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EDUSCAPECARIBBEAN.COM an ocean of opportunity whatsapp text 770 2222 SEA 2020 SPECIAL (COVID-19) EDITION PRACTICE TESTS TEST 1 STUDENT: SCHOOL: TEACHER: CLASS: CREATIVE WRITING MATHEMATICS MARK LANGUAGE ARTS MARK GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1. This test is divided into three parts: Creative Writing, Mathematics and Language Arts. 2. Each part above is to be done separately. 3. Make sure that you understand the directions for each section before you begin to work. 4. Do not begin the test until you are told to do so. DIRECTIONS FOR CREATIVE WRITING This test has ONE section. Select one topic and complete your writing based on it Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing. ‘You have 50 minutes to complete your writing. DIRECTIONS FOR MATHEMATICS. ‘You are NOT allowed to use calculators. This test has THREE sections and a total of 45 test items. Section I has 20 items (Questions 1-20). Section II has 20 items (Questions 21-40). Section III has 5 items (Questions 41-45). ‘You have 75 minutes to answer ALL questions. DIRECTIONS FOR LANGUAGE ARTS ‘This test has TWO sections and a total of 43 test items. Section I - Spelling/ Punctuation/ Grammar Skills has 18 questions (Questions 1-18). Section II - Reading Comprehension has 25 questions (Questions 19-43). ‘You have 75 minutes to answer ALL questions. Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing your answers. All rights reserved. No part of this resource may be reproduced without written permission of Eduscape Caribbean. These rights have been waived ‘for our nation's teachers using online methods to reach our students. CREATIVE WRITING Select one topic and complete your writing based on it. 1. You had been preparing for the SEA when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, All schools were locked down and the SEA did not take place as scheduled. Write a report to your class teacher about your time during the lock-down period. Include details about your learning strategies, support from your parents, the quality of television content providers and if what you did was different to (better or worse) in-school learning guided by your teacher. : 2. Your class went on a field trip to a place of interest that you were learning about in a subject area at school. Write a report to your school principal about the visit. You may include details of where you visited, two main activities that related to your learning at school and how the experience benefitted the project that you had completed at school afier the field trip. One day while you were home alone, you casually watched through your bedroom window. You witnessed an intruder enter the home of your neighbour and saw him or her break in through a door or window. You called the police who responded and held the intruder while he or she was inside. Write a report to the senior police officer and include details of who you saw enter the compound, how the person acted and how he or she broke in. Also include the details of the response time and actions of the police you saw from your window You may plan your writing here. aIpUINSPCIIP TINE tunemnarisesemendnaenerenrneeraarrrracercmarreneamemmemmmmmmmmmmmmmemmrenerad EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 1 MATHEMATICS | Section I 1. | Calculate: Answer 2. | Write the number 126 305 in words: Answer Answer Ata restaurant, 5 chairs are placed around each table. How many chairs are needed for 14 tables? 4. | Write 3.55 to the nearest tenth. Answer 5. | Arrange the fractions below in descending order. wt ein at Answer 7 > EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test I Page 2 Donuts are sold in a box of 16. Joe and his friends bought a box and ate 2 of them, How many donuts were eaten’? Answer 7. | The length of board below is painted in five different colours. 20% 35% X% xX% X% orange yellow blue red green ‘What percent of the board is painted green? Answer __ as Ata book store, Akil gets 20% off the novel shown. By how ‘much was the novel reduced? $42.00 Answer 9. | A length of wire measures 640 centimetres. How long is the wire in metres? Answer EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 3 10. | A child empties her piggy bank and counts fifteen 25¢ coins. How much money, in dollars and cents, is this? i. Som 120m A hummingbird flits from flower to flower on a plant to Sem form the shape here. The perimeter of the shape is a 60cm. What is the length of side G? 15em| Answer 12. | A store buys a book bag and then sells it to make a profit of $12.75. If the store sells the bag for $40.00, how much did the store pay for the book bag? Answer 13. Kasey began reading at the time shown on the clock. She spent 25 minutes reading. Draw in the new location of the minute hand only on the clock. 