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Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12,

Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
1 2020-14002-000001 BFP Incident Management Bureau of Fire 18 The Incident Management Communications Interregional ODA-Pursuant 2018-2022 - - 1,200,000,000.00 1,200,000,000.00 1,200,000,000.00 - 3,600,000,000.00
Communications System Protection System (IMCOS) project is aiming to
(IMCOS) computerize the firefighting activities and
enhance the communications facilities in NCR,
Metro Cebu and Metro Davao such as the
following: computerized dispatching,
communications system and interface with
fixed and mobile public communications
2 2020-14002-000002 BFP Service Establishment Bureau of Fire 18 Fire Stations, Fire Trucks and other equipment Nationwide LF 2015-2022 - 1,500,000,000.00 1,800,000,000.00 2,000,000,000.00 2,200,000,000.00 2,500,000,000.00 10,000,000,000.00
Program (SEP) Protection
3 2020-14002-000003 BFP Service Upgrading and Bureau of Fire 18 Supply and delivery of 456 high-standard Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2018-2022 - 12,500,000,000.00 12,500,000,000.00 13,500,000,000.00 14,500,000,000.00 14,500,000,000.00 67,500,000,000.00
Modernization Program Protection 1,000 Gal. Water Pumper for the upgrading of
(SUMP) - Foreign Assisted (by firefighting capability of 145 cities and 311
Phases) selected highly-urbanized municipalities
4 2020-14002-000004 BFP Service Upgrading and Bureau of Fire 18 Provision of additional fire trucks and other Nationwide LF 2018-2022 - 2,500,000,000.00 2,500,000,000.00 2,500,000,000.00 2,500,000,000.00 2,500,000,000.00 12,500,000,000.00
Modernization Program Protection firefighting equipment for the replacement of
(SUMP) - Local Procurement 630 old and dilapidated firetrucks (30 years
and above) in highly urbanized cities and
municipalities nationwide
5 2020-14002-000005 Construction of Special Bureau of Fire 18 SRU Headquarters with Facilities and Nationwide LF 2017-2022 - 500,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 - 850,000,000.00
Rescue Unit (SRU) Stations Protection Amenities in all 18 BFP Regional Offices and
(Inclusive of furniture/fixtures, 145 strategic highly-urbanized
computers and communication cities and municipalities
6 2020-14002-000006 HAZMAT Response Capability Bureau of Fire 18 Number of BFP Special Search and Rescue Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2018-2022 - 100,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00 1,500,000,000.00 2,000,000,000.00 6,600,000,000.00
Upgrading Program Protection (SRR) Personnel Equipped with Levels A, B
and C Personal Protective
Equipment (PPEs); number of HAZMAT trucks
deployed; number of HAZMAT detection and
equipment, tools and devices distributed and
number of SRR units established in BFP
Regional Office, highly-urbanized
cities & municipalities.
7 2020-12001-000031 ATN Mapping Department of 18 Between 2017 and 2022, OUMWA plans to Abroad LF 2015-2022 8,789,370.00 1,492,128.00 8,726,248.00 8,726,248.00 8,726,248.00 8,726,248.00 45,186,490.00
Foreign Affairs map eighty (80) territories overseas.
8 2020-12001-000028 Capacity Building for MOAO Department of 18 Expertise on the Law of the sea Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 9,000,000.00
Personnel on Law of the Sea Foreign Affairs
and Ocean Governance
9 2020-12001-000002 Establishment of Foreign Department of 18 Closer diplomatic ties and political - Increased Abroad LF 2018-2022 - 241,895,000.00 - 1,811,015,000.00 - 15,558,936,008.00 17,611,846,008.00
Service Posts Foreign Affairs PH exports and inward/outward - Increased
Consular and ATN services - Enhanced
cooperation on issues of national interest
(including. human trafficking, drugs and
criminality, science and technology, and
10 2020-12001-000004 The DFA Critical Infrastructure Department of 18 Implementation of an end to end advanced Nationwide LF 2016-2019 6,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 - - - 33,000,000.00
Resilience Project - Advanced Foreign Affairs cybersecurity solution for the DFA and all PH
Cybersecurity Solution embassies and consulates abroad with
perimeter network security and endpoint

Secure Internet Gateway

Protection against Cybersecurity threats such

as malware, ransomware, Trojans

Real time reporting and access of pertinent

historical data

Simple, easy to use and intuitive graphical

user interface (GUI) for easy management of
the DFA's system

Enhanced data protection and security of

internal and external clients
11 2020-12001-000075 The DFA Critical Infrastructure Department of 18 Procurement of a Call Center Service for the Nationwide LF 2018-2022 - 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 250,000,000.00
Resilience Project - DFA Call Foreign Affairs DFA's frontline and back office processes
12 2020-12001-000073 The DFA Critical Infrastructure Department of 18 State-of-the-art DFA Command and Control Nationwide LF 2019-2020 - - 35,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - - 37,000,000.00
Resilience Project - Expansion Foreign Affairs Center and full-blown crisis center
of the DFA Command and
Control Center

Page 1 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
13 2020-12001-000068 The DFA Critical Infrastructure Department of 18 An identity-based secure communication Nationwide LF 2019-2020 - - 65,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 - - 95,000,000.00
Resilience Project - Secure Foreign Affairs network connection between the Home Office,
Communications Network FSPs and COs
(SCN) Project
Next generation Unified Threat Management
(UTM) appliance

Unified management of the entire secure

communication network in a centralized

Improved delivery of public service through

faster and secure network connectivity
14 2020-37001-000051 Cybersecurity Management Department of 18 1. Enhanced and resilient critical Nationwide LF 2018-2020 - 593,458,000.00 504,643,000.00 728,928,476.00 - - 1,827,029,476.00
System Project Information and infostructure
Communications 2. Protection of government networks
Technology 3. Protection of individuals
4. Protection of business and supply chains
15 2020-37001-000001 Enhanced Data Privacy Department of 18 1. Compliant NGA’s: 85% of government, Nationwide LF 2019-2022 - - 23,172,000.00 30,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 128,172,000.00
Compliance and Monitoring Information and including NGAs, SUCs, LGUs and GOCCs
Program Communications compliant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012
Technology Universe:
Government (2,407)
NGAs - 257
SUCs / HEIs - 212
LGUs - 1,715
GOCCs - 212
2. Privacy Sweep (Website Check) - 40
sweeps (10 months)
3. Compliance Advocacy Team – 40 (10
4. Compliance Check Visits – maximum 25%
from sweeps conducted
5. Creation/Identifying Individual Professional
6. Registration of Individual Professional –
20% of identified universe
7. Government DPO Certification – 10 classes

