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Define the Company’s Business

Who is being satisfied?

As we all know, the purpose of Qualcomm is to research, design, invent, and manufacture digital
communication products in order to provide quality communications all over the world. To fulfill
their goal, they introduced some business units, such as Qualcomm Technologies Licensing
(QTL), Qualcomm Technologies Inc. (QTI) and Qualcomm CDMA Technologies (QCT). As
they are in semiconductor and technological equipment business, they satisfy customers from
variety of groups. Their major customers are-
• Auto manufacturing industry
• Broadcasting Media and TV industry
• Communications services industry
• Internet Service industry
• Computer Hardware industry etc.
What is being satisfied?
The task of QCT to work with the integrated circuits and system software and other technologies
for data communications and global positioning system items. The purpose of the QTL division
is to grant licenses or permission to use portion of its intellectual property and lastly, the purpose
of QSI division is to invest in early stage companies to provide technological support and to help
to introduce new products in the market.
How customer needs being satisfied?
The Snapdragon designs and manufactures chip-sets and sell them to mobile phone
manufacturers, such as HTC, Motorola, Sharp, LG etc. which is a subsidiary of Qualcomm. They
also introduced tracking device which is used in the automobile industry. They are also
producing processors, satellite phones and also mobile chipset which is used for cellular data
networking. They are also involved in developing operating system and also manufactures
management and diagnostic tools as well

Bata manufactures and sells a wide range of footwear made from leather, canvas,
plastic and rubber. The company sells over 59 mn pairs per year throughout the
country and in overseas markets such as USA, UK, Europe, Middle East, etc. The
company also markets a range of sports shoes, garments and accessories
manufactured by others.
Footwear sales account for more than 97% of the total revenue. Rubber and canvas
footwear contribute 48% of volumes, leather footwear contributes to 30% and plastic
footwear accounts for 22% of volumes. In value terms, leather footwear contributes to
58% to turnover, Rubber and canvas footwear contributes 27%, plastic footwear
accounts for 12% of total turnover. Accessories, garments, etc account for 3% of
turnover. Bata manufactures around 50% of its footwear in its own units, while the rest
is outsourced. from small-scale manufacturers. While all the plastic footwear is
outsourced, in leather company manufactures 63% of the footwear in-house and in
rubber and canvas footwear, 61% is manufactured in-house.

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