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A Method for Barrier-Based Incident Investigation

Robin Pitblado, a Tony Potts, b Mark Fisher, b and Stuart Greenfieldb
aDNV GL, Risk Advisory Services, 1400 Ravello Drive, Katy, TX 77449; (for correspondence)
bDNV GL, Manchester Advisory, Highbank House, Exchange Street, Stockport, SK3 OET, United Kingdom
Published online 27 June 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.11738

Incident investigation is a formal requirement for high With such a full list of methods, it might be asked why
hazard facilities with the aim to learn from each incident there is a need for a new investigation method? Incident
and to prevent future recurrences. Tbere are many published investigation techniques need to evolve to match the manage-
investigation methods, with most driving to the management ment processes in use, otherwise the lessons learned through
system root cause and some applying newer barrier-based the investigation will not match the system being employed.
methods. However, these methods either do not link tightly to At a relatively simple level, this means the system categories
the facility risk assessment or are very difficult to apply, and generated by the investigation should match the management
lessons from incidents that might reveal weaknesses, espe- system elements employed at the facility (e.g., [3-5]). How-
cially relating to major accidents, can be missed. This article ever, at a deeper level, there has been major change in the
describes a novel method for incident investigation (Barrier- management of high hazard facilities from a traditional safety
based Systematic Cause Analysis Technique) that combines management structure (as in OSHA PSM) and toward a risk-
the ideas of barrier-based risk assessment with a well- based structure (as in CCPS and ISRS). That is, the focus has
established systems-based root cause analysis method (Sys- shifted to identifying major accident risks and putting in place
tematic Cause Analysis Technique). The method described is appropriate controls complementing all the elements of a pro-
efficient and can be applied by properly trained supervisors, cess safety management system. fa,1:racting lessons is more
and this potentially allows every incident or near-miss event than matching incidents to management system elements, and
to be assessed in a consistent risk-based format. The method ideally it should also provide a direct linkage to the safety bar-
clearly establishes links back to the facility risk assessment riers defined in the facility risk assessment.
and thus identifies risk pathways that are potentially too opti- Investigation methods can be characterized by the
mistic (i.e., the risk is higher than predicted), and this can amount of structure inherent in the method and by the com-
be due to initial optimism or degradation of safety barriers plexity of applying the method. For example, MORT and
(human or hardware). © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (SCAT) both have a
Engineers Process Saf Prog 34: 328-334, 2015 high degree of methodology structure and the user mostly
Keywords: accident investigation; bow tie; incident inves- selects options from within this predefined stmcture; how-
tigations; risk assessment,· root cause ever, the complexity of application between these two tech-
niques is very different, with SCAT requiring less specialist
INTRODUCTION investigation knowledge and MORT much more. The 5
Formal incident investigation is required by US regula- Why's and the Fault Tree methods provide a similar pair of
tions for high hazard facilities onshore and SEMS regulations examples in the flexible area. Here, the methods do not pro-
for offshore facilities. A similar requirement also applies vide predefined options and the user must develop the solu-
under safety case regulations in Europe, both onshore and tion from first principles using the methodology rule set.
offshore. None of these, however, specifies any specific Barrier-based Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (BSCAT)
method; the operator is free to select any method deemed uses the fixed structure of SCAT but combines this with the
suitable. flexibility of a bow tie model, so it would be high midway
Early incident investigation focused too much on direct on the structure/flexibility axis. Similarly in terms of detail, it
causes, assigning blame, and rarely delved into system extends the simple model of SCAT to address the risk
causes. Bird et al. [l] quotes statistics from 1,490 old incident domain, but not in as much detail as some complex techni-
reports and these show ineffective investigations which iden- ques, so it lies midway on the Overview/Detailed axis. CGE
tified only 1% to be the fault of the employer, with bulk of Risk has developed a figure mapping the different techni-
the remainder being either unpreventable (65%) or some ques (Figure 1). While subjective, it does show that BSCAT
kind of human error (31%). With this depth of analysis, it is provides a good balance between structure and complexity,
not surprising that accidents continued without significant making it suitable for general application by facility supervi-
reduction as the true underlying causes of accidents were sors rather than only by highly qualified investigation spe-
not being identified. Modern investigation techniques drive cialists. More sophisticated techniques like Tripod Beta are
beyond the initial or direct causes and attempt to identify more difficult to apply and suitable for only a subset of total
deeper root causes, usually linked to the management sys- incidents. This limits their lessons learned potential for all
tem [2]. A selection of current techniques which do drive to barriers, but it would be justified by the greater depth of
root causes is provided in Table 1. information for cultural influences that would show in most
In the following sections, the authors review the new
© 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers barrier-based operational risk assessment method, frequently

