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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |

Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

MODULE 3 of mandamus forcing Madison to deliver his


I. THEORY OF JUDICIAL REVIEW What were the factual predicates that led
Marbury to file a Petition for the issuance of a
POWER OF JUDICIAL REVIEW Writ of Mandamus before the Supreme Court?
● Power of the courts to ​test the When William Marbury did not receive his letter of
constitutionality of executive and legislative appointment to a justice of the peace position
acts and, as a consequence, declare them in the District of Columbia​, he sued for a writ of
unconstitutional. mandamus to force its delivery.
● Simply stated, it is the power of judicial bodies
to test the constitutionality of the other branches
of government. What was Marbury’s basis in filing the Petition
● They do this by comparing the act and the directly to the Supreme Court? What
constitutional provisions which are allegedly constitutional provision was violated by said
violated. Should the courts find that the acts are basis?
unconstitutional the exercise of judicial review Answer:
ends with a declaration of unconstitutionality. The Court held that Sec. 13 of the Act of 1789,
● In line with the doctrine of Constitutional giving the Court authority to issue writs of
Supremacy, the said act becomes null and void mandamus to an officer, was ​contrary to the
. Sec.2 Art. III of the U.S Constitution as an act of
original jurisdiction, and therefore void.
If we try to trace the history of the power ofJudicial Explain how the Supreme Court applied the
Review, we end up with the case of ​Marbury v. power of Judicial Review in relation to the
Madison​. Judiciary Act of 1801.
Marbury v. Madison Writing for the majority, Marshall held that the court
FACTS: could not issue a writ of mandamus compelling
● During the elections in 1800, the John Adams Madison to deliver Marbury's commission, as
and Federalists lost Congress as well as the Marbury had requested, because ​the Judiciary
presidency to Thomas Jefferson. Act apparently took the initial scope of the
● As the results of the election became clear, Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, as
Adams and the Federalists became determined specified in the Constitution, and expanded it
to exercise their influence in the weeks to include cases involving writs of mandamus.
remaining before Jefferson took office, and did Marshall ruled that ​Congress cannot increase the
all they could to fill federal offices with Supreme Court's original jurisdiction as it was
"anti-Jeffersonians" who were loyal to the set down in the Constitution​, and therefore that
Federalists. On March 2, 1801, just two days the relevant portion of Section 13 of the Judiciary
before his presidential term ended, Adams Act violated Article III of the Constitution.
nominated nearly 60 Federalist supporters to
circuit judge and justice of the peace positions After the case of Marbury v. Madison, came several
the Federalist-controlled Congress had newly criticisms on the power of judicial review, and even
created with the Judiciary Act of 1801 after this date the criticism remains the same. Among
● These last-minute nominees—were referred to them was the allegation that the power of Judicial
as the "Midnight Judges"—including William Review attacks the fundamental understanding that
Marbury, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of
● The Senate approved Adams's nominations en the government are three CO - EQUAL branches.
masse. The appointees' commissions were
immediately written out, then signed by Adams According to critics, because courts could declare the
and sealed by his Secretary of State. The day acts of the legislative and executive departments as
before Jefferson’s inauguration, most null and void, it puts the judicial department on a
commissions were delivered, but a few - pedestal and therefore, supreme over the other two.
including Marbury’s- were not delivered.
● Jefferson instructed Madison to withhold the However, over the course of time there appears to be
undelivered appointments, since in their consistent pronouncement by our very own Supreme
opinions, the commissions were void because Court that said criticism does not hold water.
they were not delivered in time.
● Marbury filed suit against Madison in the U.S. According to the Court when this power is exercised,
Supreme Court, asking the Court to issue a writ the court does not assert its superiority but merely

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

asserts its duty to protect the Constitution. If not them,

who else would? What issuance was challenged to be
Thus the exercise of judicial review is not an exercise unconstitutional in this case?
of Judicial Supremacy but of Constitutional Answer:
Supremacy. Executive Order No. 1