16 2020-17001-000001 Acquisition of production, Department of 18 Acquisition of manufacturing and fabrication Nationwide LF 2019-2024 - - 100,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 570,000,000.00
fabrication and quality National Defense equipment that will provide increase in the
assurance equipment production level of assorted small arms
ammunition and further improve the
manufacturing capacity and capability of the
Government Arsenal.
17 2020-14001-000035 Advocacy on Violent Department of the 18 - Capacity-building of LGUs on: anti-criminality, Nationwide LF 2019-2022 - - 135,000,000.00 148,500,000.00 163,350,000.00 179,685,000.00 626,535,000.00
Extremism and Criminality Interior and Local combating traficking in persons (TIP),
Government prevention of violent extremism
- Development of advocacy materials and
conduct of education campaign on PVE and
- Gathering and documentation of successful
community-based approaches on PVE
18 2020-14001-000010 Anti-Illegal Drugs Information Department of the 18 Anti-illegal Drugs Information System Nationwide LF 2018-2020 - 14,680,000.00 53,726,000.00 61,436,400.00 - - 129,842,400.00
System (AIDIS) Interior and Local established
19 2020-14001-000014 Capacity Enhancement for Department of the 18 PLEBs monitored and provided with capacity Nationwide LF 2017-2022 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 600,000,000.00
People's Law Enforcement Interior and Local development, technical and financial
Boards (PLEBs) and PMO- Government assistance
20 2020-14001-000027 Emergency 911 National Department of the 18 All calls for emergency assistance are Nationwide LF 2017-2022 99,905,000.00 22,385,000.00 547,385,000.00 221,744,000.00 143,468,000.00 169,247,000.00 1,204,134,000.00
System Interior and Local received and managed, lives are saved, and
Government the quality of emergency services improved
through better and faster coordination with
emergency responders.
21 2020-14001-000023 Revitalizing and Strengthening Department of the 18 80% functioning and performing BADACs, Nationwide LF 2018-2022 - 150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 180,000,000.00 180,000,000.00 180,000,000.00 840,000,000.00
Anti-Drug Abuse Councils Interior and Local 9,134 barangays in C/Ms with CBRP provided
(ADACs) Government with assistance in the implementation of
CBRP, Action on low and/or non-performing
ADACs/BADACs undertaken, Policy on ADAC
functionality with provision of incentives and
awards issues, 1715 PCM ADACs Audited on
Functionality, 1715 LGU assisted on
Strengthening ADACs, IDMRIS, ADAC MS and
Performance Audit, 100% development of the
ADAC Monitoring System

Page 2 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
22 2020-14001-000001 Safe Philippines Project Department of the 18 Set-up/Installed the following: Interregional Region XI, ODA-Pursuant 2018-2023 - - 11,680,503,000.00 5,052,849,700.00 3,580,567,800.00 - 20,313,920,500.00
Interior and Local - NCR IC4 Center NCR
Government - Surveilance
-Video Analytics
- Integrated Critical Communication Systems
- Mobile Command Center
- Cloud Data Center
- Connectivity
- LGU Emergency & Management Centers
- Report and Statistics

23 2020-14001-000015 Strengthening Peace and Department of the 18 1) Provision of technical assistance in the Nationwide LF 2017-2022 6,812,000.00 157,583,000.00 150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 764,395,000.00
Order Councils (POCs) Interior and Local development, monitoring and evaluation of
Government LGUs Peace and Order and Public Safety
Plans, of which, this plan addresses all peace
and order related issues such as Terrorism,
Insurgency, Criminality, Illegal Drugs etc.;
2) Development an integrated peace and order
information system which shall provide data
need by key agencies and LGUs for policy
formulation and delivery of basic services;
3) Provision of an avenue to discuss,
deliberated and recommend actions of major
issues and problems affecting peace and
4) Enhance POCs functionality through
provision of Skills Enhancement on Technical
Writing and Skills Enhancement in Writing
POC Resolution and Minutes of the Meeting
for the Peace and Order Councils; and
5) Monitoring and Evaluation of POCs
functionalities and POPS Plan through Peace
and Order and Public Safety Policy
Compliance Monitoring System.

24 2020-38001-000332 (MARITIME) Acquisition of 4 Department of 18 To enhance the PCG's response capability Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2017-2019 3,198,964,000.00 3,085,634,000.00 - - - 5,142,378,000.00 11,426,976,000.00
units 24 Meters and 1 unit of Transportation particularly during search and rescue
82 Meter Multi-Role Response operation, rescue and salvage work,
Vessel (Philippine Ports & environmental protection, enforcement of
Coast Guard Capability applicable maritime laws, transport of goods
Development Project) and persons in times of calamities and
disasters, and support in the socio-economic
development of national and local government
units. The boats will act as deterrents to piracy
since their deployment would mean quick
response to piracy incidents and apprehension
of the lawless elements. The patrol boat can
intercept vessels bringing into or taking out of
the country merchandise or articles, including
arms and explosives. Guarding the maritime
territory will deter those who would use the
vast coastline to deliver drugs into or out of
the country. The deployment of patrol boats
will discourage the use of illegal fishing
paraphernalia which is harmful to the marine
environment. Regular patrolling of the maritime
territory will put a plug on the porous sea
boundaries being used for entry of illegal

25 2020-38001-000329 (MARITIME) Acquisition of 7 Department of 18 The acquired helicopters will be deployed in Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2017-2020 - - - 1,911,230,000.00 1,911,230,000.00 2,077,540,000.00 5,900,000,000.00
units Maritime Disaster Transportation PCG's proposed six circles of influence with a
Response Helicopter 200 nautical mile radius - Northern Luzon,
NCR/ Central Luzon, Palawan, Central and
Eastern Visayas, Southwest Mindanao and
Southest Mindanao. This will expand the
coverage area of operations in terms of
conduct of search and rescue, medical
evacuation, maritime airsurveillance and
patrol, maritime environmental protection in
support to Coast Guard Fleet operations.
26 2020-38001-000330 (MARITIME) Acquisition of Department of 18 Procurement of Twenty (20) Fast Patrol Craft Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2021-2022 - - - - 2,147,483,647.00 2,147,483,647.00 4,294,967,294.00
Twenty (20) Fast Patrol Craft Transportation
27 2020-38001-000327 (MARITIME) Maritime Safety Department of 18 10 units of MRRV vessels Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2014-2019 1,594,135,000.00 968,500,000.00 2,214,246,000.00 - - - 4,776,881,000.00
Capability Improvement Project Transportation
Phase I (MSCIP I)
28 2020-38001-000328 (MARITIME) Maritime Safety Department of 18 2 units of 94 meter vessels Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2016-2021 250,000,000.00 1,030,000,000.00 330,099,000.00 1,706,200,000.00 4,002,200,000.00 698,641,000.00 8,017,140,000.00
Capability Improvement Project Transportation

Page 3 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
29 2020-19004-000013 Human Security and Defense Forest Products 18 The program’s R and D on bullet-proof vests Nationwide Others 2020-2022 - - - 50,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 95,000,000.00
Research Program: Research and will utilize bamboo and abaca to convert these
Propellants and Bullet Vests Development sustainable and eco-efficient resources as
Institute affordable alternatives to imported ballistic
vests. On propellants, the project will develop
military grade cellulose nitrate powders from
abaca pulp and tri-nitro-resorcinol from locally-
available sources of phenolic compounds.
Finding local substitutes to imported gums and
resins as important ingredients of propellants
will also be covered in the program.

