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EDUSCAPECARIBBEAN.COM ] || an ocean of opportunity whatsapp text 710 2222 SEA 2020 SPECIAL (COVID-19) EDITION PRACTICE TESTS TEST 4 STUDENT: SCHOOL: TEACHER: CLASS: CREATIVE WRITING MATHEMATICS MARK LANGUAGE ARTS MARK CREATIVE WRITING Select one topic and complete your writing based on it. Include devices of speech, sensory details, emotional content and dialogue to develop your writing, 1. Bach day you are driven to school by your parent, One day there was traffic that risked you being late to school and an early morning SEA practice test. Your parent drove faster to get you there but unfortunately had an accident with another vehicle, No one was severely injured and there was minor damage to both vehicles. Write a story about the events that led to the accident, the accident itself and what happened after. 2, “Honesty is the best policy” is a common saying in your home. Write a story about a time when you did something at home that was wrong or that caused damage to an item. Instead of informing your parents at once, you attempted to keep it a secret. Two days later, the act, was discovered by your parents and they questioned you. Use these ideas to complete a story about that incident and its outcome. End your story with the saying “Honesty is the best policy”. 3. One day you visited your grandparents who live in the countryside. Alera fun filled day and a tasty dinner, you ail sat around a campfire for a story. Your grandparents recounted a story about a local folklore character (one of Papa Bois, Gang Gang Sara, a jinn, Dumfties Baba, ‘a douen, a soucouyant, a saapin, Mama D’leau, a la diablesse or a fairymaid) that a child your age was involved in, Write an account of that story with you as the child who was involved. ‘You may plan your writing here. EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 1 MATHEMATICS Section 1 Time: 75 minutes Write the value in numerals of the underlined digit from the place value chart, Tens of Thousands | Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Ones | tenth | _ hundredth 5 8 9 1 0 9 3 Answer __ 2. | Which number is neither prime nor composite? 15 41 6 21 1 90 Answer 3. | Write = as a mixed number. Answer 4. | 56.4 + 12 = Answer 5. | Write the missing numeral to make the number statement correct. (21 x 100) (21x10 Answer (1x ) EduseapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 2 6. | 9x 28=252 Use these numbers to write another number statement that is also true. Answer 7. | A tree was 5.4m tall 5 years ago. It grew 25cm in height every year. How tall is the tree presently? Arwen tee nassiessaliu,satiset aati 8. | How many times can 8 be taken from 105 and leave a remainder of 9? Answer 9. | Write the total value of the bills and coins shown below. $5.00 $50.00 $100.00 $10.00 ie C) @) Answer Ae 10. | Jamie packed 2703 cupcakes in boxes of 9. How many more cupcakes does she need to fill the next box? Answer rr ee “EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 3 11. | 10 out of 20 is the same as %, Answer 12. | What is the distance in millimetres, between points C and D? Answer 13. | Opening hours for a doctor’s office is shown below. How long is the office open for? Opening Hours 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, 645 pam. to 10:00 p.m, Answer 14, | The volume of the cuboid is 100cm*. What could be the values of X and Y? Answer X = Xem Leen See Xem EduscapeCaribhean, Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 4 15. On the diagram, which two angles are equal? Answer 16. | How many faces does the solid below have? Answer _ 17. | Which flat shape A, B, C or D below has all the properties described in the table. OOD All lines are ‘Sides are equal | There is at least straight in length ‘one 90° angle 4 4 4 “FaluscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 5 18. Mrs. Ramon asked 37 pupils, “Do you like school lunches?” The bar chart shows the results for “Yes” and ‘No’. Complete the bar chart to show the result for ‘Don’t know’. 