CONSTITUTIONAL , not JUDICIAL, Supremacy What was the factual backdrop that lead to the
[A]nd when the ​judiciary mediates to allocate issuance?
constitutional boundaries, it ​does not assert any Answer:
superiority over the departments; it does not in Before the May 2010 elections, Senator Benigno
reality nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature, but Simeon Aquino III declared his staunch
only asserts the solemn and sacred obligation condemnation of graft and corruption
assigned to it by the Constitution to determine
conflicting claims of authority under the constitution The Filipino people were convinced of his sincerity
and to establish for the parties in an actual and elected him to presidency
controversy the rights which that instrument secures
and guaranties them. To transform his ideal into reality, President Aquino
found a need for a special body to investigate
Biraogo v. PTC reported cases of graft and corruption allegedly
FACTS: committed during the previous administration
● Louis Biraogo (Petitioner) filed a special civil
action for the prohibition of Executive Order No. Aquino signed Executive Order No. 1 establishing
1 for violating Section 1 of Article VI of the 1987 the Philippine Truth Commission
○ E.O. no. 1 – Establishing the Philippine
Truth Commission What did this issuance purport to do?
○ Creation of the Philippine Truth Answer:
Commission to act as a body to To enact the Philippine Truth Commission to
prevent corruption investigate graft and corruption of the previous
○ This was done as the first order of administration
President Noynoy Aquino
○ Petitioners Lagman, Albano jr.,
Datumanon, and Fua, Sr. (members of the What were the arguments raised by the
House of Petitioner to support the claim of
● The PTC is a mere ad hoc body under the unconstitutionality?
Office of the President Answer:
○ Power to investigate but cannot ● E.O. No. 1 violates the separation of powers
adjudicate as it arrogates the power of the Congress to
○ Can give subpoenas but cannot arrest create a public office and appropriate funds
○ The PTC is not a common one as for its operation
other Truth Commissions were made ● The authority of the President to structurally
in times of civil unrest reorganize the Office of the President does
not include the power to create an entirely
● Petitioners claimed to have EO 1 declare new public office
unconstitutional under the grounds: ● E.O. No. 1 illegally amended the Constitution
○ E.O. no. 1 Violates the separation of and pertinent statutes when it vested the
powers as it arrogates the power of Truth Commission with quasi-judicial powers
the Congress to create a public office duplicating, if not superseding, the Office of
and appropriate funds for its operation the Ombudsman and Department of Justice
○ EO 1 illegally amended the ● E.O. No. 1 violates the equal protection
constitution when it invested the PTC clause as it selectively targets for
with quasi-judicial powers investigation and prosecution officials and
■ Duplicating, if not superseding, personnel of the previous administration as if
the Office of the Ombudsman corruption is their peculiar species even as it
○ E.O. Violates the equal protection excludes those of the other administrations,
clause as it selectively targets officials past and present, who may be indictable

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

Garcia v. Executive Secretary ■ Refers to those questions which,

FACTS: under the Constitution, are to be
● Petitioner, for the second time, wants to declare decided by the people in their
Section 19 of RA 8479, on deregulation of oil sovereign capacity, or in regard
industry, as unconstitutional, he says that this to which full discretionary
very important because it concerns national authority has been delegated to
economy the legislative or executive
● His basis for this petition is Article 12, Sec. 19, branch of the government.
of the Constitution and the following: ■ Lack of a judicially discoverable
○ Subsequent events after the lifting of and manageable standards for
price control in 1997 has led to the resolving it; or the impossibility of
overpricing of petroleum products by deciding without an initial policy
the oligarchy, namely, the BIG 3, determination of deciding of a
Caltex, Shell and Petron. kind clearly for non-judicial
○ Oligopoly of the Big 3 is detrimental to discretion.
public interest ● If read carefully, nothing in Section 19, Article 12
○ Abuse of legislative of its power of the Constitution says that monopolies and
○ The constitution has solemn and oligarchies per se are prohibited.
explicit constitutional command ● To decide this, would be a grave abuse of
against monopolies/ oligopolies discretion to the judiciary branch as it would
● Sec. 19, Article 12, the Philippine Constitution: lead to the breaking of the doctrine of separation
○ The State shall regulate or prohibit of powers
monopolies when the public interest
so requires. No combinations in
restraint of trade or unfair competition What provisions of what law was challenged to
shall be allowed be unconstitutional by the Petition here?
ISSUE: Answer:
Whether the controversy is a matter political question, Section 19 of RA 8479, on deregulation of oil
within the limits of the powers of the government. industry
● The SC dismisses the petition on the ground
that this is not within jurisdiction. What provision of the 1987 Constitution was
● Judicial Review – is the power of the courts to allegedly violated? Exhaustively explain
test the validity of executive and legislative acts Petitioner’s arguments?
for and upholds the supremacy with the Answer:
constitution. Section 19, Article 12 of the 1987 Constitution
○ Judicial review upholds the Power of
Constitutional Supremacy Petitioners contention
● Requitisites of Judicial Revew: 1. Subsequent events after the lifting of price
○ Actual case or controversy calling for control in 1997 have confirmed the continued
the exercise of judicial power’ existence of the Big 3 oligopoly and its overpricing
○ The person challenging the act must of finished petroleum products;
have “standin” to challenge; he must 2. The unabated overpricing of finished petroleum
have a personal and substantial products by the Big 3 oligopoly is gravely and
interest as a result of the enforcement undeniably detrimental to the public interest;
○ Question on constitutionality ust be 3. No longer may the bare and blatant
raised at the earliest possible constitutionality of the lifting of price control be
opportunity. glossed over through the expediency of legislative
○ The issue of constitutionality must be wisdom or judgment call in the face of the Big 3
the very lis mota of the case oligopoly's characteristic, definitive, and continued
■ Court will not pass upon a overpricing;
question of unconstitutionality, 4. To avoid declaring the lifting of price control on
although properly presented, if finished petroleum
the case be disposed of some products as unconstitutional is to consign to the
other ground, such as application dead letter dustbin the solemn and explicit
of the statue or the general law. constitutional command for the regulation of
● The petition DOES NOT satisfy the very first monopolies/oligopolies.
requirement. The existing controversy is nothing
but a political question beyond the powers of the
○ Political question What clarifications were made by the Supreme

