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Chapter 8

Explicit Dynamics:
Analysis Settings

ANSYS Explicit Dynamics

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009

© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-1 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Analysis Settings Training Manual

• Analysis Settings are grouped in six categories

– Step Controls

– Solver Controls

– Damping Controls

– Erosion Controls

– Output Controls

– Analysis Data Management

• Specifies directory where project data will be stored

• End Time is the only required input

– All other options have defaults

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Step Controls Training Manual

• Solve Initiation
– Resume From Cycle
• Specifies the cycle (time step) from which to start the Solve.
– Default (cycle 0) is to start at the beginning (time zero).
• When resuming a simulation, changes to analysis settings will be
respected where possible.
– e.g. you often wish to resume a simulation with an extended End Time.
• Changes to any other features in the model (geometry
suppression, connections, loads, etc….) will not be respected.
• List of cycles from which to resume will only be populated if a
previous solve has been executed and restart files generated.

• Solve Termination
– Maximum Number of Cycles
• Specifies the maximum number of cycles (time increments)
allowed for the simulation.
– The simulation will stop once the specified value is reached.
– Enter a large number (default) to ensure simulation runs to the End

– End Time (no default)

• Defines the timescale that you want the simulation to run.
• Enter a reasonable estimate for this parameter since it controls the
length of time the simulation will take to run.
• Used in other pre-processing objects (such as tabular loads) and
also to define the scale for Chart output of results objects.

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Step Controls Training Manual

• Maximum Energy Error

– Solution stops if the energy error exceeds the Maximum

Energy Error (expressed as a fraction)

Reference Energy = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Hourglass Energy

Current Energy = Internal Energy + Kinetic Energy + Hourglass Energy

Work Done = Work done by constraints

+ Work done by loads
+ Work done by body forces
+ Energy removed from system by element erosion
+ Work done by contact penalty forces

• Reference Energy Cycle

– Defines the cycle at which the solver calculates the

reference energy
• Usually the start cycle (default)

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© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-4 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Step Controls Training Manual

• Example energy conservation graph for model with symmetry plane and erosion

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Step Controls Training Manual

• Time Step Controls

– Initial Time Step
• If left on Program Controlled (recommended), the initial time step
will be automatically set to ½ the smallest initial element stability
time step

– Minimum Time Step

• If the time drops below this value the simulation will stop
• If left on Program Controlled (recommended), the value will be
set to 1/10th the Initial Time Step

– Maximum Time Step

• Solver will use the minimum of this value or the computed

stability time step
• Program Controlled is recommended

– Time Step Safety Factor

• Safety factor is applied to the computed stability time step

– Default (0.9) should work for most simulations

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Step Controls Training Manual

• Automatic Mass Scaling

– Masses in smaller elements are scaled up to increase the
time step used in the simulation
– Additional input is required for this option
• Minimum CFL Time Step
– Minimum CFL time step to be obtain with mass scaling
• Should be larger that the observed CFL time step

• Maximum Element Scaling.

– Limits the ratio of scaled mass / physical mass that can be applied to
each element in the model.
• If this ratio is exceeded, the simulation will stop with an error message.

• Maximum Part Scaling

– Limits the ratio of scaled mass / physical mass that can be applied to
an individual body.
• If this ratio is exceeded, the simulation will stop with an error message.

• Update Frequency
– The frequency (in cycles) that mass scaling is performed.
• A value of zero (default) means mass scaling is only done once, at the start of
the simulation

• Caution! Mass scaling introduces additional mass into the

system to increase the CFL time step. Introducing too much
mass can lead to unphysical result.
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© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-7 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Solver Controls Training Manual

• Solve Units
– The units the solver will use for the simulation
• For accuracy, only (mm, mg, ms) are allowed
• Different units can be used to set up problems and
view results.

• Beam Solution Type

– Bending (default, most accurate)
– Truss

• Beam Time Step Safety Factor

• Hex Integration Type

– Exact (default, most accurate)
– 1pt Gauss (faster)

• Shell Sublayers
– Used to compute Stress Resultants and Bending
– Default (3) usually provides sufficient accuracy

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Solver Controls Training Manual

• Shell Shear Correction Factor

• Shell BWC Warp Correction

• Shell Thickness Update

– Nodal
– Elemental

• Tet Pressure Integration

– Average Nodal
– Constant

• Shell Inertia Update

– Recompute (default, most accurate)
– Rotate (faster)

• Density Update
– Program Controlled (default, recommended)
– Incremental
– Total

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Solver Controls Training Manual

• Minimum Velocity
– Computed nodal velocities below the
Minimum Velocity will be set zero
• Eliminates small velocities cause by noise
• Default is usually OK

• Maximum Velocity
– Computed nodal velocities above the
Maximum Velocity will be set equal to
the Maximum Velocity
• Can increase time step by eliminating
high velocities that are not influencing the
required solution
• Default is very large

• Radius Cutoff
– Nodes with the Radius Cutoff of a
symmetry plane will be snapped onto the
symmetry plane
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009
© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-10 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Damping Controls Training Manual

• Three types of damping can be applied and

controlled for Explicit Dynamic Analyses

– Artificial Viscosity
• Introduced to prohibit instabilities developing
from shock formation / propagation

– Hourglass Damping
• Introduced to prohibit “hourglass” deformation
modes developing in solid hex elements and
quad shell elements

– Static Damping
• Applied to allow a static equilibrium solution to
be obtained from an Explicit Dynamic analysis

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© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-11 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Artificial Viscosity Training Manual

