1.give The Function of The Scrub Nurse and Circulating Nurse

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1.Give the function of the Scrub Nurse and Circulating Nurse.

The Scrub nurse’s role is to gather equipment for the procedure, prepare the supplies and
instrument using the sterile technique, gown and glove the surgeon, assist with sterile draping of
the patient, maintain sterility within the sterile field during surgery, hand the instruments to the
operating team during surgery, label and handle surgical specimens correctly, ensure accurate
count of sponges, sharps, and instruments on the sterile field, monitor for any break in sterile
technique, and lastly, the scrub nurse cleans up after the surgery is over. On the other hand, the
Circulating nurse also performs a lot of function such as: coordinating care, overseeing the
environment, performing assessment, verifying whether the consent was signed accurately,
setting up the operating room, ensuring the safe function of equipment, opening the sterile
supplies for the scrub nurse, and many more.

2.Explain the stages of anesthesia.

The stages of anesthesia are divided into 4 phases and in each phase, different phenomenon
occurs. The stage 1 (Analgesia and sedation, relaxation) is the beginning of anesthesia. In this
stage, the patient may experience dizziness and may have a ringing, roaring, or buzzing the
ears, and although still conscious, may sense an inability to move the extremities easily. Stage
2 (Excitement, delirium) is characterized variously by struggling, shouting, talking, singing,
laughing, or crying. During this stage, the patient’s pupils dilate, but constricts if exposed to light.
The pulse rate is rapid while there may be an irregular respiration rate. During Stage 3
(Operative anesthesia, surgical anesthesia), the patient is already unconscious and lies quietly
on the table. The pupils are small but constrict when it is exposed to light. The respiration status
of the patient is already regular, the pulse rate and volume are normal, while the skin is pink or
slightly flushed. The Stage 4 (Danger), happens when too much anesthesia has been
administered. Respirations become shallow, the pulse is weak and thready, and the pupils
become widely dilated and no longer constricting when exposed to light. Cyanosis also
develops and if the intervention is delayed, death rapidly follows.

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