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

Nothing is found with regards to the Court’s power to

Court pertaining to the relevant Constitutional test the Constitutionality of the acts of the other
provision? branches of government.
This constitutional provision does not declare an Instead, what you have there is the power to settle
outright prohibition of monopolies. It simply allows actual controversies regarding legally demandable
the State to act "when public interest so requires"; and enforceable rights and the power to determine
even then, no outright prohibition is mandated, as the existence of grave abuse of discretion amounting
the State may choose to regulate rather than to to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
prohibit. Two elements must concur before a
monopoly may be regulated or prohibited: Is Sec. 1 really a Constitutional Basis of the power
1. There in fact exists a monopoly or an oligopoly, of Judicial Review?
and Yes. However, take note that this phrase uses
2. Public interest requires its regulation or “Judicial Power” instead of “Judicial Review”.
REVIEW? If not, how do they differ?
How did the Supreme Court characterize and No, Judicial Power is not Judicial Review.
nuance the question raised by the Petitioner?
Answer: How are they related?
To summarize, we declare that the issues Judicial Review is part and parcel of Judicial Power.
petitioner Garcia presented to this Court are Remember that Judicial Review is simply the power of
non-justiciable matters that preclude the Court from the courts to test the constitutionality of executive and
exercising its power of judicial review. The legislative acts.
immediate implementation of full deregulation of
the local downstream oil industry is a policy However, if you read Sec. 1 of Art. 8, it also refers to
determination by Congress which this Court cannot the power to settle actual controversies involving
overturn without offending the Constitution and the legally demandable and enforceable rights
principle of separation of powers. That the law .
failed in its objectives because its adoption Ex. If you want to sue your debtor for non - payment
spawned the evils petitioner Garcia alludes to does of debt, there is an actual controversy that warrants a
not warrant its nullification. legally enforceable right.

You may go to court, asking the court to rule in your

favor, and when the court decides, it becomes an
How did the Supreme Court discuss the Power exercise of judicial power.
of Judicial Review?
Answer: Now the question is, was the court presented with the
READ RULING OF THE CASE question of constitutionality? No. So while it was an
exercise of ​Judicial POWER , it was ​NOT an
Art. 8, Sec 1 Going back to Sec. 1, it also states that the power of
“[t]o determine whether or not there has been a grave the court also includes determining whether there has
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government.” instrumentality of the government.
Art. 8, Sec 4(2)
“All cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty, EXPANDED JUDICIAL REVIEW
international or executive agreement, or law…” To determine whether or not there has been a grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Lays down the original jurisdiction of the Supreme jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
Court which includes questions relating to the instrumentality of the Government. You only need to
constitutionality of treaties, International Agreements, look at the relevant act and determine WON the
Laws, and Ordinances among others. Constitution is being violated thereby.
Art. 8, Sec 1
The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme The framers of the 1987 Constitution expanded the
Court and in such lower courts as may be established reach of Judicial Review such that it does not only
by law. refer to the power to test the constitutionality of
Executive and Legislative acts but also through the
power of judicial review, Courts now have the power

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

to determine whether in exercising any discretion Estrada v. Arroyo

granted by the constitution the executive or legislative FACTS:
departments, gravely abused the same. Much so, that ● President Joseph Estrada was embroiled in a
it amounts to lack or excess of jurisdiction. corruption scandal after a close friend, Ilocos Sur
Governor Luis Chavit Singson, revealed that
II. POLITICAL QUESTION Estrada and his family allegedly received money
from Jueteng lords.
It is a ​question of policy. ​It refers to those questions ● The revelation prompted Senator Teofisto
which, under the Constitution, are to be ​decided by Guingona to deliver a privilege speech, detailing
the people in their sovereign capacity​, or i​n regard the anomalies done by President Estrada. The
to which full discretionary authority has been public now calls for Estrada’s resignation.
delegated to the Legislature or executive branch of Eventually, he had to face an impeachment trial
the Government. It is concerned with ​issues in the Senate
dependent upon the wisdom, not legality​, of a ● In a vote of 11-10, the Senator-Judges ruled
particular measure. against opening the second envelope which
allegedly contains evidence wherein Estrada held
Ex. When one wins the elections, you can't go to P3.3 billion in a secret bank account under the
Court and challenge why the electorate voted for the name “Jose Velarde.”
winning candidate by arguing that the winning ● At this point, everyone snapped. The prosecutors
candidate cannot best carry out the functions of the tendered their resignation – prompting the
position vied for. Because the question of whoever Senate to postpone the impeachment
could best carry out the duties of an elected public proceedings indefinitely. People started marching
official could not be answered by looking at the Consti towards EDSA to call for Estrada’s resignation.
or the statutes. Thus, it can’t be decided by the court. On January 19, both the AFP and PNP declared
Rather, it is best decided by the people in their that they are withdrawing their support of the
sovereign capacity,and that is a PQ. Estrada administration.
● On January 20, (12 noon), Chief Justice Davide
-ex. When Congress passes a law, can't go to Court administered Vice President Gloria Macapagal
and argue that Congress is wrong in its decision, Arroyo’s oath as the new President of the
because that question could not be answered by Republic of the Philippines. At around 2:30 PM,
looking into the Constitution or by looking into our Estrada and his family hurriedly left Malacanang.
laws because the law was passed in order to amend And issued a statement and signed it, which was
the existing law. rather, it is question one in regard to sent to the House Speaker and Senate
which full discretionary power or authority has been President.
delegated to the legislative branch. And when ● On January 22, now President Arroyo started
Congress has full discretion in passing laws pursuant discharging her functions as President. She
to its plenary legislative power appointed new cabinet members, ambassadors
and special envoys. Foreign state leaders also
expressed their recognition to Arroyo’s
administration (including then President George
JUSTICIABLE POLITICAL Bush from the White House). Congress issued
QUESTION QUESTION House Resolution 175 to express support to the
new admin. The court also issued the following
● A question of ● A question of wisdom Resolution in Administrative Matter No.
constitutionality or ● Answer is not found in 01-1-05-SC.
legality the Constitution or ● The Senate then passed Resolution No. 83 which
● Answer is found in statute officially moved to terminate the impeachment
the Constitution or ● NOT Subject of proceeding. Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago
statute Judicial Review stated “for the record” that she voted against the
● Subject of Judicial closure of the impeachment court on the grounds
● Review that the Senate had failed to decide on the
impeachment case and that the resolution left
open the question of whether Estrada was still
qualified to run for another elective post.
● Estrada on the other hand is now facing charges
of plunder, graft, and corruption under the office
of the Ombudsman. He then filed a writ of
preliminary injunction to enjoin the Ombudsman
from “conducting any further proceedings in or
any other criminal complaint that may be filed in