30 2020-17002-000002 Acquisition of Equipment for In- Government Arsenal 18 Supply 100% tools and dies requirements for Nationwide LF - - - 17,200,000.00 14,700,000.00 8,400,000.00 40,300,000.00
House Fabrication of Tools the manufacture of 70 million rounds assorted
and Dies ammunition.
31 2020-17002-000007 Acquisition of Equipment for Government Arsenal 18 2,200 Rifle barrel/8,800 pistol barrel annually Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 46,900,000.00 - - 46,900,000.00
Small Arms Repair and in single shift operation.
Upgrade Weapons 6,600 pcs each of bolts, dust cover pins and
firing pins annually in single shift operation
32 2020-17002-000001 Acquisition of small arms Government Arsenal 18 14 million pieces 5.56mm cases in addition to Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 264,000,000.00 182,000,000.00 154,000,000.00 600,000,000.00
ammunition (SAA) the capacity of the existing equipment of 34
manufacturing equipment million pieces annually
45 million pieces 5.56mm primers.
33 2020-17002-000003 Acquisition of Testing Government Arsenal 18 100% quality acceptance of finished ammo, Nationwide LF 2020-2021 - - - 25,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 - 50,000,000.00
Equipment ammo components and other materials.
34 2020-17002-000005 Integrated Propellant Powder Government Arsenal 18 88 MT Nitrocellulose annually in 3 shifts Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 3,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 9,500,000.00
Production Plant operation
12 MT Nitroglycerin annually in single shift
95MT Double-based ball powder annually in
single shift operation
35 2020-14004-000002 Crisis Management Local Government 18 Coaches and LGUs trained. Nationwide LF 2018-2019 - 3,000,000.00 - - - - 3,000,000.00
36 2020-15005-000003 CRIMINAL HISTORY National Bureau of 18 The project will establish a computer-based Nationwide LF 2017-2020 1,310,000.00 7,977,200.00 - 52,755,200.00 - - 62,042,400.00
INFORMATION SYSTEM Investigation system for all the existing and incoming
criminal records and other related documents
or information pertaining thereto like warrant of
arrests, hold departure order, etc., that is
accessible and available to all NBI offices
nationwide. This system will facilitate easy
access and retrieval of up-to-date criminal
information at any point in time or whenever
and wherever necessary along with a robust
system security control.
37 2020-15005-000016 Intelligence Information National Bureau of 18 The system will facilitate the processing of Nationwide LF 2018-2019 - 7,334,000.00 - - - - 7,334,000.00
System Investigation intelligence/confidential information gathered
by Intelligence Agents/services from different
operations nationwide and from other
counterparts. This will involve the development
of a database that profiles and modus
operandi of related organized syndicates and
terrorists. It will also capture Crime Statistics
and trends, Order of Battle, Threat
Assessment Reports and Special Studies on
38 2020-17008-000120 Construction of Air Traffic Philippine Air Force 18 New Air Traffic Control Tower Region Region III LF 2020-2020 - - - 25,000,000.00 - - 25,000,000.00
Control Tower at BAB ( Air Forces ) Specific
39 2020-17008-000147 Construction of Antenna Tower Philippine Air Force 18 New Antenna Tower w/ Communication Region Region I LF 2021-2021 - - - - 16,642,043.00 - 16,642,043.00
w/ Communication System at ( Air Forces ) System Specific
Paredes Air Station

40 2020-17008-000148 Construction of Antenna Tower Philippine Air Force 18 New Antenna Tower with Communication Region Region IVB LF 2021-2021 - - - - 16,642,043.00 - 16,642,043.00
with Communication System at ( Air Forces ) System Specific
Mt Salakot
41 2020-17008-000170 Construction of Philippine Air Force 18 New Communication Tower Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 3,500,000.00 - - 3,500,000.00
Communication Tower at Hill ( Air Forces ) Specific
900, Zamboanga
42 2020-17008-000172 Construction of Philippine Air Force 18 New Communications Tower Region Region XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 3,500,000.00 - - 3,500,000.00
Communications Tower at ( Air Forces ) Specific
Balut Island, Sarangani
43 2020-17008-000173 Construction of Philippine Air Force 18 New Communications Tower Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 3,500,000.00 - - 3,500,000.00
Communications Tower at ( Air Forces ) Specific
PAS, Camarines Norte
44 2020-17008-000174 Construction of Philippine Air Force 18 New Communications Tower Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 3,500,000.00 - - 3,500,000.00
Communications Tower at Sta ( Air Forces ) Specific
Ana, Cagayan
45 2020-17008-000630 Radio Relay Station Building at Philippine Air Force 18 New Radio Relay Station Building Region Region IVB LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,600,000.00 - - 4,600,000.00
Balabac, Palawan ( Air Forces ) Specific
46 2020-17008-000631 Radio relay station Building at Philippine Air Force 18 New Radio relay station Building Region Region XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,600,000.00 - - 4,600,000.00
Balut Island, Sarangani ( Air Forces ) Specific
47 2020-17008-000632 Radio Relay Station Building at Philippine Air Force 18 New Radio Relay Station Building Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,600,000.00 - - 4,600,000.00
Hill 900, Zamboanga ( Air Forces ) Specific
48 2020-17008-000633 Radio Relay Station Building at Philippine Air Force 18 New Radio Relay Station Building Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,600,000.00 - - 4,600,000.00
PAS, Camarines Norte ( Air Forces ) Specific
49 2020-17008-000634 Radio Relay Station Building at Philippine Air Force 18 New Radio Relay Station Building Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,600,000.00 - - 4,600,000.00
Sta Ana, Cagayan ( Air Forces ) Specific

Page 4 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
50 2020-17008-000677 System Software Subscription Philippine Air Force 18 To provide the users to receive important and Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 44,733,604.00 - - 44,733,604.00
for Newly Acquired Aircraft ( Air Forces ) updated references pertaining to bulletins,
policy, procedure, operation and flight
management information system
51 2020-38006-000074 Acquisition of Multi-Role Fixed Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct humanitarian assistance Region LF 2020-2021 - - - 300,000,000.00 1,700,000,000.00 - 2,000,000,000.00
Wing Aircraft Guard and disaster response improved. Specific
52 2020-38006-000014 Additional structure for Philippine Coast 18 Navigational safety services improved. Region LF 2019-2021 - - 42,900,000.00 143,000,000.00 100,100,000.00 - 286,000,000.00
Maritime Buoy Base Guard Specific
53 2020-38006-000073 Beyond the Horizon Radar Philippine Coast 18 Capability in providing navigational safety Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 400,000,000.00 - - 400,000,000.00
Guard services and to respond crimes and
emergencies at sea improved.
54 2020-38006-000039 Coast Guard Air Station Sanga- Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region ARMM LF 2020-2020 - - - 94,448,750.00 - - 94,448,750.00
Sanga Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at Specific
sea, humanitarian assistance and disaster
response improved.
55 2020-38006-000059 Coast Guard Base Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 200,630,211.00 - - 200,630,211.00
Catanduanes Additional Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
Structure provide humanitarian assistance improved.
56 2020-38006-000041 Coast Guard Base Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region X LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 382,028,848.00 382,028,848.00
Laguindingan Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
57 2020-38006-000056 Coast Guard Base Mindanao Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 240,959,027.00 - - 240,959,027.00
Additional Structures Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
58 2020-38006-000052 Coast Guard Base Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region I LF 2020-2021 - - - 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - 400,000,000.00
Northwestern Luzon Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
59 2020-38006-000054 Coast Guard Base Palawan Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IVB LF 2020-2021 - - - 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - 400,000,000.00
Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
60 2020-38006-000040 Coast Guard Base Romblon Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IVB LF 2020-2020 - - - 406,860,242.00 - - 406,860,242.00
Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
61 2020-38006-000061 Coast Guard Base Siargao Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region X LF 2020-2020 - - - 240,959,027.00 - - 240,959,027.00
Additional Structures Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
62 2020-38006-000057 Coast Guard Base Sibutu Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region ARMM LF 2020-2020 - - - 240,959,027.00 - - 240,959,027.00
Additional Structures Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
63 2020-38006-000072 Coast Guard Base Southern Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 200,630,211.00 - - 200,630,211.00
Visayas Additional Structures Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
64 2020-38006-000053 Coast Guard Base Subic Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region III LF 2020-2021 - - - 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - 400,000,000.00
Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
65 2020-38006-000063 Coast Guard Base Taguig Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 44,782,700.00 - - 44,782,700.00
Infrastructure Development Guard enforce laws and disaster response and Specific
provide humanitarian assistance improved.
66 2020-38006-000068 Coast Guard District Eastern Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 6,704,260.00 - - 6,704,260.00
Visayas Additional Structure Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
67 2020-38006-000065 Coast Guard District Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 85,680,000.00 - - 85,680,000.00
Northwestern Luzon Building Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
68 2020-38006-000064 Coast Guard District Palawan Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IVB LF 2020-2020 - - - 85,680,000.00 - - 85,680,000.00
Building Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
69 2020-38006-000067 Coast Guard District Southern Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 85,680,000.00 - - 85,680,000.00
Visayas Building Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
70 2020-38006-000070 Coast Guard District Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 38,335,000.00 - 38,335,000.00
Southwestern Mindanao Fleet Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
Support Base improved.
71 2020-38006-000084 Coast Guard Station Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 13,200,000.00 - - 13,200,000.00
Salomague Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
72 2020-38006-000085 Coast Guard Station San Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 13,200,000.00 - - 13,200,000.00
Fernando Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
73 2020-38006-000083 Coast Guard Sub Station Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Lucap Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
74 2020-38006-000069 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability in providing navigational safety Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 420,000,000.00 1,620,000,000.00
Radar Stations Guard services and to respond crimes and
emergencies at sea improved
75 2020-38006-000086 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IVB LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,845,000.00 - - 15,845,000.00
Station Brookes Point Building Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
and Other Facilities improved.
76 2020-38006-000028 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 13,200,000.00 - - 13,200,000.00
Station Northern Samar Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
77 2020-38006-000078 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Argao Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
78 2020-38006-000027 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Bakkungan Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific

Page 5 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
79 2020-38006-000080 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Baybay Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
80 2020-38006-000033 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 11,840,000.00 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Bongo Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
81 2020-38006-000021 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 11,840,000.00 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Daram Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
82 2020-38006-000081 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Hilongos Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
83 2020-38006-000029 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Lapaz Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
84 2020-38006-000034 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region ARMM LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 11,840,000.00 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Maluso Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
85 2020-38006-000031 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Margosatubig Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
86 2020-38006-000038 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region XII LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Palimbang Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
87 2020-38006-000023 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Palompon Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
88 2020-38006-000037 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Siocon Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
89 2020-38006-000022 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Sogod Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
90 2020-38006-000030 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2021-2021 - - - - 11,840,000.00 - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Talusan Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
91 2020-38006-000079 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Tangil Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
92 2020-38006-000077 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Tinago Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
93 2020-38006-000025 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region IX LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 11,840,000.00 11,840,000.00
Sub Station Tukuran Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
94 2020-38006-000076 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VI LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub-Station Hinobaan Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
95 2020-38006-000075 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,840,000.00 - - 11,840,000.00
Sub-Station Siaton Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
96 2020-38006-000088 Construction of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 16,000,000.00 - - 16,000,000.00
Sub-Station Vinzon Building Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea Specific
97 2020-38006-000015 District Firing Range Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security and Interregional NCR, Region LF 2020-2020 - - - 25,040,000.00 - - 25,040,000.00
Guard enforce laws improved. IVA
98 2020-38006-000089 Inter-agency harmonized and Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Nationwide LF 2018-2021 - 400,000,000.00 2,407,000,000.00 2,807,000,000.00 - - 5,614,000,000.00
enhanced surveillance, Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea
enforcement, and development improved.
capabilities for the West
Philippine Sea and Philippine
99 2020-38006-000006 Lighted Ocean Buoy Philippine Coast 18 Ship navigation became more efficient and Nationwide LF 2019-2019 - - 120,000,000.00 - - - 120,000,000.00
Guard incidents of ship grounding reduced.
100 2020-38006-000003 Procurement of Basic Philippine Coast 18 Percentage of apprehensions of violations Nationwide LF 2019-2019 - - 25,300,000.00 - - - 25,300,000.00
Firearms Guard (smuggling, illegal fishing, piracy, human
trafficking, counter narcotics, etc.) increased.

101 2020-38006-000047 Procurement of Bouyage Philippine Coast 18 Ship navigation became more efficient and Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 900,000,000.00
System Guard incidents of ship grounding reduced.
102 2020-38006-000071 Procurement of Coast Guard Philippine Coast 18 Capability in providing navigational safety Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 700,000,000.00 2,700,000,000.00
Radar Equipment Guard services and to respond crimes and
emergencies at sea improved.
103 2020-38006-000013 Procurement of Heavy Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security and Nationwide LF 2019-2019 - - 142,084,800.00 - - - 142,084,800.00
Machine Gun (.cal 50) Guard enforce laws improved.
104 2020-38006-000036 Procurement of Jet Ski Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 16,500,000.00 20,625,000.00 27,225,000.00 64,350,000.00
Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea
105 2020-38006-000005 Procurement of Light Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Nationwide LF 2019-2020 - - 18,000,000.00 102,000,000.00 - - 120,000,000.00
Helicopters Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea
106 2020-38006-000045 Procurement of Mobile X-ray Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security and Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 250,000,000.00 - - 250,000,000.00
and Scanner Vans Guard enforce laws improved. Specific
107 2020-38006-000008 Procurement of Multi Purpose Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Nationwide LF 2019-2020 - - 112,500,000.00 637,500,000.00 - - 750,000,000.00
Fixed-Wing Aircraft Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea

Page 6 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
108 2020-38006-000042 Procurement of Rubber Boats Philippine Coast 18 Capability to conduct maritime security, Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 120,000,000.00 84,000,000.00 84,000,000.00 288,000,000.00
with OBM Guard enforce laws and respond emergencies at sea
109 2020-38006-000046 Procurement of Tertiary Philippine Coast 18 Navigational safety improved. Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 133,800,000.00 - - 133,800,000.00
Lanterns Guard
110 2020-19013-000037 Human Security Research Philippine Council 18 Technologies and innovations on Unmanned Nationwide LF 2018-2023 - 9,308,266.00 10,174,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 31,500,000.00 110,982,266.00
Program for Industry, Energy Vehicles and Mobility, Defense Technologies,
and Emerging and Space Science and
Technology Technology/Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Research and Reconnaissance for the defense sector
111 2020-26030-000006 Acquisition of Military and Philippine Drug 18 2400 operating units provided with military Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 900,000,000.00
Protective Equipment for Enforcement Agency equipment
Operating Units
112 2020-26030-000004 Operationalization of Airport Philippine Drug 18 15 Airport Interdiction Units and Operations Interregional Region I, LF 2020-2022 - - - 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 150,000,000.00
Interdiction Units and Enforcement Agency Center established Region II,
Operations Center Region III,
Region V,
Region VI,
Region VII,
Region VIII,
Region IX,
Region X,
Region XI,
Region XII,
Region XIII,
Region IVA,
Region IVB
113 2020-26030-000007 Operationalization of PDEA Philippine Drug 18 Establishment of 81 provincial offices and 6 Nationwide LF 2018-2022 - - - 870,000,000.00 870,000,000.00 870,000,000.00 2,610,000,000.00
Provincial Offices Enforcement Agency district offices

114 2020-26030-000005 Operationalization of Seaport Philippine Drug 18 30 Seaport Interdiction Units and Operations Interregional Region I, LF 2020-2022 - - - 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 300,000,000.00
Interdiction Units and Enforcement Agency Center established Region II,
Operations Center Region III,
Region V,
Region VI,
Region VII,
Region VIII,
Region IX,
Region X,
Region XI,
Region XII,
Region XIII,
Region IVA,
Region IVB
115 2020-14006-000190 Completion of RPMU Office Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region III LF 2020-2020 - - - 2,500,000.00 - - 2,500,000.00
Building (PRO11) Police Specific
116 2020-14006-000133 Construction of Five (5) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 43,500,000.00 - - 43,500,000.00
A MPS Buildings ( Pampanga, Police Specific
Tarlac in PRO3)
117 2020-14006-000107 Construction of 2 Regional Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IVB LF 2020-2022 - - - 5,612,948.00 5,612,948.00 - 11,225,896.00
Office Building (CIDG) Police Specific
118 2020-14006-000129 Construction of Agusan del Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,781,880.00 - - 11,781,880.00
Norte New PPO Building, Police Specific
Cabadbaran City (PRO13)
119 2020-14006-000159 Construction of Apayao Police Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,600,000.00 - - 11,600,000.00
Provincial Office (PROCOR) Police Specific