328 December 2015 Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)

Table 1. Selected incident investigation methods. heed structure
Category Name
Generic 5 Why's
e Tripod
Fishbone Diagrams
Fault Trees e Fishbone
Proprietary Common List of Causes (BP)
(developer name) MORT-Management Oversight Overview <:========-C);;;B=s=
cA=T=====~ Detailed
and Risk Tree (US Department
of Energy) • 5 Why's
Source (ABS)
• Faulttru
TapRoot (System Improvements Inc.) Event tree
TriPod Beta (Reason and Hudson)
Fle><l ble

Figure 1. Application features of several investigation meth-

termed bow tie diagrams, and then show how these can be ods (CGE Risk).
adapted to incident investigation using only those arms of
the bow tie that capture the accident pathway. The well-
established SCAT method (Systematic Cause Analysis Tech-
on this simplified diagram are barrier decay mechanisms
nique) is then described. BSCAT (Barrier-based SCAT) then
(also known as escalation factors) which show how individ-
merges the two techniques allowing a tight link between the
ual barriers can degrade (e.g., failure to inspect) and the
risk assessment and the root causes to be established.
additional barriers installed (e.g., inspection and preventive
Finally, a worked example shows the application of the
maintenance programs) to keep these at their performance
method to the Buncefield oil terminal fire event.
standard. Barriers are more than bars on a bow tie diagram,
each barrier represents an AND Gate with inputs of "demand
BARRIER RISK METHODS on barrier function" and "barrier fails." For example, if a bar-
Barrier-based risk assessment has been applied to process rier is a shutdown system and an operator actuates the sys-
safety risks for over two decades, with Shell taking a lead [6). tem (i.e., barrier required to act) AND the barrier fails to
The original thinking derives from the well-known Swiss operate (i.e., does not work) then the barrier as a whole fails
Cheese model proposed by James Reason, but the method and the system goes on to challenge the next barrier. This
does not follow his structure as it defines both preventative provides an underpinning of sound safety science to the
and mitigative controls with a "top event" in the middle. The method. The barrier decay mechanism builds out the fault
Reason model focused instead on latent and active failures tree AND gate showing the mechanisms how the barrier
and impo1tant psychological factors. Regulators also recog- might fail. Pitblado and Weijand [8] give multiple examples
nized the value of this risk-based approach [7] as it permits a of good and poor bow tie elements and how these can affect
focus on major accident risks during the operational phase; the quality and utility of the final bow tie.
most other risk techniques focus on the design stage. The Real bow ties are more complex than shown in this fig-
model shows a number of safety barriers lying between the ure, often with 5-8 threat arms entering and 2-4 conse-
threats and the major accident outcome . The barriers are not quence arms emerging. Generally, 3-4 barriers per arm
perfect and hence the holes which represent the failure represents a well-protected system, however, examples are
modes associated with individual barriers. If all the holes seen with many more than this, but that is most often due to
"line-up," then the unwanted event occurs. The model is faults in drawing the bow tie with barrier decay mechanism
intuitive and easy to explain; a safer system would employ barriers incorrectly promoted on to the main pathway. Shell
more barriers with smaller holes. guidance [6) is that 10-15 bow ties are sufficient to capture
Currently, there is no publicly available guideline docu- the most important top events and barriers, and usually little
ment describing the bow tie method, although CCPS has a value is obtained from creating a greater number.
working party (Project 237) on this. In the meantime, shorter An important opportunity is to link incident investigations
method statements have been published [6,8) or available as to these facility risk assessment bow ties, showing which bar-
software support manuals (from ABS for Thesis and CGE riers must have failed in order to have an accident (reaching
Risk [9) for BowTieXP). In the absence of a formal specifica- all the way to the right hand side) or a near miss (having
tion, there tends to be multiple terminology describing ele- stopped somewhere along the accident pathway).
ments of the bow tie, although the method is similar in all
Figure 2 shows the primary elements of a bow tie dia- The SCAT Root Cause Methodology
gram. At the top is the hazard, this is the material or condi- SCAT was developed in the 1980s by Frank Bird [1). 'lt is
tion that if control is lost could give rise to the unwanted based on the DNV GL Loss Causation Model (Figure 3). This
consequences. The hazard leads directly to the top event model when used from right to left, to investigate incidents,
which is the central circle. This is the specific loss of control is the SCAT approach. This shows that a Loss (e.g., occupa-
or loss of containment of the hazard (e.g., leak of a hazard- tional accident, fire, or near-miss event) is created by an Inci-
ous material). On the left side are various threats or causes dent. Incidents have an Immediate Cause, which is
(e.g., corrosion and dropped object) that could cause this categorized as due to Substandard Acts or Substandard Con-
loss of control, and on the right side are the consequences ditions, these in turn have a deeper Basic Cause, which is
or undesired outcomes (e.g., injury, explosion, etc.). In categorized as due to a Personal factor or a Job/System Fac-
between the threats and the top event are prevention bar- tor. These basic causes lead to the management system lack
riers (or safeguards/ controls), and similarly on the other side of control areas which may be in need of corrective action.
are mitigation barriers (or safeguards/controls). Not shown The corrective action type will depend on whether the lack

