphical user interface of the software and the second part: the ‘Version configuration’
where you define all the settings and parameters of the software.

5.5.1 Versions skins

In this section you will learn how to add / edit / delete skins.
The skin is an element of a graphical user interface that can be changed to alter the
look of the interface without affecting its functionality. Skins can give the interface a
different look than what it originally came with. Creating new skins

From the Configuration menu select Customer versions - > versions skins.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Add new skin

Select the ‘Add new skin’ option and the following window will be opened:

You can select the skin appears as default or If you have several skins available then
you can open the drop down list and select one then press the OK button.
Following message as below will appear , please confirm with Yes.

The following screen will be opened with the number of the new skin in the title.

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There are two tabs in the version skin window. The first tab is the ‘graphical user
interface’ and the second tab is the ‘version skin names’.
In the Graphical user interface you can scroll the slide bar to the right , press the select
button of each one of the images and choose another graphic file.
These are the images/icons that can be edited (as they appear in the screen from left to
right :
1. Splash screen (png,jpg,bmp files) - This is the first screen that pops up when
initiating the application.
2. Welcome screen (png,jpg,bmp files) – This is the static screen appears after
initiating the application. It has two parts. The upper part can be customized and
the lower part is where you have the buttons (New album ,Open album etc…)
3. Icon (ico files) – This is the icon of the application as appears by the customer.
4. Drag to image (jpg files) – This is the image file populated with the dragged
5. Set opacity image (jpg files) – This will change the default image of ‘Set
6. Remove red eye image (jpg files) – This will change the default image for red
eye removal.

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7. Remove effect image (jpg files) – This will change the default image for the
option ‘without color effect’ (as in the screenshot below).

8. Remove frame image (jpg files) - This will change the default image for the
option ‘Without frame’ (similar to ‘without color effect’).
9. Remove mask image (jpg files) – This will change the default image for the
option ‘without mask’ (similar to ‘without color effect’).
10. Huge file image (jpg files) - This will change the default image indicates that
the inserted file is very big.
11. Incorrect format image (jpg files) - This indicates for example that bmp file
was manually renamed to jpg.
12. Incorrect file name image (jpg files) – This will change the default image
indicates that the file name image is incorrect.
13. MacintoshFile file image (jpg files) - This will change the default image
indicates that the file was created in Macintosh.
14. External Cover Ltr image (jpg files) – This will change the default image for
the external cover LTR
15. External Cover Rtl image (jpg files) - This will change the default image for
the external cover RTL
16. Album type default image (jpg files) - This will change the Album type
default image.

Once you are finished with the customization of the screens and icons , you can press
the ‘Customize Version’ and the Custom UI configuration module will appear .

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5.5.2 Custom UI
Note: this is an additional module that not included in the basic system.
In order to initiate the custom UI, please select custom UI option from the configuration
menu. You’ll be presented with the following message.

Press yes and the following screen will be presented

The left part of the custom UI module consists of four different main menus : welcome
dialogs , wizards , main screen , album preview dialogs. Each of these main menus has
one or more submenus and each one of these submenus has one or more objects.
Example :

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All elements can be divided into 6 groups :

1. Buttons icons (like : new album, open album)– Identified by the following icon:
2. Color settings for texts – identified by the following icon :
3. Images - Picture Settings – identified by the following icon :
4. Scripts (for changing background and platform colors , changing album size –
identified by the following icon:
5. Banner -
6. General settings -
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When selecting an element, You can always use the preview on the right side to see
the elements marked in orange. These elements will be affected when committing the

a. Changing Buttons icons

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In this example you will learn how to change the button shape of the select all/unselect
all buttons. The preview on the right side shows the location of the buttons (marked
with an orange frame).
Point your mouse to one of the frames under Button Icons and click it.
Select your desired icon (should be only in PNG format) , then press OK and the icon
will be replaced with the new one.

Please keep in mind that you should consider the dimensions of your new icon. They
should be similar to the dimensions mentioned under Image information (in This case :
width is 191 and height is 22).If however you select an image with different dimensions
then a warning message as the following appears :

If you want to apply your new Button icons to other buttons you can click the copy
button (under options) , then select from the menu other type of buttons and press the
When you finish , press the ‘save design’ button. If you want to quit without saving
press the exit button.

Following are recommended dimensions and file types of the different images
and icons.
General - > New album width : 55 height : 48 Type : png
General -> Open Album width: 55 height: 48 Type : png
General -> Load width: 55 height: 48 Type : png
General -> Continue width: 55 height: 48 Type : png
General -> Exit width : 21 height : 21 Type: png
General -> View demo width: 8 height: 12 Type: png

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Wizards -> Header and footer -> top image width: 980 height : 70 Type:
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Logo image width: 185 height :41 Type:
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Bottom image width:980 height: 17
Type: png
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Buttons panel background image
width : 980 height: 57 Type: png
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Next page width: 41 height: 32 Type:
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Previous page width: 29 height: 22
Type: png
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Help width : 21 height : 31 Type : png
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Current page indicator width: 15
height: 9 Type: png
Wizards -> Header and footer -> Page separator width : 2 height : 26
Type: png
Wizards -> All text buttons -> Button shape width : 191 height : 22
Type : png
Wizards -> Select pictures buttons -> zoom in button width : 28 height :
28 Type: png
Wizards -> Select pictures buttons -> zoom out button width: 28 height:
28 Type: png
Wizards -> Select pictures buttons -> Add pictures arrow button width:
18 height : 18 type : png
Wizards -> Select pictures buttons -> Remove pictures button width :
18 height : 18 type: png
Wizards -> Submit order images -> CD order icon width : 32 Height : 32
type: png
Wizards -> Submit order images -> Web order icon width : 32 Height : 32
type: png
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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version

Wizards -> Submit order images -> Phone icon width : 32 Height : 32
type: png
Wizards -> Submit order images -> Credit card icon width : 32 Height :
32 type: png
Wizards -> Submit order images -> Order icon width : 34 Height : 32
type: png
Main screen -> General buttons ->New album width : 34 Height : 28
Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons ->Open album width : 34 Height : 28
Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Order width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Print width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Load width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Config width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Prices width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Site width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Help width : 34 Height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> General buttons -> Promotion area -> Banner width :
280 Height: 65 Type: BMP,JPG, GIF, PNG
Main screen -> Toolbox buttons -> Tool selection button width : 250
height : 22 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> show first page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> show previous
page width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> show next page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> show last page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Move page back
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
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Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Move page forward
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Add page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Remove page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Duplicate page
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Add text
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Rotate left
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Rotate right
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Zoom in
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Zoom out
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Advanced
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Fit image
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Fill image
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Undo
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Page and general design buttons -> Redo
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Picturelist -> picture add
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png

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Main screen -> Picturelist -> picture Remove

width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Picturelist -> picture Rotate left
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Picturelist -> picture Rotate right
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Picturelist -> picture red eye removal
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Main screen -> Main edit area -> warning flag – low image quality
width : 42 height : 42 Type: BMP,JPG, GIF, PNG
Main screen -> Main edit area -> warning flag – medium image
width : 28 height : 28 Type: BMP,JPG, GIF, PNG
Main screen -> Main edit area -> warning flag – cut text
width : 42 height : 42 Type: BMP,JPG, GIF, PNG
Main screen -> about image
width : 591 height : 349 Type: BMP,JPG, GIF, PNG
Album Preview Dialog -> Left flip button
width : 29 height : 22 Type: png
Album Preview Dialog -> Left flip button
width : 28 height : 28 Type: png
Album Preview Dialog -> Close preview button
width : 22 height : 22 Type: png

b. Color settings
(In this case Button text color was selected)
Point your mouse to the frame appears under Color Settings and click.

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The select color panel will be opened, select your desired color and press OK.

If you want to apply your color settings to other texts, then click the copy button (under
options) , then select from the menu other elements of text color and press the paste.
When you finish, press the ‘save design’ button. If you want to quit without saving press
the exit button.

c. Picture Settings
(In this case About image was selected)
Point your mouse to the frame appears under Picture Settings and click.
Select your desired picture (some image files should be in PNG format only, others can
be in JPG, BMP or gif) , then press OK and the picture will be replaced with the new

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If you want to delete the picture , press the clear button located near the right edge of
the preview.

d. Change scripts
All scripts can be found under ‘Album preview Dialogs’.
Select one of the scripts, press on the combo box under background image and define
which type you want to change (image or color , same apply for platform image).
Images can be in : JPG,BMP,GIF or PNG format.
You can also rename the script name, disable the script by unselect the enabled check
box and define new sizes for the album, platform and album location.

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e. General Settings
General settings appear only in one place in the menu and enables customizing the
You can click on a frame located under ‘animated effects’ and replace it (should be only
in PNG format)

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You can load a flip sound (should be in WAV format) and test it by pressing the play
button. If you want delete the sound click on the clear button.
In addition, you can define the default script and number of flips per page. Use the
preview button to see a ‘demo’ of the flip.

f. Banner settings
Banner settings appear in one place under promotion area.
You can change the image by pressing on the preview (all kind of image formats can be
used) , define the Banner URL and the Banner Link URL .

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After you finish to enter your modifications, press the ‘save design’ button then exit from
this module.

5.5.3 Versions skins names

In the version skin window, please select the ‘Version skin names’ tab.
In this window , you can define different names for each one of the version (according
to the language written besides).

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In order to switch back to the original skin or to select any other , select the customer
versions from the configuration menu , then select version skins and all available skins
will be presented.

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If you want to delete one or more skins , select the Delete skin(s) option , and the
following window will appear

Once you press the ‘delete’ button following question pops up :

Press the ‘Yes’ and the skin will be deleted.

Please Note : The screen shows only skins for deletion which are not being used in any
of the available versions. Skins which are being used can not be deleted (you will see a
blank window when opening the delete version skin window).If however you want to
delete a related skin , you will have to detach it from it’s related version in the affiliate
management (this will be explained under the ‘affiliate management’ section).

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5.5.4 Versions configurations

The version configuration enables you to create configuration files contain general
parameters, FTP definition, prices & tax definition and more.
The number of versions you can create is not limited.
In order to create new configuration version , select customer versions from the
configuration menu , then select version configurations , add new configuration and the
following screen will appear :

The version configuration has several tabs.

a. Installer
b. Downloads
c. Uploads
d. Payment
e. Prices
f. Client version
g. Client data
h. Tax
i. Configuration names

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Installer

This screen divided to three sections. The ‘Installer general parameters’ contains basic
definitions : ‘Company name’ , Application name’ , ‘Install folder’ , ‘Albums folder’ ,
‘Submitted folder’ , Download .Net url.All of these are text fields. In addition you have
also two drop down menus : Default Lang and Language for non-Unicode programs.
The second section called : ‘Installer graphical interface’ contains a preview with
reference to texts , buttons , logo , etc..You can click each one of these objects and edit
It is important to define the language for the non-Unicode programs so the
computer on which the customer setup should be installed will support this
The third section is the ‘Installer license file’. You can see a button near each one of the
languages so you can press it and edit. Downloads

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In the second tab you can insert the FTP details.

FTP site definition (General Info)
If the print shop wants to be able to receive orders via the internet or to distribute
content updates and pricing automatically, it needs to designate an FTP site for these
1. Define two folders:
a. Orders folder – recommended name: MPR500_AlbumOrders – orders uploaded
by customers will arrive into this folder.
b. Updates folder – recommended name: MPR500_Config – the customer
application will pick-up content and price updates from this folder.
2. Define a user with permission to view, create, delete or edit files in these folders.
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3. The application connects to the site in Passive mode thus it is recommended that
the FTP server will use/be configured with the same mode.
After folders were defined, define the site name, the user name and the software folders
(see definitions needed before creating the setup application).

Definitions needed to be performed before creating the end customer album maker
setup you must create the album maker setup for the customers ONLY after the content
has been created, i.e., album types, background images, frames, effects, text
adjustments, logo, welcome screens, etc. In addition, there are some other definitions
needed, as described in this chapter.
Under this tab you can check the ‘Auto check for updates and prices’, define the server ,
user , password and updates folder.
Note that if you check the ‘Auto check for updates’ box (located under updates and
prices) then this means that once the user opens the customer version of album maker
he will be notified that a new update exists , then he will be asked if he would like to
update album maker.
Use Relative path checkbox:

This checkbox allows you to choose between FTP relative path and absolute path. Some

FTP servers may use non absolute path (I.E when you log in, you'll see folder "/" while

In fact you are inside the folder "/MyUser/"). Setting "Use Relative Path" will ignore the

server folder and advance forward to the path set by the lab. It is recommended to set

this checkbox on in all cases, and to set a folder shown under windows explorer


Please bear in mind that updates folder and album folder should have full read-write
permissions and also that you insert the full path of the folder like: \var\www\config.
Note: a common mistake is to enter ‘ftp://’ or ‘ftp.’ before the server name.
You should insert only the name as appears below without the ‘ftp’ before. Uploads
In this tab you can insert information on the ‘Upload orders’ .Insert values in the server ,
user , password , path of the Orders folder and select/deselect Relative path checkbox.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Payment

Clicking on the payment tab pops-up a new screen where you can
Specify the various payments methods’ details. If you want to use the website
integration select check box of ‘Credit Card’ first then press the ‘Web site integration’
button and the following fields will become available : Payment URL, Payment FTP
folder and payment result FTP.
In field payment URL, you should enter the full URL path (keep in mind , it should be
in a format similar to the following :{0} .
For a quick adding of {0} you can use the button ‘Add Order.ID’. If you want to
delete it then use the button ‘Rem. Order.ID’.

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In order to represent the affiliate (customer ID) in the URL use the button ‘Add
Cust.Id’.in the field you will see that the following value %CUSTOMER_ID% will be
added.In the customer version the URL will be something like where z7yth44 stands for the
order ID and 1002 stands for the affiliate number.Use the Rem.Cust.Id to remove
the customer ID value.
If you want to test the full URL in a browser, click the open button.
The payment ftp and payment result ftp are two folders that should be created on
the FTP server (once defined, you can see within the brackets your FTP server
A common mistake is to enter ‘ftp://’ or ‘ftp.’ before the ftp folder. You
should insert only the name as appears below without the ‘ftp’ before
(also note what is mentioned within the brackets (on the ftp server…).
If you are using the external SDK integration press the button and the order SDK
Folder field will become available. Press the ‘open’ button to locate your SDK project.
If the folder is not available you will get the following notification :
‘An ‘Order SDK’ folder doesn’t exists. Are you want to create the ‘Order SDK’ folder ?
If you press yes then a folder will be created and it’s path will be seen under ‘Order
SDK folder’.
on this screen, see appendices 8.10 “Web integration”

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Prices

Select the prices tab where you can select the following check boxes :
• Ask for customer group – this is relevant when the setup is created for an
affiliate thus you want the customers who download it to identify themselves
by the customer ID you setup for the relevant group.
• Allow Order color correction – If this option is selected , then customer
can select ‘professional color correction’ option and the defined price will be
displayed on the right side. See a screen shot below (with the title summary)
where color correction appears.

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• Allow order CD output - If this option is selected . selected. then customer

can check the Order CD box and then to insert quantity. Prices will be
displayed at the right side (see below).
• Allow order shipment – If you want to enable ‘allow multiple shipment’
and ‘disable shipment price per order’ options then you have to select this
check box first.
• Allow self pickup - Checking this option will enable the option of self
• Allow self pickup points - Selecting this option will make the button ‘self
Pickup points’ available. Once you press this button following screen will
appear :

This windows shows a table with some fields (like : name, street , neighborhood
, city …) You can fill in details in each one of the fields navigating by using the
Tab key. Once you finish creating your list then pressing the OK button.

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Another way to load this data is to prepare an excel sheet in advanced , then use
the ‘Load Excel’ button to load it. You can prepare an excel sheet with several
• Allow multiple shipment – if this option is selected, then you can define
different destinations for different shipments.
• Disable shipment price per order – if you select this checkbox then
shipment price will not be displayed.
• Disable price per order – if you select this checkbox then all prices (for product,
cover, copies will not be displayed).
• Prices list URL : You can insert a URL which will be accessed through a link
in the setup version (order price before shipment).The button ‘Add Cust. ID’
enable to add % Customer_ID% to the URL address in case you have
affiliates defined in
• Shipment prices URL: You can insert a URL which will be accessed through
a link in the customer setup version (see attached screen where Shipment
price link appears).

