HDI Year 2018 Annual Report

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1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Introduction/Background
3.0 Activities
4.0 Education Governance
4.1 HDI-SACE Project (Local Governance and Education Project)
4.2 HDI-MacArthur Project to Monitor the Utilization of UBE Funds in Lagos
4.3 Quiet Corruption in the Education Sector
4.4 Report On The Two-Day Stakeholders Forum On Progressive Taxation in
Lagos State
5.0 Legal and Women
5.1 Health intervention for Widows
5.2 Life Skill training for Widows
5.3 Legal/Psychosocial Counselling
6.0 Children/Adolescents and Youths Activities
6.1 International Child Helpline Day
6.2 Assembly talks and Counselling of Adolescents
6.4 Valentine Event
6.6 NACTAL Activities
7.0 Research
8.0 Public Education
8.1 Collaboration with Media
8.3 Website
8.4 Publications
9.0 Summary/Conclusion


This Annual Report covers progress made by Human Development Initiatives for the
year 2018. The overall goal of the organization is to “strengthen vulnerable humans in
society and build total human capacity through social development programmes that
advance education for all and intiatives that promote equity, justice, opportunities,
transparency, accountability and civic participation in governance”. To achieve the
above, HDI organized a variety programmes tailored towards the empowerment,
enlightenment and capacity building of women, especially widows. Some of such
programs are the Health Intervention program for widows, Life Skill training for
widows and Legal and Psychosocial counselling for women, amongst others. These
programs tends enlightens them on their health status, empowers them with skills and
abilities needed for everyday survival, teaches them about their rights as widows and
how such rights should be protected.

HDI also places strong emphasis on the total development of children and has a wide
range of programmes for children and youths in the society. Some of such
programmes includes Get Global : A leadership Training Programme“A day out with
Adolescents”, camping programmes for children and youth, Assembly talks in
schools, general counselling of adolescents, teenage leadership and mentoring,
amongst others. These programmes have over the years proven to be very inspiring as
more children now know the essence to speak out to trusted adults on issues of
physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect. It has
also helped the children not to be complacent in life and look forward to achieving
more for themselves. HDI through its Human Development Initiatives-Empowerment
Trust Fund (HDI-ETF) and TETFUND has given scholarship to children of widows,
orphans and people living with disability scholarship at different levels (primary,
secondary and tertiary level).

Some of these achievements of the organization could not have been possible without
the support of the Board of Trustees and other organizations we have patterned with,
who have contributed immensely to activities of HDI. Some of such partners includes
the Ford Foundation, Mac Arthur Foundation, USAID-SACE, ActionAid, Trusted
Africa and International Labour Organisation, amongst others.

The above and more highlights HDI’s topline achievements for the year 2018.
Overall, HDI has achieved nearly all milestones scheduled to be completed during
this period with other milestones “on track” and a very limited set of delays. These
factors are discussed in details throughout the report.


The 2018 annual report cut across HDI’s focus and thematic areas of operations.
Human Development Initiatives (HDI), established in 1997, is a leading not-for-
profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to serving vulnerable groups by
advocacy and programmes.


In the year 2018, various activities were carried out to foster HDI aims and
objectives to improve governance and to promote the rights of the vulnerable. The
schools projects helped to reach more adolescents and youths while the governance
projects such as HDI-MacArthur Project and HDI-SACE Project capacity building
and mobilization of community stakeholders to demand transparency &
accountability (Education Sector) helped to reach more people through sensitization
meetings and the circulation of flyers, stickers and Newsletters.
4.1 USAID Sace Project

The USAID Strengthening Advocacy and Civic Engagement (SACE) project

“Enhancing Civil Society Capacity for Improved Basic Education in Nigeria” aimed
at improving inclusive, accessible and quality education, as well as ensuring judicious
utilization of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) funds in Lagos, Kano and Enugu
States, and the Federal Capital Territory. The project was implemented by the
Accountability in Basic Education Cluster led by Human Development Initiatives
alongside other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), namely: Grassroots Health
Organization of Nigeria (GHON), Youth Child Support Initiative (YCSI), Out of
School Children Empowerment Foundation (OSCEF), Patriotic Citizen Initiative
(PCI), The WellBeing Foundation Africa (WBFA), and Save The Child Initiative

The activities implemented during the year under review cut across capacity building,
advocacy/engagement and public awareness. The project organized a number of
capacity building activities to strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organisations,
School Based Management Committees (SBMCs), Parent Teacher Associations
(PTA)/Parents Forum (PF), and Media to engage, advocate and demand transparency
and accountability in the governance of basic education. More so, relevant
government institutions such as the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC),
State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs), Federal Capital Territory
Universal Basic Education Board (FCT UBEB) and Local Government Education
Authorities were engaged to demand transparency and accountability in the
implementation of basic education programme.