14, | Asif has a job interview at 10:45 a.m. He arrives half of an hour earlier. At what time did Asif arrive for his interview? Answer Cee ne UEEEEEIEEENEEENNGaaraameramemeeeaaeaaa Tre EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test I Page 4 15. | A set of six Trinidad and Tobago coins has been collected. The total value of them is just greater than a dollar. Draw in the missing coin of least possible value. OOOE | 16. How many lines of symmetry does this shape have? Ase yer Mtl poe eeengee ve 17. The diagram shows a triangular based pyramid, What is the sum of its vertices and edges? Answer 18. | Which of the following shapes is a trapezium? Answer Test I Page 5 EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 202 19. | The graph below shows the number of passengers leaving a bus stop at 11:00 am, during a week. g & : z Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri | Oo= 14 passengers How many fewer passengers left the bus stop on Wednesday than Tuesday? Answer 20. | The chart below shows the nationality of persons playing mas in a Camival band. 120 North America 100 + 80 + 60 5 40 4 20 4 o4 Local Unknown Other Countries ‘What is the modal type of nationality? Answer Ce aEEEEENaneE EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 6 Section II 21, Avroad is Lkm long. A village is situated along } km while a farm occupies the next 2 km of the road. The remaining length of the road is forested. What fraction of the road is forested? Answer (2 marks) 2. Table tennis balls are either white or orange. At a club, there are twice as many orange balls as there are white. If there are 36 white balls, how many table tennis balls are there altogether? Answer. (2 marks) Study the pattern of the numbers below. Write in the two missing numbers below, 256 | a |196 |169 | b | 121 | 100 Answer (2 marks) Ss EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test I Page 7 24, During his career, Keith wrote 800 news articles. 70% of them were published in the newspaper and the remaining ones were available on the internet. The internet articles were written in sets of 12 articles. Each set of articles took 28 days to write. Calculate the total number of days for writing all the internet articles. (2 marks) 25. | There are 36 street lights that line Miguel Street from beginning to end. The first 3 street lights, work but the next one does not. This pattern repeats itself throughout the entire street. How many street lights are working on Miguel Street? Answer ic (2 marks) 26. | Farrah bought some muffins for a party. Of them, 2 were blueberry. She also realised that of the other muffins had nuts in them. If'28 of the muffins had nuts in them, calculate how many muffins Farrah bought. Answer ———————— ———————— (GB marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 8 27; Dora had $600.00 in her bank account. She spent $240.00 on a science kit and $85.00 on a blouse. I'she saved $25.00 each week, how many weeks will it be before her account balance is $600.00 again? Answer (3 marks) 28. Sita is 12 years old. Lila is 3 years older than Sita and 5 years older than Simon. Simon is twice as old as Kelvin. How old is Kelvin? Answer (3 marks) 29. Nigel and Nicolas bought some fruits shown below. Nigel Nicolas 3999 000000 4. a Total cost = $26.00 Total cost = $29.00 ‘What will be the cost of 20 apples and 6 kilograms of bananas? Answer B marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Page 9 30. | A bank loans a customer $2 400.00 at 3% for 4 years. The total amount was repaid in equal monthly instalments, After 2 years, $1 344.00 was repaid. How much was paid for each monthly instalment? (3 marks) 31. ‘The diagram shows the needle that reads the remaining, quantity of oxygen on a scuba diver’s tank. After a first dive, the needle moved from the full position to position 9 in the direction shown, After a second dive, the needle ‘moved from position 9 through a further half turn. What fraction of a full tum did the needle move after both dives? Answer (2 marks) 32. 6: litres of homemade ice cream is prepared for a family get-together. ‘The ice cream is put into servings of 325ml. How many 325ml servings of ice cream can be made from all the ice cream? 325 ml Answer (2 marks) Eduscape’ ian for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 10 ‘aribbean. Examination for prepar 33. Three friends weigh themselves. Varuna is 19.8 kilograms. Tenika is 1640 grams lighter than Varuna, Rehanna is 2900 grams heavier than Tenika. What is their total weight, in kilograms? Answer (marks) 34, | $75. is shared among 3 winners. The first-place winner gets $5. more than the second-place winner. The second-place winner gets $5. more than the third-place winner. How much does the first-place winner get? Answer G marks) 35. | Observe the diagram below. (@) Name the shape made up of the solid lines. Answer __ (1 mark) (b) Which lettered angle is exactly 90 degrees? Answer (1 mark) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 11 36. | A child uses similar coins to make the patterns shown below. Draw the 4" and 6" patterns. Ist 2nd 3rd. 4th Sth 6th Q0000 ° | 88 | 888 BeeRa 000 Q0000 00000 (2 marks) 37. (@) Complete the diagram for the faces of this solid. A (2 marks) (b) Name the solid shape formed from the faces you drew. Answer (1 mark) —— EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020. Test 1 Page 12 38. | The pictograph shows the favourite colours of 38 students. Colours ‘Students ra | We ve Yellow w Bhe | Hee Bown | WY ‘Complete the table below, using the information from the pictograph. Colours ‘Students Red 16 Yellow Blue Brown (2 marks) — eee EduscapeCaribbean, Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 13, -apel ra 39. | The diagram below shows an incomplete shape ABC with a line of symmetry SY. s (a) Complete the drawing on the grid. B (2 marks) A (b) How many angles similar to A are there on the complete shape? Cc answer ities e Gmark) 30 25 20 40, | The graph shows a craftswoman’s sales of necklaces at the beach for a week. Mon Tue Wed he offers her necklaces at a discounted price on Sunday and Monday. From the information on the graph, do you agree or disagree? Give a reason or reasons for your answer. Thu Fri Sat Sun Answer ss so aoe ore z G marks) Dinnope Caribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test] Page 14 Section IIL 41. | There are 450 mangoes and oranges in a fruit stall. There are twice as many mangoes as there are oranges. (a) 2 of the oranges are green and the others are ripe. How many oranges are ripe? Answer (2 marks) (b) A box can hold 15 mangoes. How many boxes are needed to pack all the mangoes? Answer (2 marks) 42. | The block below is made up of smaller cubes (not drawn to scale). 