Temas Variados

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República Dominicana


Universidad Patrimonio de la Comunidad

Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades

Practica _III_____________________________

Temas variados

Rosa Lilia Acosta Mejia

Wilson Hilario

Cotuí, Provincia Sánchez Ramírez

Auxíliese de los recursos de aprendizajes colgados es esta unidad para realizar esta práctica,
en los mismo va a encontrar una serie de textos y videos que le ayudaran a comprender
cada uno de los ejercicios a realizar.

1, Choose the correct answer

1, Are John and Mary sleeping? La respuesta es la (a)

a) **they´re having breakfast c) No they can´t
b) No, they don´t d) No they aren´t

2, what is Mary doing? (d)

a) No, she´s not c) She studies hard
b) Yes she does d) **She is working in the yard

3, who is cooking right now?(a)

a) John a and Mary are c) No he isn´t
b) Yes they are d) John is

4, Is he eating dinner now?(b)

a) He is having dinner c Yes he does

b) Yes he is d) No he doesn´t

5, where are your Mon and Dad? )b)

a) They´re in New York c) She is Cooking
b) She´s washing the dishes d) She´s studying

2, Write the negative form

1, I am wearing pants, shirt and shoes
_not, I am wearing pant, shirt and shoes _

2, She is wearing a black jacket

_____she is not, wearing a black jacket
3, Yes I am, they are nice
4, No she isn´t, she´s wearing high hells
No she isn t, she s not wearing high hells
5, No they are not, they´re wearing suits
No they are not, they re wearing suits

3, Answer these questions about you

1, What are you wearing today?

___I am wearing pants and a

2, Are you wearing a rain coat?

_____I'm not wearing a raincoat

3, Are you wearing high heels?

___I'm not wearing high heels

4, Are you taking a test now?

____ not

5, What are you doing now?

I am doing an English practice
2- A: Whose skirt is this? B: Ist¨s Tiffany

3- A: Whose shose are these? B: Ist¨s Jade

4- A: Whose tennis shoes are? B: Ist¨s Daniel s
5-A: Whose shoes are they? B: Ist¨s Tiffany
6- Whose sweater is it? B: Ist¨s Jade
1-B: No, ist¨s not hers. It¨s mine
2-A: Are these your jeans?
B: No, they aren¨t my jeans. Let¨s ask keinth
I think they¨re his.
3- A: Are these Annie¨s and Jennifer¨s socks?

B:No, they aren¨t their. They¨re your

A: I don¨t think so. These sock are White, and mine are blue
3- Chul-woo he¨s wearing a t-shirt

4- Maggie skirt is very pretty

5-Maya dreess is elegant

6- Maya loves black sneakers

7-the scarf Todd wear is his favorite

8- Hugo hats suits him very well with that outfit.


2-Hugo is not wearing a raincoat. Ist¨s Alicia and Maggie who are wearing raincoat.

3- no she is not, Alicia is wearing jeans

4-.no, she doesn¨t not . Maya is wearing a dreess

5-no, they don¨t , Alicia is wearing a shirt and Maggie a jacket

6-no,not them. Tood wears jeans and Hugo a suit.

1-My name s Jade. I¨m wearing

A t-shirt and shorts. I¨m wearing sneakers, too. It¨is raining,

But I don¨t have a raincoat.

2- it¨s snowing, but Amy don¨t have booots- shes has high heels, she don¨t have gloves, and she
don¨t have a hat.

3- It´´s very hot. Tom and sue are not wearing

Sweaters today. They are wearing pants.

It¨s sunny, so Sue wearing a hat

And Tom is wearing sunglasses.

4- Roger is wearing a suit

He is not wearing a belt, but

He is wearing a tie

He is wearing shoes and socks.

It¨s very windy

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