The project through its public awareness platforms also drew attention to issues on
transparency in the government’s use of Universal Basic Education (UBE) funds, un-
accessed Federal Government UBE intervention funds, engagement of civil society in
the development and implementation of States’ UBE action plans, public access to the
contents of the UBE action plans, civic participation in tracking education budget
implementation, state of infrastructure in public schools, amongst others.

Among the laudable achievements of the project were: draw-down of un-accessed

Universal Basic Education (UBE) matching grants by Lagos, Enugu and Kano States,
and Federal Capital Territory (FCT); release of UBE Action Plans for Kano, Lagos
and Enugu States and Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by the Universal Basic
Education Commission (UBEC) to facilitate public participation in monitoring of
UBE projects; successful collaboration with Kano and Lagos State Universal Basic
Education Boards (SUBEBs) to aid the monitoring of the implementation of
Universal Basic Education (UBE) projects by project communities and Civil Society
organizations (CSOs); and involvement of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and
community actors in demanding Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance
(TAGG), and improved service delivery in basic education programme.
The USAID SACE project that kicked off in 2014 ended in 2018. However, we hope
to see in the future timely draw-down of UBE intervention funds, proactive disclosure
of approved UBE financial action plans, implementation of UBE policy on civil
society participation in project monitoring, increase in the Consolidated Revenue
Fund (CRF) dedicated to UBE and education of children with special needs from 2%
to 3%, and user-friendly interactive platforms through which the citizens can engage
SUBEBs and share reports on the implementation of projects in their local
government areas, wards, and communities.


The UBE Funds Tracking project supported by the MacArthur Foundation is aimed at
ensuring that education goods and services forget delivered into schools in the right
quality and quantities. Activities carried out under the project included: Tweeting
sessions, advocacy visits, sensitization and training programs, media and CSO
roundtable dialogues, among others. The tweeting session carried out in 2018 focused
on two broad issues namely: Stakeholders’ roles in tracking UBE funds and progress
report on the monitoring of the LSUBEB 2016 action plan implementation. The
tweeting sessions used social media influencers to educate the general public and to
possibly stimulate government action through twitter users on the respective topics
In preparing to implement the project to monitor utilization of UBE funds in Lagos
State Human Development Initiatives paid advocacy visits to her focal Local
Governments. The advocacy visits focused mainly on the possible areas of
collaboration with HDI, monitoring UBE projects in the respective LGAs; step-down
of the training conducted for Education Secretaries and Human Resources Officers of
the Local Governments and the specific challenges of the LGEAs. Local
Governments visited include: Kosofe, Ibeju-Lekki, Apapa, among others.

HDI visited the Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (LSUBEB) to request
for permission to train stakeholders on the UBE intervention and their roles as
stakeholders in contributing to the success of the program. HDI later revisited the
Board to present the report of her findings in monitoring the implementation of year
2015 action plan as well as preliminary reports of her monitoring the implementation
of year 2016 action plan.