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Client version

This screen contains definitions and parameters which are relevant for the end customer
The first part of the ‘Client version’ window is the user interface where you can
select/unselect six different check boxes namely:

• Display create explanation screen – Checking this option will generate the
following HTML explains how to create an album :

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• Display order explanation screen – Checking this option will generate the
following HTML explains how to order an album :

Both create explanation screen and order explanation screen composed of two
HTML file and a JPG and they are located under C:\Program Files\...M-
Photo\MPR500 Pro5\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\Lang\... where you can see two htm
files and two folders contain the relevant images.
If you want to replace the existing image (as shown below on the right side)
With a screen shot from your customized application , edit the images using a
Graphic editor Please regard the current dimensions) and save it as

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If you want to edit the text on the left side , then you should open and edit the
file within HTML editor or MS word , then save as createExplanationScreen.htm
for the create explanation screen and as orderExplanationScreen.htm for the
order explanation screen.
• Allow flash preview – Checking this option enables the user to generate a
flash preview in exe format. (In the end customer version , the user selects the
View option, then ‘Create flash preview’). There were some Improvements
Implemented in the latest Flash Preview module, so now it allows left to right
and right to left page flipping; displays single page albums correctly and also
Scaling of text is previewed clearer.
• Allow advanced mode – Checking this option enables the user to edit pages in
Advanced editing mode
• Allow Red Eye Correction – Checking this option enables the option of red
eye removal so once the user right click on a picture , from the upper toolbar
(under the images option) or select the ‘Eye’ icon from the pictures pane the
‘Red Eye removal wizard’ will be opened.
• Allow Photo sharing - Checking this option enables the option of photo
sharing module. You can use the Photo sharing SDK folder to map your folder
(using the open button).
• Allow color correction – Checking this option enables the color correction
option either by right click on the picture or by selecting the ‘images’ option from
the upper toolbar then ‘color correction’.

The second part under Web is the customizable URLs where you define the following:
1. Welcome screen URL – customer will be redirected to the URL defined once
he pressed the welcome screen.
2. Custom demo URL - when entering a URL in this field , customer redirected to
the URL flash demo (after pressing the ‘View demo … link’).
3. Additional content URL- when entering a URL in this field , customer sees a
link named ‘more’ .Once pressing on it he is being redirected to the URL defined.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Client data

In this tab there are two parts: user mandatory fields and user title

Client mandatory fields

In this part you can define more mandatory fields.
Currently there are 5 fields defined as mandatory fields, so when the user order an
album he should fills these fields (First name, Last name, Phone 1 , E-mail, City) if you
want to define one or more mandatory fields from the following five : (zip code, state,
country, Birth date, Phone 2) , you have to check them and create a new setup.
The user will see a red asterisk beside each of your checked field and will have to enter
any value.

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Client title configuration

Check the ‘ Use title configuration’ checkbox if this option relevant for you.
Press the Add button to add new customer title and a new window as the following
appears :

Press Remove button, to delete it.

If you want to change an existed title, select it first, then type the new value in the field
and then press the OK button.
If you have a list of several titles, you can choose which one will be displayed first or
last in the list. This can be done by selecting a specific row and then press the ‘Move up’
or ‘Move down’ buttons.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Tax configuration

Check the ‘Use tax configuration’ check box if this option relevant for you.
Press the 'Add' button to add new tax name. Define it’s value and it’s method. You can
edit and select different values by pressing the 'Edit' button.
Press 'Remove' button , to delete it.
If you have a list of several tax names, you can choose which one will displayed first or
last in the list. This can be done by selecting a specific row and then pressing the ‘Move
up’ or ‘Move down’ buttons. Configuration names

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In this screen, you can define names in different languages for your existed application.

5.5.5 Delete versions configurations

If you want to delete one or more configurations select the ‘Delete configuration(s)
option from configuration -> customer versions -> versions configurations and the
following window will appear:

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Please Note : The screen shows only configurations for deletion which are not being
used in any of the available versions.
Configurations which are being used in the versions can not be deleted (you will see a
blank window when opening the delete version configuration window).If however you
want to delete a related configuration , you will have to detach it from it’s related
version in the affiliate management (this will be explained under the ‘affiliate
management’ section).

5.5.6 Versions
Note: Defining end user versions with the Versions menu is relevant only for if you
‘stand alone’ license. If you have a ‘server’ license then skip to the next paragraph.

The ‘Versions’ option allows you to add/edit or delete versions.

The created versions are based on existed configurations and skins.
In addition, from the ‘versions’ option you have an access to all actions like: create
setup, Create software update, etc … (included under setup and updates in the older
Select the configuration menu -> Customer versions -> versions -> select one of the
versions. You will see similar windows as the following :

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Press the ‘customize version’ option and you will see a similar window as the following:

The screen has two tabs. The default is the ‘Version properties’ and the second ‘Version
Each one of the fields appear in the tab has a dropdown list.
In the Version ownership you can set an owner or a specific customer using the ‘Set’
button. You can select the value ‘Specific customers’ , then pressing the set button will
pops up the following window :

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Here, you can select a specific customer by checking the checkbox or select all available
customers in the list (to change your selection use the ‘Clear all’ and ‘Invert all’ buttons).
Pressing the ‘ok’ button pops up the version window again. Press the more buttons and
the following window appears:

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Pressing the ‘New’or ‘Edit’ buttons opens the following window in which you can define
new customer or edit existing one.

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You can Insert values in the following fields : ‘company name’, description , full address,
contact details and more.

The ‘Edit customers’ window also enables you to delete existing customers. Select the
customer and press the delete button. Then the following question will appears :
‘Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer? ‘ , when pressing the ‘yes’
button, customer will be deleted.

Below the delete button , there is a button named group. Pressing on it will open a
window as the following. Here you can Create new one , edit an existed group or delete
it. Once you finished press the ok button.

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There is also an additional button in the edit customers screen named: ‘Album maker’
Pressing on it will change the flag from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ and vice versa.

The version ownership field also contains a value named : ‘Customize’ .

Selecting it and press the Photo lab, opens the following window in which you can
define the details for the photo lab.

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In the Version configuration field, you can edit an existing configuration.

Pressing the edit button will pops up the window with all existed parameters defined
Under version configuration section.
If you want to delete an existed version configuration which attached to a specific
version , you can replace it by another configuration so it will be then available for
In the version skin you can edit an existed skin. Pressing the edit button will pops up the
window with all existed parameters defined under version skins. If you want to delete an
existed version skin which attached to a specific version , you can replace it by another
skin so it will be available for deletion. .

Last field in this window is the version currency in which you can define the currency
sign like : $ , € , £ , ¥ etc.

5.6 Creation and distribution of the customer version setups

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Once you finished to create and customize your version , please close the window and
navigate to the configuration menu -> customer versions -> versions.
Select one of your existed version and you will see the following options:

1. Create setup
2. Create software update
3. Publish full content update
4. Publish new content
5. Publish price update
o Create setup
The customer version setup is prepared with the Album Maker print shop version. The
system creates two setup types:
1. CD version – to be distributed to customers on a CD
2. Internet version (one executable), to be placed on the Internet for download.
The differences between the two setup versions are:
1. The CD version size is bigger (by about 25MB) because it includes a Microsoft
component called .Net framework 2.0 which sometimes is already installed on
the computer. In the Internet version that is missing this part, if the system
identifies that the .Net framework 2.0 is not installed in the computer, the
system downloads it from the Internet and installs it as well.
2. The CD version is a folder which includes the installation while the Internet
version is packed as one executable. The reason is because the setup operation
performs faster when the user clicks on the “setup” which appears in the setup
folder while it is easier to operate when you download from the Internet only
one file rather than a whole folder.

Once the Setup is complete, you need to either burn the CDs with the CD Setup or
publish the Internet Setup in your web site (or your affiliates’ web site).

The base Internet Setup size is about 20MB, plus any content you publish as part of the
base Setup. It is recommended to publish extensive contents as described in the
“publish new content” section (later in this document) instead of including it in the
setup, in order to make the setup size smaller.

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In order to create the Setup, click on “create setup” from the configuration screen of the
album Maker.
At the first stage the application collects all relevant content so a progress bar as the
following will appear (with the titles: collect album types, collect masks, collect

After collecting items is finished following screen appears:

Under the 'program path' you should include the folder path (should be a shared folder
in case it is a server)and the file name.
Under the operating system you can define if the generated setup is for windows, Mac
or both.

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Now you have to make the selection of content you want to include in the Setup. Per
content category (albums types, effects, etc), select the content elements you want to
include in the setup.
Each element you check appears in blue.
In case that a specific album type or sample album appears in red. When pointing the
mouse on the line , yellow box appears with missing elements as the following :

In addition, when you have an element (like an album type or sample album ) which
linked to other elements such as : backgrounds, effects, masks, etc... then these
elements appear in grey and their checkboxes can't be unselected (unless you uncheck
the sample album/album type itself).
If you point the mouse on any of the elements listed you will get a preview of it.
The following is a preview of one of the album type :

And this one is a preview of a frame –

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For the fonts no preview is being presented only the name of the font in bolded
The lab can check/uncheck the fonts they want to include in the setup.
How to add fonts for Mac users ?

If you know of such fonts in the MAC and you want to make them available in the
software you should copy them first to the PC.
Please follow these steps:
In the MAC please type Font Book , then a window will be opened with all available
Right click on the font , select show in finder then another window pops up.
Select the font and copy it.
Then move all these fonts to c:/windows/fonts.
Then when creating a customer setup version , select Fonts tab and check the copied
fonts so they will be included in the manifest.
The first two buttons 'select' , 'clear' are only relevant for the selected tab whereas
'select all' and 'clear all' are relevant for items in all tabs.
The button 'load..' shows the history of all generated customer setups, software and
content update…
Once you finished to select all elements then press the ‘OK’ and the files creation will
start. A progress bar with completion in % will be displayed.

At the end of the a notification as the following pops up :

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And four files are created: single executable file , a setup folder for the pc version
(XXXX_setup) , a setup folder for the Mac version (XXXX_setup_mac) and an executable
file for MAC (*.dmg).

5.6.1 Create software update

Pressing on the ‘create software update’ button will initiate the following ‘create
software update’ window .

As in the setup , also here you can define if software update can be created for
windows , MAC or both.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version

There are four program software update options :

1. Do you want to update binary files in the created software update ?
2. Do you want to update the GUI in the created software update ?
3. Do you to update your business information in the software update ?
4. Do you want to include languages in the created software update ?
Note: The last option is dimmed if first option is checked. In order to enable it
Uncheck the first option.
If you select to create software update for both windows and MAC , Two files are
being generated – an executable file for the PC version and OSU
file for the MAC.
The created files contain only the new system files (like: DLL’s) with no content.
Consequently, files are light and can be download very fast.
Once you press the ‘create software update’ button following window pops up :
In the upper part of the screen you can change the folder path location of the created

file by pressing this button : . Or/and rename the file name.

After selecting your preferred options press on the OK button and a file will be
generated. At the end following message pops up :

Press on the ok button and then the following screen appears:

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In this screen you can upload the file to the FTP by pressing the Upload button. First
field shows the file name which always appears in a similar format as in the screenshot.
This format contains of three parts: prefix, middle string and a suffix. In the screenshot
below ‘AlbumSetup’ is the prefix , the ‘_Version 1 soft update ’ is the string in the middle
and the suffix combines of two string numbers as appears in the attached screen :

The two strings numbers represents date+hour and the file size , so in this case
10021515 represents the year (10) , month (02) , day (1) , hour (1) and minutes(1) and
the second string comes after the # specifies the file size in kb.
Then below you have the following fields under Ftp server namely: Ftp address ,
Ftp port, Ftp user , Ftp password, Ftp upload folder name and the checkbox Ftp
use relative path (please refer to the section 'version configuration' in order to
learn on each one of the fields).
If you press on the ‘Upload’ button, uploading order progress bar pops up showing the
percentage of the uploaded file in brackets

When it finishes then a similar message appears:

If you press on the cancel button, then file will not uploaded to the FTP and created
Remark: When creating software update, you can not include only languages in the
created software update. You should select also other update option so the ‘OK’ button
will become available.

5.6.2 Publish full content update

Content update is created by clicking on the “Publish full configuration
update” button.
Select the various content elements you want to publish (including the new
ones you created) and then click on “create update”.

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A system window appears in which you select where to save the file.
Default name of the file is ‘version … My Albumfull content update. zip’.
(For the MAC version an OCU file will be generated).

5.6.3 Publish new content

When pressing the ‘Publish new content’ , following window will appear :

You can create content packages (example: babies), and place them in your web site
with a link for download.
Content package is created in a similar way to creating full configuration update – the
difference is that the newly created content is created as an executable file that the
customer will have to use by double clicking on the executable itself and an OAC file for
the MAC platform. The OAC file can be imported from the configuration menu ->
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Manually update files. The new content will be added to the existing content rather
replace it as in the case of complete configuration update.
Note: You can link to the new content by defining a path for: “additional content
URL”.At the left side of the bottom, there is a button called ‘Load…’ , pressing on it bring
a window called load history presents older setups for different versions.
This button also exists in ‘Create setup’ panel and ‘Publish full content update’ panel.

5.6.4 Publish price update

Pressing on this button will initiate the following message box :

After pressing OK, following screen appear where you have details for uploading
The price file:
The first field indicates the location and the name of the file.
Then below appear all FTP details (host, port, user, password and upload older name).
Press the upload button to upload the file, please cancel to clear fields.
A system installed at the customer end can check automatically if there are any new
content or prices updates published (at the designated folder on the FTP) – if exist, the
updates will be downloaded and replace the existing content or prices accordingly.

If the customer computer is not connected to the Internet, such updates could be sent
to the customer in other means and the customer will have to deliberately invoke the
update content/prices using the files he/she received.

5.6.5 Software update

If a new update was uploaded to the FTP server, then once a user open the customer
version of Album maker, the following update message pops up :

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After pressing the Yes button, album maker update process will executed. First, updates
will be downloaded (as the message below), then the setup will run.

Once the customers install it, the system uninstalls the previous version and installs the
new one.

5.7 Affiliate management

Note: This section is relevant only for the server version.
The Affiliate management system allows you to add/edit or delete versions.
The created versions are based on existed configurations and skins.
In addition, the affiliate management allows you to do all actions that in former version
were included under setup and updates in system configuration (like: create setup,
Create software update, etc … ).
From configuration menu , you can select ‘Affiliate management’ and the following
screen will be opened.
The right side of the screen contains 9 options button and the main screen shows the
version name , name of the skin and name of configuration.
In order to edit /duplicate/delete the current version you should select it then all buttons
become available.

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Press the ‘Add version’ button and the following screen will appear :

The screen has two tabs. The default is the ‘Version properties’ and the second ‘Version
Each one of the fields appear in the tab has a dropdown list.
In the Version ownership you can set an owner or a specific customer using the ‘Set’
button. If you are working with affiliates , select the value ‘Specific customers’ , then
pressing the set button will pops up the following window :

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Here, you can select a specific customer by checking the checkbox or select all available
customers in the list (to change your selection use the ‘Clear all’ and ‘Invert all’ buttons).
If you want to select (or clear) a specific group then use the two buttons below: ‘select
group’ and ‘clear group’ , then the following screen will appears :

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Select (or unselect) the group , then press the ‘OK’ button and you’ll be back in the
select customers screen.
There is an additional checkbox on this screen named: ‘Show list groups’. Checking this
checkbox will change the current view so the group will appear first then underneath
appear the related customers and the company name appears near each one of them.
The following screenshot is an example for this :

Pressing the ‘ok’ button pops up the version window again. Press the more buttons and
the following window appears:

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Pressing the ‘New’ or ‘Edit’ buttons opens the following window in which you can define
new customer or edit existing one.

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Insert values in the following fields : ‘company name’, description , full address contact
details and more. In addition, under customer group you can select your group and
below check either Album maker , order maker or both. Then press the OK button.

The ‘Edit customers’ window also enables you to delete existing customers. Select the
customer and press the delete button. Then the following question will appears :
‘Are you sure you want to delete the selected customer? ‘ , when pressing the ‘yes’
button, customer will be deleted.

Below the delete button , there is a button named group. Pressing on it will open a
window as the following. Here you can Create new one , edit an existed group or delete
it. Once you finished press the ok button.

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There are also two additional buttons in the edit customers screen named : ‘Album
maker’ and ‘Order maker’.
Pressing on each of them will change the flag from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ and vice versa.

The version ownership field also contains a value named : ‘Customize’ .

Selecting it and press the Photo lab, opens the following window in which you can
define the details for the photo lab.

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In the Version configuration field, you can edit an existing configuration.

Pressing the edit button will pops up the window with all existed parameters defined
Under version configuration section.
If you want to delete an existed version configuration which attached to a specific
version , you can replace it by another configuration so it will be then available for
In the version skin you can edit an existed skin. Pressing the edit button will pops up the
window with all existed parameters defined under version skins. If you want to delete an
existed version skin which attached to a specific version , you can replace it by another
skin so it will be available for deletion. .

Last field in this window is the version currency in which you can define the currency
sign like : $ , € , £ , ¥ etc.