• Shock discontinuities are generally not stable

• Usually, the diffusion inherent in numerical solutions is sufficient to keep
them stable, but solutions can be noisy
• Artificial Viscosity is used to
– Ensure stability by smearing shock discontinuities into rapidly varying, but
continuous, transition regions
– Reduce noise
• Two terms are used to apply Artificial Viscosity
– Quadratic (stabilizes the solution)
– Linear (reduces noise)

  V  
 V  V
   
q    C Q d    C L c  for 0
  
V  
V  V

0 for 0
CQ is the Quadratic Artificial Viscosity coefficient
CL is the Linear Artificial Viscosity coefficient

• Both terms impose further restrictions on the time step

– Not usually very significant
• Default Values are recommended
– Use carefully to avoid over-diffusion of real solution

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009

© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-12 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Artificial Viscosity Training Manual

Quadratic Viscosity ensures stability Linear Viscosity reduces noise

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009

© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-13 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Hourglass Damping Training Manual

• Two formulations are available for the corrective forces used to

resist hourglass deformation modes of hexahedral elements.
– AUTODYN Standard (default, most efficient)
• Generates hourglass forces proportional to nodal velocity differences.
• Often referred to as a viscous formulation.

* f KF X 
FH  C H cV 3

Where FH is a vector of the hourglass forces at each node of the element,

CH is the Viscous Coefficient, ρ is the material density, c is the material
sound speed, V is the material volume and f X  is a vector function of
element nodal velocities aligned with the hourglass shape vector

– Flanagan Belytschko
• Invariant under rigid body rotation (i.e. hourglass forces sum to zero)
• Recommended for simulations in which large rotations of hexahedral
elements are expected.

* f FB X 
FH  C H cV 3

• Vector function of element nodal velocities is orthogonal to both linear

velocity field and rigid body field.

– Viscous Coefficient usually varies between 0.05 and 0.15. The

default value is 0.1.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Hourglass Damping Training Manual

• The sum of the hourglass forces applied to an element is normally zero.

– Momentum of the system is unaffected by hourglass forces.

• Energy associated with hourglass forces is

– stored locally in the specific internal energy of the element
– recorded globally over the entire model

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Static Damping Training Manual

• Explicit Dynamics is primarily designed for solving transient

dynamic events.
• Using the static damping option, a static equilibrium solution can
also be obtained.
– Introduces a damping force proportional to the nodal velocities,
aimed to critically damp the lowest mode of oscillation of the static
– Solution is computed dynamically until it converges to an equilibrium
– Need to judge when the equilibrium state is achieved.

• Value of Static Damping (Rd) for critical damping of the lowest

mode of vibration is
2 t T
Rd 
1  2  t T
where T is the period of the lowest mode of vibration of the system
(or close approximation).

– Expect solution to converge to static equilibrium in roughly 3T if

critical damping is applied.
– If T is not known accurately, over-estimates it, rather than
underestimate it.
– Approximate values of Δt and T can be obtained by first performing
a dynamic analysis without static damping.
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© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-16 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Erosion Controls Training Manual

• Erosion is a numerical mechanism for the automatic removal

(deletion) of elements during a simulation.
– Removes very distorted elements before they become inverted
– Ensures time step remains reasonably large.
– Ensures solutions can continue to the End Time.
– Can be used to allow simulation of material fracture, cutting and

• There are three options available to initiate erosion of elements.

• On Geometric Strain

– An element erodes when its Effective (geometric) strain exceeds the

Geometric Strain Limit.
• Typical values range from 0.5 to 2.0. The default value of 1.5 can be used
in most cases.
– Effective strain is calculated from the principal strain components as

 eff 
  
 1  2  3   1 2  2 3  3 1 3  122  232  312
2 2 2 2

– Custom result EFF_STN can be used to review effective strain.

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© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-17 Inventory #002665
Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Erosion Controls Training Manual

• On Material Failure
– An element erodes immediately upon material failure.
• Elements using damage models will erode if the damage value reaches

• On Minimum Element Time Step

– An element erodes when its local element time step, multiplied by
the time step safety factor falls below the Minimum Element Time
– Custom result TIMESTEP can be used to review local element time

• Erosion options can be used in any combination.

– Elements will erode if any of the criteria are met.

• Retain Inertia of Eroded Material

– If this option is selected, and all elements connected to a node in the
mesh erode, the inertia of the resulting free node is retained. i.e. the
free node continues to transfer momentum in subsequent impacts.
– If not selected, all free nodes are removed from the simulation.

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Output Controls Training Manual

• Results
– Results files contain data used for the main post-processing
operations in Explicit Dynamics (Contour Results, Probe Results,

– Save Results on
• Equally Spaced Time Points (specify Number of points)
• Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
• Time (specify Time frequency)

– By default, 20 results files are generated for a Solve which

terminates at the specified End Time.

• Restart files
– Restart files contain all information required by the solver to run
(or restart) the simulation.

– Save Restart Files on

• Equally Spaced Time Points (specify Number of points)
• Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
• Time (specify Time frequency)

– By default, 5 restart files are generated for a Solve which

terminates at the specified End Time.

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Explicit Dynamics: Analysis Settings
Output Controls Training Manual

• Result Tracker data

– Result Tracker files contains time history data for probes Defaults

– Save Result Tracker Data on

• Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
• Time (specify Time frequency)
– By default result tracker data is recorded every cycle.
• Frequency may need to be reduced for long running

• Solution Output
– Solution Output contains general data for the overall
solution (momentum and energy summaries, energy
conservation, e.t.c.)
– Save Solution Output Data on
• Cycles (specify Cycles frequency)
• Time (specify Time frequency)
– By default, solution output data is recorded every 100
• Frequency may need to be reduced for long running
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary February 27, 2009
© 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-20 Inventory #002665

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