120 2020-14006-000143 Construction of Cebu City PSC Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 21,600,000.00 - - 21,600,000.00
Building Police Specific
121 2020-14006-000152 Construction of City Police Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,500,000.00 - - 15,500,000.00
Station of Tabuk CPS Building Police Specific
122 2020-14006-000153 Construction of City PS at Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XII LF 2019-2020 - - 20,160,000.00 10,080,000.00 - - 30,240,000.00
PRO 13 Police Specific
123 2020-14006-000041 Construction of Eight (8) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XI LF 2020-2020 - - - 44,000,000.00 - - 44,000,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Bukidnon, Police Specific
Camuigin and Lanao Del Norte
124 2020-14006-000118 Construction of Eleven (11) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 60,500,000.00 - - 60,500,000.00
Type B/C Buildings in Cebu Police Specific
125 2020-14006-000053 Construction of EOD/K9 Office Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 38,000,000.00 - - 38,000,000.00
Building Police Specific
126 2020-14006-000102 Construction of Firing Range Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 7,725,000.00 - - 7,725,000.00
(PRO 13) Police Specific
127 2020-14006-000147 Construction of Five (5) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 27,500,000.00 - - 27,500,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Sultan Police Specific
Kudarat & Cotabato (PRO12)
128 2020-14006-000134 Construction of Four (4) Type Philippine National 18 improve service delivery to client/s. Region ARMM LF 2020-2020 - - - 22,000,000.00 - - 22,000,000.00
B/C MPS Building (Pampanga, Police Specific
Tarlac and N. Ecija in PRO3)

Page 7 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
129 2020-14006-000146 Construction of Four (4) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery with the client/s. Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 22,000,000.00 - - 22,000,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Ilocos Police Specific
Norte (PRO1)
130 2020-14006-000124 Construction of Fourteen (14) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XI LF 2020-2020 - - - 128,539,600.00 - - 128,539,600.00
Type B/C MPS with Ground Police Specific
Dev't And Amenities (PRO11)
131 2020-14006-000157 Construction of Loreto MPS Philippine National 18 Improve the serivce delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2019-2019 - - 14,400,000.00 - - - 14,400,000.00
PRO 13 Police Specific
132 2020-14006-000139 Construction of Negros Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 6,671,000.00 - - 6,671,000.00
Oriental PPSC Building Police Specific
133 2020-14006-000137 Construction of Negros Orr Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,547,360.00 - - 11,547,360.00
PPO Building (PRO7) Police Specific
134 2020-14006-000130 Construction of Nine (9) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery for Stakeholders. Region ARMM LF 2020-2020 - - - 49,500,000.00 - - 49,500,000.00
B/C MPS Buildings (Lanao del Police Specific
Sur, Maguindanao, and
Basilan) (ARMM)
135 2020-14006-000121 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to Stakeholders. Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 5,702,961.00 - - 5,702,961.00
Police Building (PRO8) Police Specific
Babatngon, Leyte
136 2020-14006-000114 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region III LF 2020-2020 - - - 45,766,240.00 - - 45,766,240.00
"A" Buildings of PRO3 Police Specific
137 2020-14006-000126 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to Stakeholders. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 5,702,961.00 - - 5,702,961.00
Building (PRO13) Police Specific
138 2020-14006-000111 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 17,108,871.00 - - 17,108,871.00
Building (PRO2) Sta Parxedes, Police Specific
San Isidro and Sanchez Mira

139 2020-14006-000117 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VI LF 2020-2020 - - - 17,108,883.00 - - 17,108,883.00
Building (PRO6) San Remigio, Police Specific
Antique; Sn Dionisio, Iloilo and
Sn Enrique, Negros OCC

140 2020-14006-000122 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 17,108,883.00 - - 17,108,883.00
Building (PRO9) Police Specific
141 2020-14006-000116 Construction of Police Station Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to clients. Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 9,153,248.00 - - 9,153,248.00
Buildings (PRO5) Virac, Police Specific
142 2020-14006-000135 Construction of PPO Building Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 23,094,720.00 - - 23,094,720.00
(PRO1) Police
143 2020-14006-000127 Construction of PPO PRO5 Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery for the client/s. Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,547,360.00 - - 11,547,360.00
Police Specific
144 2020-14006-000085 Construction of PRBU & COA Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 10,080,000.00 - - 10,080,000.00
Offices Bldg at PRO13 Police Specific
145 2020-14006-000104 Construction of Regional Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,307,640.00 - - 11,307,640.00
Intelligence Office (PROCOR) Police Specific

146 2020-14006-000183 Construction of Regional Legal Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Interregional Region VIII, LF 2019-2019 - - 10,854,934.00 10,854,934.00 10,854,934.00 - 32,564,802.00
Service Office (NCR, PRO8, Police Region XI,
147 2020-14006-000184 Construction of Regional Legal Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region I LF 2019-2019 - - 9,868,122.00 - - - 9,868,122.00
Service Office (PRO1) Police Specific
148 2020-14006-000185 Construction of Regional Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 5,631,793.00 - - 5,631,793.00
PRBU Building, Camp Police Specific
Rodriguez, Butuan City
149 2020-14006-000082 Construction of Regonal Legal Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s Region Region X LF 2020-2020 - - - 9,868,122.00 - - 9,868,122.00
Service Office (PRO10) Police Specific

150 2020-14006-000091 Construction of RLRDD & SAO Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 10,000,000.00 - - 10,000,000.00
Office Building (PRO12) Police Specific
151 2020-14006-000192 Construction of RSTU 2-Storey Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to clients. Region NCR LF 2020-2022 - - - 50,400,000.00 43,200,000.00 28,800,000.00 122,400,000.00
Building Police Specific
152 2020-14006-000079 Construction of Salaam, Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 6,000,000.00 - - 6,000,000.00
Combo/Band and RESPO Police Specific
Office Building
153 2020-14006-000164 Construction of San Antonio Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 5,500,000.00 - - 5,500,000.00
MPS Building, Quezon Police Specific
154 2020-14006-000180 Construction of Satellite Office Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,400,000.00 - - 15,400,000.00
in Koronadal City (PRO12) Police Specific

155 2020-14006-000194 Construction of Seven (7) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 38,500,000.00 - - 38,500,000.00
Type B/C MPS Buildings Police Specific
(Cagayan, Isabela and Quirino
at PRO2)
156 2020-14006-000128 Construction of Six (6)Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IX LF 2020-2020 - - - 33,000,000.00 - - 33,000,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Police Specific
Zamboanga del Norte, Del Sur
and Sibugay (PRO9)
157 2020-14006-000087 Construction of Soccoro MPS, Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region X LF 2020-2020 - - - 8,600,000.00 - - 8,600,000.00
Surigao del Norte (PRO13) Police Specific

158 2020-14006-000197 Construction of SOU Building Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region III LF 2019-2022 - - 36,659,000.00 - - - 36,659,000.00
in PRO3 Police Specific

Page 8 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
159 2020-14006-000106 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to Stakeholders. Region Region II LF 2020-2022 - - - 17,534,000.00 - - 17,534,000.00
Davao Oriental PPO Bldg. with Police Specific
Amenities, Dahican (PRO11)

160 2020-14006-000188 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s Region Region III LF 2020-2020 - - - 27,783,700.00 - - 27,783,700.00
Digos City Pol Stn with Ground Police Specific
Dev't, Amenities & Antenna
161 2020-14006-000088 Construction of Standard Iligan Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region X LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,797,430.00 - - 15,797,430.00
City Police Office Police Specific
162 2020-14006-000181 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to clients. Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 27,763,700.00 - - 27,763,700.00
Penaplanta, Island Garden City Police Specific
of Samal Police Stn (PRO11)

163 2020-14006-000195 Construction of Standard PRO Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 16,400,000.00 - - 16,400,000.00
Building (PRO2) Police Specific
164 2020-14006-000100 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 27,500,000.00 - - 27,500,000.00
Regional Crimelab Building Police Specific
165 2020-14006-000193 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region III LF 2019-2022 - - 13,080,000.00 - - - 13,080,000.00
RHSG Building in PRO 3 Police Specific
166 2020-14006-000189 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region III LF 2019-2022 - - 3,915,000.00 - - - 3,915,000.00
RPMU Building in PRO3 Police Specific
167 2020-14006-000191 Construction of Standard Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 10,809,700.00 - - 10,809,700.00
Saranggani MPS with Ground Police Specific
Dev't and Amenities (PRO 11)