20 18 16 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 ° Yes No Don’t Know 19. | The table shows daily sales (in thousands of dollars). Calculate the mean daily sales and state your answer fully. Mon. 125 Tue 114 Wed 8 Thu 130 Fi 158 Answer 20. | The tally chart below shows the favourite colours of some students. Colour | Number of students SH me HII ve HHH TL Green TH ‘What colour is the mode? Answer ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 6 Section IT 2. ‘A building is designed in the shape of a star. Thirteen identical banners fit along each side of the star. Each side of the star is equal. Each banner measures 2.3 metres. What is the total distance around the star? ‘Answer a (2 marks) 22. | Martin had $75. He spent $15. on a book. What percentage of his money does he have left? Answer alt (2 marks) 23, | Two friends together have 80 comic books. John had 20 more comic books than Daniel. Daniel then gave 10 of his comic books to John. What fraction of John’s comic books does Daniel now have? Answer (3 marks) 24, + the length of a drape is 450em. The length of a table cloth is $ the length of the drape. ‘What is the total length of the three drapes and a table cloth? Answer (2 marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Page 7 25, | The table shows the times of three boys at a 100 metre race. One boy's time is missing. Each boy set a target of 12 seconds to complete the race. Dave was 0,12 seconds faster than Harry. Which of the four boys was closest to the target they set? Name Time (Seconds) Dave 11.94 Rahul 72.10 Harry 7 Chen 12.05 PAnawor! We iaiisnas rallies (2 marks) 26. | The prices of three different items are shown below. Complete the table below. & @e football basketball tennis ball $165.00 $190.00 $20.25 Item Quantity Total Cost football basketball 2 tennis ball 3 $60.75 $1100.75 (3 marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 8 27. aon ‘What does each of the symbols on the shape mean? Answer G marks) @ Gi) (i) 28. | The teacher asked some pupils in her class a question. The responses of the pupils and comments of the teacher are recorded below. pupil | response teacher’s comment Terri 16=7 +9 incorrect, ‘Akash 16=11+5 correct Marie 16=1+15 incorrect, Hamid 16=3+13 correct al ‘Annette 16=0% 16 incorrect, Write the question that the teacher most likely asked the pupils. Answer (3 marks) 29. | Mrs. Mario made 7 pizzas. She gave her neighbour 33 pizzas. Her three children each atet ofa pizza and she ate 5 . How many pizzas were left at the end? Express your answer as a mixed number. Answer (G marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Exami Page 9 30. The table shows the number of scooters sold for a three-year period. ‘Year ‘Number Sold rd 725 2 579 3 696 In year 4, the store sold 112% of the total numbers of scooters sold for the previous three years combined. Calculate the number of scooters sold in year 4. Answer (G marks) 31. ‘Two straight lines cut the square into four rectangles. The area of one of the rectangles is shown. Calculate the area of the rectangle marked A. Answer (2 marks) iseapeCaribbean. Examination Page 10 32. The ladder beside Edmond is hanging from a metal bar. The last rung is 48cm above the ground. What is Edmond’s height? 48cm, ground Answer _ (2 marks) 33. Figure A is made up of 8 identical squares. Figure B has a perimeter of 120em and consists of 5 identical squares like figure A. Calculate the perimeter of A. Figure A Figure B Answer (3 marks) ‘EduscapeCaribbean, Examination for preparation for the SEA 20: Test 4 Page 11 4 << fm » aa A rectangle shaped wooden platform is built in a public car park for a a ] be children’s show. platform | entrance 32m (@) Calculate the area of the wooden platform. car park 40m Answer (2 marks) (b) A wire fence and a gate at the entrance enclose the car park. Calculate the length of the wire fence only, Answer (I mark) 35. XY is the line of symmetry. Complete the symmetric pattern by shading two squares. (2marks) EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 12 36. | Look at the map and complete the statements below. 4 D Four statements about the points must be made. Complete the remaining statements. Statement 1 | Dis north _ of A Statement 2 | Bis of C | Statement 3 | Cis of E Statement 4 | From G, move then to getto A (3 marks) 37. | Use the shapes given to complete the table below. ~ Properties Name of shape ‘The shape can be divided vertically into two shapes similar to the original shape. ‘The shape can be divided into four similar triangles using two diagonal lines. (2 marks) ean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 13, 38. | Here is some information about the Advanced level examination results for last year. English | Mathematics ‘Number of students 2.000 4000 Percentage gaining grade A 19% 37% How many more students gained a grade A in Mathematics than in English? Answer (2 marks) 39. | The numbers of folk dancers from a troupe that perform over a week are indicated below. Days | Performers Mon 18 Tue 15 Wed 21 Thu Fri 20 ‘The mean number of dancers is 17. How many dancers performed on Thursday? Answer. (2 marks) STEER TIE eed Page 14 EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 40. 