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5.7.1 Creation and distribution of the customer version Setup

Once you finished to create and customize your version, you can use the buttons below
(located on the right side) to create new setups and updates. The buttons are ordered
as follows :
1. Create setup
2. Create software update
3. Publish full content update
4. Publish new content
5. Publish price update
(There is also ‘More…’ button which is currently not available).
• Create setup
The customer version setup is prepared with the Album Maker print shop version. The
system creates two setup types:
- CD version – to be distributed to customers on a CD
- Internet version (one executable), to be placed on the Internet for download.
- (In case that your HASP supports MAC version also a dmg file will be generated).
The differences between the two setup versions are:
The CD version size is bigger (by about 25MB) because it includes a Microsoft
component called .Net framework 2.0 which sometimes is already installed on the
computer. In the Internet version that is missing this part, if the system identifies
that the .Net framework 2.0 is not installed in the computer, the system downloads
it from the Internet and installs it as well.
The CD version is a folder which includes the installation while the Internet version is
packed as one executable. The reason is because the setup operation performs
faster when the user clicks on the “setup” which appears in the setup folder while it
is easier to operate when you download from the Internet only one file rather than a
whole folder.

Once the Setup is complete, you need to either burn the CDs with the CD Setup or
publish the Internet Setup in your web site (or your affiliates’ web site).

The base Internet Setup size is about 20MB, plus any content you publish as part of the
base Setup. It is recommended to publish extensive contents as described in the

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“publish new content” section (later in this document) instead of including it in the
setup, in order to make the setup size smaller.
In order to create the Setup, click on “create setup” from the configuration screen of the
album Maker. The following pop-up screen will appear:

There are nine tabs appear in this screen namely : Album types , sample albums,
effects, masks, backgrounds, frames, cliparts, languages, fonts.
Now you have to make the selection of content you want to include in the Setup. Per
content category (albums, effects, etc), select the content elements you want (“v”)
Each element you check appears in light blue. In addition, when you have an element
(like an album type or sample album ) which linked to elements from different contents,
then these elements appear in grey and can be selected (as can be seen in the following
If you want to uncheck these elements mark in grey then check the sample album or
album type first and then these linked elements will be available.

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In this panel there are six buttons.

The first two are 'select' and 'clear' and they are relevant only for the current tab.
Once you finished to select all elements, define the folder path for saving the setup (you
can also change the default name), then press the ‘OK’ and the ip file creation will start.
A progress bar with completion in % will be displayed.

At the end of the a notification as the following pops up :

And two files are created: single executable file and a setup folder.

5.7.2 Create software update

Pressing on the ‘create software update’ button will initiate the following ‘create
software update’ window .The created file contain only the new system files
(like: DLL’s) with no content. Consequently, file is light and can be download
very fast.
Once you press the ‘create software update’ button following window pops up :
In the upper part of the screen you can change the folder path location of the created

file by pressing this button : . Or/and rename the file name.

Under Program software update options you have four check boxes where the first one
is always check as default (Do you want to update binary files in the created software
Below you can check also ‘Do you want to update the GUI (look) in the created software
update?’ And/or ‘Do you want to update your business information in the software
update?’ In addition, there is an unavailable option ‘Do you want to include languages
in the created software update?’ Below under the program languages, you can see all
available languages in the system.
After selecting your preferred options press on the OK button and a file will be
generated. At the end following message pops up :

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Press on the ok button and then the following screen appears:

In this screen you can upload the file to the FTP by pressing the Upload button. First
field shows the file name which always appears in a similar format as in the screenshot.
This format contains of three parts: prefix, middle string and a suffix. In the screenshot
below ‘AlbumSetup’ is the prefix , the ‘_Version 1 soft update ’ is the string in the middle
and the suffix combines of two string numbers as appears in the attached screen :

The two strings numbers represents date+hour and the file size , so in this case
10021515 represents the year (10) , month (02) , day (1) , hour (1) and minutes(1) and
the second string comes after the # specifies the file size in kb.

If you press on the ‘Upload’ button, uploading order progress bar pops up showing the
percentage of the uploaded file in brackets

When it finishes then a similar message appears:

If you press on the cancel button, then file will not uploaded to the FTP and created

5.7.3 Publish full content update

Content update is created by clicking on the “Publish full configuration
update” button.
Select the various content elements you want to publish (including the new
ones you created) and then click on “create update”.

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A system window appears in which you select where to save the file.
Default name of the file is ‘version … My Albumfull content update. Zip’.

5.7.4 Publish new content

When pressing the ‘Publish new content’ , following window will appear :

You can create content packages (example: babies), and place them in your web site
with a link for download.
Content package is created in a similar way to creating full configuration update – the
difference is that the newly created content is created as an executable file that the
customer will have to use by double clicking on the executable itself. The new content
will be added to the existing content rather replace it as in the case of complete
configuration update.

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Note: You can link to the new content by defining a path for: “additional content
URL”.At the left side of the bottom, there is a button called ‘Load…’ , pressing on it bring
a window called load history presents older setups for different versions.
This button also exists in ‘Create setup’ panel and ‘Publish full content update’ panel.

5.7.5 Publish price update

Pressing on this button will initiate the following message box :

After pressing OK, following screen appear where you have details for uploading
The price file:
The first field indicates the location and the name of the file.
Then below appear all FTP details (host, port, user, password and upload older name).
Press the upload button to upload the file, please cancel to clear fields.
A system installed at the customer end can check automatically if there are any new
content or prices updates published (at the designated folder on the FTP) – if exist, the
updates will be downloaded and replace the existing content or prices accordingly.

If the customer computer is not connected to the Internet, such updates could be sent
to the customer in other means and the customer will have to deliberately invoke the
update content/prices using the files he/she received.

5.7.6 Software update

If a new update was uploaded to the FTP server, then once a user open the customer
version of Album maker, the following update message pops up :

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After pressing the Yes button, album maker update process will executed. First, updates
will be downloaded (as the message below), then the setup will run.

Once the customers install it, the system uninstalls the previous version and installs the
new one.

5.7.7 Create a setup with certain group content

If you want to create setup with certain content for a certain group, do the following:
1. Define an additional folder on the FTP for updates
2. When you create the Setup for the group, specify the FTP folder for updates
(different then the default one)
3. Distribute this Setup such that only intended customers for this group can
download this Setup – for instance, require a password for this download (the
intended customers need to know this password of course, ahead of time).

5.7.8 Advanced options in creating a Setup

There are advanced settings which you can change in version configurations tabs (in the
lab admin) by checking/un- checking different check boxes but can be also altered by
editing the file: AlbumMaker.ini, located at:
C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\MPR500 Pro 5\AlbumMaker_Skeleton
Changing the parameter in the Option
AlbumMaker.ini file
AUTO_CHECK_FTP = 0 cancels the automatic check at the FTP
for updates
ENABLE_ADVANCED_MODE = 0 Cancels the appearance of the
“advanced mode” in the customer
FTP_PAY = 1 Pay via the Print shop web site
(Requires additional parameters per the
integration type)

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MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 600 This means that the system creates

the display image at 600 pixels for
the long dimension. You can change
it to say: 800 or higher, and
accordingly, the displayed image
will be in a higher resolution. The
default 600 was selected as a
common tradeoff (tradeoff between
resolution quality and speed). After
you change the above parameter,
create the customer version again.
For specific customers who already
use the application and complain
about it, you can simply advise
them to change it in the installed
application – this AlbumMaker.ini
file will be found at: C:\Program
Pro 5.When you create an album in
our system, the system creates in
the album order structure a folder
named: Pictures, which includes the
pictures selected for the album, and
in addition, it creates a subfolder
named: LowRes under the above
Pictures folder– all pictures selected
for the album are stored also in this
subfolder, but they are scaled down
according to the “MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
= xx” mentioned before. The

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display on screen is generated from

the LowRes folder, per the screen
resolution. Changing the parameter
MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = xx will only
effect newly created albums, as
previous albums were created
based on the MAX_IMAGE_SIZE =
xx that existed at the time the
previous album was created, i.e.,
once the LowRes subfolder has
been created for a given order, the
display is done from the images
there .

In addition, you can change additional files (located at the same folder):
File to be replaced Option
splashBG.jpg Changing the splash screen
App.ico Desktop icon
AlbumSample.jpg The picture presented when a place holder
is displayed within an album page for
pictures placement

6 Loading orders
Orders can reach the lab/print house in two ways: Automatically via FTP, or manually on
a burned CD for example.
Via FTP - If order is being sent via FTP then at the end of the process you get a folder
with named as the order number contains the following items:

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Note: you should always verify first that finished.txt appears. Although it’s an empty
file it serves as an indication that the order was transferred completely.

The pictures folder – Once you opened the pictures folder you notice that files don’t
have their original names but a ‘sequential number’
(Pic_0001.jpg,Pic_0002.jpg,Pic_0003.jpg , etc..)
The reason is that as a part of ‘preparing’ the order for sending via FTP, original files
names are being converted and get ‘sequential numbers’. However in the album itself,
the original file names are being referenced (so if for example you open one of the
order’s PCK you will note that PIC_FILE_NAME fields are populated with values of
original names. If you want to know for each converted file, what was it’ original name ,
you can open the SaveNames.txt file attached to the pictures folder and then see it (see
the picture below).

The PreviewPictures folder - contains pictures of each page of the album.

CRC - In addition, you have CRC file starts as the following: CRC_xxx.txt.

CRC is a type of function that takes as input a data stream of any length, and produces
an integer as an output. During the uploading process a CRC is being generated. Each

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file is being scanned and at the end a signature is being added. Below is a sample of
CRC's content.

When loading an order received via FTP the CRC check process is starting

The process checks that there is a match between content of each file and the CRC file.
When discrepancies are being found then an error message appears such as:

CRC check failed and In this case loading process is being interrupted.

Reasons for bad CRC:

- Missing files
- Corrupted files
- Files with a different name from their original one.

How to fix bad CRC?

Please referrer to the following article for ‘Fixing problems in CRC using the check tool’


6.1 Burn the order to a CD

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Orders names will have a similar format as the following

Where the first number string represents the order number (in this case it’s 81600718)
and the second 6399576 represents the file size.
Beware: when you get an order burned on a CD it is advised to copy it to a
local folder first and then load it. It can be that some of the files on the CD
have ‘read only’ attribute hence you will not be able to load the order

Once you press on the load icon in album maker

Following window pops up :

You should locate the order first and then verify that under the loaded column
parameter is set to ‘No’. If the parameter is yes then it can be one of the two: either the
order is loaded or that the order not exists in album maker but registered in the
If the order not appears in the ‘Open album’ window, open your MPR500 pro application
and you will be presented with the following message:

Confirm with ‘Yes’ then close MPR500 pro and try to load the order.
During the loading process, progress bars appears.

If there are no special problems in the process you should get after a few seconds
(depending on the order size) the following notification.

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If there are some mismatches then various error messages appears.

- If there is a mismatch between the lab name as it appears in the order and the lab
name as it appears in your definition in the MP-LabAdmin program then the following
error appears:

- If the name of the album type appears in the order is different from the name of
album type defined by the lab then you see a message similar to the following.

- Other error/warning messages appear if there are mismatches regarding the content.
It can be for examples that sizes of album pages in the order are different from the sizes
defined by the lab.
In some case you may continue to load the order even though these messages appear.
In such cases you get the following message:

Pressing on Yes, will fix the order and continue with the loading process.
In other cases where albums can not be fixed you should contact the support.

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You may get a folder copied from the albums folder. Note: you will not be able to load
such an order directly. You have to open the folder, select all items then right click and
select -> send to ‘Compressed (zipped) folder’.
Then you should rename the zip file to the order number, drag the zip to a different
directory and load.
There are cases in which you will have one or more problematic pictures in
your loaded order (either picture is corrupted, or in bad quality or not appears
at all). In this case you may request your customer to resend the picture/s.
The new version of album maker allows to identify the picture more easily by
showing the name of an using right click on the image. Selecting the name
perform cross reference from the image in an album page to the list of
(Please see the screen shot below).

In addition, In the new version users can send orders with pictures either uploaded from
their local drives or uploaded from facebook. Please refer the customer to
AlbumMakerHelp.htm if they want to learn more on how to add pictures from facebook.

6.2 Order Id generation logics and settings

In the past (till version, orders that were created by the customers had an ID
similar to the following : 67525296.

The following explain the new mechanism of Order ID in details :

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Normally, the end user version of AlbumMaker or OrderMaker generates a unique order
Id for each order generated on end user version.

This order Id is designed to be so unique that no two orders which where created on the
same computer or on different computers will have the same Id.

Some configurations are provided with the version and above, to allow some
changes to be made to the order Id logics.

Order Id Logics

The order Id is an 8 length character based number that can contain either “0-9”
characters, or “A-Z” characters. (Example: “QRW5M10A”).

To allow better reading of the order Id, the ‘O’ and the ‘I’ where removed from the
alphabetical characters so that they will not be confused with the ‘0’ and the ‘1’ numeric

In reality, the order Id characters are 34 based, allowing 34^8 (almost 10^13)
possibilities for each order.

The order Id is divided into several parts:

QRW5M10A Counter

Computer fingerprint Date Fingerprint

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Computer fingerprint:
Is a unique number that represents the computer on which the order was generated.

This Id should remain fixed on the same computer that was generated, even if a new
installation of AlbumMaker or OrderMaker should be performed.

Date Fingerprint:
The date fingerprint represents the number of days passed from a certain date.

This 2 digit character is initialized by the day that it was created, and can have any
34^2 (1156) values representing a unique day in several years.

For each generated order, the counter will advance by one numeric value up to its
maximum value (‘Z’). When reaching its maximum value, the counter will move the date
fingerprint forward as well.

For example, if the last generated order was “QRW5M10Z”, the new generated order
will be “QRW5M111”.

Changing Order Id generation Logics:

In the event that full character based values will cause compatibility issues, or the
length of the order is not acceptable, the order Id base number and length can be

To change the order Id generation logics, the following file needs to be changed:

[MPR 500 Root Folder]


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Inside the AlbumMakerCommonConfig.ini, the following fields will have to be inserted or


The Computer fingerprint base number (10 based, 16 (HEX) based, 34 based, etc.). Can
enter any value from 10 to 34. Default is 34

The number of characters of the Computer fingerprint part. Can enter any value from 5
to 8. Default is 5

The Date fingerprint and Counter base number (10 based, 16 (HEX) based, 34 based,
etc.) Can enter any value from 10 to 34.

The number of characters of the Date fingerprint and Counter. Can enter any value from
3 to 8. Default is 3

• After adding these fields, a new end user Setup version will have
to be created using Album Maker in the lab version

• These new settings will only work on a computer that never installed or later
end-user versions.


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Resetting the Order Id on the end- user

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During the first installation, the Order Id is initialized on the end user computer with the
new values. In the event that the Order Id base and length is changed during later
versions, the later changes will not influence the first time installation values.

For example, if an end user version has an 8 length, 34 based order Id, and a new
version is published with a 12 length order Id settings, the order Id will remain 8 even
after the new version installation.

In order to reset the computer Fingerprint: the file “OrderId.ini” needs to be deleted
from the end user Album Maker root folder.

In order to reset the Date Fingerprint (and counter): the file “OrderId.ini” needs to be
deleted from the folder:
“C:\Documents and settings\ All Users\Application Data\M-Photo”

• The “C:\Documents and settings” referees to the windows system folder, and
may differ depending on the windows installation.

• Each or both files can be deleted either before or after the installation of the new
settings. These files are generated each time Album Maker is executed.

• Resetting any of the Order Id on the end user computer may result in duplicate
orders or undesired effects, and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

7 Printing Orders

Once the order is loaded, press the Print icon for printing.
The following screen appears in which you can select whether to generate PDF as an
output or JPG images.

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(Incase you selected other machine during installation, other icon appears).
If you prefer that ‘execution job’ window will not pops up and print job will be sent
automatically , you should open MP-Labadmin , select General and set ‘Confirm machine
selection at execution’ to No.

In case you have album + external cover, this screen will appear twice and two different
PDF files will be generated.
Suppose you selected printing to PDF, then you’ll find them at your defined hot folder
according to the Album type.(Default is C:\MPR500_Out). In case you have album with
external cover and you define the same hot folder for both of them, then as output you
get two PDF as follows :

Both PDF’s have the same order number only the suffix after the underscore ( _ ) is
different. You can guess according to the size that the bigger one is the album and the
second is the cover.
In the hot folder itself, you will see also sub folders as follows:
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If you open those sub-folders , you will find jpgs files inside. These sub-folders have the
same name as the output set of the related the album type. During the generation
process of the PDF, the jpgs files are created first , being saved in these sub folders,
then the PDF file is created from them.
It is also important to know that these jpgs are not deleted automatically at the end of
the PDF generation so it might be that if you print many jobs and if you have lack of
disk space, you will have to clean your hot folder often.