168 2020-14006-000125 Construction of Tacurong CPS Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,500,000.00 - - 15,500,000.00
Building, Sultan Kudarat Police Specific
169 2020-14006-000119 Construction of Tayasan MPS Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 5,702,961.00 - - 5,702,961.00
Building (PRO7) Police Specific
170 2020-14006-000120 Construction of Ten (10) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 55,000,000.00 - - 55,000,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Samar, Police Specific
Eastern & Northern Samar,
Biliran, Leyte, Southern Leyte
171 2020-14006-000042 Construction of Three (3) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region II LF 2020-2020 - - - 34,642,080.00 - - 34,642,080.00
Standard PPO Buildings Police Specific
(Isabela, N Vizcaya and
Cagayan at PRO2
172 2020-14006-000179 Construction of Three (3) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Interregional Region II, LF 2019-2021 - - 31,492,800.00 20,995,200.00 20,995,200.00 - 73,483,200.00
Storey PNP DEG Building with Police Region V,
covered roofdeck and RDEG Region VII,
(NCR, PRO2,5,7,8,11& 12) Region VIII,
Region XI,
Region XII,
173 2020-14006-000097 Construction of Three (3) Tpe Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 16,500,000.00 - - 16,500,000.00
B/C MPS Bldg. (Butuan City Police Specific
and Dinagat Island) PRO 13
174 2020-14006-000001 Construction of Three (3) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 15,500,000.00 - - 15,500,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Ilocos Sur Police Specific
175 2020-14006-000115 Construction of Three (3) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IVB LF 2020-2020 - - - 16,500,000.00 - - 16,500,000.00
B/C MPS Buildings (4B) Orr Police Specific
Mindoro & Palawan
176 2020-14006-000177 Construction of Training Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery of client/s. Region Region III LF 2019-2019 - - 32,400,000.00 - - - 32,400,000.00
Facility Building of PRO3 Police Specific
177 2020-14006-000108 Construction of Twelve (12) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VII LF 2020-2020 - - - 66,000,000.00 - - 66,000,000.00
Type B/C MPS Building in Police Specific
Bohol (PRO7)
178 2020-14006-000178 Construction of Two (2) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region I LF 2020-2020 - - - 10,600,000.00 - - 10,600,000.00
B/C MPS Building in Police Specific
Pangasinan (PRO1)
179 2020-14006-000110 Construction of Two (2) Type Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2020 - - - 10,600,000.00 - - 10,600,000.00
B/C MPS Buildings, La Union Police Specific
180 2020-14006-000123 Construction of Type A Tangub Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region X LF 2020-2020 - - - 8,700,000.00 - - 8,700,000.00
MPS in Misamis Occidental Police Specific
181 2020-14006-000109 Construction of Type B/C MPS Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,000,000.00 - - 11,000,000.00
Builing in Kalinga and Apayao Police Specific
182 2020-14006-000062 Construction of WCPD Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 9,894,357.00 - - 9,894,357.00
Building (PRO6) Police Specific
183 2020-14006-000039 Crime Laboratory Information Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 2,511,685,160.00 207,897,000.00 668,648,000.00 3,388,230,160.00
Management System (CLIMS) Police

184 2020-14006-000027 Digital Mobile Radio Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2021-2022 - - - - 790,986,963.00 922,818,123.00 1,713,805,086.00
185 2020-14006-000175 Establishment of MIMAROPA Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region IVA LF 2019-2019 - - 106,137,500.00 - - - 106,137,500.00
Training Complex Police Specific
186 2020-14006-000096 Extension of PRO13 Admin Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region XIII LF 2020-2022 - - - 18,000,000.00 - - 18,000,000.00
Building Police Specific
187 2020-14006-000030 Intelligence Portal Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 1,294,775,750.00 36,196,600.00 131,032,000.00 1,462,004,350.00

Page 9 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
188 2020-14006-000025 Interconnectivity Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 1,404,000,000.00 1,447,200,000.00 1,495,800,000.00 4,347,000,000.00
189 2020-14006-000038 Investigation Portal Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2019-2022 - - 40,609,999.00 326,963,823.00 6,408,216,356.00 2,398,238,328.00 9,174,028,506.00
190 2020-14006-000113 Metro Boracay Police District Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region Region VI LF 2020-2020 - - - 1,038,925,923.00 - - 1,038,925,923.00
Police Specific
191 2020-14006-000112 NHQ Construction of 21- Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region NCR LF 2020-2020 - - - 6,100,196,084.00 - - 6,100,196,084.00
Storey Building Police Specific
192 2020-14006-000003 Online PNP Logistics Philippine National 18 Maintain a Central Database Nationwide ODA-Pursuant 2019-2021 - - 12,815,620.00 81,632,000.00 47,007,000.00 - 141,454,620.00
Information System Police
193 2020-14006-000198 PNP Command Center Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to stakeholders. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 251,907,000.00 422,136,000.00 1,359,858,000.00 2,033,901,000.00
Systems and Equipment Police
194 2020-14006-000019 PNP Robust Information Philippine National 18 Monitoring of all transaction. Nationwide LF 2019-2020 - - 50,769,642.00 37,004,553.00 - - 87,774,195.00
Technology Infrastructure for Police
Civil Security Group (CSG)
195 2020-14006-000036 Police Community Relations Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 200,185,000.00 3,893,000.00 17,704,000.00 221,782,000.00
(PCR) Portal Police
196 2020-14006-000168 Refurbishment of 18 Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2019-2022 - - 10,936,590.00 7,291,060.00 7,291,060.00 7,291,060.00 32,809,770.00
Vulnerable Municipal Police Police Specific
Stations into a two storey
197 2020-14006-000035 SAF Command and Control Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 134,582,097.00 81,131,307.00 81,131,307.00 296,844,711.00
198 2020-14006-000029 Support to Operations (STO) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 73,223,000.00 50,655,000.00 25,842,000.00 149,720,000.00
Portal Police
199 2020-14006-000032 Tactical Information Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Nationwide LF 2021-2022 - - - - 562,085,152.00 342,288,659.00 904,373,811.00
Communication Technology Police
(ICT) Equipment
200 2020-14006-000103 Upgrading of Tactical Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 2,200,000.00 - - 2,200,000.00
Operations Center (TOC) of La Police Specific
Trinidad MPS
201 2020-14006-000131 Vertical Expansion of Nine (9) Philippine National 18 Improve service delivery to client/s. Region CAR LF 2020-2020 - - - 17,000,000.00 - - 17,000,000.00
MPS Building in Kalinga (PRO Police Specific
202 2020-17009-000029 Acquisition of Twelve (12) Fast Philippine Navy 18 Twelve Fast Attack and Interdiction Craft that Nationwide Other-Mode 2020-2022 - - - 4,773,960,000.00 4,773,960,000.00 4,773,960,000.00 14,321,880,000.00
Attack and Interdiction Craft - are missile-capable
Missile (FAIC - M)
203 2020-17009-000050 Bridge Simulator Acquisition Philippine Navy 18 Bridge Simulator System Region Region_IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 235,000,000.00 - - 235,000,000.00
Program Specific
204 2020-17009-000028 Capability Enhancement of Philippine Navy 18 C4I Integration; Nationwide LF 2020-2020 105,840,000.00 - 155,122,000.00 464,819,000.00 - - 725,781,000.00
Littoral Monitoring Stations Hybrid Power System;
S-Band Radar;
Electro-Optical - Infrared Camera;
205 2020-17009-000036 Communication Intelligence Philippine Navy 18 Communication Intelligence System Package Nationwide Other-Mode 2020-2018 - - - 254,800,000.00 - - 254,800,000.00
Solution System Acquisition
206 2020-17009-000031 Construction of Multi-Purpose Philippine Navy 18 Boathouse Region Region_VI LF 2020-2020 - - - 140,018,360.00 - - 140,018,360.00
Attack Craft (MPAC) Slipway Specific
Boathouse and Slipway
207 2020-17009-000045 Construction of Records Philippine Navy 18 1 Building Region Region_XII LF 2020-2020 - - - 3,917,397.00 - - 3,917,397.00
Building of Centralized Payroll Specific
Management Unit (CPMU)
208 2020-17009-000032 Enhancement and Philippine Navy 18 Fiber Optic Telephone Network Facility Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 17,884,594.00 18,799,717.00 19,577,855.00 56,262,166.00
Rehabilitation of Outside Plant
Facility for PN Bases and
209 2020-17009-000042 Enhancement of Fiber Optic Philippine Navy 18 Tools and Measuring Equipment for Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 11,440,870.00 - - 11,440,870.00
Cable Repair and Maintenance Installation, Repair and Maintenance of Fiber
Capability optic Cable
210 2020-17009-000043 Enhancement of Naval ICT Philippine Navy 18 Fifteen (15) Network Access Control Appliance Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 34,780,000.00 - - 34,780,000.00
Center and Stations /Units, One (1) Network Access Control Central
Naval Reserve Command and Visibility Manager
Naval Intelligence Security Sixteen (16) Laptop Computer
Force Network Access Control
211 2020-17009-000033 Enhancement of Private Philippine Navy 18 Internet-Protocol (IP) Based Telephone Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 54,599,104.00 - - 54,599,104.00
Automatic Branch Exchange Switching System
(PABX) of the Philippine Navy
212 2020-17009-000034 Enhancement of Public Philippine Navy 18 One (1) Class A Public Address System Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 12,313,545.00 - - 12,313,545.00
Address System (PAS) of Ten (10) Class B Public Address System
Naval ICT Center
213 2020-17009-000046 Enhancement of the PMC's Philippine Navy 18 34 Thermal Imager Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 575,837,450.00 - - 575,837,450.00
Night Fighting Capability under 110 Night Vision Weapon Scope
the PN C4ISTAR System 530 Infrared Laser Aiming Device
Capability Development Plan 356 Infrared Laser Aimer and Illuminator
408 Night Vision Device Monocular
512 Night Vision Googles
20 Laser Zeroing Device
622 Tactical Illuminator
214 2020-17009-000040 Establishment of PN eCARDS- Philippine Navy 18 Printer with Lamination & consumables Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 66,387,600.00 - - 66,387,600.00
Hardware Requirements Kiosks and Desktop Computers
Software, HSM & other Components
215 2020-17009-000048 Naval Forces Western Philippine Navy 18 Radios Region Region_VI LF 2020-2020 - - - 20,798,423.00 - - 20,798,423.00
Mindanao Radio System Generator Specific
Enhancement and Sustainment Solar Power System

