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A message from your headteacher Mr Chips

It is now autumn, the season of mellow fruitfulness, and the season that marks the start of
the new school year. You are sitting here reading this in your new uniform with your
new pens, calculators, exercise books, etc. and wondering what the new school year holds
for you.

There will be new teachers to meet, and maybe new students. The start of the school year
provides an opportunity to start afresh. In some ways it is just like New Year when you
make resolutions and break them a few days later.

Promises are made to yourself and to others about improving punctuality, attendance,
your handwriting, your attention in class. and so on.

Ask any older person and they will tell you that your school years are the best years of
your life. They may not seem so with the prospect of more lessons, homework, tests,
assignments, and so on. You need to enjoy your school work and the companionship of
your friends, and hopefully reach the end of the year with a sense of achievement that you
have actually tried as hard as you possibly could.

I wish you all the best for the following year.

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