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs December 2015 329

- - - - - -- ----
Figure 2. Bow tie diagram elements.

Lack of Basic Immediate

Incident Loss
Control Causes Causes ~
~ ~
~ Penonal
Ftetors ~ Subtllncllfd
AdalPtactlcios ~ Event Unlnlended
• Syattm Ot
• Standatdl
• ComJ)Manco ~ Job/System
Factors ~
Conclillont ~ Damage

Figure 3. Loss causation model. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.

of control is due to an inadequate system, inadequate standards immediate or basic cause, in fact most incidents have multi-
within the system, or poor compliance to those standards. ple immediate and basic causes. These lists have been the
The aim of SCAT is that it can be applied to all incidents subject of careful revision over the years and the current list
or near-miss events by supervisors, who have some training (SCAT 8:PSM) is considered effective to due to the large
in investigation, but who are not specialists. To aid them in numbers of SCAT and ISRS users (and tens of thousands of
the correct categorization of immediate and basic causes, the applications), the feedback received, and the updates
SCAT system has predefined categories of substandard acts implemented.
and conditions, and similarly for personal and job factors. The lack of control categories should match the facility
Supervisors, after collecting all needed evidence (interviews, safety management system. If this is the risk-based Interna-
documents, photographs, etc.) would refer to these lists to tional Safety Management System (ISRS v8 [5]) then this has
most closely match the incident immediate and basic causes 15 elements, if it is based on the CCPS Risk Based Process
to the available categories. The current SCAT (version 8) has Safety [4] then this will have 20 elements.
immediate cause categories with 28 substandard acts and 21
substandard conditions, some examples are shown in Table BSCAT METHOD
2. Accidents can be converted from a traditional description
., The list of basic causes is longer and to make this man-
ageable these are divided into main categories and subcate-
or storyboard diagram into a bow tie pathway showing the
barriers that were degraded or failed. This pathway can be
gories. There are 8 personal factors and 10 job/system in the form of a bow tie diagram with a single top event in
factors, and each of these has around 8-20 subcategories, the center and barriers on either side, or as a sequence of
giving a total of over 200 subcategories. A sampling of these intermediate events with barriers around these. The
is provided in Table 3. sequence can be initiated by a single failure (e.g., dropped
The purpose of these lists of categories is to help the user object) or by multiple failures (e.g., corrosion and excess
define correctly the immediate and basic causes. Without pressure). Similarly, there can be one or more consequences
such a list, it might be possible to confuse causes and assign (e.g., safety, environment, asset damage, etc.). An advantage
a basic cause as an immediate cause, or to list two immedi- of the bow tie diagram format is that the incident analysis
ate causes as the immediate and basic cause combination. can link directly back to the facility risk assessment
This would not point correctly toward the lack of control diagrams.
issue and a faulty corrective action might be developed. The BSCAT methodology follows the CCPS [2] approach
When assigning categories there is no restriction to a single in terms of collecting evidence (physical/positional,

330 December 2015 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)
Table 2. Examples of SCAT list of immediate causes

Substandard Acts Substandard Conditions

Operating equipment without authority Inadequate or improper protective equipment
Failure to warn/secure Failure to reach business goals and/or objectives
Making safety devices inoperative Presence of fire and/or explosion hazards
Using defective equipment Inadequate information data/indieators
Improper operation of equipment Inadequate preparation/planning
Improper employee/management behavior Inadequate support/assistance/resources
Being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs Inadequate EQSH system
Etc. Etc.