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

his office, until after the term of petitioner as

President is over. President Aquino was the result of a successful
● Thru another counsel, Estrada filed for Quo revolution by the sovereign people, albeit a
Warranto. He prayed for judgment to confirm him peaceful one.
as the lawful and incumbent President of the
Republic of the Philippines temporarily unable to In checkered contrast, the government of
discharge the duties of his office, and declaring respondent Arroyo is not revolutionary in character.
respondent (Arroyo) to have taken her oath as The oath that she took at the EDSA Shrine is the
and to be holding the Office of the President, only oath under the 1987 Constitution. 64 In her oath,
in an acting capacity she categorically swore to preserve and defend the
1987 Constitution. Indeed, she has stressed that
she is discharging the powers of the presidency
under the authority of the 1987 Constitution.
What were the important dramatic events that
led to the filing of this case?
Answer: What are the differences between EDSA 1 and
READ FACTS EDSA 2? What is the effect of a revolutionary
What was the petition filed by Estrada? Edsa 1 different from Edsa 2. In fine, the Court
Answer: distinguished Edsa 1 from Edsa 2 in this wise:
According to him, what was his status with “EDSA I involves the exercise of the people power
respect to the Office of the President? of revolution which overthrew the whole
Answer: government. EDSA II is an exercise of people
lawful and incumbent President of the Republic of power of freedom of speech and freedom of
the Philippines temporarily unable to discharge the assembly to petition the government for redress of
duties of his office grievances which only affected the office of the
President. EDSA I is extra constitutional and the
legitimacy of the new government that resulted
What was Arroyo’s argument concerning the from it cannot be the subject of judicial review, but
petition assailing the legitimacy of her EDSA II is intra constitutional and the resignation of
administration? the sitting President that it caused and the
Answer: succession of the Vice President as President are
Private respondents raise the threshold issue that subject to judicial review. EDSA I presented a
the cases at bar pose a political question, and political question; EDSA II involves legal
hence, are beyond the jurisdiction of this Court to questions.”
decide. They contend that shorn of its
embroideries, the cases at bar assail the In other words, Edsa 1 obliterated the then existing
"legitimacy of the Arroyo administration." They 1973 Constitution and all the government
stress that respondent Arroyo ascended the institutions under it, including the Supreme Court.
presidency through people power; that she has This is why its legitimacy was repeatedly
already taken her oath as the 14th President of the challenged legally, politically and militarily in
Republic; that she has exercised the powers of the several coup attempts. (The question of its legality
presidency and that she has been recognized by was put to rest after our people ratified the 1987
foreign governments. They submit that these Constitution.) On the other hand, Edsa 2 did not
realities on ground constitute the political thicket abolish the 1987 Constitution. Quite the contrary, it
which the Court cannot enter. preserved it and the public institutions under it.

What decided case was relied upon by Arroyo?

Answer: Were the questions presented in the case
Respondents rely on the case of ​Lawyers League justiciable or political? Explain.
for a Better Philippines and/or Oliver A. Lozano Answer:
v. President Corazon C. Aquino, et al ​and Please refer to the case issues
related case
1st. ​The case is legal not political. A political
The situation of Arroyo is not the same with Former question has been defined by our Court as “those
Pres. Aquino, where the latter was installed questions which, under the Constitution, are to be
through a direct exercise of the power of the decided by the people in their sovereign capacity,
Filipino people "in defiance of the provisions of the or in regard to which full discretionary authority has
1973 Constitution. the government of former been delegated to the legislative or executive