7.1 MPR500 Jobs (Job Status)

In order to trace job printing or run them manually, you can open the MPR500 Jobs
status. You can click the green circle, then an opened window as below will be opened.
By default, the jobs list displays the jobs created today and the jobs that were not
started yet. You can change the display so that all the jobs in the system will be
displayed, by selecting "All jobs" next to the "Show" caption.

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Each album order has two jobs: one for the inner pages and one for the cover (when
the cover is printed). The order status is displayed in the first column and is one of the
following statuses:
1. Init: the order was loaded and waiting for manual execution.
2. Ready: the order was loaded and it will be automatically executed when other
jobs will finish.
3. Running: the order is during execution.
4. Finish: the order was sent to the printer.
5. Finish + error: the order execution was failed.

In addition, you can select each one of the jobs , right click it and set status
manually to one of the options as appears in the screen shot below :

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You can also right click a job, then either to re-execute, or see errors (if there are any
for this job) or enter order comment.

If the job finished with ‘blue star’ as the following that means that job
was finished successfully.

If the job finished with ‘red star’ as the following that means it failed.
There are few cases in which job finished with ‘orange star’. That means that there is a
warning for this specific job but even though output was generated.
If the job was failed, you can select it, right click with the mouse and then select
‘Errors’. Then you will see a window with an explanation. The most common error is the

“[Fatal Error] Order 10018 Print_job 0 Job 25: PDF digital printer :the hot folder
doesn't exist.C:\MPR500_Out_Cover \Album_10018_Page1.jpg”

It appears since there is no hot folder defined for the album type of this order. In order
to solve this issue, you should go to configuration -> content system configuration ->
select the relevant album type and define hot folder for the album (if it’s necessary also
for the cover).

Other error message you may encounter:

- ‘out of memory’ appears if one or more pictures are too big (or also backgrounds
,frames and other content elements , speaking of dimensions) and in such case it is
advisable to resize these images using Photoshop or any other graphic editor.
It is also advisable to open MP-LabAdmin and verify what is the DPI settings of the
default machine (recommended values are between 200-400 ).

There are other errors messages that can appear due to different reasons.
In some of the albums you try to print, a message as the following appears:

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If you press the ‘No’ button, order will not be printed if you press yes then as stated in
the message empty pages will be added. If you want to prevent such a case, then go to
configuration , select the album type and reduce the value appears for ‘Number of pages
per paper’.

Additional buttons in the job list:

5. Report - Selecting a specific job and pressing this button will open
the Album Order Report for this order (HTML file).
6. Export list – Pressing this button will initiate the export data window
(as below).Define the period (From, To) and the Sorting category.

After pressing the OK button, xml file will be generated.

Down below is a ‘snippet ‘ from this report. The new report was
improved in such a way that there is a clear distinction between
each one of the affiliates (In our Cases MYALBUM and My
company) and for each one of them appear records came from
different customers.
There is a sub total of the price for each one of the affiliates and there
is a grand total for all of them.

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7. Search – pressing this button imitates the following window :

You can browse your Order ID then select it so it will be marked in the
job list.
4. Cancel - select one of the jobs, then press this button will bring a
pop up questions. Cancel job? If you press Yes, then job status will be
changed to cancel.
The JobStatus process which handles the printing processes is running all the time. If
you want to close it, you need to right click the green circle icon (located as appears
below) and then click on Exit.

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8 Appendices

8.1 Export/Import
The export/import utility enables the user to copy the configuration from one system to
another as well as backup of the system.
Every period of time (1 day, 3 days, etc.), you should make a backup of the system to
a. Backup of the database using the Export utility (Export Import MPR500
Pro.exe, located at: C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5 and has the

following icon : ).
Before running the backup make sure that album maker and/or job status are closed ,
otherwise a message similar to the following pops up.

Once you click on the icon , the following screen will be opened. The default
configuration folder is C:\MPR500_OUT but it’s recommended to browse for a different
one using the ‘… ‘button.

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After selecting the target folder , press the Save button and backup process
starts. Please note that Export and import buttons are unavailable during this
process and in addition there is no progress bar but so long no error message
appears, that means that process continues.
At the end of the process, you should get a similar message as the following (with the
version number and date).

b. Backup of the Albums that were loaded: normally the MPR500_Albums,

located at: C:\
c. From the time you make a backup, till the next time, orders that are not
backed-up in 1b above are located at the Loaded albums folder (by
default, it is at: C:\MPR500_Albums\Loaded). I recommend you change
the location of the Loaded albums to the backup media .

In case of a crash, you should install the system again (the latest version used at the
time of the last backup), then open the Export Import MPR500 Pro utility ,press the
import button, locate the last zip created (as in 1a above) and press the import button.
Before the process starts, the following message appears:

At the end of the ‘database import’ process you should get a message as the following :

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The following stage is restoring the backed-up albums in 1b above. Then Load the
customers’ albums in 1c above.
You can if you want, also make a backup of the output folders containing the PDFs you
created although you can simply create the needed PDFs again after recovering from a

8.2 Custom UI

8.2.1 UI Update utility


This document explains how to update settings from one custom made user interface to
another. When a new version is published, new features may be available to the user
Though the user interface is automatically updated, this utility may apply the new
features to other custom made user interfaces.

Pre Requirements:

• MPR 500 Pro application

• MPR 500 Pro license
• Custom UI Configuration Application license

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Run the file “UIUpdate.EXE” from MPR500 Pro root folder, with the following

[source= X] the X represents the source folder where the “Config.ini” file exists.

[target= X] The X represents the target folder where the “Config.ini” file exists.
[lang= X] The X represents the language of which the application will run.


After an update, the main application is updated, and exists in folder:

“C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5”

Another custom made user interface sits under:


To update the other configuration, run “UIUpdate.EXE” with the following parameters:

[source= C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\CustomUI\Global]
[target= C:\UI\Global]
[lang= English]

• the argument lines can be run from command line, a batch file or from a
• the arguments are run without end-line signal (written in the same line)
• the argument syntax is [CMD= VAL], where a space exists between the = and

8.2.2 Using Multiple Custom UI on Server- Client workstation


When using Server – Client Workstation hierarchy, only the UI configuration that was
created on the server is valid for the server’s end-user publishing’s.
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This document explains how to transfer UI configurations from a client workstation to

the server.

First time configuration:

In order to transfer settings from a client workstation, MPR500 Pro 5 folder on the
server will have to be shared. This is a one time configuration and should not be

1) On server’s side, Open explorer by pressing “My Computer” icon.

2) Go to M-Photo folder. Normally, M-Photo folder can be found in “C:\Program
3) Right click the folder “MPR500 Pro 5”, and press “Sharing and security” option.

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4) Press the “Share this folder” Radio button

5) Press the Permissions button. On Permissions window, make sure all “Allow”
boxes are selected

6) Press “OK” button on all opened sharing windows.

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Transferring Configurations from Client station

This section will explain how to transfer saved configuration by copying the file
“UIConfig.dat” from the client side to the server’s main folder and skeleton folder.

1) After making the changes in “Custom UI” utility in client workstation, make sure
you saved the changes by pressing the “Save Design” button.

2) Make sure that the “MPR 500 pro” application on the server’s side is closed.

3) Open “explorer” by pressing the “My Computer” icon.

4) Go to “MPR 500 pro” main folder. Normally, MPR 500 pro folder can be found in
“C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5”.

5) Right click the file “UIConfig.dat” and select “copy”.

6) Go to server’s folder’s shared folder. This can be done by typing the server’s
name, then the “MPR 500 pro” folder. Example: \\MPHOTO-SERVER\MPR500 Pro

7) Right click an open space, and then press “Paste”.

8) When asked to replace the file, press “Yes”.

9) Go to the sub folder “AlbumMaker_Skeleton\MPR500 Pro 5”.

Example \\MPHOTO-SERVER\MPR500 Pro 5\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\MPR500 Pro 5

10) Right click an open space, and then press “Paste”.

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11) When asked to replace the file, press “Yes”.

• In effect, this process replaces the UI configurations on the server. It does not
updates the “Custom UI” utility.

• In order to update “Custom UI” utility as well, also copy “CustomUI” folder,
which can be found at the same location as “UIConfig.dat”.

8.3 Enter text here

(Application can be found under : C \Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5)

Preface :

The Empty Text Switch utility is designed to convert empty text placeholders in template
sets pages and sample album associated to the same album type.

Generally, a template set page contains empty text boxes for user to fill, with
information text, such as "<Enter Text Here>".

This utility will change the information text to the selected language, to prevent
publishing a template set page/sample album in the wrong language.


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• Once converting a template set , there is no need to run this utility at each
publish because changes remain.

• If you want to switch back to your origin language, then simply select your
current language in ‘convert from’ field and select the language you want to
switch back in ‘convert to’ field (so if for example you converted from English to
Spanish and now you want to switch back, you select Spanish in convert from
and English in convert to).

How to use :

• Close M-Photo AlbumMaker software or any M-Photo album editor.

• Run “Empty Text Switch.exe" from AlbumMaker Program files.
(C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5)
• Click the mouse to select the desired albums for which to convert the language.
In case you want to convert all template albums press the mark all button.

• Select the origin language from the "Convert From" field.The language must be
the same as the Template Set's language. If the "From" language will not be the
same, no changes will be made to the template set

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• Select the destination language from the "Convert To" field. This is the
language that the template set album will be converted to. If the desired
language does not exist, please install the desired language and run this
utility again.

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• In case that your destination language folder is empty or not contain all of
the text files (under C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\Lang) , you will
get a similar message as the following :

• You should verify that you have at least 2 languages installed otherwise,
following error pops up :

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• If you try to convert from the same language as the output language then
the following error pops up

• Press the "Convert" button.

• An information box will be shown. Pleas do not close the Empty Text Switch
while it converts the albums.

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• A message box will be shown when the utility finishes converting the albums.
You may close the utility and examine the changes in AlbumMaker software.

8.4 PhotoEnhanceManage–HIPES integration

The PhotoEnhanceManage is an application that links between the HIPES (HP smart
stream photo enhancement) and M-Photo album maker. Using this application, images
are being sent for auto correction in HIPES, then when process is finished, images are
being transferred back via the PhotoEnhanceManage to M-Photo album maker folder.

(Note: This application runs only on album maker server installation).

Hot folder configuration in PhotoEnhanceManage
Select the configuration tab.
There are three parts in it.
The hot folder configuration is where you define paths for the hot folder, output folder
and the work folder of PhotoEnhanceManage.
Orders downloaded from the FTP redirected to the Hot folder.Once processing is
finished they are being moved to Output folder.

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The HP smart stream photo enhancement server configuration is where you define the
in folder , out folder and the error folder as they defined in HP application.
The third part of this screen is the order configuration where you can define a zip
password to protect your files.

Hot folder configuration in hipes

Verify the Hot folders tab is selected, then press the new button (as marked with the

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The following screen will appear:

Define the path for each one of the fields using the browse button.
-The input Hot folder is where you put all original images like JPG or PDF.This folder
appears in PhotoEnhance Mange as : .\PhotoEnhanceManage\inFolder.
-The Success folder is a folder to which the HIPES copies the original images from the
Input HotFolder.
-The Output HotFolder contains the enhanced images. This folder appears in
PhotoEnhance Mange as: .\PhotoEnhanceManage\outFolder.
-The Error folder contains images which could not be processed by the HIPES. This
folder appears in PhotoEnhance Mange as: .\PhotoEnhanceManage\error.

After defining all parameters, open the HP smart stream photo Enhancement server and
start the service (make sure green light is on as in the following picture).

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Run the PhotoEnhanceManage.exe and the following window will appears.

1. Press the start button

2. The application checks if there is an order in the input folder
If yes, order is being sent to HIPES.
3. Automatic photo enhancement is starting. Photos are being processed according to
the HIPES configuration (like: Red eye removal, sharpen, noise reduction , etc…)
4. All processed orders from HIPES output folder will be transferred to the work folder of
PhotoEnhanceManage application. Orders which were processed successfully will be

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moved to the output folder while orders which were failed during processing will be
moved to bad folder.
5. M-Photo album maker server looks for orders in the PhotoEnhanceManage output
folder , then process them (Load to the database).

Typical field configuration:

1. The hot folder defined in the PhotoEnhanceManage is the one where orders
from the FTP are downloaded to (automatic download or manual download).
Orders arriving to the lab as zip files should be placed in this folder as well
2. The output folder defined in the PhotoEnhanceManage is the folder from which
orders will be Loaded to the M-Photo database, either via the manual Load
operation or via the automatic process Loading.

8.5 Missing album picture utility

The Missing album picture utility enables to find missing pictures in a specific order and
also to know in which page/s they should appear.
The utility can be downloaded from the following link
How to use

In order to start the application unzip the file ,open the MissingAlbumPicturesUtility.exe
,Press on the button with the 3 dots (…) to locate the album folder then select the
required album and press the OK button.

Press the start button

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At the end of the process the two columns (Missing and Log) will be populated with

In the Missing column appear all missing pictures and in the log column appear all pages
one by one with their attached pictures. If the picture exist in the pictures folders then
OK appears before the picture name. If not then ‘missing’ appears before the picture

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8.6 Replace text utility

In order to use the utility you should initiate it from .../Program Files/M-photo/MPR500
Pro 5/ReplaceText.exe

The utility composed of two parts

ReplaceText.exe and ReplaceTextCong.txt

How to use

Open the ReplaceText.exe and a screen as below will appear.

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Select the language from the combo box first then check/uncheck the two checkboxes.

Ignore case – if you select this option that means you can enter a string with small
letters even though it's written in capital letters (or at least the first letter).

Match whole string – if you select this option that means you can insert a part of the
whole string and the utility will find the full matched text.

Next stage is to press the add button.

Following window will appear. Enter value of old text in the first field , value of new text
in the second field then press OK.

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Old texts and new texts will be presented in the texts windows parallel (as bellows).

You can select one line , then press edit to modify strings or press the ‘delete’ button.

After committing all required changes , press the ‘Replace texts in files’ button and
changes will be committed.

In case that old text appears in more than one file, all related files names will appear in
files window.

The old strings and the modified strings being written to a file called
ReplaceTextCong.txt .When opening this file you will see something as follows :

oldValue="Zip code" newValue="Postal code"

oldValue="State" newValue="Providence "

Note : The utility should run locally where album maker installed. When there are
several clients running album maker , utility should run on each one of them.

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8.7 Integration with Photo sharing web site


In order to implement the functionality of web site integration, M-Photo AlbumMaker is

using two different interfaces, each as an independent DLL:


Applies the PhotoShare_UserSide interface, which handles all actions of the user.
Location: 1. AlbumMaker skeleton folder ([Album Folder]:\AlbumMaker_Skeleton)
2. MPR500 Pro root directory.


Applies the PhotoShare_LabSide interface, which handles all actions of the lab.
Location: MPR500 Pro root directory (Lab side only)

Sample Code

This package contains a sample project under the folder "MPhotoCustomerSDKSample".

The project fully demonstrates the functionality of user side and server side.

Note: It is important to understand that the source code is for demonstration

purposes only, and was not methodologically implemented. If you desire to
use the source code, please use it as a reference and not as the base project.


Language: C#

Framework: .NET framework 2.0 using visual studio 2005 or higher

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Note: The two mentioned above interfaces defined under vsmphotolib.dll which is an
integral part of the installation.

8.7.1 Definitions

There are two classes to implement through M-Photo AlbumMaker SDK:

PhotoShare_Folder : Folder management

PhotoShare_Image : Image management


Name Type Info

PhotoShare_Folder Method Constructor
PhotoShare_Folder(string id, Method Constructor. Also sets property
string label)
string Label Property folder label, for visual purposes only.Can be re-occuring,
but not empty
string Id Property uniqe folder identification, used for getting the list of
images and subfolders.)


Name Type Info

PhotoShare_Image Method Constructor

PhotoShare_Image( Method Constructor. Also sets properties

string id, string label, int width,
int height
string imageUri, string
string Label Property File label, for visual purposes only.Can be re-occuring but
not empty
string Id Property File identification used for identifying the image.must be

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int ImageWidth Property the width of the full size image,in pixles
int ImageHeight Property The heigth of the full size image,in pixles
string ThumbnailUri Property web path of the thumbnail
string ImageUri Property web path of the medium thumbnail- used by the end
user only. At Lab side, only full sized image is used.
string FileName Property Internal value. Please do not change this value
string ThumbnailUri Property web path of the thumbnail

8.7.2 Web images definitions

- At web side, the Image are stored in JPEG format (RGB format).
- Every image located on the web side has three different URIs (web path).
1. Thumbnail (ThumbnailUri value) - exists both on the user side and the lab side.
2. Medium thumbnail (UsedImageUri value) – used by the end user side
3. Full size image (ImageUri value) - used by the lab side.
- Every image belongs to a folder

8.7.3 User definitions

For every user (defined by a username and password), a unique ‘environment’ is built
(in a tree model) .This ‘environment’ includes all of the user's contents, namely
folders/sub-folders and files (images).