Advocacy visits were made to UBEC in 2018; the HDI team visited UBEC to request
for the Lagos State 2016 Action plan which is being implemented in the State. HDI
again visited UBEC to submit the report of monitoring the Lagos 2015 SUBEB action
plan; implementation progress report on the 2016 action plan. HDI also submitted a
letter of request for authorization to carry out an investigative study on 6 years of
UBEC spend in 3 states, which are Lagos, Kaduna and Abuja, the FCT.
Sensitization was organised for all HDI focal Local Governments at their respective
LGEAs. The sensitization targeted a hundred (100) selected stakeholders in each of
the Local Governments made up of School-Based Management Committees, Parents
Forum, Local Government Education Authority staff, Community Development
Committees and Development Committees Association members and School Head
Teachers. The sensitization programmes also provided the avenue to select monitors
from each local government who were trained at another forum.
Furthermore, selected community stakeholders in the nine project Local Government
Areas assigned to HDI were selected and sensitized on the contents of the Lagos State
SUBEB 2016 Action plans. This program held at the GCC Hall of the University of
Lagos Chapel. The program focused majorly on the contents of the 2016 Action plan
comprising of Construction, fencing and furniture distribution. Stakeholders had the
opportunity to ask questions and were provided with copies of the 2016 action plan
simplified by HDI, as well as copies of printed Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) materials for further enlightenment.
Selected monitors from the nine (9) local governments were assembled at Rita Lori
Hotel in Taoridi, Surulere for a three-day training. Monitors were trained on the
basics of UBE intervention, real-time monitoring and evaluation of Lagos SUBEB
projects. The training also featured a session on the process of developing SUBEB
action plans taken by SUBEB Secretary. Participants were also trained on how to use
the monitoring report tool and HDI reporting channels.
Media organisations and Civil Society Organisation representatives met at HDI office
together with all HDI monitors to discuss the state of projects monitoring. Many
Media organisations that attended the roundtable reported the event including an
investigative story, published on The Guardian Newspaper on August 5, 2018
focusing on the failure of contractors to supply furniture to government schools as
outlined in the action plan. This report triggered immediate response from Lagos
SUBEB and has led to the delivery of furniture.

4.3 Quiet Corruption In The Education Sector: A Pilot Study Of Lagos State
Corruption, whether grand, petty or quiet, is inimical to growth and sustainable
development. However, quiet corruption is as devastating to a nation as grand
corruption involving “big” money. According to a 2010 World Bank report, Quiet
Corruption (QC) is often found in essential service delivery sectors and specifically
identified education sector as one of the most affected. QC is less visible and attracts
little or no attention cum sanctions; hence, it is often not documented. Consequently,
school children/students (most especially female) suffer from sexual abuses, extortion
and intimidation by teachers/lecturers, teachers’ absenteeism, teachers not giving
enough effort deliberately to lure students to attend ‘miracle or special centre’ before
they can pass exams, compulsory sales of handouts/text book, inflation of prices for
text books, and so on because there is no safe and strong system to report to nor get
Human Development Initiatives observed that these practices are widespread, deep
rooted, increases vulnerability and disempower younger generations from reaching
their full potentials, thereby widening social inequality.

As an organization committed to seeing a society of empowered humans devoid of

social and economic vulnerabilities, stamping out vices such as quiet corrupt practices
which largely undermine the quality of education and consequently put our children
in vulnerable position in life especially in public school system is a top priority; hence
the pilot study on incidences of quiet corruption in the education sector in Lagos

So far the project has done very well in documenting the prevalence of quiet corrupt
practices in public schools in Lagos State (primary to tertiary) including the federal
schools to start with. Beyond this, a strategy document with a monitoring and
evaluation framework, jointly reviewed by the Ministry of Education, State Universal
Basic Education (SUBEB), Parents Forum, Community Development Associations,
and students, was produced to guide the process of tracking and preventing incidences
of quiet corruption in public schools in the State.

Furthermore, the project understands the importance of engaging all education

stakeholders and has applied the principle of collective impact in ensuring that every
education stakeholder understands the seriousness of quiet corruption and makes
collective commitments to confront it with the seriousness required. The Ministry of
Education and the State Universal Basic Education are equally aware of this and have
been partners in sensitizing and training over 150 parents and community based
groups, 130 teachers and school administrators in ensuring public schools in Lagos
State are free of quiet corruption.

As part of its sensitization tools, the project produced some vox pop videos, cartoons,
motion pictures to sensitize online audience on quiet corruption via social media.
These tools have generated evidence base public discuss on incidences of quiet
corruption in public schools in Lagos State as well as actions required to mitigate the
incidences. As at the time of filing this report, the video has reached 345,145 and
generated 28,271 engagements in terms of those who shared the videos, made
comments and liked it.