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

branch of the government. It is concerned with which said that the Ombudsman had already
issues dependent upon the wisdom, not legality of prejudged the cases against him. The Court rules
a particular measure.” (​Comparing Aquino Admin that the evidence presented is insufficient. The
and Arroyo Admin; EDSA 1 vs EDSA 2​) Court also cannot ​adopt the theory of derivative
prejudice of petitioner, i.e., that the prejudice of
2nd. ​He is not a president on leave. Resignation is respondent Ombudsman flows to his
a factual question and its elements are beyond subordinates​. Investigating prosecutors should
quibble: there must be an intent to resign and the not be treated like unthinking slot machines.
intent must be coupled by acts of relinquishment. Moreover, if the respondent Ombudsman resolves
There is no required form of resignation. It can be to file the cases against the petitioner and the latter
expressed, implied, oral or written. The court used believes that the finding of probable cause against
the ​totality tes​t or ​the totality of prior, him is the result of bias, he still has the remedy of
contemporaneous and posterior facts and assailing it before the proper court.
circumstantial evidence bearing a material
relevance on the issue​.
Using this test, the Court rules that the petitioner REVIEW obliterate the Political Question
had resigned. The Court knows the amount of Doctrine?
stress that the petitioner had suffered. With just a Fr. Bernas​: [I]is it the intention of Section 1 to do
blink of an eye, he lost the support of the legislative away with the Political Question Doctrine?
when then Manny Villar and other Representatives Mr. Concepcion: ​No. It definitely does not eliminate
had defected. AFP Chief of Staff General Angelo the fact that truly political questions are beyond the
Reyes had already gone to EDSA. PNP Chief pole of judicial power.
Director General Panfilo Lacson and other cabinet
secretaries had withdrawn as well. By looking into STANDARD: JUSTICIABLE POLITICAL QUESTION
the Angara diaries, it was pointed out that the In our jurisdiction, the determination of a justiciable
petitioner had suggested a snap election at May on political question from a non-justiciable political
which he would not be a candidate. Proposing a question lies in the answer to the question of whether
snap election in which he is not a candidate means there are constitutionally imposed limits on powers or
that he had intent to resign. When the proposal for functions conferred upon political bodies .
a dignified exit or resignation was proposed,
petitioner did not disagree but listened closely. ● When the Constitution grants any branch of the
This is proof that petitioner had reconciled Government or any government instrumentality
himself to the reality that he had to resign. His the power to exercise discretion, one can’t
mind was already concerned with the five-day automatically rule that the exercise of such
grace period he could stay in the palace. It was discretion is a political question. Have to further
a matter of time. ask, although the Constitution granted the power
to exercise discretion, is the discretion to be
3rd. ​The impeachment proceedings were already exercised in full? Or does the exercise of
aborted. As a non-sitting president, he is not discretion come from the Constitution imposed
entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution. limitations, qualifications or conditions?
● If discretion is full, then what you have is a truly
Sec. 11 Article 7. Provisions on whether or not the political question which cannot be brought with
President is still able to perform his functions or the ambit of Judicial Review.
not. If not, he can make a decision and is willing to ● On one hand, jurisprudence refers to it as a
declare himself disabled, it is one of its powers Justiciable Political Question. This means that
under the constitution. although discretion was granted to a branch of
the government or any government
4th​. There is not enough evidence to warrant this instrumentality, the exercise of discretion is
Court to enjoin the preliminary investigation of the subjected to Judicial Review to the extent of
petitioner by the respondent Ombudsman. He ascertaining whether there is grave abuse of said
contends that the respondent Ombudsman should exercise.
be stopped from conducting an investigation of the ● In determining whether there is grave abuse, one
cases filed against him for he has already must ask whether the Consti imposed limitation,
developed a bias against the petitioner. He submits conditions and question to the exercise of
that it is a violation of due process. discretion have been reached.

According to the records, it was the ​petitioner who

assailed the biasness of the Ombudsman​. The
petitioner alleges that there were news reports

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

IBP v. Zamora
● Invoking his powers as Commander-in-Chief What constitutional provision was examined in
under Sec. 18, Art. VII of the Constitution, the the case?
President directed the AFP Chief of Staff and Answer:
PNP Chief to coordinate with each other for the Section 18, Article VII
proper deployment and utilization of the
Marines to assist the PNP in preventing or
suppressing criminal or lawless violence. Is the President’s determination of factual basis
● The President declared that the services of the for calling out the Armed Forces a political
Marines in the anti-crime campaign are merely question?
temporary in nature and for a reasonable Answer:
period only, until such time when the situation No
shall have improved
● The IBP filed a petition seeking to declare the
deployment of the Philippine Marines null and What was the burden of IBP in the case? Was it
void and unconstitutional. overcome?
In view of the constitutional intent to give the
What were the important events that led to the President full discretionary power to determine the
filing of this case? What was the issuance necessity of calling out the armed forces, it is
assailed? incumbent upon the petitioner to show that the
Answer: President’s decision is totally bereft of factual
1. Invoking his powers as Commander-in-Chief basis. The present petition fails to discharge such
under Sec. 18, Art. VII of the Constitution, the heavy burden, as there is no evidence to support
President directed the AFP Chief of Staff and PNP the assertion that there exists no justification for
Chief to coordinate with each other for the proper calling out the armed forces.
deployment and utilization of the Marines to assist
the PNP in preventing or suppressing criminal or
lawless violence. The President declared that the Francisco v. House Reps.
services of the Marines in the anti crime campaign
are merely temporary in nature and for a ****THE CASE IS REPEATED, SAME FACTS****
reasonable period only, until such time when the
situation shall have improved. The IBP filed a What were the important events that led to the
petition seeking to declare the deployment of the filing of this case? What was assailed?
Philippine Marines null and void and Answer:
unconstitutional. Within a period of 1 year, 2 impeachment
2. In compliance with the presidential mandate, the proceedings were filed against Supreme Court
PNP Chief, through Police Chief Superintendent Justice Hilario Davide. The petitions for certiorari,
Edgar B. Aglipay, formulated Letter of Instruction prohibition, and mandamus were filed with the
02/20001 (the "LOI") which detailed the manner by Supreme Court against the House of
which the joint visibility patrols, called Task Force Representatives, et. al., most of which petitions
Tulungan, would be conducted.2 Task Force contend that the filing of the second impeachment
Tulungan was placed under the leadership of the complaint is unconstitutional as it violates the
Police Chief of Metro Manila. provision of Section 5 of Article XI of the
Constitution that “no impeachment proceedings
shall be initiated against the same official more
What was the main argument raised by IBP with than once within a period of one year.”
respect to the calling out of the Marines? How
about the Respondent?
Answer: What were the constitutional provisions relied
1. The calling of the armed forces to assist the PNP upon by respondent by arguing that the
in joint visibility patrols violates the constitutional questions were presented were political?
provisions on civilian supremacy over the military Answer:
and the civilian character of the PNP. This is why the first part of the second paragraph of
2. The Joint Implementing Police Visibility Patrols Section I provides that:
between the PNP NCRPO and the Philippine
Marines partnership in the conduct of visibility Judicial power includes the duty of courts to settle
patrols in Metro Manila for the suppression of crime actual controversies involving rights which are
prevention and other serious threats to national legally demandable or enforceable . . .