Table 3. Examples of SCAT list of basic causes (categories with subcategories).

Personal Factors Job/System Factors

Inadequate Physical/Physiological Capability Inadequate Leadership and/or Supervision
Inappropriate height, weight, size, strength, etc. Unclear or conflicting reporting relationships
Restricted range of body movements Lack of supervisory/management job knowledge
Substance sensitivities Improper or insufficient delegation
Inadequate Mental/Psychological Capability Inadequate Maintenance Inspection and Controls
Fears and phobias Inadequate inspections
Mental illness/ emotional disturbance Part substitution
Intelligence level Etc.

photographs/video, witness statements, paper records, and weather which eventually found an ignition source and
electronic data) and organizing this with the aid of a timeline caused a series of explosions and resulting fires, involving 20
or storyboard. This collates multiple different sources and large storage tanks. Analysis of damage and later experi-
helps resolve conflicts in evidence. The new part involves ments at the DNV GL Spadeadam test site showed this was
reviewing the existing bow ties and selecting the bow tie probably a DDT event-Deflagration to Detonation Transi-
most closely matching the actual incident and selecting among tion. There were no fatalities in the adjacent business park as
the threat and consequence arms for those relevant to the the event occurred on a Sunday morning; however, there
incident, other arms can be neglected (e.g., in an event was significant prope1ty damage and environmental impact.
caused by a dropped object leading only to asset damage, The HSE report allowed a series of intermediate or key
other causes such as corrosion or process disturbance and events to be determined. These events are points at which
environmental or safety consequences may be neglected). the potential for an incident either increased or decreased,
The BSCAT approach combines the incident bow tie with that is, control was lost or regained. The key events help
the SCAT analysis. Each barrier failure is treated as an inci- prompt for barriers that were, could, or should have been in
dent and a SCAT analysis is applied, no change is needed to place. It is possible for different analysts to choose different
the SCAT categories. The difference between a traditional sets of key events, but the barrier failures all need to be
SCAT and BSCAT is shown in Figure 4. It might be assumed mapped and well selected events help identify all these. For
from this figure that BSCAT requires significantly more effort Buncefield, DNV GL has identified the following key events:
than SCAT, but this is not the case. All the barriers that failed
and are analyzed in BSCAT need to be identified and • Filling the Tank with Gasoline (the threat)-Note this is a
assessed in SCAT as well, but now there is no barrier count threat as it will lead to the top event if control is lost.
to guide how deep the analysis should proceed. Using the • Bulk Storage of Gasoline/Overfill, spill and formation of
barrier model, all the barrier failures must be developed. vapor cloud (top event).
• Ignited Release causing Explosion and Fire (the conseql1ence).
WORKED EXAMPLE-BUNCEFIELD INCIDENT These key events relate directly to the Cause, Top Event
The Buncefield incident provides a good example show- and Consequence of an incident bow tie pathway. Since
ing application of the BSCAT methodology and uses an inci- there were no preexisting bow ties, the incident bow tie had
dent that is well known publicly. The incident has been well to be created from first principles. It can be useful to choose
investigated and the HSE [10] published a summary report several intermediate key events as this encourages deeper
with their overall assessment as to causes, which were seen thinking about the incident and associated barriers. It is also
to be due to a series of "broader management system fail- recommended that possible barriers that could have been in
ings." The authors have used this report exclusively as the place according to legislation, company standards and/or
source of information for this BSCAT worked example. international best practices etc. should be mapped, even if
The Buncefield Oil Storage Depot explosion and fires not present, but they would be shown as "missing" barriers.
occurred on December 11, 2005 at an oil storage facility Once added to the diagram, the barriers can then be clas-
located just north of London. A storage tank was overfilled sified as one of the following types: present and operational
with unleaded gasoline, which escaped over the rim of the (i.e., worked as designed), missing, failed, or low reliability
tank, causing the loss of about 300 tonnes of fuel. The (while this is not truly a state, it is a useful category wherejt
splashing to ground formed a massive vapor cloud in still is unclear if the barrier actually did work or not and · thus

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs December 2015 331
Traditional SCAT BSCAT Method

Prevention Con1rots Mttlpdon Controls


Type of Event - Common to all


Rtcoilc•*l U ll' I 11
,,.... .,.._
AI co llllftWt61d ~-
ActioM to....,_

Figure 4. Comparison of SCAT and BSCAT approach.