After the user has logged in to the system successfully, he is directed to a stage where
he is requested to select his pictures (as appears bellows).

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The user selects his desired photos from the folders/sub-folders and presses the arrow
to move them to a box located at the right side of the screen.

How to use

User side
This interface must be implemented for the user side in the following dll:

public abstract class PhotoShare_UserSide:

public abstract bool PhotoShare_LogIn(string userName, string userPassword);

(This method returns true if username and password are correct , or false if at
least one of them is incorrect).
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public abstract List<PhotoShare_Folder> PhotoShare_GetFolders(); (This

methods returns a list of folders located under the user's root.To see the
PhotoShare_Folder definition, go back to section 2.1).

public abstract List<PhotoShare_Folder> PhotoShare_GetFolders(string folderId);

(); (This methods returns a list of folders located under the folder defined by
the folderId parameter.To see the PhotoShare_Folder go back to section 2.1).

public abstract List<PhotoShare_Image> PhotoShare_GetFiles();

This methods returns a list of files located under the user's root.To see the
PhotoShare_Folder go back to section 2.1).
Important: The ImageUri field must contain medium thumbnail uri and not
full image uri, which is only used by the lab.

public abstract List<PhotoShare_Image> PhotoShare_GetFiles(string folderId);

This method returns a list of files located under the folder defined by the
folderId parameter.For PhotoShare_Folder definitions,see section 2.1).
Important: The ImageUri field must contain medium thumbnail uri and not
full image uri, which is only used by the lab.

After user logs in successfully, M-Photo AlbumMaker gets a list of files located in the
user's root by using the following function
List<PhotoShare_Folder> PhotoShare_GetFolders();( With no parameters).

Then, the software retrieves a list of subfolders located in the user's root by using the
List<PhotoShare_Folder> PhotoShare_GetFolders(); (With no parameters).

This process is done in a recursive manner until all existed pictures and folders are

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First, M-Photo AlbumMaker uses thumbnails in order to present web stored

images and then before the editing phase M-photo software download the medium

The main reason why we use thumbnail and medium thumbnail at the user side
is for time saving, as multiple image download may take a considerable amount of time.

When the order (using web shared images) is finished, it is sent to the lab side
as an ordinary order created in album maker.

Lab side

This interface must be implemented for the lab side in the following dll:

public abstract class PhotoShare_LabSide:

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public abstract PhotoShare_Image PhotoShare_GetFile(string fileId);

PhotoShare_GetFiles(string fileId);
This methods returns a file that is ID appears in the folderId.for
PhotoShare_Folder definitions, see section 2.1).
Important: The ImageUri field must contains full image size uri only

public abstract List<PhotoShare_Image> PhotoShare_GetFiles(string[] fileIds);

PhotoShare_GetFiles(string folderId);
This methods returns a list of files that their ID appears in the fileIds.For
PhotoShare_Folder definitions, see section 2.1).
Important: The ImageUri field must contain full sized image uri only

After loading the order (using web shared images), the lab downloads the full
sized images and then process the orders.

8.8 Album order SDK

8.8.1 Preface

Album order SDK is designed to enable end-user Album Maker application album
payment and ordering to be controlled through an outside custom module.

The SDK provides methods for Album Maker login, payment and order uploading, and
allows integration of Album Maker with an external web site or application.

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This SDK is most useful when an external site integrates user login payment and
uploading through the photo-lab’s site, thus allowing users to register, pay and order
through their site account.

However, since the SDK is built with open interfaces that are run through Album Maker
order workflow, this SDK can be implemented in other ways, as required by the photo-

8.8.2 Contained Files

Album Order SDK specification.pdf: this document.

Album SDK Workflow.pdf: SDK Workflow illustration. See SDK workflow section.
Album Order SDK Sample: Sample code which demonstrates usage of this SDK.

8.8.3 Prerequisites

• MPR500 pro application (Album Maker lab version)

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• Order SDK license – Hasp protected (i.e., once purchased, the hasp needs to be
upgraded by M-Photo accordingly).

• Web site or external module which implements the abstract SDK methods

o M-Photo LTD. only provides abstract implementations and does not

provide direct Album Maker integration with external applications.
Implementation of the SDK will require programming skills and a
programming environment.

8.8.4 SDK environment

SDK module is based on MS .NET 2 frameworks, and was built using .NET 2005.
Implementation of Album Maker Order SDK can only be done using managed .NET
programming supporting platforms. Managed .NET languages such as MC++, C# and
VB.NET can implement this SDK. Unmanaged and older programming environments,
such as VC++, VB, are not supported by Album Maker Order SDK.

8.8.5 Installation

1) Obtain and install Album Maker version (MPR500 Pro), make sure your hasp has
the SDK license.

2) In Album Maker lab version, click on the “Configuration” menu, then click on the
“Customer version configuration”.

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3) Under “Online payment”, Check the “Credit card” check box and select the
“External SDK integration”, then click on the “OK” button.

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4) Click on the “Configuration” menu, then on customer versions option , select

versions (or affiliate management) and then the “Create setup” option.

5) In the Create setup dialog, add the preferred content, then click the “OK” button.
This will create an end-user version, which will run in Order SDK workflow mode.

6) You can install the created end-user application and implement the SDK by
working on the file “OrderSDK.dll”, as described in the next section.

7) After implementing the SDK through changes made in “OrderSDK.dll” file, copy
the implemented file “OrderSDK.dll” into album maker skeleton folder:
“[Album Maker folder]\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\MPR500 Pro 5\OrderSDK.dll”.

8) Recreate end-user setup, by using the “Create setup” button, as described in

steps 1 – 6. This will ensure that the implemented SDK will be published along
with the end-customer version.

8.8.6 Album Order SDK implementation - Basic

When end-user Album Maker is set as “External SDK Integration” mode, Album Maker
runs methods from the file “OrderSDK.dll” through the login, payment and the ordering
process. These methods can be overridden by replacing and re-implementing the
“OrderSDK.dll” file, thus implementing the desired workflow.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Specification
Namespace: OrderRoutineSDK
Routine abstract Class: OrderRoutineSDK Methods:
public bool OrderRoutine_LogIn(…):
Returns User information, including email and phone.

public bool OrderRoutine_GetOrderType(…):

Returns the order type. See Next sections for further information

public bool OrderRoutine_PayOrder(…):

Runs the payment routine.

public override bool OrderRoutine_UploadOrder(…):

Runs the order upload routine. Data objects:

OrderRoutine_OrderDelivery { BringByMyself , Upload }

The enum specify the delivery options: BringByMyself – the user will bring
(or send) by him-self the order to the lab; Upload – the system will try to
upload the order to the lab via FTP (or via other upload mechanism if

Holds information regarding user data (Name,phone,email,etc.)

Enum specifying the order format type (Single File/ Multi file).
Determines the manner of which order is built on disk. See next sections
for further information.

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Holds information regarding Delivery, Order’s type, Parameters, Pricing,
Shipment and Pickup. Album Order SDK implementation – Workflow

o See “AlbumSDKWorkflow.PDF” file for larger display format

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Album Order SDK implementation – Advanced

using MPhoto.Objects //Contains MPhoto objects and Data types

namespace OrderRoutineSDK
public abstract class OrderRoutineSDK
//runs login routine. Returns true/false for login status. This routine
// should update EndUserData, which contains user information

// endUserData: returns to Album Maker the data of the user.

bool OrderRoutine_LogIn
(OrderRoutineSDK.OrderRoutine_EndUserData endUserData /*IN,OUT*/)

//returns order type. The result OrderType is also returned to AlbumMaker,

// which determines if order is to be built as single file portable order or
// upload format order

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//orderType: returns to AlbumMaker the type of order format to create.

bool OrderRoutine_GetOrderType
(ref OrderRoutineSDK.OrderRoutine_OrderType orderType /*OUT*/)

//runs payment routine. Payment routine should update OrderData object for
// AlbumMaker report display.

//orderData: Is given to PayOrder with order parameters. Needs to be filled

// with the amount paid and the payment status to ensure a valid workflow.
//endUserData: Is given for the payment site/window data. Should not be
// changed at this point.
bool OrderRoutine_PayOrder
(OrderRoutineSDK.OrderRoutine_OrderData orderData,
OrderRoutineSDK.OrderRoutine_EndUserData endUserData /*IN,OUT*/)

//runs uploading routine.Returns true / false.

//orderType: is given by AlbumMaker.Holds the order format type.

//orderPath: the path of the folder/file to upload.
bool OrderRoutine_UploadOrder
(OrderRoutineSDK.OrderRoutine_OrderType orderType /*IN*/, string orderPath /*IN*/)

//uploads order using AlbumMaker uploader. See “Using AlbumMaker uploader”

bool AlbumMaker_UploadOrder
(string orderPath /*IN*/, ref string message /*OUT*/)

//see Order formats section for further information.

public enum OrderRoutine_OrderType

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public class OrderRoutine_OrderData



// Same as OrderRoutine_OrderData(), but can recieve all the

// data parameters through the constructor.
public OrderRoutine_OrderData(…);
public OrderRoutine_OrderData();

// IN Parameters

//Order ID number. All output files and folders refer to this ID.
//This parameter should not be changed.
public string OrderId { get; set; }

//date of which the album was created.

public DateTime OrderCreationDateTime { get; set; }
public string OrderType { get; set; }
public string OrderCoverColor { get; set; }
public string OrderCoverMaterial { get; set; }
public int OrderPageCount { get; set; }
public int OrderImageCount { get; set; }
public OrderRoutine_OrderDelivery OrderDelivery { get; set; }

//Note : the OrderDelivery defines only the intention of the user.

// There is no gurrantee that the upload process will
// be completed succesfuly.

// OUT Parameters

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//This value shows the amount that the user paid.

public float PaymentTotalPrice { get; set; }
public float PaymentDiscount { get; set; }
public float PaymentPaidAmount { get; set; }

// IN OUT Parameters

//number albums to deliver

public int OrderCopiesCount { get; set; }

//number of CD/other outputs to deliver

public int OrderAdditonalOutputCount { get; set; }
public ColorCorrectTypes OrderColorCorrection
{ get; set; }

public string OrderFinishing { get; set; }

public string PaymentCurrency { get; set; }

// OrderRoutine_OrderData Class, continued

//This value determines if user paid/canceled/continued with

//no payment.
public PaymentStatusTypes PaymentStatus { get; set; }
//2/6/2009 – New fields describing shipment and/or pickup data
// The pickup data is OUT only parameter.
// Note: End user can not choose these fields in the Album
// maker UI. These fields are passed from the
// OrderRoutine_PayOrder routine.
public bool Shipment { get ; set;}
public List<OrderRoutine_ShipmentData> ShipmentData {get;}
private bool Pickup {get; set; }

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public List<OrderRoutine_PickupPointData> PickupData {get;}


Note: do not use special characters (‘\r’, ‘\n’, etc ) in the properties of the

public class OrderRoutine_AddressData
public string Street { get; set; }
public string Neighborhood { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public string Phone1 { get; set; }
public string Phone2 { get; set; }
public string Fax { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }

/*IN OUT*/
public class OrderRoutine_EndUserData: OrderRoutine_AddressData
public OrderRoutine_EndUserData();
public OrderRoutine_EndUserData(…);

public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }

public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
//This value can only be set in Login(…) routine.
public string UserId { get; set; }

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/*IN OUT*/
public class OrderRoutine_ShipmentData : OrderRoutine_AddressData
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public long CopiesCount { get; set; }
public string ShipmentMethod { get; set; }
/*IN OUT*/
public class OrderRoutine_PickupPointData : OrderRoutine_AddressData
public string PickupPointName { get; set; }
public long CopiesCount { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
} Sample code

Along with this document, a sample code was provided by M-Photo. The sample code
contains implemented methods to demonstrate the SDK Workflow by simulating the
success/ failure of each step through message boxes.
When using the provided sample code, please set the output folder to the
main root directory of an end-customer Album Maker application before
compilation. Also, make sure that ‘VSMPhotoLib.DLL’ file is properly
referenced to the project. Order format Types

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The order format types refer to the format of which the order is created. There are
several ways to create an order. Some are better for portable orders and some divide
the order into files, which is more convenient for uploading. SingleFileOrder

A single ZIP file containing the entire order. The format of the file name is:
[Order Id]#[Zip file size, in bytes].ZIP Multi File order

Multiple files, divided into folders and files is more suitable for uploading, since
corrupted files can be easily identified and because if a disconnection occurs, only the
remaining order is uploaded.

The format of the order is:

[Root folder: Must be order ID.]
Folders.Zip: Contains general album information.

[Pictures folder]
Contains Jpg files which hold picture data.
SaveNames.Txt. contains actual Pictures names.

[PreviewPictures folder]
Low res album pages sample images, displaying how album should be printed.

Finished.TXT: An empty file which flags AlbumMaker lab side that the
order was completed.

o Must be added by custom uploader after uploading for lab side

to process order.

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M-Photo Album Maker – Lab User's Manual Version Using Album Maker’s uploader

When implementing the Album Order SDK workflow, album maker’s uploader is
overridden by the custom built uploader. This section describes how to implement the
SDK while using the provided Album Maker’s uploader. There are two things required to
implement Album Maker’s uploader:

1) Setting the Album server FTP parameters

When creating end-customer setup, make sure you filled the FTP server’s
parameters in the “More details…” => “FTP Server” => “Upload orders” section.

2) Implementing uploader running in SDK:

Assuming the implementation is in C#, run the following method in the


string message = string.Empty;

bool success = AlbumMaker_UploadOrder(orderPath, ref message);

This will run Album Maker’s uploader and upload the order specified through
‘orderPath’. The message reference returns the result string of the upload.

Album Maker’s uploader only supports Multi File order format type, and will
return failure if a Single file order format is given.

8.9 Job Status SDK specification

8.9.1 Preface:
This document explains how to connect to the lab side job status and execution service,
which is responsible for viewing, executing and changing of status of jobs destined for

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Normally, MPR500 Pro provides the software “JobStatusService.exe”, which executes,

displays and controls the status of jobs. This SDK provides the ability to control jobs
through a third party application, such as a web site or external software.

This SDK Implements the following features:

• Automatic job status and execution refresh

• Automatic job list refresh, by sorting, parent/child relation and computer.
• Manual job status changes
• Manual job execution and cancellation

This SDK does not provide creation of new jobs, changes of order images and settings
or deletion of jobs. There are other applications provided for deletion of jobs and
deletion of orders, such as MPR500 Pro and Album Maker Lab side.

8.9.2 Pre requirements:

The Job Status SDK service can be used on any computer with MPR500 Pro software
installed and with a valid Client/ Server HASP license.

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To implement the SDK, programming skills are required, as well as a programming


This SDK was built using .NET 2 frameworks. (Visual Studio 2005), and only supports
.NET 2 framework compatible environments, such as C#, MC++, VB .NET (2).

This SDK does not support C, C++, VC++, Pascal, VB and older languages.

8.9.3 Using the sample project:

A sample project is provided to demonstrate the usage of this SDK. The sample code
was written in MS Visual Studio 2005, using C# language.

To use the sample code, please do the following:

1. Place the project folder on the computer where MPR500 Pro exists.
2. Load the project, using the SLN file
3. Open the project properties.
4. In the Debug/ Release output, select MPR500 Pro root folder.
5. You may need to refresh reference to “JobStatusCtrl.DLL”

8.9.4 Using the Job Status SDK:

To Use the Job Status SDK, add the DLL file “JobStatusCtrl.DLL” to your project
references, and use the provided classes and methods for display and execution. The
DLL file can be found in the MPR500 Pro root folder. See later section for detailed

The “JobStatusCtrl.DLL” exists under the MPR500 Pro root folder. This file should not be
copied to a different folder or be run from a network location or a virtual machine.

The following steps needs to be done when using the Job Status SDK methods:

1. Make sure you are referencing the same “JobStatusCtrl.dll” DLL that exists in the
MPR500 Pro root folder

2. Make sure you have a valid MPR500 Pro HASP license

3. Add namespace “JobStatus” to your project reference (Ie “Using JobStatus;” in C#)

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4. Run method JobStatusEngine. InitEngine() at the beginning of your project. If the

method has failed, it will return a message explaining the error. The engine
cannot run until the Init() method was invoked, and will not stop until the
process is closed.

5. After running the InitEngine(…) method, the engine will automatically return values
in a thread-safe properties. At this time, you can load methods and use the
properties to retrieve and change jobs. See later section for further information.

