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MEC241 Chapter 3

3.5 Conservation of Linear Momentum and its Application

 The momentum equation is a statement of Newton’s 2 nd Law (N2L)

N2L states that:

“The rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to the resultant force acting on the
body, and takes place in the direction of the force”

N2L general equation:

 F  ma
 However, the equation, F = ma is convenient for use with solid bodies because the mass
remains constant therefore the acceleration of the entire body can be determined.

 In fluid mechanics, it is not clear what mass of fluid we should use therefore a different form
of N2L is required. Because acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity, the N2L
equation above can be written as:

 v 
 F  ma  m 
 t 
m .
 From the equation above, is also referred to as the mass flow rate, m . Therefore the
equation becomes:

 F  mv  Q(v)

 The equation is called the linear momentum or force equation.


 F = net forces subjected on the control volume (e.g. pressure, reaction, or body)
Q(v) = rate of change in momentum in the control volume
MEC241 Chapter 3

 Force and velocity are both vector quantities, for this reason, different equations are written
for each direction of concern in a particular case. In general, if the directions involved are x,
y, and z, a separate equation can be written for each direction:

F x
 Q(v 2 X  v1X )

F y  Q(v 2Y  v1Y )

F z  Q(v2Z  v1Z )

 The resultant force and its direction can be obtained using for example:

FR  Fx2  Fy2
  tan 1
 Unfortunately, the velocity across most inlets and outlets of practical engineering interest is
not uniform. There form a dimensionless correction factor β, called the momentum-flux
correction factor.

 If given in the question, the linear momentum equation becomes for example:

F x
 Q(v2 x  v1x )
MEC241 Chapter 3

3.5.2 Application of Linear Momentum Equation

 Procedures for using the linear momentum equation:

i. Identify the control volume (portion of fluid) – for FBD

ii. Established the reference axis. The reference axis is usually chosen to be in the same
direction as the reaction forces.
iii. Identify and show on the FBD all external forces (pressure, body, reaction) acting on
the control volume.
 Pressure force acts against the control volume, unless the fluid is release into
the atmosphere.
 Body force acts downwards from the control volume.
 Reaction force acts against the control volume.
iv. Show the direction of the velocity of flow as it enters and leaves the control volume.
v. Using the data thus shown for the free body, write the linear momentum equations in
the relevant directions (x, y, or z direction)
vi. Substitute data and solve for the desired quantity.

 The application of the linear momentum equation involves cases such as fluid:

i. Flow round a curved vane

ii. Flow round a pipe bend

iii. Flow impact on a plane surface

iv. Flow passes through a nozzle

MEC241 Chapter 3

i. Flow round a curved vane

A curved vane is a stationary object used to deflect free streams of fluid. In order for the
curved vane to remain stationary, reaction forces must be exerted on the curved vane to
maintain it in equilibrium.





Figure: Flow round a curved vane

Example #1

A 25-mm-diameter jet of water having a velocity of 6 m/s is deflected 90° by a curved vane,
as shown in figure above. The jet flows freely in the atmosphere in a horizontal plane.
Calculate the x and y forces exerted on the water by the vane.

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.

MEC241 Chapter 3

2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


  Fx  Q(v2 X  v1X )

Rx  Q[0  (v1 )]  Qv1


  Fy  Q(v2Y  v1Y )

R y  Q(v2  0)  Qv2 (Since cross-sectional area is the same, v2 = v1)

3. Check and calculate required data

 density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m3

 Q = Av = (0.0005 m2)(6 m/s) = 0.003 m3/s

4. Solve for the desired quantity

Rx  Qv1  (1000)(0.003)(6)  18kg / m 2 s 2

R y  Qv2  (1000)(0.003)(6)  18kg / m 2 s 2

MEC241 Chapter 3

Example #2

In a decorative fountain, 0.05 m3/s of water having a

velocity of 8 m/s is being deflected by the angled chute
shown in figure given. Determine the reactions on the
chute in the x and y directions shown. Also calculate the
total resultant force and the direction in which it acts.
Neglect elevation changes.

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.

2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


  Fx  Q(v2 X  v1X )


  Fy  Q(v2Y  v1Y )

(Since cross-sectional area is the same, v2 = v1)

MEC241 Chapter 3

3. Check and calculate required data

 density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m3

 Q = 0.05 m3/s

 v = 8 m/s

4. Solve for the desired quantity

Rx  (1000)(0.05)(8)(0.448)  179.2 N

ii. Flow round a pipe bend

To ensure proper installation of pipes carrying a steady volume flow rate of Q, it is important
to know how much force is required to hold it in equilibrium.



Figure: Flow round a pipe bend

MEC241 Chapter 3

Example #1

Calculate the force that must be exerted on the pipe shown in the figure given to hold it in
equilibrium. The elbow is in a horizontal plane and is carrying 3000 L/min of water. The
inlet pressure is 550 kPa.

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.