346, cry 2 10 number of students 1 2 3 4 tickets sold by students ‘The graph shows the number of tickets sold by a group of students. The number of students that sold 3 tickets each, is missing, If + the number of students sold 3 tickets each, complete the graph for the number of missing students. @ marks) ‘EduscapeCaribbean, Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 15 Section IIL 41. | Drew bought some pencils and pens. Each pencil cost $2.00 and each pen cost $4.00. He bought 7 more pencils than pens and spent a total of $104.00. (a) How many pencils did he buy? Answer : (2 marks) (b) How much more was spent on one type of item than the other? Answer (2 marks) 42. | Sam had $85. and Deen had $245. They were each given an equal amount of additional money that is a multiple of $25. After, Deen had twice as much money as Sam. How much additional money did each boy receive? Answer (4 marks) a EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 16 43. | A pizza shop sells a regular sized pizza at the rates below. days cost Monday to Thursday | _ $30.00 Friday to Sunday $45.00 (@) A family bought one pizza on a Tuesday, a Friday and a Saturday during last month, What was the family’s bill for last month? Answer (2 marks) (b) Another family spent $195.00 on pizza on Thursday and Saturday of last week. Complete the table below to show one possible combination of pizza they bought. Day ‘Number of Cost pizzas Thursday s Saturday $ aie Totals $ (2 marks) FanscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation forthe SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 17 4, | A company ordered 25 potted plants to line up along the corridor from one end to the other end. They were to be spaced equally, 1.2 metres apart. However, 4 of the plants broke during delivery and could not be used. The company used the remaining potted plants along the corridor at a new equal spacing. What is the new equal spacing between any 2 potted plants? Original design for the plants Ist 2nd 25th ——> 1.2m Answer (4 marks) a EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation jor the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 18 45, | Tracey folded a strip of paper in half, She noticed that there were two rectangles and one Grease, She then folded the paper in half again, There were four rectangles and three creases as shown. (@) Tracey continued to fold the paper. Complete the table for her Number of | Number of ‘Number of folds ‘small creases rectangles i 2 s 2 4 3 2 4 16 a i (i mark) (6) How many small rectangles would there be if Tracey folded the strip of paper 6 times? Answer (1 mark) (©) What was the number of folds if there are 511 creases? Answer (2 marks) TmcapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for she SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 19 LANGUAGE ARTS Spelling box provided for each line. There is ONE mis-spelt word in each line of the passage below. TASK 1 Circle the incorrect word and write its correct spelling in the Simple axe of kindness go a long way for others and for us in our dayly lives. Making the initial attempt to reach out and convearse with others sows the seeds of cortesy and friendship. Be impulsive and surprise someone with a good deed or pleasent thought and admire how it blosoms for you both. EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the S st 2020, MUL 12 marks i i Page 20 Punctuation and Capitalisation “There is either one punctuation mark or eapital letter that is TASK 2 Tmissing in each line of the passage below. Insert, the punctuation mark correctly or the eapital letter above the tommon letter it replaces for each line. Beware That tree on the beach is @ manchineel which actually means Little Apple of Death”. Its sap, sticky and white may cause skin blisters and even blindness. The trees fruit is also extremely poisonous if consumed. In Tobago and other Caribbean islands where it grows posted to warn persons of the dangers posed Ci signs are 2020, Test 4 Page 21 TrnecapeCanibbean. Examination for preparation for the St Grammar ‘There is ONE grammar error in each line of the passage below. TASK3 Circle each error and write the correct form of the word in the box provided for each line. One expanse of well-establish pineapple culture in Trinidad is Tableland. Found on the gentle rolling hills