6. When closing the engine, SafeCloseEngine() should be called to prevent errors.

8.9.5 Job Status SDK (JobStatusEngine) methods

All methods and members belongs to namespace “JobStatus”. Before using the
methods, JobStatusEngine.InitEngine(…) must be invoked.

JobStatusEngine Class:

This is the main job status controller. Retrieves job status, errors, machines, and user
data and enables changes or executions in jobs.

This class cannot be created or inherited. All of its methods are static.

bool InitEngine()

The initialization method. This method must be run once at the beginning.
Initializes the job status automatic retrieaval, language support and database
If an error ocours, a message box appears, specifying the error message.

bool InitEngine(ref string msg)

Same as InitEngine() , but instead of opening an error message, a reference is given

to an error string. When implementing web pages or projects who does not implement
standard .NET forms, you should use this method instead of InitEngine().

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void SafeCloseEngine()

After InitEngine() has finished , the engine will automatically manipulate and update
jobs. This method closes the engine in a safe mode, and waits for the engine to stop

This method should always be called when exiting your application

void SetSort(SortType sorting)

Sets the sort and filter type of job status. The sorting parameter affects all retrieval
parameters which begin with “Sorted”.

void SetSort(int ColumnIndex)

Same as with SetSort(SortType) , but passes the column index of the column list which
was given to DisplayedUIFields parameter.

SortType GetSort()

Retrieves the SortType given to SetSort(…)

bool RunJobs(System.Collections.Generic.List<JobStatusObject> jobsList, out

string resultString)

Runs the jobs given in jobListParameter. The string resultString retrieves the message
returned from the job run. This method returns true if a job immediately started or false
if job will start soon or could not be started because an error occurred.

bool RunJobById(long id)

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Runs a single job by the job id, as given in JobStatusObject.JobId . Returns true/
false for success, error.

void CancelSelectedJobs(System.Collections.Generic.List<JobStatusObject>

cancels selected jobs. If the jobs are not set to Ready / Running state, no changes will
be made to the jobs.

string GetJobOrderComments(int orderId)

Retrieves the order commens given to the job. orderId refers to


void UpdatateJobOrderComments(int orderId, string comment)

Sets the job order comment, as given in the comment parameter. orderId refers to

JobStatusObject GetJobData(string orderId, bool onlyIfSorted)

Retrieves data for a job by orderId. Set true for onlyIfSorted for applying filtering . Will
retrieve the first element of orderId, as given by the current sorting.
To prevent slow performance, use the automatic properties for multiple job status

JobStatusObject GetJobData(int jobId, bool onlyIfSorted)

Gets the JobStatusObject of the given job Id, as appears in JobStatusObject.JobId. Has
the same rules as GetJobData(string orderId…)

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JobStatus.JobStatusObject[] GetJobsByOrderId(string orderId, bool


Retrieves all JobStatusObject related to JobStatusObject.OrderId .

string GetErrorString(System.Collections.Generic.List<JobStatusObject>

Retrieves a complete error string , separated by double end-line, of all

Specified in jobList. Returns string.Empty if no error exists.

void UpdateJobStatus(JobStatus.JobStatusObject job)

Updates job data as specified in JobStatusObject

Changes any parameters that are changeable for the job, including machine and print
type, except for child jobs

8.9.6 Job Status SDK (JobStatusEngine) properties

Job Status automatic retrieval

These properties retrieves the most recent status of jobs, as by their property type.
All JobStatusEngine properties are thread safe. The properties which begins with
“Sorted” applies to sorting and filtering given to SetSort(SortType) method. Since the
properties are asynchronous , there is a short waiting period between SetSort method
and retrieval of sorted properties.

Since the JobStatusEngine uses an automatic update mechanism, there is no need to

run a “refresh” method between the properties retrieval.

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To prevent low performance for multiple jobs, It’s recommended to retrieve these
properties , in a thread loop, a refresh button or an event triggering, instead of manually
using retrieval methods, such as GetJobData(…)

Generally, a job is either a parent jobs, which is related to one or many child jobs, or is
a child job, which is related to one parent job. JobStatusObject holds parent / child
jobs, which helps sorting and displaying in organized controls, such as tree views.

JobStatusObject[] AllJobs
JobStatusObject[] SortedAllJobs

Entire list of jobs, including child jobs

JobStatusObject[] ParentJobs
JobStatusObject[] SortedParentJobs

Retrieves only the parent Jobs. You can use JobStatusObject.ChildList for child list.

ErrorSeverities ErrorSeverity
ErrorSeverities SortedErrorSeverity

Current error severity, by the most severe error.

string ErrorString
string SortedErrorString

Error string of all errors. Same as running GetErrorString(All Job objects)

string[] OrderNames
string[] SortedOrderNames

Complete string list of order names, as appearing in JobStatusObject.OrderId

Job Status General properties

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MachineData[] Machines

List of all machines. This property retrieves updated list of all MachineData, but is not
part of the automatic refresh engine. To prevent low performance, only use this method
when needed.

int NumOfRunningJobs

Current number of running jobs.

string ComputerName

Holds the current computer name of the current Server / Client. Is related to

bool IsRunning

Returns the state of JobStatusEngine. If this value is false, JobStatusEngine Is not

running, and InitEngine(…) Should be invoked.

JobOutputTypes[] DisplayedUIFields

Gets or sets the displayed UI fields, as typed in JobOutputTypes

This property helps automate data relation to UI. The property applies to
JobStatusObject .UIFields , which retrieves a set of strings containing the displayed
UI fields. This property also applies to SetSort(int ColumnIndex)to , which uses the
same index as given to DisplayedUIFields. See sample project for further information.

Job Status general events

JobStatusEngine.NotifyError ErrorOcoured(System.Exception e)

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Specifies that an error occurred in the Job Status engine. Generally refers to the
automatic retrieval. Variable e represents the exception.

JobStatusEngine.NotifyChangedJobs JobsChanged(int jobId)

Notifies that the Job status was changed. Refers to jobs set as running.

JobStatusEngine.NotifyUpdatedDatabase UpdatedDatabase(int numOfJobs)

Notifies that the engine has refreshed the job status database. Occurs approximately
twice per second. Can be linked to retrieval of properties.

8.9.7 Job Status SDK objects and variables

Class JobStatusObject:

Holds information regarding a single job. If the selected job is a parent job, it will
contain a list of the child jobs. If the selected job is a child job, it will contain a reference
to its parent job.

Class SortType:

Holds sorting and filtering information for the SetSort(…) / GetSort(…) Method. This
object holds the current sorting type, filtering (all jobs/ current computer) and other
sorting types.

Enum JobPlatformFilterTypes

Used by SortType . Holds information regarding the platform filter (All jobs / current
computer / etc.)

Enum JobTypeFilterTypes

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Used by SortType . Holds information regarding the filtering

(All jobs / un-processed jobs / today jobs / etc.)

Enum JobOutputTypes

Holds information regarding output types (Order Id/ Job status/ Customer/ etc.)
Used by SortType , DisplayedUIFields, and other methods. Holds information
regarding the filtering (All jobs / un-processed jobs / today jobs / etc.)

8.10 Web integration specification


This chapter designed to explain the integration of AlbumMaker with an external web
side payment service. The payment service support feature allows end-users to pay
through a web based site prior to uploading an order.

Though Album Maker supports the payment service, it does not have a payment service.
The Payment service needs to be purchased / built, and a web site needs to be
configured for this purpose, and a Java, ASP or other web platform needs to be built or
purchased for bridging between Album Maker and the payment system.

This document holds technical information regarding the integration and is designed for
IT designer.


• A Web server with ASP/other platform that allows integration and design.
• A standard FTP server. See Installation section for more details

Integration parts

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Allows building of digital albums on end-user's PC. Contains a payment feature, which
makes the connection between the user and the server, making sure the user paid
before uploading the digital album.

Server side web and FTP integration:

Makes the link between AlbumMaker and the payment system. Must be built manually.

Payment system:

A plug-in or a service that allows payment of credit card through the web. Though
AlbumMaker supports a payment system, it does not come with a payment system. You
will need to enlist to a payment service to integrate AlbumMaker to the service.

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Web and FTP Server:

You will need to set up a web server. The web server and the FTP should have the basic
install, which supports a designable web server, along with a standard FTP server.

Web server should have main page set for users to login, with a fixed "{ORDER_ID}"
macro. This macro is fixed as "{0}" in album maker and AlbumMaker replaces the "0"
with the "ORDER_ID" when loading the web page.

• We will refer the web page as:{0}

FTP Server Authentication:

• Should not use FTP-SSL authentication.

• Must have user name and password.

• We will refer the user name and passwords as:

Ftp server: (Also referred as

User: user
Password: 1234

FTP Server Folders:

• A Payment and a Payment result folder must be created on FTP server.

• Both folders must have read/write access.

• Ftp server must not use virtual user folders. Client must have access to "/" folder

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• For convenience, both folders should be placed under a base AlbumMaker folder.

• We will refer the folders as:

AlbumMaker base folder: AlbumMaker

Payment folder: AlbumMaker/Payment_Folder
Payment result folder: AlbumMaker/Payment_Folder_Result

Album maker must be configured to use payment and configured to access the FTP
folders and the web server.

The configuration runs per End-User installation build, and each configuration will only
work on the installation that is currently built. See Configuring AlbumMaker steps at the
next page for further information.

5) After defining the settings, press OK and screen will be closed.

6) Press the “Config” button , then press the "Create setup" button and follow
instructions. You can upload the setup file to an FTP server, to be downloaded by
End-Users, or create a CD with the installation file and publish it manually.


The main integration side is the Web server side, which makes the link between
AlbumMaker and the payment service. This document does not provide a code sample,
but explains the integration in basic design information.

The classes and functions provided in this document are only meant for demonstrations
purposes, and do not give a full integration design.

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All parameters from in the integration section (Web Server page, FTP Hostname/
folders, etc.) are based on the example parameters in the Installation section. These
parameters should be replaced by the real parameters.

AlbumMaker (End-User) side:

The following steps show AlbumMaker payment side. These steps are ran automatically
and do not require any programming, including the unique order Id, which is also
created automatically.

1) End-User installs the setup file created through "Create Setup" in "Configuring
AlbumMaker" section and runs the AlbumMaker software.

2) After End-User finishes to edit his order, he presses the "Order" button. His order
has a unique ID which is generated with each order. This order Id will be
referred as ORDER_ID in these sections.

3) End-User fills his details (name, address, etc.) and chooses to pay through credit
4) At this point, a text file named "ORDER_ID.txt" is transferred to the FTP server's
Payment folder (ftp_Pay).The text file contains the end-user's information
(name, address, etc.), and contains the album type, number of pages and the
price of the album or the required information to calculate the cost of the album.

5) After AlbumMaker validates the file has been placed on the Payment folder,
AlbumMaker loads the payment page, which is the link to the payment service.
When loading the payment web page, AlbumMaker replaces the "{0}" with order

Based on the example in "Installation" section, the following page will be loaded:{ORDER_ID}

Where ORDER_ID is a number representing the unique order Id

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6) AlbumMaker is not directly connected to the payment page; neither uses any
information typed in the payment page. AlbumMaker gives instructions to the
end-user to make the payment, then to press the "Continue" button.

7) After end-user has paid and pressed "Continue", AlbumMaker looks for the
confirmation of payment in the Payment result folder
(AlbumMaker\Payment_Folder_Result). A file named "ORDER_ID.txt" must exist
in the payment result folder, with the value "PAYED=1" written inside the file.
The "PAYED=1" is written by the server side, not by AlbumMaker side. The value
can also be "PAYED=0" to confirm a failure to pay.

8) AlbumMaker will follow these steps until a file with the payment confirmation is
found in the Payment result folder, after which AlbumMaker uploads the order
files to the print lab, who prints his album and delivers to the customer as
• The album upload system, which uploads the album to the lab, is not dependent
on the payment and must be configured and tested separately.
• See diagram and Order.txt fields in next page for more information.

End-user workflow Diagram illustration

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<ORDER_ID>.TXT file Structure

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• The file must be in UTF-8 format and contain the exact field names.
• The format must be as FIELD_NAME = VALUE where there's spaces between the '='.
• The fields can appear in different order and may be optional between versions.
FIRST_NAME = <end customer first name>
MIDDLE_NAME = <end customer middle name –not fill-in by the AlbumMaker>
LAST_NAME = <end customer last name>
PRODUCT_DETAILS = <album name>
PRICE_LEFT_DECIMAL_POINT = <price – digits left to decimal point>
PRICE_RIGHT_DECIMAL_POINT = <price – digits right to decimal point>
DATE_TIME = <hhmmssddmmyyyy>
STREET = <end customer street name>
DISTRICT = <end customer district – mapped to 'street number' field>
CITY = <end customer city>
ZIP = <end customer zip code>
STATE= <end customer state – not filled-in by the AlbumMaker>
COUNTRY= <end customer country – not filled-in by the AlbumMaker>
PHONE = <end customer phone>
CELLULAR = <end customer cellular phone>
EMAIL = <end customer email>
COVER_MATERIAL = <cover material, for external covers>
ATTEMPT_TO_UPLOAD = <UNUSED – left from old format>
COVER_COLOR = <cover, for external covers>
PAGE_COUNT = <number of pages in the album, without cover>
COPIES = <number of copies>
COMMENT = <user comment>
FINISHING = <finishing type>
COLOR_CORRECT = <0-no correction, 2 otherwise>
IMAGE_COUNT = <number of images in the album>
CUSTOMER_ID = <The customer number, if given to the customer>
CUSTOMER_TITLE = <The title of the customer (Mr. / Mrs. / Etc.) .Is Optional >
CUSTOMER_BIRTHDATE = <Birth date of the customer, in format hhmmssddmmyyyy
.Is Optional>
<ORDER_ID>.TXT pricing format structure:

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USED_PRICING_FORMAT = <2 if using the new pricing system (the PRICE fields)>
• If USED_PRICING_FORMAT = 0 , Album Maker is not using the PRICE
• If USED_PRICING_FORMAT = 1, Album Maker is using the PRICE
• Must be set to 2 for album maker to use the Pricing format.
• If this field is not passed with value of 2, the PRICE fields are ignored.

DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = <The "." / "," or any decimal separator used in the PRICE
BASIC_PAGES_PRICE = <Basic product price >
ADDITIONAL_PAGES_PRICE = <Additional pages price>
ALBUM_BLOCK_PRICE = <Raw album price, without cover, without features and taxes>
COVER_PRICE = <Cover price, as selected by material or feature>
COLOR_CORRECTION_PRICE = <Color correction price, if selected, by amount of
FINISHING_PRICE = <Album finishing price, by finishing selected>
<Price for one complete album with all pages, not including taxes and shipment>
CD_PRICE = <CD Order price, if ordered>
ORDER_PRICE = <total amount to pay, by album copies, before taxes>
TAX_NAME_<N> = <Tax or any extra payment name (Such as "VAT")>
TAX_VALUE_<N> = <Tax value. This amount is already added to "TOTAL_PRICE">
• The N represents a consecutive number, in numeric order, from 1 to 8.
Example: If there are 2 Tax fields, the following fields will appear:

ORDER_PRICE_INCLUDING_TAXES = <total amount to pay, without shipment cost>

SHIPMENT_PRICE = <Shipment price>
TOTAL_PRICE = <Complete amount to pay, after all items and taxes calculations>

<ORDER_ID>.TXT result structure:

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PAYED = <1 if paid, 0 not paid, 2 completed but not paid>

• Must be added for payment result

Pricing format results:

DISCOUNT = <The discount that the customer received via the web site>
PAYED_AMOUNT = <The amount that the customer paid via the web site>


• When using the pricing format, "USED_PRICING_FORMAT" field

must be set to 2 as an indicator for AlbumMaker.
• When "USED_PRICING_FORMAT" is returned with a value different
than 2, All pricing formats will be ignored, and the fields
will be used to calculate and display price report to the end user.
• See specification of "USED_PRICING_FORMAT" for further
• A sample <ORDER.TXT> file exists in "FTP Folders" file.

Server side integration:

The server side provides a link to the AlbumMaker and the payment service. This is the
main part of the integration that must be designed.

Server side functionality is as follows:

1) Server receives an end user payment request through:{ORDER_ID}

The ORDER_ID part is filled by AlbumMaker where the "{0}" was placed.

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2) Server accesses the Payment Folder and looks for "ORDER_ID.TXT" file. If the
file does not exist, server will load an error page.

3) Server opens "ORDER_ID.TXT", and retrieves the information of the customer,

and his album type, pages and amount to pay.

4) Server diverts the page to the payment service, and then waits to see the
payment service result.

5) If payment was confirmed by the payment service, Server side adds the line
"PAYED=1" to the "ORDER_ID.TXT", else, the server adds the value "PAYED=0"
to the "ORDER_ID.TXT".