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

This is the background of paragraph 2 of Section 1, Answer:

which means that the courts cannot hereafter “Initiate” of course is understood by ordinary men
evade the duty to settle matters of this nature, by to mean, as dictionaries do, to begin, to
claiming that such matters constitute a political commence, or set going. As Webster’s Third New
question. Clearly, the issue calls upon this court to International Dictionary of the English Language
decide a non-justiciable political question which is concisely puts it, it means “to perform or facilitate
beyond the scope of its judicial power under the first action,” The Court pried the Constitutional
Section 1, Article VIII. Convention Records to ascertain the intent of the
framers of the Constitution. The framers really
This Court in the present petitions subjected to intended “initiate” to mean the filing of the verified
judicial scrutiny and resolved on the merits only the complaint to the Committee on Justice of the Lower
main issue of whether the impeachment House. This is also based on the procedure of the
proceedings initiated against the Chief Justice U.S. Congress where an impeachment is initiated
transgressed the constitutionally imposed one-year upon filing of the impeachment complaint.
time bar rule. Beyond this, it did not go about
assuming jurisdiction where it had none, nor
indiscriminately turn justiciable issues out of Distinguish a “truly political question” from a
decidedly political questions. Because it is not at all “not truly political question”.
the business of this Court to assert judicial Truly political questions are thus beyond judicial
dominance over the other two great branches of review, the reason for respect of the doctrine of
the government. Rather, the raison d'etre of the separation of powers to be maintained. On the
judiciary is to complement the discharge by the other hand, by virtue of Section 1, Article VIII of the
executive and legislative of their own powers to Constitution, courts can review questions which are
bring about ultimately the beneficent effects of not truly political in nature.
having founded and ordered our society upon the In our jurisdiction, the determination of a truly
rule of law political question from a non-justiciable political
question lies in the answer to the question of
whether there are constitutionally imposed limits on
Were the questions presented truly political powers or functions conferred upon political bodies.
questions? Support your answer If there are, then our courts are duty-bound to
Answer: examine whether the branch or instrumentality of
The issue goes into the merits of the second the government
impeachment complaint over which this Court has
no jurisdiction. More importantly, any discussion of
this issue would require this Court to make a
determination of what constitutes an impeachable
offense. Such a determination is a purely political III. FUNCTIONS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW
question which the Constitution has left to the
sound discretion of the legislation. Such an intent is
clear from the deliberations of the Constitutional Checking Legitimating Symbolic
Commission. Function Function Function

Although Section 2 of Article XI of the Constitution The The Judiciary The Court also
enumerates six grounds for impeachment, two of Judiciary can stamp has the duty to
these, namely, other high crimes and betrayal of can check if legitimacy into formulate
public trust, elude a precise definition. In fact, an the acts of the doubtful guiding and
examination of the records of the 1986 the status of controlling
Constitutional Commission shows that the framers executive or governmental constitutional
could find no better way to approximate the legislative acts in order to principles,
boundaries of betrayal of public trust and other high branch are erase all precepts,
crimes than by alluding to both positive and in doubts as to its doctrines, or
negative examples of both, without arriving at their accordance constitutionalit rules. It has
clear cut definition or even a standard therefor. with the y the symbolic
Clearly, the issue calls upon this court to decide a Constitution. function of
non-justiciable political question which is beyond educating the
the scope of its judicial power under Section 1, bench and bar
Article VIII on the extent
of protection
given by
How was the word „initiate‟ interpreted? constitutional

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

withdraw the circulating ponencia on the case.

