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A. Brief Description of the System or Program

Shoppers PH is the expert for procuring the coolest gadgets for guys all in one place. They work around the clock to find,
create, manufacture, and ship you the most innovative products. This way you know you are guaranteed to have the
coolest things money can buy without spending days researching on your own. They offer Cash on Delivery Nationwide.
Their website is fully secured with SSL Security.

B. Input/ Edit Validation Controls Identified


Completeness We intentionally left
Check several fields blank to
test whether the system
rejects or accepts
incomplete fields.

Validity Check The standard phone

number format in the
Philippines is 11 digits.
We purposely input a
phone number with 13
digits, unfortunately the
system accepted it. The
risk of accepting invalid
number will not let the
seller contact the buyer
for confirmations of
other details or
information needed.
Numeric- Postal codes and Phone
alphabetic check numbers in the
Philippines are basically
number in nature. We
also intentionally input
letters as our response
for the postal code and
the phone number but the
system still accepts those
responses even though
the should-be response
should not compose of
any letters and should
only contain numbers.
Existence Check We tried to input an
invalid code in the
Discount Code Field to
test if the system will
still compute the
discount related to the
product but the system
rejected to compute the
discount. The system
only allows valid codes
for this kind of matter
and would not accept
other invalid codes. The
system is very strict
when it comes to giving
discount to some of their
offered products.

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