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Capt. Sabi Street, Talisay City

Name : Lijayan, Christian John Paul L. Year and Section : BSME 2E

Subject : GEC 6 Date Submitted : 09/13/20
Professor : Apraille M. Anglo Score :


“Which is more important; the artist or the artwork?”

Why do people make art? Why do people purchase such expensive art and just merely
hang it on their walls? And why do we spend time making and analyzing art? We might say, that
art gives us aesthetics, enjoyment, and peace but, art is more than that. Art is not just a plain
canvas painted with colors that are arranged in an orderly manner for it to be pleasant to the
eyes of the viewers. Rather, it is a blank canvas to which the artist or let us say an influencer,
who tries to paint that canvas with a purpose in mind of emanating certain emotions,
perceptions, and experiences in life to other people. To put it in simpler terms, we do art as a
form of expression of an artist’s life. Thus, making the artist more important than its artworks.

As we define art, in its broadest sense, is a form of communication that is comprised of

the sender (artist), the medium (artwork), and the receiver (viewers). Without the sender, no one
will send a message, without the medium, the message will not be sent, and with the absence of
the receiver, no one will be able to read the message. So why is it that the artists are most
important if the three components have their effects on the communication process? Artists are
more important than the artwork as it is the origin of the emotions, the expressions, and
perceptions in life. Without him or her, an artwork would just be a plain canvas without
expressing anything and without any underlying intention of appealing to, and connecting with,
human emotion. Artists are as important as the sender since it is the initiator of the whole
communication process, without him or her, nothing will ever be communicated with. Secondly,
artists can make multiple artworks but artwork cannot make a single artist. This means
that an artist, with an inner vessel of emotions, can create multiple kinds of artworks that could
impact the lives of other people and the entire community as well. They have the supremacy to
relate to people and to make others feel on what they felt and this is the true essence of art and
that is something that an artwork without a sole artist cannot make. Finally, as arts are based on
perceptions in realities of life, artists are the once who are undergoing it and not the
artworks. Artists have that universal desire to connect with other people in some way, to tell
them about their life experiences and realizations. They have this longing to resonate with other
people on how they see life and that is something that is substantial in life-- relating.

Artists play a boundless role in society as they are the vehicle for articulating universal
emotions and upholding values. It’s a human urge to feel emotions and has expressions but not
all people have the will to express it. Artists are the ones who creatively think of subtle ways to
represent humanities’ agonies and happiness and that is through arts. In brief, artists’ art is
more than just a practice – it is a way of life. Art is more than just a skill – it is a passion. Art is
more than just an image – each one tells a story. So, let us value those strong-willed souls as
they speak up for humanity's experiences.

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