guarantees. Insofar as the absence of a prima facie case to
warrant the filing of subversion charges is
concerned, this decision has been rendered moot
Case in Case in Point: and academic by the action of the prosecution.
Point: Estrada vs. ● Still, the court has decided to continue with its
IBP vs. Arroyo decision on the case despite its mootness as an
Zamora exercise of their Symbolic Function because the
court has the duty to formulate guiding principles,
precepts, doctrines, or rules it has the symbolic
- Checking Function-most obvious function function to educate the bench and the bar.
- Legitimating Function- doubtful gov’t act
- Symbolic Function- function comes into play when What was the criminal charge against the
the case is moot and academic. It means that there is petitioner?
no point in deciding the case. Any decision issued will Answer:
serve no real purpose in the parties of the case. The charge against the petitioner was a violation of
R.A. 1700 or the AntiSubversion Act.
Salong v. Pano
What were the important events that led to the
● This case stems from the series of bombings on
case becoming moot and academic?
Metro Manila on the months of August,
September, and October 1980. Victor Burns
• On 15 October 1981, the counsel for Salonga
Lovely Jr., an American national, implicated
filed a motion to dismiss the charges against him
petitioner Salonga as one of those responsible.
for failure of the prosecution to establish a prima
● On December 10, 1980, the Judge Advocate
facie case.
General Filed sent the Petitioner (Mr. Salonga) a
• On December 2, 1981 Judge Ernani Paño, denied
“Notice of Preliminary investigation” and has
the motion to dismiss.
given him 10 days to file for counter-evidence.
• On 4 January 1982, Judge Paño issued a
The petitioner claims that he had not received
resolution ordering the filing of an information for
any copies of the charge.
violation of the Revised Anti-Subversion Act, as
● The petitioner invokes the constitutionally
amended, against 40 people, including Salonga.
protected right to life and liberty guaranteed by
• The resolutions dated December 2, 1981 and
the due process clause, alleging that no prima
January 4, 1982 of the said judge, is a subject of
facie case has been established to warrant the
the present petition of certiorari.
filing of an information for subversion against
• On January 18, 1985 Judge Rodolfo Ortiz granted
him; the counsel of the petitioner filed a motion to
the motion of the respondent, City Fiscal Sergio
Apostol to drop the subversion case against the
● Judge Paño denied the motion to dismiss, and
afterwards issued a resolution ordering the filing
• The court is constrained to withdraw the draft
of an information for violation of the Revised
ponencia currently circulating for concurrences and
Anti-Subversion Act, of 40 individuals including
Salonga. The said decisions of Judge Paño
• Despite the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the
became a subject for a petition for certiorari.
petition, it has rendered decisions in cases where
● On January 18, 1985 Judge Rodolfo Ortiz
mootness was apparent.
granted the motion of the respondent, City Fiscal
• The Court also has the duty to formulate guiding
Sergio Apostol to drop the subversion case
and controlling constitutional principles, precepts,
against the Petitioner. The nature of the case
doctrines, or rules. It has the symbolic function of
became moot and academic because the
educating bench and bar on the extent of
Supreme court was overtaken by the events in
protection given by constitutional guarantees.
the lower courts, the court is constrained to
withdraw the draft ponencia currently circulating
for concurrences and signatures.
ISSUE:​: Why did the Supreme Court still decide the
Whether or not, the case still deserves a decision case despite its being moot and academic?
from the Supreme Court despite being dropped by the Answer:
lower court? • The Court had already deliberated on the case
RULING: and already had a ponencia circulating.
● Pursuant to the actions of the lower court • The Supreme court was overtaken by the event of
granting the motion to drop the subversion case the dismissal of the lower court’s petition.
against the petitioner, the court is forced to • Still, the court has decided to continue with its

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

decision on the case despite its mootness as an violated his right to be heard or his right to due
exercise of their Symbolic Function. process. He said that the authority provided by EO
• The Court also has the duty to formulate guiding 626-A to outrightly confiscate carabaos even
and controlling constitutional. without being heard is unconstitutional.
• principles, precepts, doctrines, or rules. It has the
symbolic function of educating bench and bar on The lower court ruled against Ynot, deciding that
the extent of protection given by constitutional the EO is a valid exercise of police power in order
guarantees. to promote general welfare so as to curb down the
indiscriminate slaughter of carabaos.

After appealing the decision to the Intermediate

IV. WHO MAY EXERCISE JUDICIAL REVIEW Appellant Court which upheld the trial court, the
petitioner came before the Supreme Court for
review on certiorari.
Art 8, Sec 1 Art 8, Sec Art 8, Sec 5
4(2) (2) Issue: WoN Executive Order No. 626-A is
Supreme Supreme Supreme
Court Court Court Q3. What was the action of the court in Q2
Lower Courts pertaining to the question on Constitutionality?
established by Was the course of action taken by said court
law correct?

