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The City School

` Subject:- Islamiat

Levels Topics Weeks

Term I
Major themes of the Quran 1 week
(1 to 5)
Major teachings of Hadith 1 week
(1 to 5)
The history and importance of the Quran 1.5 week
• Characteristic of the Holy Quran
• Features of Makki and Madni Surahs
• The revelation of the Holy Quran from 610 to 632 A.D
The history and importance of Hadith 1.5 weeks
• The history and compilation of Hadith during the life of Prophet (PBUH)
• Types, categories and classification of Hadith
• The methods based on the examination of Sanad and Matan to test the
reliability of the Hadith
• The main Musnad and Musannaf collections
The life and importance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 3 weeks
• Makki life from birth till migration to Madina
• Some of his outstanding qualities
• His example as seal of prophets and last messenger of Allah
• The importance of his action as example for Muslims in their individual and
communal life.
The period of the rule of the rightly guided caliphs as leaders 2 weeks
(Abu Bakar R.A)
• Main events of his reign
• His policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• His approach in leading the community
Class 9 • Main achievements
• Main difficulties encountered by him
• His significance and example of his leadership and importance of his rule as
model for government today.
• His importance as example for Muslim communities in their relations with
other states.
The first Islamic community 1 week
• Ten blessed companions
• (Quick Revision Only as already taught in 8th )
• The scribes of divine revelation
The Articles of Faith 1.5 weeks
• God, including what Muslims believe about Him
• Angels, their duties ad nature
• Books, their content and purpose
The Pillars of Islam 1.5 weeks
• The declaration of faith, Shahadah, including the significance of what it
• Fasting, including the way it is observed, its significance and those
Term II
Major themes of the Quran
1 week
(6 to 10)
Major teachings of Hadith
1 week
(6 to 10)
The history and importance of the Quran
• The account of compilation of the Holy Quran during the reign of the 1 week
Rightly Guided Caliphs
The history and importance of Hadith
• The earliest collections of Hadith
• The main compilers and their activities 1.5 weeks
• The main features of six collections of Sunni and four collection of Shia
The life and importance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
• Main events of Prophet Muhammad’s life in Madina, his leadership of
community and his conflicts with others.
• His actions, character, and behavior towards others and Holy Prophet
(PBUH) as the model of excellence. 3.5 weeks
• The importance of his actions as examples for Muslim individuals in their
personal conduct and relations.
• The importance as example for Muslim communities in their relation with
other states.
The period of the rule of the rightly guided caliphs as leaders
(Umar R.A)
• Main events of his reign
• His policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• His approach in leading the community
• Main achievements 2 weeks
• Main difficulties encountered by him
• His significance and example of his leadership and importance of his rule as
model for government today.
• His importance as example for Muslim communities in their relations with
other states.
The first Islamic community
• The descendants of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
2.5 weeks
• The wives of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
• Emigrants and Helper
The Articles of Faith
• Belief in Prophets and its significance
1.5 weeks
• God’s predestination and decree and its significance
• Resurrection and the Last day and its significance
The Pillars of Islam
• Prayer 2 weeks
• Impurities and purification
Term I
Major themes of the Quran
1.5 week
(11 to 15)
Major teachings of Hadith
1.5 week
(11 to 15)
The history and importance of the Quran
• Major themes of the Holy Quran as contained both in passages set for
special study and importance of their themes in a Muslim’s life today.
1.5 weeks
• The use of the Quran in legal thinking and its relationship with Sunnah,
Ijma and Qiyas.
• Its significance as basis of thought in Islam.
Class 10 The history and importance of Hadith
• Major themes of the Hadith as contained both in passages set for special
study and other passages as well as importance of their themes in a
Muslim’s life today. 2 weeks
• Their use in legal thinking and their relationship with the Quran the Quran,
Ijma and Qiyas.
• Their significance in thought and action in Islam
The period of the rule of the rightly guided caliphs as leaders
(Usman R.A)
• Main events of his reign
• His policies in maintaining and expanding the state 2 weeks
• His approach in leading the community
• Main achievements
• Main difficulties encountered by him
• His significance and example of his leadership and importance of his rule
as model for government today.
• His importance as example for Muslim communities in their relations with
other states.
The first Islamic community
• The direct line recognized among Shia Muslims as Imams.
2 weeks
• Prophet’s (PBUH) leading companions who surrounded him in his
The Pillars of Islam
• Zakat its performance and significance 1.5 week

Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Revision) 2 weeks

Term II
Major themes of Hadith
(16 to 20) 1.5 weeks

The period of the rule of the rightly guided caliphs as leaders

(Ali R.A)
• Main events of his reign
• His policies in maintaining and expanding the state
• His approach in leading the community
• Main achievements 2.5 weeks
• Main difficulties encountered by him
• His significance and example of his leadership and importance of his rule
as model for government today.
• His importance as example for Muslim communities in their relations with
other states.
The Articles of Faith
Jihad, its meanings range and types etc. 1 week

The Pillars of Islam

• Importance of Hajj for individual and community
• The way to perform Umrah 2.5 weeks
• The way to perform Hajj
• Importance of the places and rituals of Hajj
Reinforcement of the first two rightly guided caliphs
• Election of Abu Bakr (ra) as caliph
• Main services of his rule
• Main problems he faced during his rule period.
• Election of Hazrat Umar (ra) as caliph 2 weeks
• His administration
• His conquests
• Class test from the whole section

Reinforcement of the history of the Quran and Hadith

• The modes of revelation of the Quran
• Preservation of the Quran
• Compilation of the Quran during the period of caliphs
2 weeks
• Preservation of Hadith during the Prophet’s (saw) life
• Its compilation in the later years
• Class test from the two sections

Pre-Mock Exams
1 week

Revision of whole syllabus

• Thorough revision of the topics taught
1.5 weeks
• Past paper

• Mock examination
• Exam preparation workshop 2 weeks

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