of south Trinidad, the soil boasts well drainage that is essential with a higher crop yield Hi Amazingly, the farmers there have experimented or | 17. produced a novel variety off the flavourful fruit. [ 18, 12 marks EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 22 Section 2 Reading Comprehension TASK 4 Read the passage below and answer questions 19 to 28. Fietion Passage | Charlie entered the shop and laid the damp fifty pence on the counter. “One Wonka’s Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, please,” he said, remembering how much he had loved the one he had on his birthday. The man behind the counter looked fat and well-fed. He had big lips and fat checks and a very fat neck. He turned and reached behind him. 5 for the chocolate bar, then handed it to Charlie. Charlie grabbed it, tore off the wrapper and took an enormous bite. Then he took another... and another. The shopkeeper put Charlie's change on the counter as Charlie went on wolfing the chocolate. He reached out to take the change then he paused. His eyes were just above the level of the counter and were staring at the silver coins lying there. “Surely it wouldn’t matter if | bought just one more. I think... 10 have just one more. The same kind as before, please.” “Why not?” the fat shopkeeper said, Charlie picked it up and tore off the wrapper and suddenly, from underneath the wrapper, there came a brilliant flash of gold. “It’s a Golden Ticket!” screamed the shopkeeper. “You've gota Golden Ticket! You've found the last Golden Ticket! Hey, would you believe it! Come and look at this, everybody! The kid's found Wonka’s 15 last Golden Ticket!” It seemed as though the shopkeeper might be going to have a fit. “In my shop, too!” he yelled. “Somebody call the newspapers, quick and let them know! Watch out now, sonny! Don’t tear it as you unwrap it! That thing’s precious!” Ina few seconds, there was a crowd around Charlie, and many more were pushing their way in from the street. Everybody wanted to get a look at the Golden Ticket and the lucky 20 finder. “How did he manage to find it, I'd like to know?" a large boy shouted angrily. “Twenty bars a day I’ve been buying for weeks and weeks!” Charlie hadn’t moved. He hadn’t even unwrapped the Golden Ticket from around the chocolate, He was standing very still, clutching it tightly with both hands while the crowd pushed and shouted all around him. Then he looked up and he saw a tall man standing over 25. him. “Listen,” the man whispered, “I'l buy it from you. I'll give you fifty pounds and a new bicycle as well. Okay?” A woman who was standing equally close then spoke. “Why, I'd give vribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 23 him two hundred pounds for that ticket! You want to sell that ticket for two hundred pounds, young man?” “That’s quite enough!” the fat shopkeeper shouted, taking Charlie firmly by the arm, 30. “Leave the kid alone, will you! Make way there!” And to Charlie, as he led him to the door, he whispered, “Don’t you let anybody have it! Take it straight home, quickly, before you lose it! Run all the way and don’t stop till you get there, you understand?” Charlie nodded, Retrieved & adapted from, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl Questions: Task 4 Passage 19. Who are the main characters in the extract? (2 marks) 20. Where did Charlie go and why? (2 marks) 21. What are two pieces of information that suggest that Charlie was 8 or 9 years old? (2 marks) @ Gi) 22. What did Charlie do after eating the chocolate and what happened then? (2 marks) 23. What does the description of the shopkeeper suggest to you about him? (2 marks) ee EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 24 24, Select one character who showed much excitement and explain why he or she did so. (2 marks) 25, What emotion did the boy (lines 20-21) show and why? (2marks) 26. Using information in the passage, explain why was winning that ticket a big deal? (2 marks) 27. Write two words that are similar in meaning to "clutching" (line 23). (2 marks) @ w 28, Apart from Chatlie, select one character that you appreciate. Explain your choice, (2 marks) Page 25 ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the S TASKS | Read the poem below and answer questions 29 to 38. Poetry When Marijuana Comes... ‘When marijuana comes to be legalised, children as young as you, will become users; Teachers at schools, they’Il be demoralised Class time lost, to redress the growing abusers. 