20em 30cm 30cm (a) How many smaller cubes make up the block? Answer (1 mark) (b) Caleulate the volume of the cubes needed to increase the height of the block by one complete level. Answer (3 marks) EduseapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 15 Diagram I Diagram I Diagram IL ‘The sides of triangle ABC are equal in length. The perimeter of the triangle ABC is 24om. Triangle ABC is folded exactly and cut along the fold into two equal triangles (Diagram II). The two triangles are then combined to make the rectangle (Diagram IIl). What is the perimeter of the rectangle? Answer (4 marks) Test 1 Page 16 ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA Tia drew 3 similar triangles shown below. Each triangle has three equal sides. Tia adds 3 more similar triangles to the shape to form a regular six-sided polygon (a) Draw in the other 3 triangles to complete her shape. G marks) (b) Name the polygon that Tia drew. Answer (1 mark) “A 2020, Test 1 Page 17 45. | The points scored by a netball team are shown on the incomplete table below. Game | 1 2 3 4 5 Points| 33 | 42 | 47 | 42 (a) The total number of points scored for the five games was 215. How many points were scored for Game 5? Answer (2 marks) (b) The mean score after a 6 game was 43. How many points were scored in Game 6? Answer (2 marks) _———— ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 18 LANGUAGE ARTS Section 1 Spelling ‘There is ONE mis-spelt word in cach line of the passage below. TASK 1 Circle the incorrect word and write its correct spelling in the box provided for each line. A jorney to the wonderful Maracas Bay is surely a very thriling experience. The road climbs and dips through the ever ondulating mountain terrain along the cenic northern coastline. The glorious sunshine radaiates through the very evergreen forest canopy and the refreashing sea breezes caress all our faces. ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 5. | 12 marks Page 19 Punctuation and Capitalisation | “There is either one punctuation mark or capital letter that is TASK 2 | missing in exch line of the passage below. Insert the punctuation mark correctly or the capital letter above the | ‘common letter it replaces for each line. | Most apartment buildings are multi storey housing structures. On each floor of the building complex mmeny separate units exist Ts there ony advantage [eeaa) to you living in one of these apartment buildings cE _] Well, theyre more cost effective and usually built nearer to places of work schools and recreation. = Test 1 Page 20 TneupeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA Section 2 Reading Comprehension TASK 4 Read the passage below and answer questions 19 to 28. Factual Passage Exactly what is a “smartphone”? Simply, it is a cell phone that can do more than send or receive telephone calls. Modem cellular phones are computers and advances in technology provide the ability to combine features of several devices into one device, for example, a phone with a built-in camera. But what really makes a smartphone 5 “smart” is its ability to connect to the internet, With such a phone, a user can browse the internet; or receive, check and send messages; including emails without having to use a standard “computer”. These phones support wireless communications technology. ‘The first smartphones went on sale in 1994 but the ones twenty-five years later are far more complex. They feature touch screen, camera, music players, voice recorder, 10. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth technology and Quick Response (QR) Code capability. Wi-Fi allows a cell phone to make a wireless connection to the internet while Bluetooth makes a wireless connection between two mobile devices. Smartphones of today require an advanced mobile operating system (OS) to function. Common OS include Android and ios. 15 Smartphones outsell other types of cell phones today. In fact, in the very near future it may be the only type available because of necessity or availability. And in this way, cell phones that are not smartphones will become as obsolete as black and white television sets or typewriters. Research shows that apart from receiving and sending telephone calls, these devices are most popularly used for communicating on social 20. networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp; for capturing, storing and sending digital photographs; and for shopping online. One danger already widespread is the user’s use of a smartphone while doing other activities. Accidents leading to serious injuries and deaths have occurred and are increasing. Drivers have caused major road accidents from texting while driving, 25 checking messages, gaming and even referring to maps. Today, the numbers of “smombies” (smartphone zombies) worldwide is increasing. Persons have also become addicted to the use of smartphones to the point where they cannot do without them. Pedestrian users have been struck by vehicles while walking and using their smartphones without due care. —— EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 22 Questions: Task 4 Passage 19, What is a “smartphone” and what makes a