Part a)

c c c c Bulk storage of ....
GHoNne /
FIDlng ofT•nk ~ ~ ~ i=I Overfill, aplll and

l Automatic Tank Inst•btlon

Padlock (LcKked Open)
NqulNd to •RAUN
Independent High
fonnatlon of
v•pour cloud.
Gauging Sytltem lndructkln• Level Switch (IHLV)

Part b)

Bulk storage of
Gasoline I Ignited Release
Overfill, spill and causing Explosion
formation of
vapour cloud. Tank Dike - Secondary Emetgency Response
Ignition Control
containment Procedures

Figure 5. Key events and barriers summary.

prevents an accurate classification). For the Buncefield inci- in Figure 5 (automatic tank gauging system), the top two
dent, Figure 5 shows an extract of key events and barriers, boxes are the immediate cause and its category (here IC21:
only half the barriers are shown to aid clarity, with the left defective equipment), the next two are the basic cause and
and right segments shown vertically to improve readability. its category (BC13: inadequate maintenance/inspection), and
All barriers have been assumed to have failed (shown as bro- the bottom two are the finding or recommendation and the
ken bars). safety management system category (MSFl0.3: execution of
The next stage in the BSCAT analysis is to complete the maintenance).
SCAT (or root cause analysis) for each of the barriers, and Figure 6 also shows two display formats: the BSCAT
this is shown in Figure 6. The SCA:r d ,1elopment app ar as results in full and partial modes. In full mode (Part a) the
text boxes b neath each barrier. R ferring to the first barrier free text description and associated SCAT categories are

332 December 2015 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)
Part a)

Bulk Storage of
Gasoline I
~ ~ r='.'.'! overfill, •pill and
formation of
Padlock (Locked Open) vapour cloud.
Automatic Tank Installation Independent High
required to ensure
Gauging System Instructions Level switch (IHLV)

Gouge Drum become Switc/1 supplier did Padlock 11ot installed

stuck 011d did 11ot not indicate need for as per instruction.
indicate the rising padlock 011 switch to
IC17 Failure to
level. the installer.
Follow Procedure I
IC21 Oefccllve IC2 Failure to Instruction
Tool/Equipment Inform/Warn Lack of
Toleration of Tl1ere was understanding of
repeated gauge insufficient padlock safety
faUure. information transfer fu1Jction.
as to criticality of
BC13 Inadequate BC5 Lack of
padlock. Knowledge
ti on BC18.6 Inadequate Provide
Identify ond ensure transfer of understanding of all
relloblllty of safety information with lHLVsafety
critical equipment suppliers/ contractor functions.
s/third parties
MSF10.3 Execution MSF9 RISK
of Maintenance Information transfer CONTROL
and training
require1nents for
new equipment
should be

Part b)

Bulk Storage of
Gasoline I Ignited Release
overfill, spill and ~ ~ ~ Causing Explosion
formation of
vapour cloud. Tank Dike - Secondary Emergency Response
Containment Ignition Control Procedures

. /
V/Jpor cloud created Vapor cloud wa s Multiple tank and
by spill over wind Ignited onslte In dike fires occur with
girder. ne11rbv utllltv very large volumes
buildlng. of polluting
Vapor cloud not firewater run-off.
antic/(Jltled by P/IA/UAZDP OIO not
design team and antidpate D large Emergency
PHA / HAZOP, and vapor cloud and the arrangements and
hence major hazard potenrial for Ignition procedures were not
risk of overspill. of drlfring adequate to deaf
flammable clouds. with worst case
Better aw11reness of scenario event
major hazard A determination of CiJusing escalation.
potent/11111nd need potential vapor
for prevention. cloud e vents Is Emergency response
needed so th11t t/leir orrangements need
l1azards can be to be improved to
properly assessed. oddress the
T/1e potential for o potent/al for
detonation event explosion and tonk
needs to be fire escalation.
considered If dense
vegetation Is ne11rby.

