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Technology has been evolving at an alarming rate over the last decade.

However, the most important discoveries had been in medicine and

farmaceutics, but also in computer science and automotive industry.

In my opinion, progressing tech is a good thing and a bad thing at the

same time.

On one hand the fact that the humanity has been researching drugs for
all kinds of diseases, new ways to build engines, ecological power plants
etcetera, helps increase the human life expectancy. By creating new
planet friendly ways to produce energy we also decrease carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which helps stop climate change.

On the other hand, every time a new drug is researched it increases the
human life expectancy which is also a bad thing. The human species is
close to reaching nearly 8 billion humans on a planet that can only hold
5.This kind of overpopulation leads to global warming, hunger, high
CO2 levels etcetera.

In conclusion advancing tech can be a good thing and a bad one at the
same time, it rely depends on each person’s point of view.

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