Page 10 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
216 2020-17009-000041 PN Units' CCTV Camera Philippine Navy 18 CCTV Systems of 11 Navy Camps Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 92,100,000.00 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 162,100,000.00
Systems Acquisition Program
217 2020-17009-000044 Proposed Rehabillitation of Philippine Navy 18 Generator, 125 kw/156 kVA Region Region_IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 6,222,645.00 - - 6,222,645.00
ESU Transit Storage Area Shelving/Racking System, Long Span Specific
Pallet Stacker, Electric 1,500kg Capacity
Equipment, Humidity Control (3HP ACU)
218 2020-17009-000038 Radio Frequency and Mobile Philippine Navy 18 17 Hybrid Jammers Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 1,275,000.00 - - 1,275,000.00
Phone Signal Jammer
Acquisition Program
219 2020-17009-000049 Rehabilitation and Expansion Philippine Navy 18 Upon completion of the project, Naval Region Region_IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 86,791,040.00 - - 86,791,040.00
of Naval Petroluem Depot Petroleum Depot Pier will have a total length of Specific
74.7 meters with additional length of 40
meters, the same width of 8.3 meters and a
deep of 10 meters at pier sides which will now
capable of accommodating the forthcoming
longer platforms and deep-draft vessels.

220 2020-17009-000052 Rehabilitation of Training Philippine Navy 18 2 Rehabilitated Training Facility Region Region_IVA LF 2020-2020 - - - 29,450,555.00 - - 29,450,555.00
Support Facilities Specific
221 2020-17009-000047 Sustainment of Mobility Philippine Navy 18 228 Run Flat Inserts for Light Armored Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 29,640,000.00 - - 29,640,000.00
Capability of Infantry Units Vehicles
222 2020-17009-000051 Twelve-Year Naval Special Philippine Navy 18 5 Kilometers road trail Region Region_III LF 2020-2032 - - - 300,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 400,000,000.00
Operations Group Training Four bay firing range (1,000 meter range) Specific
Facility Development Plan Obstacle Course
Swimming Pool (50m x 25 m x 33 feet)
33 feet Rappel Tower
Rubberized Oval (183 m x 84 m)
400 meter running track with Grandstand
42 x 23 m Open ground for Baseball
98.8 m football outdoor court
20 x 20 m warehouse (boxing ring, climbing
wall, martial art dojo, weights room, shower
Warehouse (Basketball court, volleyball court,
badminton courts)
Outdoor circuit
223 2020-17009-000039 Upgrade of Base Access Philippine Navy 18 Vehicle Access Control & Pedestrian Access Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 191,661,000.00 128,830,000.00 129,680,000.00 450,171,000.00
Control Key to Infrastructure Control System
Access Control Systems Building Entrance Medium Security System
Highly Secured Facility System
3 sets of Biometrics Tablet
224 2020-17009-000037 Vertical Take-Off and Landing Philippine Navy 18 1 Vertical Take-Off and Landing Multi-Rotor Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 151,840,000.00 - - 151,840,000.00
Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Unmanned Aerial System
System Project

225 2020-17009-000030 Weapons System Upgrade of Philippine Navy 18 Weapons Upgrade of Fourteen (14) Patrol Nationwide Other-Mode 2020-2022 - - - 302,785,714.00 302,785,714.00 242,228,571.00 847,799,999.00
Fourteen (14) Jose Andrada Craft
Class Vessel (JACV) MkII and
226 2020-17009-000035 Web and Open Source Philippine Navy 18 One (1) System - Web and Open Source Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 119,232,000.00 - - 119,232,000.00
Intelligence Threat Profiler Intelligence Threat Profiler System
System Acquisition Program
227 2020-17009-000027 Activation and Establishment Philippine Navy ( 18 Infrastructures: One-Storey Building; Billeting Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 50,735,669.00 - - 50,735,669.00
of Maritime Situational Naval Forces ) Area; Perimeter Fence; Generator House, Specific
Awareness Center - Southern VSAT Pad (Antenna Tower), Water Tank
Equipment: Command and Control System
(C2S), Communication System (CS) and
Automatic Identification System (AIS),
Monitoring and Video Teleconferencing
Capability, Power System Back Up, Remote
Viewing Capability and Connectivity.
228 2020-17009-000004 Capability Upgrade of Fixed Philippine Navy ( 18 2 Fixed Wing Trainer Aircraft Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 119,812,586.00 - - 119,812,586.00
Wing Training Aircraft of Naval Naval Forces ) 1 Fixed Wing Flight Simulator Training Device
Air Group
229 2020-17009-000005 Capability Upgrade of Rotary Philippine Navy ( 18 2 Rotary Wing Trainer Aircraft Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 158,195,386.00 - - 158,195,386.00
Wing Training Aircraft of Naval Naval Forces ) 1 Rotary Wing Flight Simulator Training Device
Air Group
230 2020-17009-000026 Capability Upgrade Program Philippine Navy ( 18 Overhead Crane ( Tons) Region Region IVA LF 2020-2023 - - - 784,868,000.00 - - 784,868,000.00
for Naval Shipyard Naval Forces ) 50 Tonnage Boat Lift Specific
Boom Truck
50Tons Mobile Crane
Load Bank 1200 KW Cap
Testing Equipment
6000 Tonnage Floating Drydock
Mobile Crane 25Tons
6 Information Systems
231 2020-17009-000011 Enhancement of Cyber Philippine Navy ( 18 Computer Forensic software and equipment Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 34,566,184.00 - - 34,566,184.00
Security Capability Naval Forces )
232 2020-17009-000013 Enhancement of Fleet-Marine Philippine Navy ( 18 36 Secured Radios (150 watts) Nationwide LF 2020-2023 - - - 117,000,000.00 117,000,000.00 117,000,000.00 351,000,000.00
Communications Capability Naval Forces ) 36 Secured Radios (20 watts)
233 2020-17009-000012 Enhancement of Naval Signal Philippine Navy ( 18 121 Equipment (Secured Radios, ICT Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 85,208,780.00 - - 85,208,780.00
and Imagery Intelligence Naval Forces ) Equipment, Solar Power, Transportation
Capabilities Equipment, and Other Technical and Scientific

