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Name: Designation:

Emp ID: Dept. :

Project Name & Location:
Total numbers of questions = 25 Duration: 30min
Each questions contains 2marks for correct answer and -1 marks for wrong answer.
1 By which apparatus Liquid limit determined
a) Vicat's Apparatus c) CTM
b) Casagrande's Apparatus d) All of these
2 For heavy compaction test (MPT) , weight of rammer is………….Kg
a) 2.6 c) 3.89
b) 4.89 d) 5.25
3 For heavy compaction test (MPT) , Diameter of rammer is………….mm
85 To determined the MDD in large size mould with heavy compaction, how many layers are required for 55 blows
with rammer weight 4.9 Kg.
a) 3 b) 4
c) 5 d) 6
86 IS code is refered for soil test.
a) 2720 b) 2250
c) 1199 d) Non of these
87 Gravel size particle is….
a) 4.75mm-0.075mm b) 0.075mm-0.002mm
c) 4.75 mm above d) Non of these
88 Sand size particle is……
a) 4.75mm-0.075mm b) 0.075mm-0.002mm
c) 4.75 mm above d) Non of these
89 Silt size particle is……
a) 4.75mm-0.075mm b) 0.075mm-0.002mm
c) 4.75 mm above d) Non of these
90 Clay size particle is……
a) 4.75mm-0.075mm b) 0.075mm-0.002mm
c) 4.75 mm above d) Less than 0.002mm
91 To determind the PI, soil sample should be passing………..
a) 470 micron b) 475 micron
c) 425 micron d) Non of these
92 Liquid limit is determined on blows of…………
a) 25 b) 35
c) 15 d) Non of these
93 Direct share apparatus is used for……determined the C & Ø value.

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a) Cohessive soil b) Non-cohessive
c) Clay soil d) Non of these
94 By which method soil bearing capacity is determined.
a) SPT(standared penetration) b) Plate load test
c) DCP( Dynamic cone penetration) d) Non of these
95 To determined the CBR, the rate of penetration should be…..
a) 1.5 mm/min b) 1.25 mm/min
c) 1.75 mm/min d) Non of these
96 To determined the CBR, the seating load should be…….
a) 2.5 Kg b) 3.5 Kg
c) 4.0 Kg d) Non of these
97 To determined the CBR, the surcharge load should be…….
a) 2.5 Kg b) 3.5 Kg
c) 4.0 Kg d) Non of these
98 Specific gravity of cement is……….
a) 2.14 b) 3.14
c) 3.15 d) Non of these
99 Specific gravity of water is……….
a) 1.0 b) 1.02
c) 0.99 d) Non of these
100 Specific gravity of bitumen is……….
a) 1.0 b) 1.02
c) 0.99 d) Non of these
101 Maximum water % by mass of bitumen shall be……
a) 0.3% b) 0.2%
c) 0.4% d) Non of these
102 Which IS code is referred to test the bitumen?
a) IS:1201-1220 b) IS:2720(part 1-41)
c) IS:2386(Part 1-8) d) Non of these
103 The steel ball of dia 9.5mm to determined the softning point,the weight of ball should be…..
a) 4.5± 0.05 gm b) 3.5± 0.05 gm
c) 2.5± 0.05 gm d) Non of these
104 Apply heat to the bath and stir the liquid at uniform rate of…… determined the softing point.
a) 3 ± 0.5 °C b) 4 ± 0.5 °C
c) 5 ± 0.5 °C d) Non of these
105 The rate of pull to determined the ductility of bitumen should be…
a) 20 ± 0.5mm/min b) 10 ± 0.5mm/min
b) 5 ± 0.5mm/min d) Non of these
106 Super plasticizer should increase the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days by……….
a) 100% b) 125 %
c) 115 % d) Non of these
107 Super plasticizer should increase the initial setting time of concrete by……….
a) 1 hour b) 1.5 hour
c) 2 hour d) Non of these
108 During field test, the cement is said to pure and of good quality when
a) the color of cement is uniformly greenish grey c) Hand is thrusted into bag of cement, it feels cool
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b) A hand full of cement ,thrown into a bucket of water,
d) All of these
109 If the slump of concrete mix is 70mm, its workability is considered to be
a)true c) shear
b) collapse d) All of these
110 The value of fineness modulus for fine aggregates may range between
a) 1.1 to 1.3 c) 1.6 to 2.2
b) 1.3 to 1.6 d) 2.0 to 3.5
111 Plasticity index is defined as - numerical difference between Liquid limit(LL) & ………………………………..
a) Atterberg Limit c) Shrinkage Limit
b) Plastic limit d) Non of these

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