2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


F x  Q(v2 X  v1 X )


F y  Q(v2 y  v1y )
MEC241 Chapter 3

3. Check and calculate required data

 p1=p2=550 kPa

 ρ=1000 kg/m3

4. Solve for the desired quantity

Rx  Qv1  p1 A1
MEC241 Chapter 3

Example #2

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.




MEC241 Chapter 3

2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


F x  Q(v2 X  v1 X )

P1 A1  P2 A2 cos   Rx  Q(V2 cos   vi )

Rx  Q(V2 cos   vi )  P1 A1  P2 A2 cos 


F y  Q(v2 y  v1y )

P2 A2 sin   W  Ry  Q(V2 sin  )

Ry  Q(V2 sin  )  P2 A2 sin   W

3. Check and calculate required data

 P1 = 150kPa

 P2 = 90kPa
MEC241 Chapter 3

4. Solve for the desired quantity


Rx  Q(V2 cos   vi )  P1 A1  P2 A2 cos 

Rx  (1000)(0.4)(12.73 cos 45  3.18)  (150,000)(0.1257)  (90,000)(0.0314) cos 45

Rx  4,872.6  18,855  1,998.3

Rx  25,725.9 N
Rx  25,725.9 N ()


Ry  (1000)(0.4)(12.73 sin 45)  (90,000)(0.0314) sin 45  (200)(9.81)

Ry  3,600.6  1998.3  1962

Ry  3636.3N
Ry  3636.3N ()

Resultant force and direction:

FR  Fx2  Fy2

FR  (25,725.9) 2  (3,636.3) 2

FR  25,981.6 N
Fy 3,636.3
  tan 1  tan 1  8
Fx 25,725.9
MEC241 Chapter 3

iii. Flow impact on a plane surface

Consider a water jet hitting a flat plate as shown in the figure given if the plate is to remain
stationary a reaction force acting on the opposite direction of the water jet must be applied.

Water jet

Example #1

Water is accelerated by a nozzle to an average speed of 20 m/s, and strikes a stationary plate
at a rate of 10 kg/s with a normal velocity of 20 m/s as shown in figure given. After the
strike, the water stream splatters off in all directions in the plane of the plate. Determine the
force needed to prevent the plate from moving horizontally due to the water stream.

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.

MEC241 Chapter 3

2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


() Fx  Q(v2 X  v1X )

 Rx  Q(0  v1X )  m(v1X )

3. Check and calculate required data

 v1 = v1x = 20 m/s

 v2x = 0

4. Solve for the desired quantity

 Rx  Q(0  v1X )  m(v1X )  (10)(20)  200 N
 Rx  200 N

iv. Forces on a nozzle pipe

In a nozzle, flow is usually contracted at the nozzle therefore forces are induced in the nozzle.
Anything holding the nozzle (i.e. fireman) must be strong enough to withstand these forces.

Example #1

Water is being fired at 20 m/s from a hose of 80mm diameter into the atmosphere. The water
leaves the hose through a nozzle with a diameter of 25mm at its exit. Find the force on the
MEC241 Chapter 3

1. FBD, determine reference axis, external forces, direction of fluid flow.


2. Write the linear momentum equations for the relevant directions.


() Fx  Q(v2 X  v1 X )

P1 A1  Rx  Q(V2  V1 )

 Rx  Q(V2  V1 )  P1 A1

3. Check and calculate required data

 ρ = 1000kg/m3

 D 2    (0.025)2 
 Q  AV  A2V2   V1    20  0.00982m3 / s
 4   4 

 V1 ?

V1  Q1  Q2  0.00982
Q  A1V1

 Q   0.00982 
V1        1.95m / s
2 
 A1    (0.04) 

 P1 ?

p1 v12 p v2
  z1  2  2  z 2
 2g  2g
MEC241 Chapter 3

p1 v22  v12

g 2g

 v22  v12   202  1.952 

p1   
 
  1000   198kPa
 2   2 

4. Solve for the desired quantity

 Rx  Q(V2  V1 )  P1 A1

 Rx  (1000)(0.00982)(20  1.95)  198,000(0.00503)  177.25  995.94  818.69 N

Rx  818.69 N

3.6 Angular Momentum Equation and its Application

 Rotational motion:

i. Motion during which all points in the body move in circles about the axis of

ii. Describe with angular quantities such as angular distance, ϴ, angular velocity,
ω, and angular acceleration, α.


angular velocity: The angular distance

travelled per time.


V = linear velocity tangential direction, and r

= radius

ω is expressed in rpm and is denoted by ṅ

The relations between angular distance ,

angular velocity  , and linear velocity V.
MEC241 Chapter 3

Converting from rpm to rad/s:

2 n
 (rad/s)

angular acceleration: The rate of change of angular velocity.

 at = linear acceleration in the tangential direction

 The angular momentum equation is used to solve many engineering problems involving
the moment of the linear momentum of flow streams, and the rotational effects
caused by them (i.e centrifugal pumps, turbines, and fans).

 The angular momentum equation used to solve these engineering problems is also limited
to steady flow conditions.