Figure 6. BSCAT analysis for Buncefield incident.

displayed and in partial display mode (Part b) only the free gram is simpler to read and would be the normal format of
text description is displayed. The full display mode is nor- presentation.
mally only used by the analyst, to ensure that the free text is
correctly categorized as a valid immediate or basic cause and CONCLUSIONS
to collect statistics as to longer term trends of causes. Neither The BSCAT method was developed to update the well-
of these is directly important to readers of the investigation established SCAT method by addressing the barrier theory of
and by removing these, Part b) in the figure, the BSCAT dia- accident causation. It provides a transparent linkage to the

Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs December 2015 333
risk management system and to modern risk-based manage- failure. This enhances communication and allows the facility
ment systems, and compared to other investigation systems it risk assessment to be reinforced with every investigation.
has a good balance between level of detail and formal strnc- Faulty risk assessments will be quickly identified and recti-
ture. Its simplicity and use of checklist categories and if they fied, without waiting for a five year revision requirement.
exist, the use of preconstructed bow tie risk diagrams help
both experienced analysts and supervisors to apply the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
method to all incidents or near miss events. This allows Images in this article were created in IncidentXP Software
every incident to identify not only the management system from CGE Risk, Leidshendam, The Netherlands.
root causes, but also to document which safety barriers failed
or were degraded, and also importantly those which
A feature of bow ties is that many barriers repeat between 1. F. Bird, G. Germain, and D. Clark, Practical Loss Control
different bow ties and even different arms of the same bow Leadership, 3rd Edition, DNV GL, Atlanta, 2003.
tie. For example, if on one incident bow tie the cause is 2. CCPS, Guidelines for Investigating Chemical Process Acci-
related to failure to calibrate inspection equipment, then that dents, 2nd Edition, Wiley/AIChE, New York, 2003.
same barrier in otherwise unrelated bow ties would also be 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Process
suspect. This is not a definitive failed state, but a useful Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Reg-
warning that the second barrier might be degraded. Software ulation, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119, 1992.
can automatically detect and communicate such common 4. CCPS, Risk Based Process Safety, Wiley/AIChE, New
failures and display these on all the bow ties where that bar- York, 2007.
rier appears, it does not require active intervention or insight 5. DNV GL, International Safety Rating System (ISRS 8th
by a safety specialist. Thus over time, owners of bow ties Edition), Manchester, UK, 2012.
will see many of the barriers overlaid with failure events 6. C. Zuijderduijn, Risk management by Shell refinery/
(often from other bow ties and other incidents). This is a vis- chemicals at Pernis, The Netherlands, In: EU Safety Con-
ual indication of robustness of the barrier system against ference: Implementation of the Seveso II Directive, Ath-
each threat and a powerful lessons learned feature. ens, 2000.
The authors have applied the BSCAT method on multiple 7. UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology,
occasions and generally have found it aids in communication Managing Human Error, Report 156, London, 2001.
of the final results as recommendations are directly linked to 8. R. Pitblado and P. Weijand, Barrier diagram (bow tie)
barrier failures. A paper [11] was presented comparing quality issues for operating managers, Process Safety Pro-
BSCAT analysis of an incident to a Chemical Safety Board gress 33 (2014), 355-361.
investigation. The authors concluded that the recommenda- 9. CGE Risk, Bow Tie XP Software Manual, Leidschendam,
tions for improvement were more tightly linked to specific The Netherlands, 2010.
barrier failures. It tends to reduce good practice recommen- 10. Health and Safety Executive, Buncefield: Why did it happen?
dations, not directly related to the incident causation, which Available at
can sometimes confuse investigations. These are better cap- cefield-report.pdf, Accessed on November 25, 2014.
tured as additional findings. 11. R. Pitblado, M. Fisher, and A.J. Benavides, Linking inci-
The visual nature of the result merges some features of an dent investigation to risk assessment, In: Mary Kay
extended storyboard diagram (extended as BSCAT shows O'Connor Process Safety Conference, College Station,
causal links between failures) with the root cause of each October 2011.

334 December 2015 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.34, No.4)

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