Knowing that there is more to be done in this regard, HDI hopes to see more decisive
actions from the Ministry of Education in institutionalising preventive mechanisms
within and outside the schools that will help nip in the bud cases of sexual abuse,
extortion and intimidation by teachers/lecturers, teachers’ absenteeism, admission
racketeering, compulsory sales of handouts/text books, sabotage among other forms
of quiet corruption in the public education sector in Lagos State.



On 10th and 12th December, 2018, a two-day stakeholders’ forum on progressive

taxation was organized by ActionAid in conjunction with Human Development
Initiatives, under the project Breaking Barriers and Tax Justice & Gender Responsive
Public Services Project. We had in attendance representatives from SUBEB, Ministry
of Education, Ministry of Finance, Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Civil Society
Organizations, and media. The first session of the program was anchored by Mr.
Laban Onesimus of ActionAid International, who enlightened the everyone about the
focus of the project, which are; the outcomes, the barriers and the means of breaking
the barriers.

The focus of the project is to:

 Ensure public Education is responsive to all children, especially girls and
marginalized children.
 Ensure public education policies and systems are strengthened to reverse
trends in privatization of education that lead to an undermining of equity for
girls and other marginalized children.
 Find ways to increase investment in quality-trained teachers to support
inclusive education.

The facilitator also identified poor school infrastructure, failure to recruit and retain
good teachers and financial constraint as some of the barriers to achieving the desired
standard quality of education. He then went ahead to provide strategies on how these
barriers could be broken; which are:
 Strong evidence base research and campaign to raise public awareness.
 Active movement by the civil society to support the teaching profession.
 Sustainable financing of teacher’s salaries and reversal of privatization of

The second session was facilitated by Mr. Chinedu Bassey of Civil Society
Legislative Advocacy Centre. He introduced the participants to the concept of tax vis-
a-vis what it is and what it is not. They were also enlightened on the basic concepts of
tax, the governing bodies, the purposes of tax, practice related to tax law and the link
between tax and provision of public service.

Tax is part of social contract between the citizens and the government. i.e. citizens
pay tax and government provide the services. He also spoke on Tax justice which he
mentioned is the main focus of the project.

Tax justice has to do with engaging issues relating to tax administration to promote a
fair, just, equitable and progressive tax system especially as it affects low income
earners and women. Also, to undertake research and evidence based campaign against
all forms of harmful tax practices.

The participants also engaged in discussion on the concept of Illicit Financial Flows
(IFFs), having as its component; Secrecy Jurisdiction, tax haven, tax avoidance, tax
evasion and money laundering and further agreed that the Illicit Financial Flows
could be diverted to funding education. He concluded the session by identifying some
of the tax justice issues, some of which are; poor sensitization on tax compliance
requirement, lack of clarity on taxing powers of each level of government, high tax
burden, obsolete laws that do not reflect the current realities, among others.

On the second day, participants were introduced to the topic ‘Education Financing’,
facilitated by Mr. Laban Onesimus. He talked about Education being a right and not a
privilege. He also spoke on the focus/goal of educational financing being;

 All government to make adequate budget allocation to education;
 All countries to pursue transparent, democratic and sovereign process in
decision making on educational budget; and
 All teachers to be properly qualified and trained with an end to the use of
cheap non- professional labour which threatens the profession and the quality
of learning.

The facilitator also spoke on fair tax being a kind of tax system where tax takes little
from the poor and more from the rich and when taxes are used to pay for public
services. He also included in his presentation, the 4S of ensuring effective education
financing, which are as follows;
 Advocate and increase the debate on the need for government at all levels to
increase the SIZE of the budget through effective taxation
 Increase in the SHARE of budget to educational sector
 Strengthen the capacity of CSO, community structure, stakeholders to
SCRUTINIZE educational budget and expenditure and hold government to
account for free and quality education
 Strengthen public education policies and system and ensure they are
SENSITIVE to the needs of the marginalized children.

At the end of the forum, a resolution was reached; that a committee comprising of
stakeholders in the Educational and Taxation sector be set up.


5.1 Health Intervention Programme For Widows In Lagos State

The health screening for widows is a yearly event. The Objectives of the programme
are to promote health consciousness among widows, to create a forum for health
education/talk on prevailing health problems affecting women, to enlighten women on
the importance of regular medical checkup, to provide opportunity for counseling,
share information on reproductive health and rights, tackle minor health problems
through application of over the counter (OTC) drugs, dispense over the counter drugs
and provide on the spot psycho-social counseling, screening and make referrals of
serious cases to health professionals.