6) Server places the modified file "ORDER_ID.TXT" to the FTP Payment result
folder, without changing its name.

7) Server shows diverts end-user to a "finished payment" page.

Server side example class:

This example is a theoretical C# class, which demonstrates the order of methods. This
class does not replace a sample code.

public class ServerSide

// This method is loaded when end-user enters the web payment page.
// We are assuming that the orderId is as appears in the brackets.
// Example: if a user entered
// then OnRecievedRequest(424001) will be triggered.
void OnRecievedRequest(string orderId)
//Retrieves file names as they should exist in the FTP folders
string payment_fileName =

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string payment_result_fileName =

//Tries to open the ORDER_ID.TXT file

FileStream stream = OpenFile(payment_fileName);

if (stream == null)

//Tries to open the user data, as shown in ORDER_ID.TXT file.

//OrderData refers to a struct or class that holds order data
OrderData data = ReadData(steam);

if (data == null)
//Runs the payment page.
//This method should block the thread untill user has
//finished payment or aborted
bool hasPayed = RunPaymentPage(data);

//Sets the PAYED=1 / PAYED=0 depending on hasPayed, then writes

//the file to the Payment result FTP folder
SetConfirmation(stream, hasPayed);

//Saves the file onto the FTP confirmation.

//This side is critical since The user allready payed
if (SaveFile(stream, payment_result_fileName) == false)
// Runs a finished page.
// This page can be "Page has expired" or any web page

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8.10.1 Payment service side

• Payment service side should contain a method of payment.

• The payment service should receive the end-user data, as given in ORDER_ID.TXT
file, and allow the user to enter the payment method and values.

• Since ORDER_ID.TXT does not contain the credit card number, either the payment
service or the web server should allow the user to enter the credit card number
through a secured web page.

• If the payment service side is based on API methods, the API method should be
loaded with the user data.

• If the payment service is XML based, an XML should be generated manually with
the user data.

8.11 MPR 500 Pro file encrypt/decrypt SDK


This chapter explains the requirements and implementations needed for MPR 500 Pro
application to custom encrypt/decrypt files with sensitive information which are sent to
FTP servers.

Normally, MPR 500 Pro application sends text files which contain sensitive user
information (phone/ email/ address) to an FTP server. These files are processed,

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updated and returned from the server, containing the amount paid and general
information. Though access to the FTP server is not openly revealed to
End-users, malicious users may steal entry to the FTP server and gain access to all End-
users registered on the payment and their private information.

The File encrypt/decrypt SDK offers implementation of custom file encryption, which
allows encryption of files both from end-user to the server and from the server to end-

The file encryption refers only to the payment files sent to an FTP server and from
payment result directory on the FTP server.

To protect orders from privacy stealing, you can set the order Zip password in Album
Maker lab software.


• MPR 500 Pro Server application (version or higher)

• A valid “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file, provided by M-Photo or custom
implemented. (see “Implementation” section for further information)
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Activating Encryption/ Decryption

By default, AlbumMaker does not encrypt/ decrypt payment files. To activate the
encryption mode, do the following steps:

1) In My Computer, go to MPR 500 root dir

(Default: “C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5”)

2) Open the file “AlbumMaker.ini” with a Notepad editor

3) Change the field “ENCRYP_SKD = 0” to “ENCRYP_SKD = 1”

Warning: Changing any other fields may result in software errors

4) Save the “AlbumMaker.ini” file and close the Notepad editor

5) From MPR 500 root folder go to “\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\MPR500 Pro“ and place

the “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file inside the folder.

Placing the Encryption/ Decryption DLL

The encryption is made by an external DLL (Dynamically linked library) which holds
methods required for encryption/ decryption files. To allow Album Maker to use this file,
do the following steps:

1) From MPR 500 root folder go to “\AlbumMaker_Skeleton\MPR500 Pro“ and place

the “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file inside the folder.

2) Create a new End-User setup. The newly created setup will encrypt/ decrypt
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3) Implement the “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” on server payment side by

implementing the encryption/ decryption.

4) M-Photo provides a default “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file. This SDK allows

encryption using known methods of encryption. To implement a custom way to
encrypt/ decrypt files, see the next section.

Implementing custom encryption/ decryption

The “EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file is used by AlbumMaker to encrypt files before

sending to payment site, then to decrypt the payment result for server response.

This DLL is made under .NET-2 framework (.NET 2005), and uses C# as a base
language. This SDK does not support non .NET-2 frameworks (C++, VC++ (MFC), VB,

Also, The same method of encryption/ decryption must be implemented on the payment
site, since payment files arrives to the payment FTP site encrypted, and payment result
files are expected to be returned encrypted to AlbumMaker.

The implementation on server side can be done by using the same

“EncryptingDecryptingSDK.dll” file, or by implementing the encryption/ decryption
methods, as long as the encryption/ decryption is the same.

SDK implementation

public class EncryptDecryptSDK

This class is called from AlbumMaker to encrypt/decrypt files. This class must be
inherited to allow AlbumMaker to use external methods.

public bool DecryptFileRequired(string fileName)

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Returns whether to decrypt the file or not. If the method returns false, the file is not
decrypted, otherwise, the DecryptFile Method is invoked on the file

public bool EncryptFile(string inputFile, string outputFile)

Encrypts the file given in inputFile Parameter and places the file into outputFile path

public bool DecryptFile (string inputFile, string outputFile)

Decrypts the file given in inputFile Parameter and places the file into outputFile path

• The implementation must be made on an inherited class:

public class EncryptingDecryptingSDK : EncryptDecryptSDK

• Methods must use the “override” keyword

public override bool DecryptFileRequired(string fileName)

• See example “EncryptingDecryptingSDK” and “EncryptingDecryptingTester”.

9.12 Job Status Lable Printing specification


This document explains how to configure and run the Label Printing service, which prints
labels for each shipment that the user selected. The label printing is part of the Job Status
service, and can be triggered either by lab operator or by an automatic workflow event.

When the end user selects a shipment or a multiple shipment, it may be required to print
labels as part of the printing lab workflow. These simple formatted labels would show the
shipment address, shipment method, number of copies, and any information that was
configured to be shown on the labels. The label printing supports pre defined text files,
html, or other formats selected by the lab, and can be dynamically configured for each
shipment method to hold changeable data. The label printing service can be configured
through the Job Status as a file generated on a specific folder or to be printed through the
selected printer on a selected printer.

Pre requirements:

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• The Label printing service can be used on any computer with MPR500 Pro software
installed and with a valid Server / Client HASP license.
• To use the Label printing service, either a basic file sharing or an installed printer is
• The label printing service requires version and above

Starting the Label Printing Service:

1) If you have just updated or installed version and above, run
JobStatusService.exe, then close it. This will generate the configuration files and
default templates.

2) Go to [MPR500 Root]\Common\CommonConfig, and configure the Label printing

file “LabelPrintingConfig.ini” (See section Configuring Label printing)

3) Go to [MPR500 Root]\Common\LabelPrinting_Templates and configure the Label

printing default template and any custom shipment method template (See section
Configuring Label Printing Templates)

4) Start (or restart) Job Status Service. At this point, you may use the “Print Labels”, or
print through automatic workflow.

Configuring Label Printing

In order to start or configure Label printing, you will need to open the file:
[MPR500 Root]\Common\CommonConfig\LabelPrintingConfig.ini.

This file can be opened through Notepad or any text editor, and after each change, the Job
Status service needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

The format of the file is [PARAMETER NAME] = [VALUE]. You may add spaces
between the ‘=’ sign, but you may not add several parameters in one line, or change any
other part of this format.


Sets to print to a printer defined on the current computer. If this value is “0”, labels will
only be generated as files, and will not be printed, which is useful for sending labels to a
remote printer which supports printing through hot folders.
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(default = txt,html,xml,pdf)
Sets which files to check for dynamic text. If you are using several files, you may want
not to include files that do not hold dynamic text, such as jpeg files.

Sets to delete the generated files after printing the labels. This is useful when printing the
labels through a defined printing and not using a hot folder based printer. If you are using
a hot folder label printer, you should set this value to “0”, and set

(default =[MPR500 Root Folder]\LabelPrinting_Output)
Sets the output folder in which the label files are generated. You may change this to any
folder required, as per the hot folder based printer settings.

Sets to print when a job’s status was changed to “Ready for shipment”. This value may
be changed to “1” if you would like to activate an automatic workflow. When setting this
value to “1”, when a job’s status was changed through user interface, JHC, or Job Status
SDK, the Job status will automatically print the labels.


Sets the default file name which will be printed. (I.E Main.txt will be printer)

Enables Label printing. To use Label printing in any form, set this value to “1”

Configuring Label Printing Templates

The label printing is done according to pre defined templates. All the Label printing
templates exists on “[MPR500 Root Folder]\Common\LabelPrinting_Templates”.

The default template exists on a sub folder named “Default_Template”. This is a fixed
name, which is used for any shipment methods that don’t have its own templates.

In addition to the above default template, you may create your own folders to override
and hold custom templates according to the specified template. I.E if you have a shipment
method named “Mail” (As defined in AlbumMaker lab config’s shipment methods), you
may create a folder named “Mail” inside “[MPR500 Root
Folder]\Common\LabelPrinting_Templates”, and job status will use this specific template
when printing labels of shipment method “Mail”.

All templates must have the format and support for Job status’s workflow of label
printing. Job Status service works in the following way:
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1) When printing labels, Job status prints one label for each selected shipment

2) Job Status looks for a custom shipment method named folder, if it cannot find
one, it selects “Default_Template” as the current template.

3) Job status runs through each file inside the template, and template’s sub folders,
and replaces the dynamic the dynamic text, as long as the file extension is defined
(See Configuring Dynamic Text Inside Templates section)

4) Job status copies all the contents of the template folder inside the output.

5) If allowed, Job status prints the specified

“LABEL_PRINTING_MAIN_FILE_NAME” file. It will use any file it finds with
the specified name. I.E if you specified “Main” as the file name, and have a file
named “Main.html”, “Main.html” will be sent to the printer. You should only
have one file with the main file’s name, and should place it in the root of the
templates folders.

• The labels are printed through the default printer specified in “Printers and
faxes” of the operating system.

The Job status searches through sub folders, allows you to specify files extensions to
replace dynamic text, and selects any main file name it finds for the printing. Using of
this workflow, you can create simple text files, multiple files based Html, and other
formats that can edited.

Configuring Dynamic Text Inside Templates

Because each label represents a current shipment address, copies, end user name or
affiliate information, a pre defined set of dynamic texts are available for use. These
dynamic texts can be inserted into the templates files, and are renamed for each label
printing with the representing information.


A plain text containing the following text:

To [%shipment_name]
[%shipment_copies] copies

The “To”, “copies”, spaces and end lines will remain the same.

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The “[%shipment_name]”, “[%shipment_address]” and “[%shipment_copies]” will

be replaced by the current’s shipment information.

An XML file, containing the following text:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

The generated XML will keep the format of the XML, but will replace the dynamic text
inside the fields for each dynamic text information. This is useful for exporting data to a
third party application or for XML printing.

In the XML example, the [%shipment_address] will generate multiple lines inside a
single line data, which may render the XML format unusable.

Special considerations must be taken into account when using Xml, Html, or special
formatted files. It’s recommended to use plain text as the templates, since plaint texts are
printed regardless of formatting.

Dynamic text fields

This is a complete list of the dynamic text that can be inserted into template files. These
fields must be added exactly as they appear on the list.

Dynamic Text Representation

[%day] Current day
[%month] Current month
[%year] Current year
[%hour] Current hour
[%minute] Current minute
[%second] Current second
[%d-m-y] Day-Month-Year date format
[%m-d-y] Month-Day-Year date format
[%d/m/y] Day/Month/Year date format
[%m/d/y] Month/Day/Year date format
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[%d-m-y] Day-Month-Year date format

[%m-d-y] Month-Day-Year date format

[%order] Order number
[%comment] Order comment
[%job] Job number
[%copyright] Adds a (c) sign

[%lab_name] Lab name
[%lab_phone] Lab phone
[%lab_email] Lab email
[%lab_ftp] Lab FTP

[%affiliate_group_name] Affiliate group name
[%affiliate_company_name] Affiliate company name
[%affiliate_email] Affiliate email

Dynamic Text Representation

Photographer (end user):

[%phr_name] Photographer name
[%phr_address] Photographer address
[%phr_group] Photographer group
[%phr_code] Photographer code
[%phr_phone] Photographer phone
[%phr_email] Photographer email
[%phr_company] Photographer company
[%phr_number] Photographer number

Current album:
[%album_type] Current album type
[%album_page_count] Current album page count
[%album_img_count] Current album image count
[%color_correction_type] Current album color correction type
[%finishing] Current album finishing
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[%price] Current album price

Current used shipment:

[%shipment_name] Shipment full name (first + middle + last name)
[%shipment_fname] Shipment First name
[%shipment_lname] Shipment Last name
[%shipment_phone] Shipment Phone
[%shipment_cellular] Shipment Cellular
[%shipment_address] Shipment full address (without company or name)
[%shipment_street] Shipment street
[%shipment_street_num] Shipment street number
[%shipment_zip_code] Shipment zip code
[%shipment_country] Shipment country
[%shipment_city] Shipment city
[%shipment_state] Shipment state
[%shipment_copies] Shipment copies (for selected shipment only)
[%shipment_method] Shipment method (for selected shipment)

• The shipment information refers to the shipped customer, and not for the ordering
customer. To add information regarding the end user who ordered the album, use

• The date refers to the current (now) date, and will represent the date of creation of the
label, and not the date that the album was created or ordered.

9 System Behavior, Performance & limitations

9.1 Changing the system performance

The system performance can relate to various parameters.
One of them is the size and resolution of thumbnails. As the thumbnails resolution
become higher, quality improves but on the other hand, the interactive process on
large quantities of thumbnails can become slower.
In AlbumMaker.ini file there is a parameter called MAX_IMAGE_SIZE. The default
Parameter is 600.If you increase it to 1200 then quality improves on one hand but
reduce performance on the other hand.

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Same applies for the printing qualities.

There are some cases in which you want to increase the quality of your PDFs.
There is a parameter named resolution type
(under MP lab admin -> machine drivers - > Quality , then increase the parameter).

Increasing this parameter lead to bigger

On the other hand, increase this parameter may influence the performance of
the system.
There is another way to improve performance of printing and this involves job status

9.2 Job status configuration

The job status service application (“JobStatusService.exe”) is responsible for monitoring and
printing jobs from single or multiple computers as well as changing order status, printing
reports and various order functions. This article explains the proper way to configure the Job
Status for optimized printing and monitoring.

The “JobStatusService.exe” application is a process (not a service), which requires the

running computer to be logged in on startup. It changes/ retrieves status by directly updating
or querying the MPR500 PRO server’s SQL database and order’s folders. When running a print
job, the Job Status application starts an external process named “ExecutionProcess.exe”,
which is responsible on rendering the album to a print output. The Job status service can run
independently and run output prints from multiple computers as Server mode, Client mode or
Execution station mode, depending on the desired configurations.

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Job Status Modes

The Server mode runs jobs from the main MPR500 PRO Server. The main server holds the
database of all the jobs, and usually also holds the files of the jobs themselves. The server
computer can only run as Server mode. Only one MPR500 PRO Server should exist in a print
lab. The Server is also responsible for configuring all the Client and Execution stations through
the “MP-LabAdmin program” application, and can load and edit jobs.

Client Station
The Client Station acts similar to the Server, which can edit and print jobs. However, the
Client Station computer cannot automatically load jobs, cannot configure general
configurations and is mainly dependent on the server.

Execution Station
The Execution Station can monitor and print jobs through the Job Status Service application,
but cannot edit or create jobs. The Execution Station sole purpose is to lower the CPU and
time required for processing multiple jobs.

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Lab Configurations working modes for Job Status Service

Type Description Server Client Execution

Local Runs job on the computer that chose to execute
? ? ?
Workstation the selected job
Run job only on the server, regardless of the
Server *
computer that chose to run the selected job.
If job is selected for execution on a Client Station
Ask User or on an Execution Station, the user is prompted ? ? ?
to print on the server or on the selecting computer.
The selected job is printed on any available
All Stations * * *
Execution The selected job is printed on any available
Only Execution Station.
Server and The selected job is printed on any available
* *
Execution Execution Station or on the Server.

(?) Refers to a job running on the specified Job Status mode only on certain

(*) Refers to a job running on any specified Job Status mode that is

• Configuring the Job Status Service mode can be made through the
“MP-LabAdmin program” application, under the “General” Tab.
See “MPR500 Pro User's Manual” for further information.