Page 11 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

Updated 2017-2022 Public Investment Program (PIP) as Input to Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Preparation (as of April 12, 2019)*
Chapter 18: Ensuring Security, Public Order, and Safety**
Implementing Spatial Mode of Implementation INVESTMENT TARGETS
No. PIP Code Project Title Chapter Expected Outputs Region
Agency Coverage Implementation Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 TOTAL (2017-2022)
234 2020-17009-000015 Enhancement of Philippine Navy ( 18 Survey Boat and Survey Skiff with Nationwide LF 2020-2021 - - - 69,663,700.00 - - 69,663,700.00
Oceanographic and Naval Forces ) Oceanographic and Support Equipment;
Meteorological Capabilities of Weather Monitoring Building;
the Philippine Navy Weather Data Collection and Monitoring
235 2020-17009-000019 Enhancement of Surveying Philippine Navy ( 18 1 Survey Drone Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 4,668,000.00 - - 4,668,000.00
Capability of Naval Combat Naval Forces ) 1 Set of Surveying Equipment (Total Station)
Engineering Brigade
236 2020-17009-000020 Establishment of voice and Philippine Navy ( 18 Microwave Tower and Microwave Equipment Region Region V LF 2020-2020 - - - 13,766,387.00 - - 13,766,387.00
data connectivity between Naval Forces ) Specific
Naval Forces Southern Luzon
(NFSL) and Southern Luzon
237 2020-17009-000014 Five Year Enhancement Philippine Navy ( 18 1,129 Various Communications Equipment Nationwide LF 2020-2024 - - - 168,950,177.00 168,950,177.00 129,965,955.00 467,866,309.00
Program of Naval Special Naval Forces ) 603 Various Naval Sensors/Electronic
Operations Group Capability Equipment
222 Military Equipment (Sound Suppressor
and Gun Mount with Shield)
238 2020-17009-000021 Humanitarian Assistance and Philippine Navy ( 18 290 Various Disaster Response Equipment Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 38,249,960.00 - - 38,249,960.00
Disaster Response Readiness Naval Forces ) 1 Fire Truck
Enhancement Program

239 2020-17009-000022 Re-fleeting of Waterborne Philippine Navy ( 18 12 Fiberglass Speedboats with Outboard Nationwide LF 2020-2020 - - - 74,781,344.00 - - 74,781,344.00
Transport Equipment of Naval Forces ) Motors
Inshore Boat Battalion of the 16 Outboard Motors for existing watercraft
Philippine Marine Corps
240 2020-17009-000024 Rehabilitation of PN Piers in Philippine Navy ( 18 7 Rehabilitated Piers Region Region IVA LF 2020-2022 - - - 1,115,324,728.00 - - 1,115,324,728.00
Cavite Area Naval Forces ) Specific
241 2020-17009-000023 Rehabilitation/ Construction of Philippine Navy ( 18 Rehabilitated Pier Region Region XI LF 2018-2019 - 88,952,000.00 - - - - 88,952,000.00
Navy Pier at Camp Panacan, Naval Forces ) Specific
Davao City
242 2020-19015-000023 Establishment of External and Philippine Nuclear 18 External and Internal Dosimetry System Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 5,500,000.00 10,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 30,500,000.00
Internal Dosimetry System for Research Institute
local support to members of
the public and radiation
workers exposure doses
monitoring and assessment
243 2020-19015-000021 Upgrading of the Nuclear Philippine Nuclear 18 Nuclear Response Support Center (NRSC) Nationwide LF 2020-2022 - - - 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 65,000,000.00
Response Support Center Research Institute established
(NRSC) as an emergency
operations center for local, Customization of DSS. Collection of Data
national, regional and (meteorological, hydrological release,
international assistance to a mapping, statistical information, food chain
radiological or nuclear characteristics, other data). Interfaces with
emergency PAGASA, EMB, OCD. Requests for
procurement of Dedicated Servers (2) for
DSS, DSS Maintenance Support, Dedicated
PCs (6) compatible with DSS, Dedicated
Laptops (3) for response surveys, UPS (6),
Dedicated Printers (6), LED 4x3 sq meter
screen display indoor (12), LED Projector &
Accessories, Generator Diesel Power (1),
Ergonomic Chairs & Tables (6), RadioComm
Devices with Licenses (8), Dedicated
Telephone Line, CCTV Security Camera (4),
Security Lock System (2), Radiation Detection
and Survey Instruments (alpha, beta, gamma,
neutron) & Accessories, Air Sampling Device
& Accesories, Complete Mobile Detection
System (MDS) with GPS, Complete Sound
System, Dedicated Emergency Response
244 2020-14007-000041 Construction of Covered Firing Philippine Public 18 The Covered Firing Range will have an area of Region Region IVA LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 9,000,000.00 9,000,000.00
Range at PNPA Safety College 300 sq.m that will further enhance the training Specific
of the cadets. It will improve the facilities of
the PNPA.
245 2020-14007-000042 Construction of Indoor Firing Philippine Public 18 The Indoor Firing Range will have a total floor Region Region IVA LF 2022-2022 - - - - - 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00
Range at PNPA Safety College area of 400 sq.m. It will improve the facilities Specific
of the PNPA.
246 2020-14007-000075 Construction of Two (2) Storey Philippine Public 18 The Two (2) Storey Four (4) unit Classroom Region Region XI LF 2018-2019 - 13,200,000.00 - - - - 13,200,000.00
Four (4) unit Classroom with Safety College with a total floor area of 600 sq.m that will Specific
Roof deck at NPC-Davao increased the School classroom capabilities
by 200.
247 2020-08008-000145 29m-Research/Survey Ship (4 University of the 18 Exhaustive list of marine flora and fauna found Region CAR LF 2019-2020 - - 240,000,000.00 - - - 240,000,000.00
units) (UP DILIMAN) Philippines System in Philippine Rise, Additional patrol against Specific
foreign usurpers of marine resources
248 2020-08008-000147 Joint MSR with Higher University of the 18 Exhaustive list of marine flora and fauna found Region CAR LF 2019-2021 - - 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - - 400,000,000.00
Education Institution (UP Philippines System in Philippine Rise Specific
* Based on the submission of the agencies and as validated by the NEDA Secretariat and confirmed by respective inter-agency bodies, including supplemental submissions as of April 12, 2019. The mode of implementation, investment targets and other PAP details may be updated in the course of project development, appraisal and implementation.
** As confirmed by Security, Justice, and Peace Cabinet Cluster on January 23, 2019 by ad referendum.

Page 12 of 12 Updated 2017-2022 PIP

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