The 2018 Health Intervention Programme held on the 24th of May. The screening was
conducted for widows in Lagos State, which cut across women from different
organizations such as, Local Government Areas, Local Council Development Areas,
Churches, Mosques, Markets and Civil Society Organisations.

Different professionals supported the programme as volunteers, such as medical

doctors, nurses, pharmacists and laboratory scientists from Lagos State University
Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), LUTH, Sidolaf Health Initiative/Pill Box, Polybonde
Medical Services Ltd/Adesola Hospital, Pathcare/SYNLAB Laboratory and

The Health Intervention program had a great impact on the women as a lot of them
were enlightened on early detection of health conditions and diseases through regular

visits to health centres and knowledge on how to care for ailments. A total of 154
widows were impacted positively.

5.2 Life Skill Training for Widows

International Widows Day was celebrated across the globe, in like-form HDI also
celebrated with her widows group in Lagos State on Monday 25th of June 2018 at the
Human Development Initiatives. The event had in attendance widows from different
associations and organization such as Local Government Areas, Local Community
Development Areas, Churches, Mosque, Markets, Civil Society Organisations, and
Community Based Organisations etc.

The event was coupled with an exhibition of different products made by the widows
through the skills acquisition program organized by HDI in the previous year.

The widows were encouraged not to give up on life and ensure they utilize their
potentials irrespective of their age. They were also advised to persevere during hard
times of widowhood.

The widows were presented with different gifts ranging from foodstuffs to household
utensils. There was also exhibition and sales of life-skills products by the widows,
which they learnt during the skill acquisition program organized by the organization
in the previous years.

5.3 Legal/Psychosocial Counselling

HDI provides free legal and psychosocial counselling services to couples, widows and
their children. Some of the challenges faced by the widows nclude family disputes
resulting from their spouses, thus HDI assists them with the procurement of letters of
Administration from the Probate division of the High Court. HDI also carries out
family interventions to ensure that peace is maintained between the widows and the
late spouse’s family members. HDI also offers counselling to couples faced with
marital issues and disagreements; helps such families with peaceful resolution of their
issues while maintaining the sanctity of marriage and preserving the home.


6.1 The Report Of National Awareness Raising Strategy Synergy Meeting
Held In Calabar, Cross River State

The National Awareness Raising Strategy Synergy meeting held on Tuesday 18

September 2018 was organized by IOM, the UN Migration Agency, in collaboration
with NAPTIP and the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally
Displaced Persons (NCFRMI) to combat human trafficking in Nigeria and to foster
better collaboration among government partners, civil society organizations and other
stakeholders working towards raising awareness about the dangers of irregular
migration and human trafficking in communities of origin in Nigeria. It was the first
National Awareness Raising Strategy Synergy meeting among the key stakeholders.

The meeting was held in Calabar, Cross River State, a border town and seaport in
south-east Nigeria that has witnessed an increase of cases of human trafficking and
irregular migration. Last year Joe Abang, Cross River State Commissioner for Justice
and Attorney-General, stated that traffickers used ports and various creeks in the area
to transport their victims to countries like Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon
among others.

The meeting paved way for the formation of a technical working group on national
awareness raising to combat human trafficking, the group was chaired by NAPTIP,
while NACTAL was nominated as the secretary of the group. Participants agreed to
establish a social media network named Partners Against Trafficking and Irregular
Migration (PATIM). The Network will facilitate information and knowledge sharing
among relevant state and non-state actors for effective coordination of all awareness
activities aimed at combatting human trafficking and irregular migration in Nigeria.

National Orientation Agency is willing to make available the existing facilities and
structures in all the local government areas of the federation in support of any
awareness raising activities aimed at addressing the challenges of human trafficking
and irregular migration in Nigeria. Stakeholders should be encouraged to use
communication for development (C4D) techniques towards creating awareness about
the dangers of irregular migration and engineering behaviour change towards safe

The meeting, which was funded by the European Union and the Italian Government
under the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration and the
Aware Migrants project respectively, had in attendance 17 female and 11 male
participants from NAPTIP, NCFRMI, NOA, NACTAL and Girls Power Initiative
(GPI), among others.

