English 204 R.Naamani Rhetorical Appeals Assignment Background

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English 204

Rhetorical Appeals
You have examined how rhetorical appeals are employed in a speech.
With your partner, find a speech by a public figure, leader, or activist by a figure from the Middle East and/or Arab world.
Read and analyze the speech. You will deliver a 2-3-minute presentation to the class. In your presentation, be sure to
include the following:

 A (very) brief biographical summary of the speaker

 A summary of the speech
 The historical and/or social context
 The purpose
 The audience
 An analysis of the rhetorical appeals and their effectiveness
You do not need to share the entire speech with your classmates. You can, however, share certain parts of the speech to
illustrate a point or to give examples.

Criteria Points
 Students provided a brief biographical summary of the speaker. 1
 Students provided a summary of the speech. Summary includes the main ideas of the 1
speaker’s argument.
 Students provided an overview of the historical and/or social context of the speech. 1
 Students explained the purpose of the speech. 1
 Students identified the audience. 1
 Students provided a thorough analysis of the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos). 5
Students provided at least three examples the rhetorical appeals in the speech. Students
discussed the effectiveness of the rhetorical appeals and provided an evaluation of the
speech (the speaker and/or the argument).

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