smartphone “smart”? (2marks) 20. What are two popular reasons for owning a smartphone? (2 marks) @_ s mes Gi) ao eatin 21. Write one word used in the passage to mean- (2 marks) (i) improvements i) outdated 22. Write the sentence from the passage that best tells us that technology is improving much faster than ever before. (2 marks) 23. Select an idea from the passage that seems most unbelievable and say why you think so about it. (2 marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 23 24, Provide a heading for these: Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp. (2 marks) My Heading is: 25, What is the main reason for the writer including paragraph 4 (lines 22-29)? (2 marks) 26. Explain in your own words what the sentence “Smartphones outsell other types of cell phones” (line 15) means. (2 marks) 27. Comment on the use of the term “smombies” (line 25). (2 marks) 28. From your understanding, are social networks such as Facebook ot WhatsApp good or bad? Explain your answer. (2 marks) 20 marks Test 1 Page 24 ibbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA TASKS Read the poem below and answer questions 29 to 38. Poetry The Ballad o Rum A dog wandered into our garden one day, A friendly old mutt, didn’t look like a stray. We never discovered whence he had come, We brushed him, we fed him and the kids called him Rum, 5 Bright eyed and watchful by night and by day, But not much of a guard dog, I’m sorry to say. He barked at the cats and he'd bark at a toad, He barked at the cattle outside on the road, He barked at the horses- so where did he fail? 10 You see, Rum liked people, and he just wagged his tail, Then one night when Rum was laid at his ease, A burglar crept in just as quiet as you please. He saw no alarms, heard no siren howling, No guard dog for sure, there’d be barking and growling. 15 But Rum was awake and he’d seen him alright, Delighted with company this time of the night, He flew through the yard, his new friend to greet, And his weight bowied the burglar right off of his feet. The intruder got up and ran off with a wail 20 With Rum right behind him still wagging his tail. But Rum couldn’t jump gates, so sadly instead He picked up the thief’s wallet and went back to bed. Next morning the evidence everyone viewed, When Rum brought it to us, just a little bit chewed. 25 Once given the wallet, the police didn’t fail To capture the burglar and put him in jail. His confession like wildfire spread through the town, How a big vicious guard dog had knocked the thief down. We all howled with laughter when we heard the story, 30 And Rum was our hero, he was basking in glory. (adapted) Peter Wolveridge Laan ree EREEER ENSUES TRIER EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 25 Questions: Task 5 Poem 29, What are two facts mentioned about Rum? @ (2 marks) Gi) 30. Write two words from stanza 1 that tells the dog was not the poet’s. @ Gi) 31. Suggest two reasons why Rum went to the poet’s home. aa (2 marks) (2 marks) i). 32. Suggest two reasons why Rum decided to stay there. @ (2 marks) Gi) = 33. Write two lines used after line 10 of the poem that best show Rum’s trusting nature. @ = Gi) a "EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 (2 marks) Page 26 34. Write two lines that indicate that Rum is a big dog. (2 marks) @ _ - Gi) 35. Explain why the poet's family “howled with laughter” (Line 29)? (2 marks) 36. Do you like the main character of the poem? Explain why. (2 marks) 37. Suggest two emotions experienced by the thief that night. (2 marks) @ Gi). 38. Name and write out one language device that is used in line 30. (2 marks) Name of device: Example of device used: __ [P=] EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 27 TASK 6 Graphic Text Read the poem below and answer questions 39 to 43. sound, safe secure software, every time rribbean, Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test I Page 28 Questions: Task 6 Graphic Text 39. What is the title of the poster and who is responsible for it? (2 marks) Title: i Who is responsible: seat 40. Is the title used for the poster suitable? Explain your answer. (2 marks) 41. List two concens highlighted in the poster. (2 marks) o= Gi) a 42. Suggest two major driver errors that may be reduced by driverless cars, (2 marks) @_ - Gi) 43. Why might the facts and figures presented be different for local drivers? (2 marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 1 Page 29 Eduscape Caribbean is a registered education company in Trinidad & Tobago. Our primary goal is to bring high quality education resources at extremely competitive prices to our students, parents and teachers. This 12 Practice Test (COVID-19) Edition (with separate Answer Keys included) is intended to provide much needed assistance to students awaiting their 2020 SEA examination. It is brought to you at a time when there is litle else available. This Practice Test Edition is written by a team of highly qualified teachers and wider education personnel, most with over 30 years of experience in the sphere of education. The content is refreshingly new and adheres fully to SEA curriculum (2019-2023) and its objectives. Please visit our website for further details. The reduced cost of this Practice Test has been made possible by the kind assistance of the following partners- ZREMIUM Sse “A DIFFERENT LEVEL OF PRINTING” RINT & GRAPHIC: Experts in a wide range of: ‘sDIGITAL # OFFSET & WIDE FORMAT PRINTING SHOPLETTE.COM | EDUSCAPE CARIBBEAN.COM || an ocean of opportunity whatsapp text 770 2222

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