People are not going to stop from migrating; migration is a right, but we must work
together to ensure that those migrating are not being trafficked.

6.2 Assembly Talks Held In The Last Quarter Of 2018

Since its inception, HDI has consistently seen to the mentoring and counseling of
youths across Lagos State through the School Outreach Program. At least a school is
visited every weekday by one of HDI’s representatives to deliver talks on various
topics during the assembly period. These topics have been carefully selected and
tailored towards developing the psychosocial capacities of the children to guide
against social vices. This is one of the channels through which HDI empowers young
people, and reduces vulnerability amongst them, which is strongly in line with HDI’s

In the last quarter of 2018, this program covered 13 schools (Primary and Secondary
Schools inclusive) across the Yaba LGA. About 3, 210 students were reached (1,715
Boys + 1,495 Girls). The topics ranged from Sexual Abuse to Reproductive Health
Rights and Issues to Examination Ethics & Malpractice amongst others. This School
Outreach Program served as an avenue for providing mobile counseling to the
students, as most students opened up to HDI’s representatives after the program.

Going forward, HDI aims to increase its coverage across Lagos State. The possibility
of organizing sessions with the students especially during their extracurricular activity
is in the pipeline. HDI intends to liaise with various stakeholders in the Education
Sector to ensure that students are massively enlightened on pertinent issues.

6.3 International Child Labour Day 2018

To mark the international Child Labour Day, Human Development Initiatives (HDI)
organized a rally on Thursday 14th of June 2018 to mark International Child Labour
Day; the event was used to sensitize community members on the implication in
abusing a child. This year’s World Day Against Child Labour theme was: Generation
Safe and Healthy, it was aimed at enlightening the public about the health and
security hazards children are exposed to as well as the deprivation of rights such as
education, health, food and clothing etc. and the trauma they face when they are
subjected to hard labour especially when they are under aged.

The programme had in attendance students from different secondary schools who
arrived at HDI office to be briefed on what child labour entails and its ills, in
preparation for the rally. The rally kicked off at the Iwaya market, Onike, Yaba where
HDI team and participating students sensitized the community members trading in the
market about the danger of child labour.

Community members embraced the event and joined the team for the campaign
against child labour. Flyers and souvenirs containing messages against child labour
were shared. The rally moved further into the streets of Iwaya community where
many people in the community were informed about the dangers of child labour.

6.5 A Day Out With The Adolescents 2018

Human Development Initiatives on the 9th of February 2018 organized her annual
program “A Day Out with Adolescents” for in-school adolescents and school
counselors in Lagos State. To build the capacity of the Adolescents for them to be
assertive against peer pressure and abuse; strengthen and build the capacity of school
counselors/teachers in counseling and in handling adolescents’ peculiarities. The
event took place with a representation from 27 schools in Lagos State Education
Districts II and IV. 3 students and a school counselor represented each school. This
event was a two-in-one program, targeting students and counselors separately. The
Students’ theme was “Emotional Intelligence” while the counselors’ session was on
“Understanding and dealing with emotional challenges of students”.

The Executive Director of Human Development Initiatives, Mrs. Olufunso Owasanye

encouraged the students to stop keeping issues bothering them to themselves but to
share it and seek help. She also informed the students to open up during their session
since their counselors would have their session separately.


The session focused on educating counselors on understanding and dealing with

students with emotional challenges. The session explained vividly the crucial issue of
abuse whether psychological, physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. The counselors
participated with interest during the seminar as many of them shared personal
experiences in their various schools as a seasoned counselor. Discussions were held
during the seminar as the facilitator had the opportunity to educate and enlighten the
counselors on counseling sessions procedures. Many of the counselors emphasized
the need to involve other people in the educational sector, especially the principals
and teachers in the schools.


The session for the students was on “Emotional Intelligence” which was taken by
Mrs. Olufunso Owasanoye. She pointed out that increase in the reports of students
with depression and suicidal contemplation informed the theme (Emotional
Intelligence) for this year’s program. She admonished students facing emotional
challenges, to seek help from counselors because keeping silent may lead to
depression. She emphasized discipline in decision making as an important factor in
emotional intelligence. She further explained to the students how to manage their
emotions and control their feelings.