By definition;

“The net torque on the control volume during steady flow is equal to the difference
between outgoing and incoming momentum flow rates.”

By equation;
. .
 M   r mV   r mV
out in
(scalar form of angular momentum equation)

Example: Bending moment acting at the base of a water pipe

Underground water is pumped through a 10-cm diameter pipe that

consists of a 2-m long vertical and 1-m long horizontal section shown
in the figure given. Water discharges to the atmospheric air at an
average velocity of 3 m/s, and the mass of the horizontal pipe section
when filled with water is 12 kg per meter length. The pipe is
anchored on the ground by a concrete base. Determine the bending
moment acting at the base of the pipe (point A) and the required
length of the horizontal section that would make the moment at point
A zero.
MEC241 Chapter 3


1. What is to be determined?

i. Moment acting at the base

ii. Required length of the horizontal section to make the moment at point A zero

2. Free Body Diagram

3. Known data

density of water, ρwater = 1000 kg/m3

Since area of pipe is constant for the entire pipe, m  m1  m2 and v  v1  v2
.   (0.1) 2 
m  AcV  (1000) (3)  23.56kg / s
 4 

 1N 
W  mg  (12kg / m)(9.81)   118 N
2 
 1kg  m / s 

4. Momentum equation
. .
 M   r mV   r mV
out in


r = average moment arm

v = average speed

moment is positive in the counterclockwise

MEC241 Chapter 3

(i) Therefore summation of moment at point A

M A  r1W  r2 mV2

(ii) Moment at point A (MA) is zero

. .
0  r1W  r2 mV2 0  ( L / 2) Lw  r2 mV2

5. Solving the equation

(i) M A  r1W  r2 mV2
.  1N 
 M A  r1W  r1W  r2 mV2  (0.5)(118)  (2)(23..56)(3)   82.5 N  m
2 
 1kg  m / s 

(-ve) means we assumed direction of moment is wrong and should be reversed. This
means that the moment acts at the base of the pipe in the clockwise direction.
(ii) 0  ( L / 2) Lw  r2 mV2

2r2 mV2 2  141.4
L   2.4m
w 118
MEC241 Chapter 3

3.6.1 Application of Angular Momentum Equation

Application 1: Sprinkler system

 In radial flow devices, flow is in the radial direction normal to the axis of rotation.

 The angular momentum equation can be used to solve for radial flow devices such as the
sprinkler system.

 The fluid velocity measured for such application is called the absolute velocity,Vabs

Where; Vabs = Vnozzle + Vjet

 From the sprinkler system figure given, the general angular momentum equation:
. .
 M   r mV   r mV
out in

can be expressed as:

Taking moment is positive in the counterclockwise,

 Tshaft  r m total Vabs

 We could evaluate the shaft power, W shaft , which is related to Tshaft ;

. .
W shaft  Tshaft  r mVabs

(-ve) shaft work is work done by the fluid on the rotor and thus its shaft.

Example #1

A large lawn sprinkler with four identical arms is to be converted into a

turbine to generate electric power by attaching a generator to its rotating
head as shown in the figure given. Water enters the sprinkler from the
base along the axis of rotation at a rate of 20 L/s and leaves the nozzle in
the tangential direction. The sprinkler rotates at a rate of 300 rpm in a
horizontal plane. The diameter in each jet is 1cm, and the normal distance
between the axis of rotation and the center or each nozzle is 0.6 m.
Estimate the electric power produced.
MEC241 Chapter 3


1. What is to be determined?

i. Electric power produced

2. Free body diagram

3. Known data

r = 0.6 m

density of water, ρwater = 1000 kg/m3

m total  20L / s  20kg / s

For each individual nozzle;

. m total
m nozzle   5kg / s
m nozzle  A jetV jet
m 5
V jet  nozzle   63.66m / s
A jet 0.012
(1000)( )
  2 n  2 (300rev / min)(1min/ 60s)  31.42rad / s

Vnozzle  r  (0.6)(31.42)  18.85m / s

Vabs  Vnozzle  V jet

MEC241 Chapter 3

All of these velocities are in the tangential direction, and taking the
direction of jet flow as positive, the equation can be written as

Vabs  V jet  Vnozzle

Vabs  V jet  Vnozzle  63.66  18.85  44.81m / s

4. Momentum equation;

From the already simplified angular momentum equation for a sprinkler system;
 Tshaft  r m total Vabs

and shaft power equation;

. .
W shaft  Tshaft  r mVabs

5. Solving the equations

 Tshaft  r m total Vabs  (0.6)(20)(44.81)  537.7 Nm

. .
 1kW 
W shaft  Tshaft  r mVabs  (537.7)(31.42)   16.9kW
 1000 Nm / s 

This means that the sprinkler system has the potential to produce 16.9 kW of power.

Additonal notes:

For maximum torque;

Vnozzle = 0; Vabs = Vjet = 63.66 m/s

Substituting into the simplified angular momentum equation;

 Tshaft  r m total Vabs  (0.6)(20)(63.66)  763.92 Nm

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