Cells and Tissues: Tissue

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A tissue is a group of cells that work together to accomplish a common function.

 There are four primary types of tissue

1. Epithelial tissue
2. Connective tissue
3. Muscle tissue
4. Nervous tissue

Epithelial tissue (epithelium) – is the lining, covering and glandular tissue of the body.
Covering and lining epithelium covers all free body surfaces, both inside and out, and
contains versatile cells. Epithelial functions include protection, absorption, filtrationa and
secretion. Glandular epithelium forms carious glands in the body. Secretion is specialty
of the glands, which produce such substances as sweat, oil, digestive enzymes and

Types of Epithelial tissue:

 Simple epithelial – single layer of cells
 Stratified epithelial – two or more layers of cells
 Pseudo stratified – looks like it has more one layer, but really does not
 Glandular epithelial – secretes products (mucus, digestive enzymes and

The three basic shapes of epithelial tissue:

1. Squamous epithelium – flattened cells
2. Cuboidal epithelium – cube-shaped cells
3. Columnar epithelium – rectangular shaped cells

Simple squamous epithelium – one layer of flattened cells

Functions: exchange of nutrients, waste and gases, and protection
Stratified squamous epithelium – more than one layers of flattened cells
Functions: provides protection against abrasion, infection and drying out
Simple cuboidal epithelium – one layer of cube-shaped cells
Functions: secretion and absorption
Stratified cuboidal epithelium – more than one layers of cube-shaped cells
Function: protection
Simple columnar epithelium – one layer of rectangular cells
Functions: absorption and secretion

Stratified columnar epithelium – more than one layers of rectangular cells

Functions: protection and secretion
Pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium – looks like it has more than one layer,
but it does not.
Function: remove debris from lungs

Tissue Specialization Location

Simple squamous Diffusion Alveoli and blood vessels
Simple cuboidal Absorption and secretion Kidney tubules, ovaries,
and glands
Simple columnar Absorption and secretion Digestive tract, respiratory
tract, and uterus
Pseudo stratified Removing debris Respiratory tract

Stratified squamous Protection Skin, mouth, esophagus,

Stratified cuboidal Protection Ducts of mammary gland,
sweat, and salivary glands
Stratified columnar Protection and secretion Urethra, junction of
esophagus and stomach

Glands – are composed of epithelial tissue.

Exocrine glands – secrete their products into ducts.
Endocrine glands – secrete their products directly into blood.

Connective tissue – connects body parts. It is found everywhere in the body. It is the
abundant and widely distributed of the tissue types. Connective tissues perform many
functions, but they are primarily involved in protecting, supporting, and binding together
other body tissues.
Many different types of connective tissue:
1. Areolar
2. Adipose
3. Dense
4. Cartilage
5. Bone
6. Blood

Different types of Function Location

connective tissue
Areolar Bind and support Under skin, around organs,
between muscle
Adipose Energy storage, insulation, Under skin, around
cushioning for organs kidneys and heart
Dense Attaches bone to bone Tendons and ligaments
(ligaments), and attaches
muscle to bone
Cartilage Support and protection Nose, ends of long bones,
ribs, in joints, outer ear,
and between the vertebrae
in the back bone
Bone Provides support and skeleton
protection (by enclosing),
and levers for muscle to
act on
Blood Transport oxygen and Within blood vessels
carbon dioxide, nutrients,
gases, hormones, wastes;
fights infection

Muscle tissue – are highly specialized to contract, or shorten, which generates the force
required to produce movement.

There are three types of muscle tissue that vary in structure, location, and control
1. Skeletal
 Voluntary contraction
 Responsible for voluntary movement
 Most found attached to the skeleton
2. Cardiac
 Involuntary contraction
 Pumps blood through the body
 Found in wall of heart
3. Smooth
 Involuntary contraction
 Contractions in digestive system move food along
 Found in wall of hollow internal organs such as the intestines and tubes
such as blood vessels

Nervous tissue
 Makes up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
 Conducts messages throughout the body
 Consists of neurons and neuroglia
Neurons – nerve cells that conduct the message
Neuroglia – cells that support neurons.

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