The students were later divided into two groups according to their gender: Boys
discussed effect of drug abuse and sex on teenagers, while the topic discussed with
the Girls was Relationship and Charting Menstrual Cycle. The students were enjoined
to view the valentine day differently from the knowledge of sexual love.
Finally, the students testified to benefitting greatly from the program. The program
gave a clear understanding of the concept of “Emotional Intelligence”; which includes
the virtues and morals that should be upheld as teenagers with promising future. In
attendance were Twenty-Seven (27) counselors and One Hundred and Two (102)
students across selected schools in Lagos State Education Districts II and IV.

6.6 Network Of Civil Society Organization Against Child Trafficking,

Abuse And Labour (NACTAL) South West Zonal Meeting

The meeting of Network of Civil Society Organization Against Child Trafficking,

Abuse and Labour (NACTAL) South West Zone was held on Friday, 16th November
2018 at Living Spring Human Development Initiatives office, Osogbo, Osun State.

NACTAL members in Osun State were the host of Year 2018 annual meeting. The
event started with an advocacy visit to the Director of Child Unit, Ministry of Women
Affairs in Osogbo Osun State. The National Chairman of NACTAL who led the
delegates pleaded with the Director to engage NACTAL, Osun State Chapter in any
case of child abuse, labour and trafficking, he made it known that without the full
support of the State Government the activities of NACTAL, Osun State will be
limited. The Director in his response emphasized that the Ministry of Women Affairs
and Poverty Alleviation in Osun State is ready to partner with the Network and all
other NGOs in Osun State. He said for government to really recognize any NGO
operating in Osun State, the organization must register with the Ministry. He assures
the President of the Network that the Child Unit of the Ministry of Women Affairs
will work with NACTAL in issues involving children in order to ensure an enabling
environment for children in Osun State.

The following were the deliberations and outcome of the meeting:

1. A detailed report of the Year 2017 NACTAL Convention and Election was
2. NACTAL National now has a cordial relationship with NAPTIP. Any NGO
working on Child Trafficking must get an approval from NACTAL before
being recognized by NAPTIP.
3. NACTAL National is currently engaging some International Agencies to
secure a project that will benefit all members.
4. NACTAL now has a functioning website with the domain name
www.nactal.org and all members have their own portal on this website
5. NACTAL national is working to have a child database centre in Abuja
6. NACTAL Osun State was officially inaugurated.
Certificates were presented to all members present, after which they have been
certified to be a bonafide member of the Network. Members were encouraged
to always work as a team as this will ensure the success of the Network.


For the year 2018, Human Development Initiative published a book on Quiet
Corruption in Public Education Institutions in Lagos State


8.1 Collaboration with Media

Partnership with Electronic and Print Media continued. Relationships with media
organizations were strengthened. Partners and professionals were given the
opportunity to feature as guest speakers to discuss development issues on radio
stations. Some programmes were presented live with opportunity for callers to ask
questions on issues of governance while others were recorded. HDI had the
opportunity to assess the success of the collaboration from the positive feedback
received from listeners and the increased number of people who visited the website
after listening to the programmes. Some of the radio stations are: Rainbow FM - 94.1,
Classic FM 97.3, Wazobia FM 95.1 and Radio Lagos 103.5 etc. while the television
station includes Galaxy TV, Silver Bird Lagos, Lagos Television, MITV etc., and
partnership has been established with some print media companies.

8.2 Invitations
The office received invitations from various partner organizations to give talks on
issues related to children, adolescents, youths and women.

8.3 Website

The website www.hdinigeria.org was upgraded during the year. The webpage
incorporates information on the activities of the organization. This idea enables those
who have no access to Internet to interface with the webpage. Also there is a
facebook (www.facebook.com/hdinigeria.com), Instagram and Twitter page to create
an avenue to share comments on governance at the local government level especially.
The facebook page got over 80 percent increase in the number of followers during the

8.4 Publication: Newsletter

The regular monthly newsletter was published and sent through the Internet. The E-
Newsletter contains activities of the organization. It is enriched with articles on
developmental issues.

9.0 Summary/Conclusion

In conclusion, the year 2018 can be termed a successful year as most of the
Organization’s projects for the year was achieved. Special thanks to the staff of the
organization who put in their best to see that each programme was done well.


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