- The power of judicial review may be exercised by ● The SC ruled that the EO 626-A is not
ALL judicial bodies established by law​. ​ALL constitutional as it indeed violates due process. It
means from the first level of Court to the Supreme created a presumption based on the judgment of
Cour​t. the executive.
-The issue of constitutionality must be raised at the ● The movement of carabaos from one area to the
earliest possible opportunity or before the first other does not mean a subsequent slaughter of
judicial body where the case was initially filed​, the same would ensue.
because that is the condition for the exercise of ● Ynot should be given to defend himself and
Judicial Review. explain why the carabaos are being transferred
before they can be confiscated.
Ynot v. IAC ● The SC found that the challenged measure is an
invalid exercise of the police power because the
method employed to conserve the carabaos is
not reasonably necessary to the purpose of the
Q1. What was the relevant issuance in the law and, worse, is unduly oppressive.
case? What were the events that led to the ● Due process is violated because the owner of the
filing of the case? property confiscated is denied the right to be
FACTS: heard in his defense and is immediately
● There had been an existing law which prohibited condemned and punished.
the slaughtering of carabaos (EO 626). ● The conferment on the administrative authorities
● To strengthen the law, Marcos issued EO 626-A of the power to adjudge the guilt of the supposed
which not only banned the movement of offender is a clear encroachment on judicial
carabaos from inter-provinces but as well as the functions and militates against the doctrine of
movement of carabeef. separation of powers.
● Petitioner had transported 6 carabaos in a pump ● There is, finally, also an invalid delegation of
boat from Mastbate to Iloilo. legislative powers to the officers mentioned
● They were confiscated by the police station therein who are granted unlimited discretion in
commander of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo for violation the distribution of the properties arbitrarily taken.
of Exec. Order No. 626-A
Note: ​The Trial Court and Court of Appeals— though
they also had superior authority, SC took notice that
Q2. In what court did the Petitioner file a case? did not have the spirit to question the order the
What did he raise before said court? Supreme Court annulled.
Ynot averred EO 626-A as unconstitutional for it

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I | Group 2 | Knowledge Portfolio |
Instructor: Atty. Mark Lawrence Badayos

Garcia v. Drilon ● At the outset, ​it must be stressed that Family

Courts are special courts, of the same level
Facts: as Regional Trial Courts​. Under R.A. 8369,
● Rosalie Jaypie-Garcia, private respondent filed, otherwise known as the "Family Courts Act of
for herself and in behalf of her minor children, 1997," family courts have exclusive original
for the issuance of a Temporary Protection jurisdiction to hear and decide cases of
order against Jesus Garcia, her husband, domestic violence against women and
pursuant to R.A 9262.. children.
● Respondent claimed to be a victim of physical ● Section 7 of R.A. 9262 now provides that
abuse; emotional, psychological, and economic Regional Trial Courts designated as Family
violence as a result of marital infidelity on the Courts shall have original and exclusive
part of petitioner, with threats of deprivation of jurisdiction over cases of VAWC defined under
custody of her children and of financial support the latter law
● RTC granted the TPO but petitioner failed to ● In Spite of its designation as a family court, the
faithfully comply with the conditions set forth by RTC of Bacolod City remains ​possessed of
the said TPO, private-respondent filed another authority as a court of general original
application for the issuance of a TPO ex parte. jurisdiction to pass upon all kinds of cases
The trial court issued a modified TPO and whether civil, criminal, special proceedings,
extended the same when petitioner failed to land registration, guardianship,
comment on why the TPO should not be naturalization, admiralty or insolvency​.
modified. After the given time allowance to ● It is settled that RTCs have jurisdiction to
answer, the petitioner no longer submitted the resolve the constitutionality of a statute, "this
required comment as it would be an “exercise in authority being embraced in the general
futility.” definition of the judicial power to determine what
● Petitioner filed before the CA a petition for are the valid and binding laws by the criterion of
prohibition with prayer for injunction and TRO their conformity to the fundamental law."
on, questioning the constitutionality of the RA ● The Constitution vests ​the power of judicial
9262 for violating the due process and equal review or the power to declare the
protection clauses, and the validity of the constitutionality or validity of a law, treaty,
modified TPO for being “an unwanted product of international or executive agreement,
an invalid law.” presidential decree, order, instruction,
● The CA issued a TRO on the enforcement of the ordinance, or regulation not only in this
TPO but however, denied the petition for failure Court, but in all RTCs​.
to raise the issue of constitutionality in his
pleadings before the trial court and the petition NOTE:​ ​:
for prohibition to annul protection orders issued ● Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9262, entitled "​An Act
by the trial court constituted collateral attack on Defining Violence Against Women and Their
said law. Children, Providing for Protective Measures
for Victims, Prescribing Penalties Therefor,
ISSUE: and for Other Purposes​."
WON the CA erred in dismissing the petition on the ● R.A. 9262 provides for protection orders from
theory that the issue of constitutionality was not raised the barangay and the courts to prevent the
at the earliest opportunity and that the petition commission of further acts of VAWC; and
constitutes a collateral attack on the validity of the outlines the duties and responsibilities of
law. barangay officials, law enforcers, prosecutors
and court personnel, social workers, health care
RULING: providers, and other local government officials in
● As a general rule, the question of responding to complaints of VAWC or requests
constitutionality must be raised at the earliest for assistance
opportunity so that if not raised in the pleadings,
ordinarily it may not be raised in the trial, and if
not raised in the trial court, it will not be
considered on appeal.
● In defending his failure to attack the
constitutionality of R.A. 9262 before the RTC of
Bacolod City, ​petitioner argues that the
Family Court has limited authority and
jurisdiction that is "inadequate to tackle the
complex issue of constitutionality​. ​The Court

Alcular | Chan | Duran | Grengia | Luzon | Oliamot | Oliver | Pestano | Tariman | Yray

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