4 When it’s “a little fun for adults”, recreational; Will the child in that home know otherwise? ‘They see mom and dad light up, so sensational and they eventually use, after all, “It’s medicinal!” 8 ‘When marijuana comes to be decriminalised It'll be okay to carry it around, just a little bit The herb will be on every street, users to be idolized by old and young, the unstable and the unwise. 2 So let’s join the others who shout for what’s right Let's get the grass into our homes and schools! And in the ‘victory’ may we all forever delight and to hell with all else: let’s burn the rules! 16 So errant pupils of before, they did cigarettes; Remember, minors shouldn’t possess that But soon you'll know many in the marijuana fetes Who get high and zone out like rabid vampire bats. 20 Life will be good for you in the new marijuana world Problems and challenges will be under control For when an entire country gets on high We won’t need aircrafts and planes to fly on by 4 ‘You see, if you've a struggle, just smoke a thing ‘And fly away like a drugged-up junkie queen or king! ‘EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 26 Questions: Task 5 Poem 29, 1s the poet in support of marijuana being decriminalised or legaised? Explain why or why not, (2 marks) 430, Write out a pair of consecutive lines that best drives home the poet's point of view. (2 marks) 31. Explain what line 4 of the poem means. (2 marks) 532, What are the meanings of the words “recreational” and “medicinal” as used in stanza 2? (2 marks) recreational: medicinal: 33. Based on the topic of this poem, what are two school rules that may be burned (Tine 16)? (2 marks) @ @ Test 4 “EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 34, From the poem, who may be responsible for a child like you trying marijuana? (2 marks) @ wi 38. What are two other names used to refer to marijuana? (2 marks) @ Gi) 36. Is the simile “a marijuana user can fly away like a drugged up junkie queen or king” (line 26) a. good one for this poem? Explain your answer. (2 marks) 37. Apart from teachers and students, name two other groups of persons referred to in the poem. (2 marks) @ ie Gi) 38. Would you like marijuana to become more available and legal? Give a reason. (2 marks) —— EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 28 TASK 6 Read the graphic text below and answer questions 39 to 43. ‘The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale ‘The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane’ sustained wind speed. This scale estimates potential property damage. Hurricanes reaching Category | 3 and higher are considered major hurricanes because of their potential for significant loss of life and damage. Category 1 and 2 storms are still dangerous and require preventative ‘Wind description and level of damage Dangerous winds, some damags Poor structures may collapse. Better constructed frame homes could have damage to roof and guttering. Trees and branches will snap. Trees with shallow root may topple. Expect damage to power lines and poles resulting in power outages that could last a few to several days. Extremely dangerous winds, extensive damage: Well-constructed homes could sustain major roof and side damage. Many large trees may be felled. Mud and landslides will block roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks. Devastating damage: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity ‘and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes. Catastrophic damage: ‘Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months. Graphic Text [ measures. Category | Sustained Wind Speed 1 119-153 Kilometres per hour 2 154-177 kilometres per hour 3 178-208 kilometres major per hour 4 209-251 kilometres major per hour I 252 or more 5 kilometres major per hour Catastrophic damage: ‘A high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months. “EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for prepar for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 29 Questions: Task 6 Graphic Text 39. What are two facts about a Category 2 hurricane? (2 marks) @ ie Gi) 40. Explain what you understand by a higher category number on the scale. (2 marks) 41, What are two utilities mentioned that are affected by hurricanes? (2 marks) @ (i) 42, Who do you think are Saffir and Simpson? (2 marks) 43. In your own words, explain the difference between the words “dangerous” and “catastrophic” as used in the graphic. (2 marks) a EduscapeCaribbean. Examination for preparation for the SEA 2020, Test 4 Page 30

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