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Ma. Kara Alexir C.

Calamba Great Books | Assessment Task 5

COMM3A Mrs. Joy Chavez

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka | Reflective Essay

Confused, sad and depressed – that’s what I felt upon reading the life and fate of
Gregor Samsa of Metamorphosis. I just can’t imagine myself being in the same situation
as him because he suffered so much. He experienced isolation, inferiority and betrayal in
the novel, which I considered just some of the worst things that could ever happen to
humans. I’m fully aware that it is fictional but the way the characters are described, as
well as their feelings are just so realistic. I can relate in some way, like the alienation –
having no sense of belongingness because I felt different from the others. What makes it
worse about Gregor's situation is that his family turns their back to him. I mean, he
suffered already in his transformation but to be left behind by people who love you the
most was just too much. He died thinking he is worthless and neglected by those people
he valued the most. Gregor’s decision to give up with his life is just an indication that his
family failed him. It was really a tragic ending, since he was the breadwinner of his family
and has sacrificed a lot for them, but it turns out that they cannot do the same thing for

Regarding the situation he got into – I think I once experienced being in a situation
wherein I could not understand and control what was happening in my surroundings. I
personally find it terrifying, but like what Gregor did, I would try my best to cope up with
the situation. However, in every problem, we need company and support from the others.
Looking back in my past, I am thankful that I have a family to rely on during my difficult
times. Indeed, “No man is an island” because we tend to find our value and purpose when
we are with others, especially to people who are important to us.

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