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Rohingya refugees should live continue or they should leave?

#1. Nearly 1 million Rohingya refugees have entered Bangladesh from Myanmar since
September 2017. The local Buddhists since the "clearance operations" started on August
2017. It also estimated that at least 18,000 Rohingya Muslim women and girls were raped,
116,000 Rohingya were beaten, and 36,000 Rohingya were thrown into fire.
I am the person who favors for Rohingya refugees. And they should continue to live in
The Rohingya are devoutly Muslim and share a religious identity with Bangladeshis, though
not language or ethnicity. And yes we know they have a huge impact on our population. But
this isn’t major problem to us. They can survive with us as normal human beings.

#2. We all know that, in 1971 during the Bangladesh Liberation War, when Bengali refugees
escaped systematic mass killings, rapes, lootings etc. It is estimated that around 10 million
East Bengali refugees entered India during the early months of the war, and 1.5 million may
have stayed back after Bangladesh became independent. East Bengali refugees settled in the
city of Kolkata (Calcutta) and various other towns and rural areas of West Bengal.
If India showed their humanity for us liberation war in 1971. So why we can’t stand beside for
rohingyas? Yes we should stand for them.
In my personal opinion they should live continue in Bangladesh.

#3. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has stated that “if my government can arrange
food for over one hundred sixty million people of Bangladesh, we would also be able to feed
one million people more”. The reason prime minister Sheikh Hasina, has come to be known
as the ‘Mother of Humanity’.
There are many countries are helping to provide relief and food for the Rohingya. Even World
Bank announced nearly half a billion dollars in grant-based support to help Bangladesh
address Rohingya refugees needs in areas including health, education, water and sanitation,
disaster risk management, and social protection. I don't see any major problems if they live in
Rohingya should go back if Myanmar must unconditionally stop the violence in the Rakhine
State immediately and forever. either they should live in Bangladesh.

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