Job Status Service advanced settings

The Job Status Service advanced settings are made through the INI file
“JobStatusCtrl.ini”, which can be found in the MPR500 root folder
(Ex: “C:\Program Files\M-Photo\MPR500 Pro 5\JobStatusCtrl.ini”).

The changes in the advanced settings INI file needs to be made in the following way:

1) Close Job Status Service.

2) Open the file “JobStatusCtrl.ini” file with Notepad or with a text editor

3) Change the settings

4) Save and close the file “JobStatusCtrl.ini”

5) Run the Job Status Service

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6) Repeat steps 1 – 5 for all computers. The changes are made only on the selected
computer, and setting different settings on each computer may result in errors and
is not recommended.

Job Status Service advanced settings fields

The Job Status Service fields are displayed in a readable text inside the
“JobStatusCtrl.ini” file.
The format of each field is “[FIELD_NAME] = [VALUE]”. The field name must not be
changed, and the ‘=’ sign must not be removed. The following fields can be changed
in the “JobStatusCtrl.ini” file:



Value range: 0 – 1
Default: 0

Generally, Job Status Service attempts to lock orders before running their
representing jobs. The locking mechanism prevents Job Status Service to run a job
while another computer is editing the job. When running multiple orders with fast
refresh rates or when having network problems, some orders may be locked forever,
until they are manually unlocked.

To manually unlock orders, you can do the following steps:

1) Open Job Status Service on any computer

2) Right click (not left click) on the “Report” button.
3) In the newly opened “Report” window, click on the “Clear Locks” button.
4) Click on “Yes” in the question window. This will unlock all orders from all

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To disable order locking, add or replace the following field in “JobStatusCtrl.ini” file:



Value range: 0 – 1
Default: 0

When adding or replacing the field “JOBSTATUS_DEBUG_MODE = 1”, Job Status
Engine on the specified computer will enter debug mode. In debug mode, the report
window (Right Clicking on “Report” button) will present more information, and logging
will be dumped to “JobStatusLog*.txt” files under the “Logs” folder. This mode runs
slower and uses the hard disk resources extensively, and should not be used.


Value range: 0 – 1
Default: 0

Safe mode ignores certain Database information query, and lowers CPU time. If your
CPU or performance time is weak, you can add or replace the following field to


• When adding this field, MPR500 Pro orders “Prints” will not be displayed in the
Job Status Service application’s information


Value range: 1 – 1000000

Default: 50

This field sets the number of report logs displayed under the advanced report window
(Right Clicking on “Report” button). The field itself does not affect Job Status Service
application in any way, but should be left on a low value to lower memory


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Value range: 1 – 3600

Default: 3

This field specifies the number of minutes to wait until resetting an idle job. An idle
job is a job that is set to perform a task (Ready/ Running/ Cancel), but is not
performing the task from an unknown reason. This field will reset a job in the
following cases:

• A job is set as running, but it’s Execution process unexpectedly terminated

• A job that is marked as ready to run on a specific computer which is no longer
• A job was canceled, and is waiting for a computer which is no longer available
to terminate its run.

Setting this field as too low may result in Jobs resetting while actively running, while
setting this field as too high may lower overall print time.


The Job Status Service has 2 mechanisms: The Read mechanism and the Run

The Read mechanism is responsible of reading real-time job status information while
the Run mechanism is responsible for running ready jobs, clearing idle jobs, canceling
canceled jobs and any job status changes and manipulations. The Run mechanism
depends on the Read mechanism, since it uses the real time information that the
Read mechanism retrieves.


Value range: 200 – 120000

Default: 600 (0.6 seconds)


Value range: 600 – 360000 (Must be at least 3x than the Read all refresh time)
Default: 5000 (5 seconds)

When the Read or Run refresh values are too low compared to the number of
computes in the Print Lab, the following side effects may appear:

• Jobs are printed twice, once on each station.

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• Jobs may “flicker” between Ready state and Running state.

• Cancel Job may need to be pressed multiple times for job to be canceled.
• Orders may be locked forever and may need to be manually released.
• CPU usage may reach 100%, resulting in performance issues and errors.

The following table displays the recommended settings for proper Read / Run settings

Number of computers Read Run

1–2 600 5000
2–5 1500 10000
5 – 10 3000 20000
10 – X 5000 30000


Value range: 0 – 1
Default: 0

If set to “1”, hides the status led that blinks when the list was refreshed.


Value range: 4 - 9999

Default: 15

This value represents the SQL timeout in seconds when running SQL queries.

When working with over 20,000 jobs, the SQL query may exceed the default 15
seconds time out, and timeout related error messages may appear. To solve this
issue, this value can be set to any value up to 9999 seconds, thus removing the SQL
timeout errors.

9.3 Big order limitation

You may get from your customers big orders of 3-4 GB.
It is important to emphasize that Compressed folder becomes corrupted when
larger than 2 gigabytes

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Microsoft has also published an article in their knowledgebase regarding this issue so
you can refer them to the following article:

9.4 Large files limitation

The Album maker system was design for the use of professional photo labs, though it
has limitations in reading large image files with huge dimensions. In order to use images
of large size it is recommended to reduce their size by using one of the applications that
can handle those files.
However in version , the input picture size limitation was increased to 30MB
(from 20MB) and in addition, there are indications when adding images to the album,
that file may be problematic. (For example “elephant” thumbnail in case pixels amount
in the file exceeded memory limitations).

9.5 Limitation on the number of languages for setup

In this current version, you can include only ONE more language in addition to English
for creating the customer setup (you should set the ‘language for non Unicode
programs’ in the LAB version).
However in the lab version , you are able to work with content in several languages. If
there is a need that names will be presented correctly then you should need to set the
non Unicode language on your machine (this should be done through control panel ->
Regional and language options -> advanced).

9.6 Color model and red eye limitation

Although it’s mentioned above, it should be emphasized that only pictures of RGB color
model allowed (not CMYK).
In addition, there are some pictures with red eye however; red eye can not be removed
automatically using the integrated tool in album maker (this occurs mainly with pictures
downloaded from the internet, mobile phone…) .
If this is the case, then they should try removing red eye manually using the ‘edit’ option
in the red eye removal tool.
If it’s too complicate for your users to do it, you can do it by yourself.

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9.7 Error messages

Your customers may sometimes complain that they get an error message at the middle
of an action.
There are different kinds of messages but the popular is similar to the one below.

If your customer encounters a similar message, instruct him to make a screenshot and
then send to the lab (you should then forward it to M-photo support. You should also
advise them that in a case that the error message have ‘Details’ button as above they
should click it and make a screen shot with the content of the message (also to scroll
down when needed and make additional screenshot so the whole details will be
It is very important for us to know what are the related modules appear in the message.

9.8 FTP Configuration Preface

This chapter explains the general considerations regarding starting and maintaining the
FTP workflows. Generally, the end user AlbumMaker communicates with the lab side of
AlbumMaker in order to upload orders, perform payment and receive updates. In order
for the FTP server and AlbumMaker's connection to work, some steps and configurations
are required.

This document serves as a general explanation of the FTP protocol and brings some
issues for consideration. To find out how to configure each of AlbumMaker's workflows,
please read the appropriate documentation.

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FTP Protocol

The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) was invented in 1971. Its main goal is to transfer files
between a client and a server. Although the FTP was implemented by many companies
and is generally unified, there are several specifications and revisions since the original
FTP was published.

The FTP works by a client connecting with the FTP server through a third party
application. The connection is usually made through TCP/IP port 21, although this port
can be changed. After first connecting to the FTP server, the client sends general
commands, such as user name, directory management and file transfer. When initiating
a file transfer or directory commands, a new TCP/IP port is opened by the server or
client, which transfers the files to or from the server. The transfer port is either a fixed
port, or a random port from the operating system's port pool. This transfer port is also
called an ephemeral port.

When sending or receiving files through the FTP, there are two ways to transfer these
files; Active mode or Passive mode.
Passive mode means that the server opens the port, and informs the client which
ephemeral port to connect to, while Active mode means that the client opens the
ephemeral port on its side, and informs the server to which port to connect to. Although
many servers support both features, the mode of transfer needs to be set in the FTP
server. The default mode of operation is Passive mode.

FTP Server considerations

Most operating systems has a built in FTP server support. You can find the ability to
enable an FTP server through Linux, Mac and Windows based servers. However, these
operating system's FTP servers usually aim for home users or simple FTP servers, and
does not allow extended features or maintenance. It's recommended that you buy a
professional or dedicated FTP server instead of using a basic one.

Our recommended FTP server is the ServU application (for windows), which supports
many features, such as the resume support, and is more stable than the basic IIS FTP
server of windows.

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Also, note that users need to upload files to the server, so you need to give users full
access to the FTP sever directories when setting the FTP server user access rights.

FTP Commands and transfers considerations

The client – server general communication is by sending a command and receiving a

reply. For example, if the client needs to change its current directory on the FTP server,
it sends the command "CWD". There are many commands that can be sent to the
server, and there can be settings on the FTP to disable these commands.

In order to run a stable FTP communication, you need to make sure that no FTP
command is disabled on the FTP server configurations.

Also, you should ensure that the server supports and uses the Binary transfer mode,
instead of the ASCII mode, to ensure no data is corrupted while transferring the files.

FTP Session considerations

While transferring multiple files, AlbumMaker and the FTP uploader may open multiple
sessions from the same computer or from multiple computers.

In order for this to work, you need to make sure not to limit FTP sessions and FTP
sessions per IP on the server configurations.

Active Mode vs. Passive Mode

When using Active mode, the end user opens a port and waits for the server to connect.
This means that if the end user computer has a router which does not forward ports,
the server will not be able to connect to the end user. Also, most firewalls or Anti
Viruses with integrated firewalls, including the operating system's firewall, presents a
security alert during the Active Mode to allow the connection or not. This means that
many end users may not allow the connection.

It's not recommended to use the Active mode; you should set both in AlbumMaker and
on the FTP server to the default of Passive mode.

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Port Range considerations

The TCP/IP protocol, which holds the base of the communications for the FTP, is made
through ports. A TCP/IP port is like the extension of the IP. For example, when
accessing a web server, the computer usually contacts the web server through its IP,
and through port 80. The default port for the FTP is 21. The TCP/IP protocol supports
ports 0 to 65535, but the first 1024 or so are fixed and are used by other applications.
The "un fixed" ports are the ephemeral ports, which are the ports opened by the server
or client during file transfers for the FTP. Although it's possible to set this range
manually, you would need to set both ranges on the client's computer, and on the
server, and it may cause problems.

The most optimal way to set the port range is to leave it at random, both on the client
configuration on AlbumMaker and on the server. You may change the default FTP port
from 21 to an unused port, as long as you set it both on the server and on
AlbumMaker's configurations. It's recommended, though, to leave the FTP port to its
default 21.

Server Firewall considerations

When setting up the FTP server, either through a hosting company or at your office, you
may use a firewall, either on the server itself or on the router that connects to the
server. There are many features and restrictions on firewalls that may slow or damage
the FTP connections. In order to run a proper connection, you need to make sure that
your firewall is configured in the following way:

• Allows up to 15 connections from the same IP address.

• Allows at least 500 connections to the server.
• Allows the FTP protocol and stream connections.
• Allows access to port 21 (or the one you set for the FTP) and all ephemeral
• Does not consider multiple connections as SYN attack.
• Gives access to logs, which will isolate blocked connections for debug and repair.

Some firewalls may not support the above features, and some other firewalls will need
different and more extensive configurations. The firewall rules depend on the brand of
the firewall.

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Bandwidth considerations

When running the FTP server, one of the most important considerations is to allow a
flowing connection between the clients and the server, which will allow multiple end
users to upload or download content from the server without lag.

When considering the size of the bandwidth of the server, you should compare it to the
upload capability of the users, since most bandwidth consumption will be on uploading
orders from the users to the server. Usually, internet providers separate between the
upload capability and the download capability. For example, an internet package may
allow download of up to 1.2Mb per second, while providing an upload of 150Kb per

Although internet may vary between country and provider, your best "formula" of
calculating the bandwidth demand is to calculate your server download bandwidth
versus the amount of clients which will upload orders simultaneously, versus their
average internet provider upload bandwidth.

For example, you assume that up to 15 clients will upload orders simultaneously to the
server. You find out that the most average package allows clients to upload orders at
150Kb per second, so the calculation is 150Kb per second times 15, which is
approximately 2.2Mb download from your server bandwidth.

You should also consider allowing more than the basic download, and you should
consider having a high upload as well, since software updates and payments are
performed through the upload of the FTP server, and not the download.

Also, you may consider hosting or installing the FTP server on the same country as your
company. Some connections may be degraded and unstable when communicating from
farther regions.

Quality of Service

The Quality of Service, also known as the QOS, is a feature that regulates and adjusts
connections to the server so that all clients will have an equal share of bandwidth when
uploading or downloading files from your FTP server.

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Usually, the operating system operates with its own regulation of bandwidth, and in
many cases, newly connected clients may receive an extensive bandwidth, while clients
which where connected for a longer time receive a lower bandwidth. This means that if
you have many clients connecting to the server, some may receive the full bandwidth
while others will receive a 50% or less bandwidth. In some cases, where the bandwidth
of the server reaches its maximum, clients will not be able to connect to the server,
since the connection is "bottle necked" and timed out.

The QOS feature aims to fix these issues, and to distribute an equal bandwidth to all
connections. The QOS can also leave some bandwidth unused, to allow new connections
without timeouts. This QOS feature is either enabled in supported routers or can be
installed on the server computer as software.

It's recommended to find out if your operating system or host supports the QOS feature,
or install a third party application for QOS.

Support and Maintenance considerations

Since many types of clients connect to the FTP server, some clients may experience
problems with connecting to the FTP server. This may occur because many home users
install other software or change basic settings, which may limit or restrict their
connection to the server.

In order to allow as many clients as possible to use AlbumMaker, It's necessary to have
a work force of people who can support customers which may have problems with
uploading or downloading files from the FTP server. Some of the most common support
for clients is:

• Checking paid orders on the FTP payment directory, and finding if orders where
uploaded. Some users perform successful order payments but their orders are
not uploaded, without the client knowing of any problem.

• Supporting clients by remote controlling their computer, or directing them how to

solve the problem on the phone. The more common supports are disabling or
allowing FTP on the client's firewall, helping him reinstall services which where

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damaged on his computer, or instructing the clients to turn on their computers,

since some clients don't know that their computer needs to be running to upload

It's recommended to purchase a remote control application, such as TeamViewer or

LogMeIn Rescue for the support. These applications are designed for a one time support
for clients, and can save both support time and the trouble for customers following
instructions from the support team. The support should also constantly write notes of
common problems, change settings in AlbumMaker or the FTP server which can cause
common problems, and have a constant
on-demand flow of customer support.

Security and Disaster prevention

The FTP protocol is easier to "hack" than other protocols. This is because it's a simpler
protocol, and is usually performed through a third party application such as
AlbumMaker. A hacker can scan his computer's memory while AlbumMaker transfer files,
and have full access to the FTP by obtaining the user name and password. Setting the
FTP to work in SSL mode helps, but may not prevent hackers from hacking into the FTP

Also, because uploading and performing payment means that users have full access to
the albums and payment directory, hackers may delete files on these directories and
destroy other client's albums. In some cases, the FTP server also contains access to the
web server of the albums, and hackers can delete the entire web site through the FTP.

Here are some steps to prevent possible damage from malicious applications or users:

• Restrict all directories of the AlbumMaker's FTP user to AlbumMaker's purpose

only. Having a "global" user which can also access the web server or important
files may present many problems.

• If possible, use the encrypt/ decrypt feature of AlbumMaker for payment.

Otherwise, hackers may have full access to the payment directories and extract
personal information about other clients, including their phone and email.

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• Back up all order files, in a redundant or third party application on the server
side. A hacker with access to the album directory may delete other albums on
the server. A good "on the fly" backup solution is the "WatchDirectory"
application by Gdp Software, which can copy any incoming file on the server to a
backup location. In this case, if a user deletes files on the server, you will have
the latest backup on your backup folder.

• For the AlbumMaker's user which connects for the software update, you should
set the software update directory as read only for the users who download it.
This will prevent hackers from inserting viruses into the EXE files of the software
or content updates. Other directories, such as the payment folder and the album
folder, requires full access.

There may be other steps that you can take in order to prevent malicious attacks,
including setting a proper firewall with SYN attack prevention, ARP spoofing prevention
or other types of attacks. Also, you may change the default FTP's 21 port to prevent IP
scanners from automatically finding your FTP server. There may be other considerations
regarding security and backup, depending on your server and network configuration.

Server security may vary from the simplest software to the most strict hardware and
software security, depending on your needs. You should consult with a computer and
network expert when first setting the FTP server about backup and security solutions
and about configuring the FTP settings and restrictions as best as possible.

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